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Phil Hellmuth Funniest High Stakes Poker Moments

Apr 28, 2024
I think they have money coming into my universe. This game is all about being ready to straddle. Let's do a round of shadows. Guys, no, you, you might know it from Phil Hellmuth. I don't feel like it won't be. I know I will. What is the difference? I'll do it as long as I'm not the first one to go I don't care I call it the first I don't care I can't be the first because then I know what happens oh no I did it I don't agree I'm the only person straddling , then what is the point of this twenty-four thousand one hundred thousand keeping it aside?
phil hellmuth funniest high stakes poker moments
So beautiful, so beautiful, Phil Laakman, yes, how difficult it is to get to God, who hurts so much, very easily, Phil. you have seven guys, you don't cut it, that's right, that's what you want to do, it's the most organized money on the table and he's going to count it because he wants to see it very well and he was exactly 26. my instincts say to go back up here. The hand nines is the hand. Phil Hellmuth won the world series of


. The night he is preparing to pay the three. Phil raised 9,000. I love America. He was thinking of paying without problems, but isn't he sick? one night whatever and you know here we are deep thoughts by antonio hanson it's really crazy if you want to think about your parents doing it go ahead but it's not for me my parents never did anything because I'm talking and usually when I talk they put me in one more hand weak, so I'm talking, so the rest of the table instantly put me on a weaker hand, right, I'm talking and you put me on a weaker hand, but it's not weaker, Phil, I don't.
phil hellmuth funniest high stakes poker moments

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phil hellmuth funniest high stakes poker moments...

No, but it's not in your hand, so I might give you less than what you have. I just hope you feel it. Everything's fine. I hope this is a very, very important part. I think I'm predicting it's just that I would prefer beautiful, I'm having a good time, it would have been very painful if I hadn't hit the running two, it would have been a little less painful, man, of course, but of course, that was a clever point, doctor . No matter how well I went from two outs to six and a tough Ryan Brand is trying to get the table's attention, but no one pays attention to the fact that he stalled this time, so he just calls in the hopes of getting lucky with a flop. seven jack queen on the flop, thanks


checks. he probably put brian with two cards on his nines he doesn't like that flop he doesn't think brian can have a pair of sevens but he's going to call brian bit 16,000 and


calls quickly yes, phil has seen enough variation in brian's hands it's worth calling here five of hearts on the turn he ruffed phil still has the best hand it'll be hard for him to call now brian betch i can't believe we're alive it's so sick brian checks seven on the river he gets brian jackson lucky they're very useful are you good?
phil hellmuth funniest high stakes poker moments
I'm going to the gym no 2500 I'm afraid you might have the two or something phil


minimum bet yeah I don't know keep the pressure on 2500 power


black belt is that on your Of course if you have ace queen you have to raise and then I can go back up, but not much. What did you just bet? 20 2500 2005. You paid $2500 for groceries. The baby thinks Brian Brandon has ace king, maybe a pair of eights. there are sixes, it's a defensive bet too, you just call, yeah, you probably have me, I guess wait, you called, you want to raise your hand, I have two nines, seven, offset six, I can't believe Brian just called, yeah, Brian , we love. you're you have to try in that situation I tried to be nice to him he's helping me he's giving me hell on the break yeah I'm trying to be nice 9,000 before the flop dumb you put like 40 how good you did I play the hand how so well I played the hand of course I play the hand like a genius that's what I do what man I mean that's why they brought in a dumb deal just out of curiosity when you called 6000 preflop which no one What would you do?
phil hellmuth funniest high stakes poker moments
You put me in a medium medium pair and I was going to beat your ass with ah oh yeah, I love this guy? I don't blame you and Jennifer is going to start fostering here was the last time she did that oh the only thing she's been fostering lately is her twins the first part looks like she's going to be called in some places here yeah I'm going to raise him, actually, I mean, look at all this free juice out there, that's exactly what he's doing. Phil doesn't think anyone is that strong 25 more I run twenty-five thousand a ton it's just that twenty-five thousand twenty-five you make more money if you're raising that's not enough I go up I go up thirty-five thousand thirty-five, I don't want to waste time anymore, you have to put it here, please put it there.
Phil wants to take this pot from here, it's big enough. They were right. Well, I have a limit of 100. Whoa, okay, Sammy, Sammy said you're going. to raise 35 with your ace queen I'm raising 100 with my ace queen sammy that was my move really so I called no no no that was good it was good that was so good that was so good jamie gold turns into roseanne rosanna dana and says nevermind, yeah, I gotta call you, yeah, and Phil will match instantly. I'm playing 80,000 behind, so whatever the game is, yeah, here we go, it might be a little bit more than that.
Are you making two flops or one flop? We've got Sammy, let's have a Look, I'm favorite, I've got two colors, buddy, you wanna cut, what you got, you want a cut, oh, you've got ice cream, yeah, if you've got ace queen, I can't cut you, well, I've got two colors, you have one. blush oh boy we have really let's take an hour first of all it's up to him I'm ready just show me your hand first of all I don't want I'll show it to you when you agree I don't I think the double color is legendary.
It will work with Phil Hellmuth. You can't if he has ace jack. We want to take out someone's insurance quickly. I have ace queen. Okay, do it daily because that's great. Alright. The girl is a five percent favorite like you. I can see here and two hearts for phil wow that's just what I needed one more heart phil


is going to take this pot there he's not bad so he had seven percent at the beginning and he got there not a bad way to start Pot 213 thousand dollars, are you eighteen ninety ninety three ninety four ninety five one?
I think we'll see some play on this show, I think no, no, he just gives me all this money plus eighty thousand, that's what he said and that's what's true, plus his firstborn Galfond's confessions should have split the pot oh boy, hellmuth is going to raise the four grand with the king ten in a different suit will be us phil, okay friday, i got you now, oh my god, i can't even call, i can't even call. Any two cars are good, come out, I'm just going to show just to show here, that's why I can't match double.
Jamie's not really supposed to do that. There are two guys still active in the hand who are not squeezing well, but no one will object. I didn't think anyone had anything either, so I almost bet nine three six on the fly, that's you buddy, I checked, Jamie would have had three, I checked, I checked, you'd have the best hand right now, queen of clubs on the turn. both guys have flush boxes and both guys have straight draws, yeah, sami has an open hand of around 11,000. Phil Hellmuth is reading Sammy very well, so normally I don't think Phil would call with a hand like this, He has an inside straight and ten


flushes, but he is really in tune with what Sammy is doing and he is going to call, but he does and I think he feels that if a card comes up that has nothing on it, he can take this pot.
There is a jack that is a great card for Phil. He gives her a ladder. Sammy is going to bet this 11,000. Okay, it looks like Phil is going to raise his head, yes, he raises 33,000. Much more, let's figure it out. Sammy 33, bets 11. Sounds like 22 to me, what do you think that is? I have on my calculator I'm here a pittance for Mr. Farhah you think he's going to call I think he will if I know a player at the table it's him I think you're wrong I think he's going to fold it come on it's Mr.
Telephone I see a bluff in your eyes I can see the bluff in your problem he is winning he can't be bluffing he knows he can't bluff me that's incredible I'll give it to you I just want to see what you have friend there it's very good ah I see I know what he's doing I read it I have than agreeing to something you'll do he'll go i couldn't get out don't even say it i can set up a hand to hand combat between you and sammy i'm busy that club was good just amazing he's dead to that card the king isn't good he's dead to the jack good value 22 times what do you do if you push it all that's a joke well eh how do you do it phil? ready, how do you do it, might have to call him, he was dead to any card that wasn't a club, a two, three, a jack times four, five, six, two, seven, uh, twenty-four hundred, twenty-four, hoofs up at twenty-four hundred.
This time we'll get out of the way. Freddie Dave is in with a 10-suit queen and Barry Greenstein says she's 108 suits, so that's three hands until the flop. The boys are betting. Sean's chips are flying. Did you get enough? Networks are changing. I thought I hit two eights and a queen, so Greenstein has three eights and Phil and Freddy have flopped queens. Everyone has a hand and naturally everyone passes. It is the turn of the two of hearts. Yes, Phil bets 1500. Phil not only has a pair of queens now. He has a


flush draw with king and I think Phil is convinced that he has the best hand.
I am 36 years old as good as I could be today and it goes up to four thousand dollars. Now Freddie Deeb thinks he has the best hand, but they're going to do it. they discover 15 000. and they found him at that time and killed him, not like that, Greenstein raises the 15 000. that we have left there, baron god, I love pogba, well, phil should be worried, he bet that freddie raised him deeply and then Barry came. the top of both Phil has to feel like one of these guys probably has an eight yeah it's just not his hand Barry so that's 15 for me that's right 15,000 I call helm with calls now, the action is the d. there's no way freddie deeb can call us no kidding i wasn't talking to you freddie call if you want you didn't worry about what he had yeah let's come waste time freddie don't know he has a good hand and of course mister sunshine sean cheeky he has something to say tell me what you had I'll leave you two natalie rivers another eight minutes I would have met four eight right it seems like he's wondering if freddie deep really had an eight actually eight was a great card for barry because he could make phil call here bets of greenstein 35 grand phil should realize here it is very unlikely that barry has a solo queen ace queen or as he king queen barry would not go over the top on the turn after phil bett and freddie raised deep if he just had a queen it is more likely than Barry to have kings, aces or four eights in a second.
Here Phil just said that he doesn't think he can retire. He's convincing himself to match, maybe he's putting Barry in the max color box. ace of hearts and another heart and absolutely nothing only the bluff he is supposed to love he calls helmuth and green snice shows him the missing eight barry greenstein wins a huge pot with more than 150,000 phil's real chance of escaping that hand was on that turn I'm sure if that two wasn't the two of hearts, Phil would have escaped that hand at that point Phil Hellmuth starts his hand, raises the 3,500 with ace four offsuit, ambitious raise with compensation h4, let's make seven and daniel. negrono with an ace ten double suit makes you can have jacks so I just call jacks they have tens claiming ten I think he's claiming I checked that's about ten thousand phil hellmuth calls about ten thousand I already said it daniel said he bet ten thousand before the flop came down, wow look daniel said i bet ten thousand and he put in ten thousand and flopped two top pair, boy that's so sweet and phil has aces.
This could make Phil angry and Phil unable to escape his aces. I don't want to, I already checked the field, I already bet 10 grand and Hellmuth calls trying to cost a couple of clubs. The bill is marked and Agronomy 25 grand 25 25. And I think Daniel has a pretty good idea of ​​where Phil stands on this hand. and phil has no idea where daniel is, yeah it's worth the hundred bucks annie just for me to watch them play they get an intimate seat it's like sitting in the front row of the Lakers right those seats are two grand , this one could cost you this. front row how much did jack's seat cost two thousand each game how many games not for the season they are obviously not basketball fans yes, but they charge when it comes to playoffs and good games they charge 10 000 to c 25.
Why so much daniel? What's wrong with Phil? To decide here is Did Daniel say 10,000 before the flop? Nothing, come on Todd, no professional poker player wants to get cheated on TV. I really think if this hand wasn't on TV, Phil would throw it in the trash, okay Danny, that was a long time ago. hellmuth pays not only does he get paid but he basically tells daniel where he is that he has a weak ace of seven of clubs phil gave away his hand now he checks he already told daniel that he has aces without stopping in ten steps in ten daniel is as comfortable as may be, yes, just figuring out what the correct betting amount is here, what Phil would possibly call 40.
Granola feels that the correct amounts are fortythousand dollars now that the pot is over 125 grand. Phil didn't want to see that. Is Mr. Daniel Negrono bluffing all the time in this hand? I think Phil realizes that Daniel wouldn't bet if he had Jacks or Queens right now, so Daniel is bluffing initially, but Daniel has an awesome helmet with calls, takes advantage of the Bad News, yeah, and Negrono takes a big bite out of Phil Hellmuth's wallet and takes $165,700. Phil looked a bit silly in that hand and we could have it on here, yeah, these people like it it's amazing, nice guy turns me up and thinks that's it.
I knew for a second why they destroyed me until now these there is no idea in these thoughts good hand daniel good bet good really help me with the calls with a king queen offsuit come still delight with hellmuth he continues like this it's greenstein and hellmuth heads up what a disaster for phil hellmuth, he flopped two top pair and barry exchanged his set barry bet three thousand dollars and phil feels very comfortable I love him hellmuth raises to 11 grand, okay, come on, call, phil hellmuth made one of his patented in your face calls. It took about a millisecond to put his money in there and he's going to be very disappointed because he's dead for a king.
Let's watch that call one more time in slow motion. Observe the delicacy and grace of a man who has no doubts. best hand on the table notice the great shape he has here aj never bends his elbows that's seven eight suited that's ugly he wasn't driving down now if hellmuth loses he can buy back for the minimum of fifty thousand dollars and he'll lose unless who catches a king on one of these last two cards that's not going to help that ace no phil still needs a king and the rivers of five barry greenstein wins a nice pot worth forty-nine thousand six hundred dollars and it looks like phil hellmuth is going to continues in the game, pulls out some money from that designer bag he's carrying, so the pokebrat has a lot of bad luck on that hand, but he silently reloads.
Sometimes I throw things out there as if to say, you know, if it weren't for luck, I'd win them. and suddenly everyone says it or I'll throw it, I can dodge bullets, baby, and then people fall for that stuff, you know, and I mean, it's something I throw, but there's an element of truth to it so I It seemed like when I was talking about a few things here and there, it sounds like I'm being too selfish and some people say oh shut up, enough is enough, but the fact of the matter is that generally people want to hear what I say and I know that you

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