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Shay Mitchell Eats Her Last Meal

Jun 28, 2024
We have a life I don't want to be I would say my biggest fear is being on my death bed having my



and thinking I wish I had done this and the only reason I don't is because of other people's thoughts or opinions about me, no offense, but I don't care what other people think if I believe in something and want to do it. something I'm going to do because what I fear more than people's opinions of me is my own opinion of myself not to try something in this life that we know we have, so that's my whole thought process on that.
shay mitchell eats her last meal
Cheers for that Cheers for that we're going to break a Seltzer um no, but honestly we're going to break CET and I want to hear what you think Che this is passion fruit like smell it even though you don't smell the passion fruit it's like my favorite fruit especially with alcohol um have I ever tried a porn star martini no I haven't but I need to with this omg I think you should I think you should but it's like passion fruit juice shaken vodka you actually serve it with a side of sparkling wine . so this could be the sidecar that's so fun, please dig into the Caesar salad that we have, we have to get some greens because we still have very true, do you like lemon?
shay mitchell eats her last meal

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shay mitchell eats her last meal...

Can I add some? Oh my god, please, please. please, there can never be enough acid in food for me, okay, great, well, a very bitter person, yes, me too, here we go, okay, take a bite and it's like soaking and dressing, yes, wow, you want, open a restaurant here, let's do it. I have ketchup chips which, by the way, you Americans don't have here. This is straight from Canada, fresh out of the bag. I saw it and tell me what you think: have you eaten them before? I haven't actually eaten LS. I've had New Old Dutch, it's not the same, no offense, Old Dutch, but it's not the same.
shay mitchell eats her last meal
I tell you these were literally delivered straight from Canada like 15 minutes ago, like when I open the bag and feel like I'm breathing in the ketchup flavor, how cool is it that as soon as I'm really confused by the color, it's this amazing magenta purple shade which is not what ketchup looks like, I mean ketchup is red, but no, these are amazing, wait for question time, oh ask, yeah, okay. I'll take one more, when you grew up you were a bit of a rebellious child, you sneaked out going to clubs without telling your parents and now you have two daughters, did you talk to my dad?
shay mitchell eats her last meal
What did you talk to me? Dad really put it on the line Can we get it? Mr. No, but you know. I heard some stories about it. You are now a mother of two daughters. Do you want them to have the same rebellious streak as you or would you prefer them to be something like that? conform how you put those railings I want them to be independent what was the biggest lesson my parents gave me was you know how to be independent so I can take care of myself I would like to instill that in them I also want to instill, please don't run away, just tell me too.
I will have a GPS tracker so good luck, my parents didn't have that in the past. You know what I'm saying. Now I have all the tricks and gadgets. They're not, you have pictures from the Dr. all of that exactly um no, but I want them to feel comfortable and I think that's where I really benefited from my relationship with my parents, we had such an open and honest conversation that if I wanted to try something if I wanted to. try, you know, a glass of wine, what did it taste like? They would give me a sip and that way I never felt like I was trying to steal something, you know, and I think that's what I got out of, you know.
My upbringing was mainly my relationship with them and the openness that I have and that I hope to instill in my daughters, but I hope that they never run away. I will find you, there is G, what kind of paradox exists. although I like it, depending on the ideals with which you raise your children. I know I was rebelling against my parents, so how do you handle that as a parent knowing that the messages you instill in your kids might completely ignore that? right, they could do the opposite, yes, I would have to say that as difficult as it is as a parent, who wants to control everything and wants to make sure they are safe at all times, of course, I'm going to do the best I can, especially now because you are a very young age, but later I just want to prepare them with all the tools so that they feel comfortable in any situation.
They always know that we are here to support them. 1% but at a certain point I think it is the best. What you can do as a parent is make your children feel independent. I don't want them to be domineering or a helicopter parent, that's the furthest thing from what we want to do as parents. I really love them. feel like they can do things on their own. I think that is the best gift you can give a child. You know, you did a podcast with Alex Cooper and Dad that he called in that I listened to and it was a fantastic interview and I loved hearing you talk. about your relationship with Matt specifically true, um, what no, I'm kidding, I thought, oh God, it's that its uh no, your relationship with your partner Matt and you talk about how you know you don't necessarily want to label your sexuality as your relationship status Ya You know, like someone's wife, like she belongs to someone else.
You talk about how you are an independent pillar that supports a family and two are stronger than one. Do you think society has combined the idea of ​​possession with love? I love going to a I'm like the first RSVP to a wedding, as long as there's an open bar, you know, and the free food makes every


better, but I feel like for me personally that's never been something I that I have aspired to not even as a Young Girl, I didn't like dreaming about my wedding dress, I just wanted a partner in life. I wanted someone who, you know, felt the same way about her morals to raise my kids with, but with a ring on her finger and that kind of contract. who why it just wasn't something that was for me, yeah, but I love it for other people, whoever you know, they want to do that, that's awesome, but it just didn't feel right and I love the fact that we have this partnership. . um, where we choose to live together right now and we have, you know, our wonderful girls together and he's somebody, no matter what.
I'm happy to have had children, yes, but can I promise you the rest of my life? No. I can't and I don't expect you to either because like I said before you have this one life and if it doesn't work out for us in the future then feel free to try something else in your one life but that's not the case either. Say we won't be together for the rest of this life. Maybe we can, but every day you make the act of choosing, every day we make that decision and it's so much better than feeling obligated to do it. stay with the children for whatever, but it is not necessary to combine all those things together, so to speak, absolutely yes, really for me the most important thing is that my children see parents who are happy together, you know, in any decision that take and and That's my priority.
Do you like to lean into the uncertainty of life or are you someone who seeks certainties? I'm not sure about my life. I mean, who would have thought I'd be here eating this fantastic food? You know, three weeks ago. I liked it eight years ago. GM one day Caesar salad vision board shaved ketchup chips well that's my here we go um no, I honestly think that's the exciting part of life. I don't want to know what's going to happen in a year like I'm really liking it. This trajectory that my life is going on and I think I embrace the unknown because even if you don't enjoy it, it's going to happen, no one knows what's going to happen so I feel like you have to embrace it and I think I love it.
Every day is a new opportunity for new experiences to arise and the way you handle them is ultimately the direction of your life, you know this, but you used to be very afraid of the unknown because you were not a dolphin trainer. When you were a child because of the unknown of the shadow of the ocean floor, what is your relationship with you like? We can keep eating, we should keep going, that's very true, but I'll just say that I thought I was going to be a marine biologist, I saw flipper and that was my favorite movie and I thought I just wanted to work with dolphins, then I went into the ocean and I thought: wait, what's underneath me right now is a lot more disgusting than I thought.
Chang liked that it had changed, but that's exactly how sometimes you think something is I'm going to go one way and then the other and you know you might like that route better M embracing the unknown is now my new mantra in life Shay In 10 years uncertainty of life we ​​are going to train orcas together Honestly, I'm not mad about it, say hello to Shaeer, what can only be called the main course of your


meal, we have the vegetable lomia right here with the sweet chili , we have the Malaysian Ratoni, this one is from the fantastic P Palace restaurant in La In fact, they made it fresh for us and delivered it right to our door, so a big thank you to F Palet and then we have Patu from Sonam Longang Cafe in North Hollywood .
You're kind of salivating right now. Just no. I literally am. That was incredibly. rude but I feel like we're both drooling inside I'm I'm uh I mean go deeper please please so this is what I grew up eating era lpia and my aunt goes crazy loomia Lily did this so this is her official audition again , rehired again, but that's great, I love how much you thought about the internal mix of textures and flavors and came up with the vegetable course. I took it very seriously, you really did it and I. I want you to know, on a personal level, how much I appreciate it.
Okay, I really want you to enjoy this as much as I do. Again, I'm very excited about this. Why do I bet you? I mean, there's an obvious reason why it's great, but 100%. After high school I moved to Thailand and wanted to try my hand at modeling. Oh, and if you couldn't model in New York, I thought, well, Thailand and it was a wonderful experience too, but I ended up going there for almost a year and I had the amazing food there like I'd had Thai food before, but when I you have in Thailand it's a completely different experience and it blew me away and I had never had pyu before until I moved there so once I had this and it's a thicker noodle than you know what is more commonly known as patai with a finer rice noodle.
I was like, that's right, so how did I meet Pat? Tell me about growing up Filipino because you said that for a while. you'd try to hide your Filipino heritage by wearing colored contact lenses, you know, trying not to get too dark in the sun. I think a lot of people can relate to that. Was there a singular moment when you said budget? I'm done adjusting to the standards. Honestly, I don't think it was sad enough until after high school I grew up in a predominantly Caucasian neighborhood, you know, all my friends were blonde and blue-eyed and I was literally the token brunette. that I was a little tanner and you see it in all my high school photos, she was like me and then like all my blondes and I think at that age I was just trying to fit in like we all know in high school. school and for me it was just trying to fit in any way I could, so how do you fit in physically, which is easier because I felt like personality-wise I was like everyone else, but to show you that you know?
On the outside of the world, I was dying my hair lighter wearing contact lenses and I look back and think why you know, and especially now as a mother, it would break my heart if I ever heard my daughters wanting to change their appearance. um. but yeah, that's how it was and I think I just wanted to do anything to really fit in, so yeah, definitely, after high school I was like okay, this is like I'm going to be me, let me have my hair. air dry naturally like being tanned do all the things and yes, get into my own skin.
I love it, please eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, we should take a little break in silence and we have the track, the royalty-free music that we can play. for a second, thank you so much oh my goodness, how good is this, oh wait, I haven't even tried the Raton yet, do you remember the first time you had this dish, mi vida Ratoni? So I love Indian food, oh my goodness, the way it is. one of those food also similar to Tha food where even when I was in India I was there for 2 weeks. I think every day I came home and I still craved it, so to me it's like Thai and Indian food and I think it's because it has so many spices that I love.
I had tried this and I'm like, "Oh my god, this is like pasta with Indian food," I loved the combination, so yeah, one of my favorites, but you've talked about how you would prefer. living a life on a curve between ups and downs instead of just staying stagnant, like what better food options to show that, like hot sauces, things with massive amounts of spices and oil and it's exciting, it's stimulating exactly and that It is absolutely the goal of life. I mean, I don't know, I just feel like yeah, with UPS comes the downsides and I think that's how you really appreciate UPS because if everything was like that, you would never know when you're having a good day or when. a bad day and when I have those not-so-good days as I like to call them, I think it's okay, you know, what last week wasreally amazing, I'm pretty sure next week it will be or tomorrow it will be and I hug it. the ups and downs, in fact I think about it again, it makes it much more exciting what role it plays, like sadness and pain, just, life because, like you said, there have to be ups and downs, you can't appreciate the light without the darkness and you had a A really intense experience in which your grandmother passed away while you were pregnant with your second daughter.
What did that teach you about sadness and pain? You know, it's actually a little crazy, we're eating Indian food and when I think about it, the memory that comes to mind is thinking about the death of my grandmother and the birth of Rome. I went to a place called Varasi and it was amazing because in Hindu culture. They cremate bodies and that's why there is a continuous fire and I don't want you to give incorrect information, but it has been happening for many years and families take down their loved ones who have passed away and cremate them and then let them in. water and in the same water is like baptizing the babies that have come, so it's a full circle and it's really powerful, but I mean, in the end, that's life, you know, and my grandmother was the most close to me and my best friend and she passed away in February and my daughter was born in May, so I felt kind of extreme pain when she passed away, but also knowing that I had this life that was about to come out in the coming months , so when she came out, that's what I named her, it was Roma after my grandmother's name, which is Roma, and it was kind of full circle, like it's crazy, but you know, I see my grandmother a lot in Rome and it's wild and I think I know there was a path that crossed somewhere there, in the sky, where they were good, so go there and be this kind of person and your mom likes this and you know, be funny and all of that and I really feel like she inherited a lot from my grandmother when she came in so it's full circle yeah yeah have you decided how you want to go out?
Are they going to throw you at the funeral? Pirates on Veri, you know what I think at that moment. In my beliefs I'm like you can learn something from me, do it and you know, save it to be cremated if that's what they want and sprinkle it on me. I don't know somewhere in Italy, in a vineyard. I haven't thought about it, um, but no, I always think that would be it. I don't know, at that moment my spirit is outside my body, yes, personally, so what do you want to do with my body if it goes to science or? learning more about you know the human body, so do it and then if you want to have some cre, do half and half.
I don't know, at that moment I'm like I'm gone. I'm there with you, it doesn't matter. Yeah, let other people do what they want and if people like to fertilize their wine grapes, there will be someone at a Thia eating rigatoni and drinking some sha, absolutely a lot, yes Shay, for the last plate of your final meal. we have Magnolia Banana Pudding which I've never had before. I had never heard of it before, thanks for introducing me to it and then the express Martini made with and Reposado. Yes, I usually eat this whole amount too, just so you know.
It's a personal size, right? I'm joking, but this is good and I'm taking it home with me, please, please, now, the little solid coins, these are banana bananas, bananas, bananas, you haven't tried any, you've never tried before, a fascinating pudding. So Magnolia is a small bakery, no, but honestly, they just crush it. I love a banana cream pie as a slice, but how much easier is it to make? You know, it's almost like you took a cake and threw it. You threw it really hard into a container so it would be this, which is much better than a piece of cake and then this, you know, starts your day.
I don't know what time it is, but I'll have energy for the rest of the day. is happy by the way or crime, yes, honestly, I'll give you credit for the resurgence of espresso martinis, please, but Espress is espresso mhm with the reposado tequila, no, it's going very well, that doesn't bother you. Caramel notes, the reposado works. Well, six months, there you go, with just these coffee beans, I mean, and made by Lily. I'm sure Lily really grew the coffee, she traveled to El Salvador exactly and brought them back, thank you eight years ago when we stated that.
I want to ask you the question about aging because every second that passes we are a second closer to death yada yada you also said that life got a lot better after 30 right, you learn so much, do you think it will continue? going up or do you ever see a fall, people say: are you afraid of getting old? How do you feel about getting older? Being an actor in Hollywood and living in La Justa, you know that we are consumed by the way we look. Outside, this is my feeling, do what you can, but at the same time I accept every birthday, it means like one more year of life that I have to have that so many people can't have, you know, and I think we should be. happy when we have a birthday, so I could care less about that, I can make it to 100 like that, that's amazing, I don't give a damn, come on two, she's back, baby, she's back, I don't care about the wrinkles, the age So. it just means I have to live life as a point so I'm someone who is cool, does what you can on the outside but at the same time embraces the years to come and I've had a lot of fun up to this point, I can only imagine when I really don't I care about the second half of my life.
You know, so what do you think happens when you die? Do you think there's something after this or is this all you get? I know you're living every day. like your last M, I personally believe in reincarnation, my grandmother is this butterfly that keeps passing by my window cell sometimes she transforms into a hummingbird, you know what I mean, but I always see her in the morning and tell her Hi, gr um, but I think. That reincarnation is a good thought and I like to think that they are here, but honestly, like she is here. Grandpa is right, like she's where you like her, think about it, but I definitely feel my loved ones who have passed around me and, like I said sometimes.
They're a butterfly, sometimes they're a buzz, so that's a better idea of ​​things, they're the same creature, if we're honest, where do they get to be two different things exactly and nothing is final, that's what I do. I don't want anything to feel like that's the end. I love it. Yes, you should be ready to enter the lightning round. Who's the one person from Dead or Alive you'd like to share your last meal with? I could give you the obvious answer, which is. family my daughters whatever besides them because that's the obvious Betty White Betty White is great, she's happy, you know, like a ray of sunshine.
What's better than having your last meal with you. I almost made a fudge and Betty White moves and Betty. White I feel like Betty White would want you to say budget, bet, could you say the actual words? Say Betty White Betty White to have your last meal with you Tell me a better person non-controversial just happy always smiling everyone loves her and if you don't You're not broke you know what I mean take the sweet off here everyone loves Betty, so I would say other than my kids and my family, Betty White, I love it. What song do you want played at your funeral?
Can you guess it? Whether it was I've been here since Beyonce, you won't guess or I've been here since Beyonce and if you haven't heard it, listen to it after this because when I heard that song I was like, "Okay, this is what I'd like to hear." it will be played which is the only country you would like to be buried in I mean, I think I said it Italy in a vineyard M you know Tuscany under the Tuscan sun Place me in a vineyard what is your biggest fear I mean rodents but Other than that, what is my biggest fear?
Bungee jumping isn't crazy at all because I feel like I said, I really live my life to do all the things I want to do, so I'm not afraid to regret anything I say. What I say in this life so I don't regret not having said something I wanted to say while it was still hot. What is the most difficult goodbye you have had to say? Oh my God, this is like a tear. get more views for the similar tears that come out, okay, I won't do it, we get paid per tear, um, my grandmother, yes, baby, cheers, grandmother, she loved mutton and Coca-Cola.
I should have added that but it wasn't my favorite drink but anyway. she's drinking Coke Romen up there and my grandma loved to offer people expired Miller High Life from 1987. I love that, so nice, I love that's where we go. Grandma, they're expired, they're enjoying one right now, okay, a little bit of a man, Chev Chaser. What is your biggest regret in life? If I would regret anything then I wouldn't be where I am right now at this exact same moment everything would have changed from one small change in my past. I wouldn't be here right now and I'm very happy to be where I am now.
I am very happy here now. I am very happy that we are going to train orcas too and I think they will be happy. I think we will be. We'll be very good at our jobs, I think too, I watch a lot of Flipper, you know, so I've got it packaged and, yeah, I think that's going to be a very good movie and a very good rest of our lives. She is the prettiest liar, I wrote that question myself, who is the prettiest liar? Atlas currently because she lied to me this morning, that little one, so my eldest daughter, who now learned to lie terribly, but I'm not mad either because I It's like there were a lot of thoughts behind that little lie, but she's the biggest liar pretty to me right now, it's very sweet, finally, Shay, are you happy?, extremely, yes, extremely, and thanks again for having me here, regards.
Thanks for bringing your own liquor and that's a great trait, you can keep it. God bless you, you can keep it mhm Jay, thank you so much for sitting down, thank you so much for sharing, thank you so much for feeding me and letting me do it. eating next to you is a great honor if you want to say your last words that camera right there oh my goodness Last words um um last words are for fools who haven't said enough why I live Carl Marx that's my that's how I live my life, so there you go, I ain't got no laughs, words, I said it all here, no, but you just dropped the Banger of 2024, good luck, live up to that, anyone, yeah, drop that mic, make sure After watching it, give it your all, sed original with Shay Mitchell will be out on May 23 and a new episode premieres every Thursday.
They have something else to connect. Yes, I will also be the host of this show, so stay tuned and I will be on the next episode. Thank you all very much and this is our announcement. You didn't even know it, but face the reality of mortality with our new hat and last meal tea available now at

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