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There's a Shen One-Trick in Master that builds Duskblade

Mar 17, 2024
Greetings dear viewer, we are playing some Shen again this time in the mid lane and now I am really inspired today to play some shine because I saw this tweet. Alright, it was a tweet about how Shen can build any item in the game. Which, you know, I agree, you know me, I'm a bit of an insider, you know, in the tech department, so what was this tweet about, someone responded to this with a clip. I think he was on a high note. I may be wrong. There could be another server and there was a guy building Dark Plate out of embarrassment.
there s a shen one trick in master that builds duskblade
Now you know, that intrigues me. If I see some of Shane's tech, I'll be there as soon as he comes out, so he was thinking, you know, maybe if we play. a little bit of Shane in the mid lane and we give the opponents a little show of assassins like we actually show how to play assassins in the mid lane and we may barely see that in the dark split of this game. I'm not sure, okay, it depends on how the game goes, but this is something I had in mind and unfortunately for us we have a custody showdown, which is pretty fun, it's actually a fun showdown because I love middle age. melee from Massachusetts, because I can do this if you opt for one more trade or one more. attack, I'll take that now, we don't want to be left with nothing for free in this matchup, no he can't get this last one, I lasted him for free and I get the block proc, so every time he does an auto attack you have to punish him.
there s a shen one trick in master that builds duskblade

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there s a shen one trick in master that builds duskblade...

Somehow you must punish him all the time right there, if my timing was a little better, I would have arrived in time to return a few hours ago, when he lasted the menu. I can eat him here if he tries to last it. oh he's doubling the damage a little more than I thought so right now I'm looking for an e angle at all times this is what I'm doing right now I'm not looking for anything else I'm just looking to eat him when he goes last with this minion and actually you know season 13 the preseason changes that are up to shine in the mid lane now you're going to wonder why because Shin um doesn't require as much gold as other midlanders because I'm actually someone who just wants to the final gold on our team and what they did for Midland is they made it so that for the last time it's on Midland and it actually gives you less gold.
there s a shen one trick in master that builds duskblade
Where is the peak? Very interesting. I mean, I could almost kill him. so I didn't try it if he didn't have a bomb liner. I couldn't, uh, in fact, I could kill him with ignition. I'm going to do this with Bart instead, uh, in case he tries to repeat like me, but yeah, like he was. saying that if you look at the Caster minions they only give 13 gold, no, so this means that overall we are getting less gold in the mid lane and that's good for me. I'm going to use a health potion now because they're indicating that it could be their own Top Lane or Port Lane and now what we want to do is freeze this here because the custom is running on ignite.
there s a shen one trick in master that builds duskblade
He is very greedy, he is running ignite, so he can't just remember it on TV like some other custom. players in this situation are still missing from Top Line. I'm a little confused by this because it's probably a vehicle, yeah, if I force flash now and the wave still pushes towards me, this is very nice, this is very good guys, can you say oh, who does it? Well, it's Rel who dies. The botany we see is a hecarim here. I can kill Custom very easily if I give him power. He's fine, that guy, your stat. I want to get powers.
Q here, okay? so I'm going to prepare a q bar and then we're going to go in, oh yeah what, but there's no way he's going to die here. Okay, I had my shield. The minions blocked me tightly. Holy Moly, did you see that like I could? Don't move man, they just blocked me. What I was trying to do is I was trying to go because I was fishing a town in the castle and if I can hit the client without using my flash, I can kill him and get him. far right and that's why I didn't want to kill flashing or flashing E, sorry, because if I write Flash, then I'm always dead to cut it and I don't want to make a thread one by one because that's not beneficial for me because What we want to do is deny as much gold as possible from gasoline, so we don't like one for once, we just like things that make your gold generation slower because we want it to be that way. he doesn't reach level 16 because that's when the game ends for me, honestly I'm just being objective here, like if you're playing Shane in mid lane towards Castle, if he reaches level 16, you've already done your, you haven't done your job properly, but we'll buy, we could do Lucidity boss, actually, I'm going to do a small town because I'm at level five.
I'm going to reach level 6 soon, so I want to have that extra haste skill for our first ult and now. after ionian we will look for bummies for wave clearing and also tankability and damage and then we will establish which mythic we will choose and I am doing the best I can here and it is not just because I always do the best I can in the rankings but I have another reason here because right now I'm participating in a tournament on the site called Replay Gigi where basically what happens is they count as my games, they look at my match history and they look at the best games I had and then they base it on the best games calculate a score for me and if I do well against these other players then what happens is they actually reward me with real money or then oh and that's a death for me.
I'm going to get this out real quick and then get back to the midline I could probably remember it, but I don't need it, I can actually just run for life because he's going to face that, I'm going to take the Scuttle on the way or sorry, it's Honeycomb, what is this? ocean fruit is okay anyway since I was talking about repetition what they do is they have this platform where it's just browser based so all you have to do is sign in with your google account or any Facebook or where you create an account and then they count your match history they just look at the games you have played and then they give you rewards if you are better than your opponents so basically you sign up for these tournaments and you can play in several at a time same time and it's cool because I don't know if you guys know this, but I used to be really big into tournament games, like I used to play on these other websites all the time, where we would play tournaments with my team and it was a lot of fun and this .
Repeat the GG platform, it does the same thing except you don't have to worry about setting up those tournament games and thinking about when everyone will have time to collaborate on this and then some platforms that they use like these downloadable apps and that's always a little sketchy because No you know what they're doing in the background but this one is really simple and the video is actually sponsored by them so if you want you can watch them in the link in the description. Signing up is really easy. Do you just use the Google account or whatever, create a new account?
You use some random email. I don't really care, they don't care and you sign up for the tournament which is press a button and yeah then you can just play. just play normally and you might get some RP on top of that or some money. I think there's a $5,000 US tournament going on right now called the Fall Championship or something, yeah that's a pretty high price so check them out if I feel like the links are in the description let me get back to the comment here about Custard on uh he's been quite like him he seems a little suspicious I don't know he's acting like a gravy and what I mean what I mean. with this is that he has been using his ult to keep his ult stacks up and what this indicates is that he wants to go all in and he wants to do some damage properly because he has been staying in his spot a lot time and simply maintains this threat.
He tells me he can use the max stack to do more damage, maybe even kill me, but if I can keep it up with his lower HP, I'm very happy with this because all the time here he's forced to use last hit skills and not You get as much gold as you would if you were just free farming, so I don't mind this situation at all. I have my ultimate ready now so I can look at my jungle Spongebob here the umbrella is actually taking some damage I can actually cause it yeah beautiful did you see you noticed what I did well because I know that when I walk in front of Castle, he'll instantly hold and kill to cancel it because he just can't refuse like him?
Can't he not do it right? All he wants to do is say all this. I better cancel it with my Q because I know he interrupts the channels and the kids fall right into our trap because Udo is waiting here at SpongeBob SquarePants. order of action only he gets a pre-kill and now he's dead very good, very good, in fact, get a good recall here. What we can do is buy Bobby Cinder and we can also buy Coalfield's Warhammer, which will add to our meeting a little bit. powder plate action and what the coalfields do is give us ability quickness the right ability has for our maximum and we actually like a billy head the ability has a lot of shine please don't please don't do it okay okay ready to come here yeah it's perfect perfect oh okay let's relax a bit let's see Top Lane Dublin is doing well 201 after our successful finish there that snowball showdown uh we should be able to contest these drives now um, we should be pretty strong, I blocked his W over another deck, so now look, look at the minions, he's missing this one, he loses that one every time we can make those minions, we're happy to do it and we don't mind this trade at all .
This is completely fine with me, oh uh uh, one thing I want to keep in mind is that as long as you have plastic in your palm it's a cylinder. Note that you can simply move away from the wave when you don't want to deal damage with it. You don't always need to be inside the wave hurting yourself. Look, I walk away and then I come back in when I want to last, okay, I think, oh, and I'll get another kill, that's another kill to repeat the GTA score. Very nice, probably because of State Tower. Look, the smell is really good.
Taking towers by the way, especially the 80 version. I think there are bikes behind us too. I saved my ears or I can go. Come on, I don't like it. I'm going to have to flash here. It doesn't really kill in any way, bro. so much damage, okay, I mean it's a trade, but holy crap, this is all so bad, this is so bad, SpongeBob, oh no, it's a complete disaster, oh, we have to think, guys, we have to think what we are doing. Nyla is in the background, man, you know. She needed to get around the first one, maybe she should eat, okay.
I'm going to be great here, this is bad, this is bad for me, but whatever I want there and Dirk power up Spike, this is a good article if you're 80 Caster or ready to be Champion, but uh. On me I do 50 magic damage anyway so it's not that good ouch actually just blink bro no I can't and it already has a dark split. I take Agra if I get in, so I can't, okay, okay, listen, listen, I thought we could. take the tower to the right. I had an idea and thought I would dodge Spike and H.
I don't know, maybe it was a bad idea, it's actually understandable now, the only redeeming quality we have is the fact that we will make this game more interesting, but it's one for the contents, you know, it's never good to have a right stomp because people always complain like Beto, why do you upload this like this? It's not normal, you're not playing normally, you're obviously on the team as best you can. Not only do 10 and 0 14 and zero go in the chain, my games don't look like that, so in order to provide you with the best possible content, sometimes I have to do what is called a little bit of trolling or some would even call it's um um intentionally eat is I think it's a bad word, you can't say it right, everyone, everyone, uh, censorship on anything, no one ever says, you know, I played League back in the day when people used to say feed, they said feed. the whole time they were bro, you're feeding, you're feeding, then it turned into intentional feeding and then it turned into empty and then it turned into trip in all this, that's a mess, ah, okay, closer, we got a second on our opening if I could look something up, maybe that's okay, now again, that's death for me, that's another freebie, okay, very nice, I get extra experience, thanks Nyla, I appreciate it.
I'm going to take it back here because there's nothing I can do or maybe I can cover that. man please cause I'm busy getting my medical item a sheet of tractor dust ok ok I hope I hope the team doesn't notice the longer we can go without our team realizing this element, I think the better we are right because your motivation will suffer a slow little little um disturbance the moment you notice this object on me because you might be thinking that uh suchtime saying this uh don't try too hard Shane isn't doing his best, but you don't know it, but I'm actually one with technology right now.
By the way, you know I can do this because this virtual reality would never expect Hashem to tell it randomly. You might think this looks bad, but the reason is that, like these players, they are used to playing well, so when they encounter good players with bad gameplay, they are surprised because it is technically bad, but then it is good. because they don't expect bad gameplay because everyone in this world would think it's okay if Shane just walks up and down a Fiora which he will always get. he got married and lost 50 of his HP and that's why the vras ​​are not ready for it.
This is like the kind of metagame, it's like the game theoretical aspect of playing with humans because you can do things that are not theoretically optimal, but because people don't expect it, it's good. I'm going back to farming in mid lane, his damage is pretty heavy on the ad side right now, that's why I chose a cloth farmer. I don't like upgrading to Sound Fire Ages actually because the problem with sound bar ages is that it's not like the gold efficiency bomb is considered a very nice, very nice item. because you get the effect for a small component price of a thousand dollars, a small loan of a million dollars anyway and then I mean right now our team would expect me to be in the side lane.
I guess we're happy like this. I think I can see it. for a hook uh, they are very aggressive looking for a plate, I don't want to be left out, but Spongebob, the bad guy, I think so, very bad, keep climbing Strength, I'm going to run here so we can have some, maybe maybe it's me I may have done something wrong here, in fact, I'm going to double kill here to protect, okay, and I'm going to DC. That's all part of the flag. I'm going to go in incognito mode and they don't know where I am.
Suddenly I appear. oh no it's okay it's not going to work there's no way unless I call him maybe a phony I mean he's doing well but yeah you can't beat that ah should I go for Sunfire? I don't really like it, that's my moment. Wasting my last move here was also bad because what I did here was very selfish, right, because when I was cool, what I did was protect myself, but that's not what I should do as Shane, I should just walk in front of Nyla and block. the shots so I'm on uh something like that, I'll do it right.
I will do that. I'll buy it because they have a lot of AD, so the armor will be good for physical damage. Very nice combination. I'm going to ping the prowler's claw so it knows I'm feeling it right. I recognize that he is a good ad creator. Maybe he recognizes mine. No, it's not okay. We're still incognito, you don't know, guys, you don't know what. Was he talking about oh yeah, selfish behavior? True, this was very selfish of me. Not good. It's not good to do that. A


. I should have stayed with my team because I'm attending.
I needed to shine so I could get to the top of Nyla Pass. to block the damage and maybe that was even Overkill because no one actually attacked him at the time or her so it could have been Overkill now I can look for the ultimate for both Lane. I'm going to use my um f Keys which are meant for My bomb keys are actually here, look around the map at this point because it's starting to become very crucial that you don't miss any final opportunities. I usually want to minimize this behavior for the viewer's enjoyment, because if I try Harding, I'm playing like Giga try hard mode, so what I do is I'm actually using these F keys all the time and now I have than get caps lock, yes, yes, very good, we can have Instagram on Instagram, this is good, this is good, very good.
I like this idea, let's sort, so I minimize the use of the f keys for the viewer's actual enjoyment because it's not fun for you to watch this, right? If you see it constantly, it somehow distracts you, right? I'm at the level. where I can do this comfortably because I've played a lot with the sensor and also because I'm playing, but for a spectator it's much harder to follow this type of behavior and stay in touch with the game, okay, that's good. alright, be careful, okay, I want to back off a little, that's bad, I wasted Mobility, so now I need to hit the minions to recover energy, look at my heel.
Stacks here, I'm not using Q, I want to recover energy. can I bring the dragon here uh it's a chem Tech dragon and we already have two under our belt so we're already threatening the chem Tech Soul which actually gives us power with the low HP. I haven't actually played with the game text yet. for some reason I don't have any I'm going to prepare Q yeah I'm going to use W to block some damage oh I just have a lot of observation we turn this around we have the Drake we don't need to fight yeah.
No need to fight, don't do it SpongeBob, oh that looks so trollish. I look at all this physical damage I'm suffering by the way. I think this email could be useful here now, since for our opportunity here we have eight seconds. uh and by the last one I mean, I answer that it gives us a chance to use our maximum and I want to hold Nyla here. I think we can make a play. I think we'll make a play. It's seven thousand if we go with nylon and then. What they do is we lose the chain count and we go into incognito mode and we're going to kill this guy.
It got out of my head I was I was hanging around Nyla there to see if custody will fall to Nyla if he doesn't have Fusion from them. I mean, if we're being honest, that was all Nyla and zero percent me because it's just me I mean. All I did was use W and Ultimate on Mila, which in this case was enough to get things done, but then I missed my city dungeon. Because Dean has like three million million movement speed, so it's legit to run faster than my city, maybe that's just making excuses, maybe me.
I just missed it, who knows anyway. Nala did a good job and we are now in a good position to finish the game before El Cassadin reaches Spike's power. Oh, I want to move in the middle lane here because there's only one railing in Midland. so we don't want to support him being here alone, we want him to be able to use the batteries and that's probably another lost pronoun because it's actually a hair, but it happens that you know why I do this right, maybe some of you don't. I don't know, but I'm from Finland, so my mom's tank is finished and in Finland we don't have gender pronouns.
All are equal. It's like in English if you say eat about all or day, maybe day, but in Finland. we just have Han who is he or she somewhere in the middle and then most of you say it's like heat when you speak normally because written language is different from spoken language so it's very difficult for It makes me think about pronouns gender most of the time because I haven't grown up with a language that makes that distinction, so if we're looking for a definitive opportunity here we need to think about whether we want to look at our team or at the sideline where my colleagues and I believe our most important priority right now it's keeping Nyla alive.
She has closure and she's very strong, so what we're going to do here is we're actually going to run away from taking the Tower and then. I'll see what we can do, okay, if I can open up our colleague. I still have my electronic flash, so I'll use the plant here to get vision and then do what's called a pro game. I hope to enter. Dustblade's stealth mode and now what we're going to do is stop this role quickly but actually I'm going to instantly run towards Nyla because I don't want them to die so I'm going to be here to help uh this is this is this is dangerous this is dangerous I'm going to use double here to block I'm going to use the Eon haircut I may have to pass here Dodge did you see things outside?
It is the maximum. It was very close. It was so close. In reality she needed to start instantly. moving to size that, but I have 40 on my ultimate so I can't remember it instantly and come back, but I can remember it now and it's okay, foreigner. I think all the colleagues I have still have some upgrade buttons to be able to get them for a vehicle for Android. I think that's good because they have a lot of problems. Let's just pretend this isn't a problem. Okay, where one more fight will pretend we don't need magic resistance.
We can relax with our base 67. oh, we actually have rooms with eight magic resistances, this is completely fine, but I have a second for Ultimate, maybe I can play with that surprise, got it hello, okay, it's big, it's big, I know this will be a big, invisible mode. let's flank them here we put the plank on the fear guy so he can throw a fighter okay so yeah I think that's it oh oh god no I can't let him get to level 16 he's not permitted. we have to finish before it's just a moral loss for me if I let him reach level 16 properly then MP4 MP4 no don't don't don't come thanks again repeat it's for sponsoring the video and yes he's at level 15.
I won, okay, thanks for watching, I appreciate it and have a good time guys.

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