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Pro-Trump Judge Cannon finally pulls stunt that may get her REMOVED from case

Jul 03, 2024
You're looking at the legal breakdown, Glenn, we have big news from Florida as we know that one of the main charges Trump faces in his criminal trial in Florida is obstruction and the basis for the obstruction charge is Trump's testimony. our own attorneys and the only reason we have this information, this testimony is because the attorney-client privilege was violated due to the criminal fraud exception. There is no attorney-client privilege if the inside information was in furtherance of a crime, but now, thanks to Judge Canon, that could be at risk, so can you talk about what's going on?
pro trump judge cannon finally pulls stunt that may get her removed from case
Now you know, Brian, this issue has already been litigated extensively and settled by Chief Judge Bart Howell in Washington DC, so now it's like Judge Cannon decided that he didn't like the results of the last Super Bowl, so he's going to do It's absurd to have everyone repeat the game, so here's what happened during the course of the grand jury investigation into Donald Trump's criminal withholding of IFI class documents that obstruct justice and violate US espionage laws. our nation at the grand jury. In Washington DC there was extensive litigation over whether Donald Trump used one of his lawyers, EV Evan Corkran, to promote the commission of obstruction of justice crimes after this issue was litigated by a very experienced and respected


, then Judge principal, Barl Howell, chief


of the Ederal Federal District.
pro trump judge cannon finally pulls stunt that may get her removed from case

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pro trump judge cannon finally pulls stunt that may get her removed from case...

Judge Howell of the Washington DC court absolutely ruled that Donald Trump was using his lawyer to promote a crime, therefore Donald Trump cannot claim that prosecutors cannot find out what he and his lawyer were talking about because if you are using your lawyer to commit crimes, guess what, you can't claim attorney-client privilege to try to prevent prosecutors from finding out what you were telling your lawyer to do criminally on your behalf, so Judge Barl Howell ruled that the criminal fraud exception basically trespasses or extinguishes the attorney-client privilege and she ordered attorney Evan Corkran to go to the grand jury and testify in a very real sense testify against her client Donald Trump resolved the legal issue it was resolved well now Donald Trump said you know what I want a second second bite of the apple and filed a motion urging Judge Cannon, who was a Trump-appointed judge who has been showing extreme favoritism toward Donald Trump all along and who has abused her discretion judicial in favor of Donald Trump and, according to an appeals court, she said: I want you to re-litigate this issue and for some reason she said: "I'm happy to do it" and she issued an 11-page judgment and order and let me tell you that I have it here, Brian, and that it is worthless if you read it carefully.
pro trump judge cannon finally pulls stunt that may get her removed from case
There's almost no


law there, but buried on page seven is a small glimpse of what motivates and drives the judge. Aen Cannon, she actually says to Jack Smith, well, you know, you haven't come up with any


that says I can't. Do this now, she does not claim that there is any case law that says she should or is required to do it, but she told Jack Smith: "You have not given me any authority, any precedent, any case law that says I can." Don't make it so you can't stop me, well the reality is that Jack Smith can stop her or he can at least try to file a motion to remove her because her impartiality could reasonably be questioned.
pro trump judge cannon finally pulls stunt that may get her removed from case
You know, coincidentally, I just wrote an article. for MSNBC I'm not here to sell my article, but the title of it and the reason I reference it is because Judge Cannon simply proved her right. The title is unequivocal evidence that Judge Cannon is not a Trump qualifier. documents case and there it goes again, it just demonstrated it with this new decision and by the way, for those who are watching right now, if you want to be able to read that MSNBC article, I will link it here on the screen and also in the post. The description of this video I highly recommend, it's a very good read, Glenn, which actually brings me to the question I was referring to here, which is whether Judge Cannon


eliminates this, um, with this ruling by Judge Howell , will that


be a sufficient predicate? for Jack Smith to seek removal of her and I ask because it's not like we don't know that there are already plenty of justifications for her to do it, but will it be big enough relative to the other things that apparently weren't big enough?
You know, she was reprimanded by the 11th Circ from the beginning, she presented these false presidential records, jury instructions, she heard from two other judges about the same thing in the same court system that they were telling her she shouldn't take this case. She refused to schedule a trial date for August 12, which was the request made by Trump's team, as if all of these apparently weren't big enough on their own for Jack Smith to seek expulsion. By this I mean basically laying the groundwork for eliminating the entire obstruction charge that was already adjudicated by a perfectly capable judge.
It will be enough? You know, I would say that would be the cherry on top of Sunday's disqualification and it absolutely should be that way. Enough to know at some point when a judge shows such bias, such favoritism toward one party or another, particularly when that party, Donald Trump, is the person to whom you owe your job for his lifetime appointment as a federal judge because It was Donald Trump who appointed. her to the federal bench, you know, at some point it's got to be enough and you know, I think if she abuses her discretion one more time and basically overrides Chief Judge Barl Howell, who is a thousand times more experienced and, frankly, a lot more highly.
Considering Judge Aen Cannon, I think that has to be the last straw and that would probably prompt Jack Smith to finally file the recusal motion. Well, let me ask it this way. Do you feel like you are in a different category than the others? than those other incidents, this motion is much more dramatic than some of the other frivolous motions she has been litigating ad nauseum, loose translation from Latin, the whole damn thing is making us sick and she continues to litigate these frivolous motions all the time while Brian refuses. to set a trial date and what our viewers probably know because I think we've talked about this before the reason a trial date is set that's what federal judges do: they set trial dates and then they set a bunch of intermediate deadlines for discovery for filing motions for argument of motions for resolution of motions all of those deadlines depend on a firm trial date, she won't even set the damn trial date, so she doesn't set immediate intermediate deadlines Whatever this case is, it could drag on for years.
Given the way Judge Cannon has been approaching it, Glenn, do you have anything else on your file? Do you have a case after the Trump classified documents case that has been languishing for years behind something like this? That's one question and the second is: is there a quota that judges have to fill or can they just sit on the bench and allow a case to languish for years and years and years if they want and then just get paid for not doing their job? job, so, on the one hand, each federal judge is considered an equal among equals and has almost complete autonomy.
Now the main judge of the jurisdiction. Chief Altonaga, who cares, is one of two judges according to the New York Times report who urged her not to preside over Donald Trump's case. and she opposed the judge, ignored the judge's advice, the chief judge of a jurisdiction will basically set benchmarks and guidelines and the chief judge is generally responsible for equitably distributing or ensuring that cases are equitably distributed among the judges, they state certain targets that you know they like You have cases resolved in some can be handled. relatively fast, but I don't know what Judge Cannon's caseload is like, but I'm sure she has other cases besides the Trump case, of course, if you remember some of the reports about her relatively short time on the court and how she screwed up other cases in some of the basics, like swearing in the jury at the right time, I mean really judging 101 which seemed to have failed previously and I think he's only had a total of three or four trials as a judge and the The fact of That she now has one of the most consequential cases in our nation's history and is mismanaging it, whether intentionally or simply through negligence, may still be an open question, but you know she's the wrong person at the wrong time. in the wrong case and why.
In the world, people should not have a fair, independent and impartial judge. Heck, that judge could be reappointed by a Republican president! That's not the point we deserve. The American people deserve to have this case tried fairly and in a timely manner, and right now our rights are not being respected, let's end this just for posterity to the point of everything you just said, how did Judge Canon end actually got this case if even the chief judge of her own circuit was basically suggesting that she didn't take it like she should have gotten to the task is that she was the next judge in line, that's what we call it, you know, yeah you imagine a big wheel with the names of the judges on the wheel, when a judge is assigned a case the wheel is supposed to click and the next judge to arrive is supposed to get the assignment, that's how it was supposed to that had to work.
I'm not a conspiracy theorist, Brian, although I've processed enough conspiracies. In the cases that I can tell you, there are a lot of criminal conspiracies out there, so I'm going to assume that the court system in Florida followed normal procedure, she was next in line and when the case came up, it was assigned to her, I hope there's nothing nefarious at play with the initial assignment, but you know, when you see two of the federal judges in that same jurisdiction in Florida, they reportedly came to her and said, don't take the case, don't preside over the case.
The Trump case, why, differentially, because the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals has already determined that you abused your discretion and did something that the law does not allow, to the extreme benefit of Donald Trump, you interfered in a Department investigation of Justice about the crimes he was suspected of having committed. committed, I mean, if that's not reason enough to move on to refuse to accept that appointment for that case, I don't know what is and, finally, when can we expect a resolution to this question of whether she's going to look or not? to drop this obstruction charge by Rel litigating it, you know he has been litigating largely frivolous motions for months and rarely issues rulings denying or granting the motions; just keeps building the Log Jam of motions and it seems like the case will never move down towards a trial so I have an absolute answer as to when you will hear this case, how long the evidentiary hearings will last and then once they are over recently too has had a habit of saying well, now if you're interested in submitting supplemental writings now that we've discussed it, why don't you go ahead and do it at some point in the future, when she really rules out everyone's guesses?
That said, we'll stay on top of this as soon as we have any updates on this specific question because you know, to the point you mentioned above, that it's absolutely important and, hopefully, it might be reason enough for Jack Smith to finally know that finally moves forward with some kind of movement. to eliminate her, uh, because he shouldn't be on this case in the first place. That being said, for those watching, if you want to stay up to date on all of this, be sure to subscribe. The links to our two channels are correct. Here on this screen I am Brian Teller Cohen and I am Glenn Kersner.
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