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How To Earn LOADS Of Plunder Easily & Constantly In Plunderstorm!

May 02, 2024
welcome back today we have a lot of value for you if you want Goblin tactics if you are restless if you are new to this type of game or you just want to get as much loot as you can this video is for you, my whole team and I have been working very hard to provide you with all the information today. I'll go from the basics to playing Styles maxing out loot if that's what you want, BuildCraft and a bunch of miscellaneous tips and tricks I think of. You're going to enjoy it, so with that being said, let's get stuck into the big picture, so you want loot XP and skills.
how to earn loads of plunder easily constantly in plunderstorm
XP comes from defeating mobs and collecting loot and as you level up your health and basic attack damage will increase, skills are collected. of the floor with two offensive slots and two utility slots, you can just click on a skill to pick it up or you can press the F key and that will do it without you having to move the mouse. This is extremely useful and you can also use that for example opening chests and that kind of thing, now you rank your skills by collecting dupes, also elites can get higher ranking skills and you can open chests including epic magic chests which sometimes They will often have an epic ability now as you rank up. abilities, they will do more damage and will also have a reduced cooldown, which is very important.
how to earn loads of plunder easily constantly in plunderstorm

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how to earn loads of plunder easily constantly in plunderstorm...

Also, if you want to swap one of your two skills within a category, you can change which one will be swapped by pressing the tab key, it's a little tricky initially, but once you have the basics down here, you'll be completely solid. Plus, you have your space for just one item. These can really be a game changer, even things like using the barrel you spawn with to escape, using it to get to a juicy Elite a little faster or towards a chest is a really strong opening move, but we'll talk about that with More detail later, let's talk about the map next, so Rathy Basin features some large and densely populated points of interest, such as the item circle. strong guard and the different settlements, these are definitely a higher risk, higher reward if you don't feel very safe in the mode.
how to earn loads of plunder easily constantly in plunderstorm
I would avoid them right now and just focus on getting the basics right and of course what the genre is like. Norm the storm. will reach out and gather people now let's talk about the user interface and keybinding. There isn't really any UI customization, but I do have some tweaks, so circle strafing number one is extremely important when you're playing correctly with all the abilities in this build. from wow are not normal, they basically operate more like a MOA, so every time you press the attack key, your character will perform an attack and anything hit by your attack will be hit, it is not actually a tab target, for that I think I'm often doing circles to maximize the damage I'm dealing while minimizing the damage I'm taking and that's pretty awkward with the default keybind so I personally linked it to the side button on my mouse and found out which was a lot.
how to earn loads of plunder easily constantly in plunderstorm
It's more convenient, I also like to alternate large nameplates. Okay, with that being said, let's talk about looting so that looting progresses throughout the event and is much quicker to get than what we were initially led to believe was people estimating 30 or 40 hours. Of the total play time, I will say that my first two hours gave me 8,000 loot, which I felt pretty good about the total amount of loot to reach at the end of this event is 100,000, so basically in 2 hours I had already covered 8% of the way. there and at the time of recording this video I'm also further ahead, but the really key thing about looting is understanding how it's awarded to you if you know you can focus your efforts on what will get you loot number one.
You will get a goal. Every game. Completing this objective is worth 800 loot the first time you do it in a day and 250 after that, you absolutely have to focus on this and if you do this you will get a ton of loot even in my bad games. I'm getting like 450 and the good news about these goals is that they take less than a minute to complete. I mean I have one to kill an elite and I just dropped it and it died and I got the loot so if you just worry about looting the most important thing you can do is complete your objective because that will basically waste your time It's the timer before a match starts, so don't die early, focus on that initial goal and if you can't win a fight Retreat, you don't have to take every fight, this will give you an incredible amount of base loot, but what if you want more loot or what if you don't want to focus on the PvP side of this game mode?
Let's talk about maximizing loot and then staying on the outside of the map if you want to maximize your loot you are a PVE focused player and you are not particularly comfortable with this stay near the edge of the map and focus on defeating mobs and looting chests. you often find a lot of free options around the skirts, you can also pick up evasive skills, move with speed when you can, they will be great because you can run away from fights to avoid the other players and go get the loot instead and that will make you travel between mobs faster less time walking more time killing more loot your AOE offensives can be amazing here to clear mobs you can melt massive packs of them with star bomb fire Scorching ax and so on doing this will maximize your loot it really will I'm used to the play style and the good thing is that this will also level up your character quickly so it's also a pretty good general strategy to play this game if you're just starting out because of course as you level up level, you will be stronger and if you understand it, it's about having a positive feedback loop, getting more power, getting more speed so you can get more power faster, basically, it's the snowball analogy, one thing What you may be wondering is Victoria, do I need to do it? win well, this is what happens if you get there first, you get a buff and that makes your character wear a winner's tabard and an eyepatch, but the thing is to unlock them for your Dragonflight character you have to reach the Renown level 38 and 40 now, that's it. very easy for 6 weeks and the nice thing here is that it means you can get all the rewards without needing to focus on a PvP victory and I know for a lot of World of Warcraft players that's a pretty important thing before we get into more. technical aspects and I think that for most of you will be a big part of the value of this video.
I want to talk about mindset. Look, this isn't a hyper-competitive sports vest that literally dies, it doesn't matter, you can rescue it instantly. Think of this as fun. no actual death penalty, just a casual and fun mentality. I think a lot of Wow players are almost afraid of PvP just as a concept, but the thing is, this is nothing like Wow PvP, where you worry about so many classes, so many specs, so many. cool Downs such a high APM all the addons you could ever need none of that is present here it's much more casual and accessible than I think PvP would normally make people think the next section is BuildCraft and after that I'm going to go over all the little tips and tricks that we have taken into account when playing.
I want to say that the content of our channel has been a bit scarce in this first quarter of the year, right now we have so many videos in production, although we are going to try hard because of the internal war, so thank you very much to everyone who supports us in b . games there, you guys get the story podcast, you get early access to our videos, you get our videos ad-free and, uh, a lot of us right now are hanging out on our members' Discord, it's been great to see our community just join this. new feature ok build a ship let's go to games like this it's all about thinking on the fly you can't control what drops you get but you just have to focus on building a good complete kit you often have an escape and a stun . a great source of DPS and a finisher to ensure your kills is key.
I'll start with my favorite offensive picks. A world so fantastic that we have all seen it. You could say this is a bit overpowered at the moment. I wouldn't be surprised if Blizzard was maybe nerfed. cooldown anyway does great damage and is very easy to use is great in Hy fights is great in single target fights great for taking out mobs and has movement speed is absolutely amazing another great choice is Storm Archon this one just adds reliability because it's multicast, so for one summon of its cooldown you get multiple casts, which is really good for keeping your opponents on their toes and allows you to take out some damage.
It's also great for Mob removal and has surprisingly high range, the other skill for me that's a huge choice, if you want to focus on PvP it rhymes initially, you can take it and think its damage is low and it's not that good, but hell no, it never fails and this makes it great at securing kills, amazing at detecting enemies. and just removing the damage, which is very important, interrupting the heels. Also when upgraded to Epic it has a cooldown of four or 5C duration, as an example my first win in this game mode I would say was without a doubt because I was good at keeping my opponent at a distance by hitting him and then destroying it using rhyme.
I think it's the most impactful ability if you play with it. That said, you really feel like when you're using it, I'll usually take rhyme and then other reliable damage. maybe something like world of fire. I mean often people will finish a fire world with pretty low HP, they'll use an escape, just watch them shoot a rhyme and they're dead, it's awesome but it feels pretty dirty as for others, well I think the abilities The ones I've talked about so far are the best. I will say, though, that Holy Shields and Mana Sphere are really solid, especially if you develop great game sense, and they can also be great for catching someone by surprise if you look at their abilities. moves that you don't think they know you're in range or even see, plus if you spam the Holy Shield button he'll immediately cast an AOE pulse which actually means he's pretty good at melee and He forgives you a lot.
Of course you can use it to interrupt people's heels and that's pretty useful here because the healing slows down your opponent when used which makes this a pretty easy skill shot to hit although of course it's not rhymes and as far as manosphere goes, I would say yes. you can charge it charge it is great, it increases the size of the projectile but it doesn't increase the damage and I often find that people don't expect you to explode it instantly, even when it's small it still does full damage, let's talk about utility. so my absolute favorites are Windstorm and Steel Trap, basically if you can get similar crowd control on your enemies it's awesome, it can ensure kills and it's also an amazing opener so I prefer one of those as an example. people are using fire world right now, well if people are using fire world you can throw the steel trap, it's a really good counter to what is currently one of the most powerful things in the game.
Fade to Shadow is then a real good escape. In fact, I find that there are times I've been able to fade into Shadow, so I'm sneaky and then make an opener on someone where they don't expect it. You could even combine that with, say, a wind storm. It would also be very nice. Shaky Jump is if you can aim very well as a starter, it's great as an escape and it's great for overall movement speed, although almost all of these can fit into your playstyle if you understand their strengths and weaknesses, and especially if you get them are well ranked, these are just the ones I found the most reliable amount of success with and that's why I want to talk about Firew World again, because one of the reasons why his scene is the best is not only that it does damage, but That it is very easy to use and that reliability is the best way for most people to increase their overall success rate in a game like this, to borrow a phrase I heard from Starcraft 2: offense wins games, defense wins tournaments, which is basically saying that there are skills that can ensure you kills, they are important, but your ability to deal and perform at a good average level over time, that is what makes you win the tournament, for Of course, that doesn't correspond one to one here as an analogy. but I think there's a really strong principle when it comes to other skills.
I think Star Bomb and Searing Ax can be amazing or useless depending on how you use them. I mean, Star Bomb has incredible damage. What I love is area denial. it can be very strong or of course if you have Windstorm and then you see a bombStellar, you might think about trying to combine those things, it's the kind of BuildCraft on the fly that is essentially a scale, a kind of game feel that will develop as you continue to play. Another thing I would consider is a melee or ranged hybrid. What do you really like as an example?
If I get the Hunter Chains and I already have a Scorch Axe, Star Bomb, or Steel Trap, then I'll do it. You'll probably go for a Hyper Argro melee build, perhaps a little inspired by playing Red Mage and ff14 PVP, so that's the kind of skill set you'll develop over time. I want to give some quick tips on shooting, these things will help you. number one rank matters hugely, yes everything I said about BuildCraft applies, but if you have a common versus an epic, Epic will do more damage and its cooldown will be much shorter. Then focus on situational awareness, this is one of the great games.
Skills that will help you a lot here after any important engagement where you have made yourself visible, just revolve around your camera as an example. The llama world can be seen with light, so if you've used them, you definitely want to. Do a quick little check to make sure you won't get ambushed. My next point goes hand in hand with the game. It feels pretty good and is using early healing. He often doesn't do the normal just-you roleplay. Know how to save your potion for when you absolutely need it. No, they're rechargeable, as long as you're pretty sure you're not going to get ambushed.
Just use that damn thing and keep your health topped up at all times. Then think about how you're going to weave healing into your Jewels with other players, so if you get an A skill like, say, steel trap or maybe you have the big jump, those are awesome times where you can go and heal yourself. and, as an example, if you are going up. against an opponent who is using Ryme on you, it's definitely a time to think about whether you can escape because Ryme will be able to interrupt your healing and if your opponent is really fast, you'll barely get any value out of it I'd say.
In my experience, creating for yourself the openings to get into quick mid-fight healing, which is absolutely key, one of the most vital skills to do well, if you want to focus on the PvP site, use your time and See how to play footwork with another player. for 60 seconds probably isn't worth it at the beginning of a game, usually in those cases I just log off, run away like a big coward and focus on resources because when I see that guy again I want to have more XP than I want to have. better skills and I don't want it to be a fair fight because that's not what this game mode is about and that leads me to being a vulture, this is one of the most important things you see, your situational awareness is not just a defensive thing you want use it to be a vulture to be a scavenger.
Gathering abilities left over from fallen enemies, especially, I find that in the mid-game, this is a really strong way to beef up your build, it can be really good, think of corpses as, uh. You know, a trip to your local store next hover over the tool tips, this is important, so the skill icons only appear when you get close to them. The wizard probably did this just to make sure the game wasn't just a huge sea of ​​icons, but whatever you want. just hover your mouse over them before the icon appears. If you do, the tooltip will tell you what the skill is.
This is just one of those things that can save you 5 seconds here, 10 seconds there, and across an entire game it can really add up. Dive bombing, let's talk about how we really open up our games, so whenever you spawn, generally speaking, you're going to want to dive bomb vertically down as fast as you can because if you hit the ground before other players, maybe You can loot that chest and do whatever you want. What you need to do, even if it's just a few seconds apart, could be the difference between you having one or two skills every time you enter your first fight, which can be quite big.
The next part of this is to take a look at your mini. map as soon as you start your dive bombing, the reason is that after a few seconds, the elite mob markers will appear there, so obviously try to land on the elite mobs when you are dive bombing, it does so much damage that in fact will kill. an elite that instantly gives you a huge advantage with your XP and your skills become tough, just go crazy once you get comfortable with other players, go Hog Wild, get aggressive again and actually start putting pressure on other people As soon as it rhymes, like I get rhyme at the beginning of a game.
I'll try to approach people and just chip away at them until I have an opening. Basically, if you feel comfortable being the person on offense, then you will create more opportunities for yourself. People will probably do the best if they do a great job searching for items, picking up items, and killing mobs. If, even though you're really confident in your abilities, you can snowball hard from the start, you can end up being a few levels ahead of other people and to be honest, it's a lot of fun, it's a great way to make blood pumping and the other side for me is getting greedy, PVE mobs barely do any damage and if you do Circle Strife you'll pretty much avoid everything and that basically means rolling like an absolute madman.
If you do that, you'll find yourself outperforming all the competition in most fights, if people are generally a higher level than you, every time you encounter them, that probably means you just need to focus on your basics, concentrate on agriculture, it's a bit. like in uh you know Starcraft 2 or something like that, you know you can go crazy with your pylons and your cheese, but at the end of the day, just playing the basics really well will help you overall, that's been my experience with this. It's not an extremely hardcore version of a battle royale, it's actually more of a quick and fun thing when you really look at the core game design here, look at how you don't really have equipment for your characters, you don't have different weapons. you can equip yourself for, like you know, your basic kind of skill set, this is definitely designed to be kind of a six-week fun thing.
That being said, it seems like with a lot of the mechanics they've developed here there could be a lot of potential in the future and obviously not just for Battle Royale and not just for PVP. I think there's a ton of potential in this, so let me know how your progress has been if you want more general World of Warcraft content. We'll be breaking down everything we know about season 4 and all that next Saturday and between a big investigative video on the state of Mythic plus and between a big investigative video on the status of Mythic plus multiple major story projects, uh.
Yes, we are working very hard and there will be a lot of great things to come, so I hope this video gave you some value. Me and the team love putting it together. I'll see you again on the channel later.

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