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Geometry Fun Compilation for Kids! | Learn to count | Colourful Maths 123 | @Numberblocks

Apr 07, 2024
a triangle I have one two three three sides and one two three three forensics look at me we are all triangles whoa but you guys are so different from the square come back I'm really sorry oh one two three four four lines hello team wait you're not a square I'm not a rectangle like You have four sides and four corners but your sides are all the same and mine are not. If I'm a surprise wait until you others hello quadruped I like to be square I like to see square things everywhere, anywhere there is a square, I you will find right there.
geometry fun compilation for kids learn to count colourful maths 123 numberblocks
Square G's in square bread. Square pen in a square bed. The square is where it is. You can be sure that anywhere there is a square one, two, three, four four sides. one two three four four corners the square is the shape for me it has four corners and four sides to see when four blocks make a big block I am solid as a rock I like to be square I like to see square things everywhere anywhere there is a square you will find me right there Square window Square door Square tiles on a square floor Square sun Square clouds Square flowers and square sofa Squirrel holes for Square Pants Square chickens and square eggs I feel so alive one two three four five five points ah A Star is Born I don't know about that, look, high five, big hand to you, high five, five makes four and who are you, I'm five years old and you can


on me to get this party started, high five, oh , that was fun. oh, it's that you, of course, it's one, two, three, four, four blocks, look in any direction it goes.
geometry fun compilation for kids learn to count colourful maths 123 numberblocks

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geometry fun compilation for kids learn to count colourful maths 123 numberblocks...

I still have four, please look at me, I still have three, oh, not bad, you think it's amazing, you should see it, well, did you make all of these? shapes I did it like this the more blocks you have the more shapes you can make oh my turn one two three four five five little birds just arrived one two three four five what a wonderful day to be alive a giant rock in front of me hello can I get to where I need to be it's that silly suck signed under five minus one equals four oh no oh no oh no oh no my head fell off where did it go I have one that was fun now I have four and here I am I'm one here I am what a wonderful day to be here alive five gone where did she go is she a Roy I don't know is she here she is there I must keep looking everywhere what is that silly sucking sound a giant hole so big and round why is she there I don't know I wonder what yes one two three four four sides like me one two three four four corners like me yes I'm a square like you so why do you have a number nine up silly?
geometry fun compilation for kids learn to count colourful maths 123 numberblocks
I'll show you one two three three blocks in my first row one two three three blocks in my second one two three three blocks in my third row three rows of three three rows combined as you can see three rows of three make nine one two three four five six seven eight nine four quickly toes ah I'm fine one two three three blocks in a column one two three three blocks from top to bottom what six points each four minus two equals two hey no me penalty round two oh eight three minus two equals one round final ready, ready, oh father, let me give you a hand or two up there please, dead end six is ​​good with the dice, how do we get six, four plus two equals six?
geometry fun compilation for kids learn to count colourful maths 123 numberblocks
Hello friends, this is my advice, it's time for me to roll the dice, watch me give. grow a little and you'll know which way to go one two three one two three follow me seven doors which door is the right one maybe seven can help how do we get seven foreigners this way? one one two one one two three four one Number block in me


ing everything we see Melody one numbered One Bun one a son one numbered two blocks of numbers and me counting everything we see taking off our shoes two blocks of numbers and me one two two shoes three spots of numbers and me counting everything we see hidden in the trees we are selling a happy melody follow the pattern no here I come oh come over there um the blocks are red like me so maybe I should go first red red red everyone they're red red red red pattern red unlocked two points oh god Ken Orange uh-oh the second one is red one red Orange red orange I'm 12 years old and I'm a super rectangle the rocks are in columns and rows my blocks are in columns and rows and that It's called a matrix matrix hey I'm rectangular 12 I'm ten and two years old I make an increase that's what I do when I put my blocks in columns and rows I make a matrix and my rectangle is like this today is the day for a matrix visualization I can do a raise all day I will raise in many ways back up let's play a distance raise three by four it's my first series three lots of four you could put it that way and if you're not following what I say I'll rectify it.
I'm 12 years old. I have three. by four I am a rectangle time I am also four by three oh and I am a super rectangle I can take many shapes change I am six by two turn I am two by six I am a rectangle welcome my friends would like to master the path of the rectangle first you must stand so that your front form a rectangle shape look and tell me when I'm making a rectangle no no yes well done now look at your own fronts what shape are you making I'm a rectangle that's right your blocks are arrested yes six of them each has two buttons on the top, you must press all the buttons together six towers, two buttons in each set, screens to change six things, good luck, you've done it 12. now head to that battery, no time to waste I'm on it switch lift 12 you go to hit there is no time turn look at me I am 14 I am ten and four I am also the double of seven I am traveling in a street elevator to escape to heaven and every time I get 10 to fix in the middle of one of my new tricks I have my double of the luck to get me out of trouble I'm twelve I'm 15 and I'm a super special secret agent in the shape of a step I'm a number with ambition I'm a number on a mission with a talent you won't believe despite my size.
I'm a master of disguise and I have a little trick up my sleeve. Oh, help, my hibiscus has fallen. in my milk this is a job for the step Squad five four five two one step forward we can make your problem go away we will do it welcome to the place of tens all of you are bigger than me that means that each of you has a 10 inside of you Look, you're older than ten and you have big dreams, so much fun, and now is where you start playing, oh okay, let's get those numbers up, that's it now, give me some squats, let me watch you do the jump and hit ten more one. it's eleven ten plus two is twelve ten times three is 13. hey oh ten plus four is forty-five ten plus five is fifteen fantastic now let's stretch our text Cole, you start um oh, I forgot, there are no round things in Square Club, you win neatly square sorry I'm late oh oh dear oh sorry now we're all here and we can start what's the first rule of the square Club there are no round things, right? and let me hear the motto even though we are different sizes.
I can always recognize a spirit four by four three five three two five two time for some square art, which is why painters like to paint apples in bright shades of green. I can also paint apples, but I paint 17 one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen so I paid a lot of cans of soup I paid 17 10. nice juxtaposition some painters splash paint some painters paint dots my numbers what It matters 17 is a lot of points oh nice juxtaposition oh I can't do it oh I will never be a super rectangle.
I'm just an old fool. A teapot. I mean an elephant. I mean a light bulb. I mean a monster. I wish I could be 18 years old. I make everyday shapes with straight, neat lines but there's always something that's not quite right so I make crazy shapes that's where I shine 19 I can be a cactus in the desert an umbrella when it rains oh I can stretch out to make a soldier and if you need some building blocks I can make a train and then make lots of funny faces You laugh because I make crazy shaped gems in my bowl and six in mine, that's 12 gems in total, that's right, 12 gems shared between two balls is six in every bowl, congratulations, please, there you are.
I thought you'd never get here. I am the water genie, your challenge is to share my 15 watery gems between these three shells so that each shell has the same amount of gems oh, the next key share the gems before the water dries up or the key will be sucked by the Bottomless plug home, quick, quick. No, no, that's too slow, let's take three at a time, three shells, three, if you want to see more, then come to the circus. What circus, oh I like to have it under my hat, welcome to the big big, the three tens are a 10 20. 13 30 balls, wait, there's more.
I have three tens, which means I am too. If you like it, you'll love this next ACT for which we need another 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90. We're almost out of time. By the way this should work Boris 100 I'm a hundred and ten lots of ten on top of the world now, how do I get back down? Ah, a parachute. 100 is now, that's an interesting question. What if two was the first number block? Imagine that foreigner. another fall it's also two of us two two one four two two we form a square another two and now I have six two land I must be playing tricks two four six only even numbers what odd I mean what even I like this game I think it's great goodbye six and hell main positions wide and tall and more change rotate change rotate Hello friends, welcome to the rectangle.
I retreat, seeing what rectangles a number can make really helps to solve them completely when I discovered that I make a 2 by 11 rectangle. I knew it. once it was a two halves thing results well 12 you can make a lot of rectangles. I am a super rectangle. I can make different rectangles all day long and at that pace it takes me all day. Some of the super rectangles like to go a little further. Quickly, how rectangular is the answer you're looking for? It is very rectangular. In fact, do you think you can help? 23 and 24. Oh, I personally like this sculpture.
I prefer this painting. Art is about finding different ways of looking at things. Take my new exhibit. for example, the patterned wall, oh oh, whatever shapes you make with your blocks, the patterned wall will be copied, oh, not bad, I can serve you a surprised cow, but now let's loosen those blocks and make some crazy shapes, now let's find a clean piece of wall and see what we can do octoblock Pressly one two three four five six seven eight tessellation oh let's try it Square Cross Square Cross Square Cross Square Cross Right, let's explore some patterns you're both doing are tens and ones patterns right now like this 10 10. so 18 ready to run all day and all night believe it my supersonic speed will keep me in the lead it's almost Dawn Racers to the Rays it's two laps roasted at high speed Pace, let's start this party laughter nine by two two rays and Away twelve by two super duper five race I can't ride five rays but I can go three yes, but the track of a Ray is actually shorter One race no way we go higher than one six five three three we go up and away true which track you can take the three Lightning or the winery two by two by two octonautical with my new three-dimensional powers nothing can stop me now three four four it's my turn to roll it's not my turn I win and you do the square power two by two three by three naughty me not so fast Dr naughty what are you doing taking you for a ride oh octonaut now in 3D you will never escape my foreign dimension Just me Me and me nice mustache but I'll be back in a moment oh nice hat oh that was close let's go before make it real nine hide no oh no 12. funny I thought I heard three it's just you and me remember don't let three eat come back here I have a plan we do one plus three and then we can walk out the door in disguise out of five, three are fifteen.
What about us? I know five three is fifteen you can't be fifteen weird 50 15 the party is here four on the floor and one further ahead that's what four are to get funky on the dance floor or on the dance floor and a four more what are 24 28 and 32 now one more four is here to make you dance, get down, put the glue with 36, be square where all the four are. on the floor it is 40. 40. ten fours a forty-one four is four two fours are eight three fours are twelve we know how to say it directly four four is a sixteen five four is a twenty-six fours and twenty-four seven fours are twenty eight eight fours of thirty-two nine fours in 36 and we will maintain that the fours are in the mix ten fours a 40. four and four and one plus four and one plus four and one more drop than the four before four and four come on ten have a good scenario step two build more rocket towers step three build more rockets step four blast off to the stars hooray big plan leave me the towers octoblock build one two three four five six seven eight build a friend that should be enough now come on make rockets what one more two more three plus four is ten five you're next oh five plus six leave a block out of the frame I'll slide it down and start again one me next one plus seven is eight plus eight istoo high Wow, you have six sticky blocks on top, slide them down to reach the neck.

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