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VanossGaming Grand Theft Auto V in 3 Hours Ep-2

Apr 10, 2024
okay, yeah, thanks, I like this, okay, we got it, we have to find a place to camp, finally armor, wow, it's been a week just looking at the arrows running towards it, huh, where are we staying? Honestly, I feel like this cabinet right here, this cabinet, this stage, this cabin right here, turn around rock evan ryan evan brock here in this cabin this cabin right here is a good castle, okay, this, you know, this could work, this really worked, huh, you like it, you like this, like this cabin, I want to go in, Brian, it's very nice, Robin, go into the competitiveness cabin, wait, can I go first? person and then throw grenades like that oh yeah, holy shit, come back with the holy smoke, come back in, there's a lot of them, everyone's cars and everything, you're good, there's a lot of people behind you, oh, here they are, here are, are.
vanossgaming grand theft auto v in 3 hours ep 2
There's a lot of guys there, but there's a lot of guys I know, oh my god, I went holy, that's so weird when you're in first person, oh holy, you can't get out, be careful, oh, you guys aren't even halfway done. If it makes you feel better oh, that's good, that should be good, I kill a lot of people, no, no, no, no, crystal type competition, maybe competition, okay, come on, come on, don't die, look, This is like my theme song, don't die. Dude, he's going to die, don't die, remember, remember, remember what this is for, it's coming in, oh the zombies are coming in, do you think I can run to that health pack?
vanossgaming grand theft auto v in 3 hours ep 2

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I could do it, I could do it oh oh oh, my gift. No God, don't waste it, don't come back, just get out here, yeah, yeah, yeah, this is a good place. They have to come to me. What the hell are coming? Yes, yes, yes, yes, it keeps coming up. Come on man this is wow oh god I think I'm about to die yeah yeah he just fell in front of me it's not a competition guys but he says that while flying through the sky jumping three stories Hey, what's up guys? I just want to let you know that I partnered with Epic Games to bring you this video and you could support me in the Epic Game store when you use my creator code to buy any game and all that information will be in the description and today we are playing gta 5, obviously you guys know this game but it is available on epic games store for free until 21st may during mega epic sale and also during mega epic cell you can claim 10 coupon or get one by redeeming gta. 5. but anyway guys, as always, I hope you enjoyed the video.
vanossgaming grand theft auto v in 3 hours ep 2
Thank you very much for watching and all the support. I'll talk to you all later. I want to go to del perro oh I would love to see these lights this is cool this is new and interesting content okay if you want content stand here on the edge and yeah wait no ni I don't even know if the train arrives. at this address you are waiting for the train I am waiting for the train are you sure you can carry that on the train? yes, it's small enough no, you can't no, oh no, it's the last last scene of the Matrix oh I listen to it it's chew chew not exactly it's coming I don't hear it oh there it is there it's the train coming oh that's nice take the train take the train get ready rock you gotta get up oh i see your game i watch your game i was watching delirious i was like wow i wonder what's going to happen he kept going straight after nogla is this really happening right now?
vanossgaming grand theft auto v in 3 hours ep 2
We're all losing our train virginity together, no, my scooter, what happened to your scooter? Delirious oh God, you come. Come back here, don't worry, we'll stop soon, see you at the next stop, who's shooting? Oh my God, who is shooting at us? This feels like an action movie, oh no, I shot the driver, but we're not going to stop what you. he killed the driver yeah oh no it's a denzel washington movie now he's never going to want a train that's going extremely fast that's too dangerous to get out on our own we need someone to stop the train we need like keanu reeves or like tom cruise or asia delirious someone drives it past its stop oh wait oh we stopped we stopped okay this driver is cool even when he's dead uh the train will go delirious you have to hurry to a certain point I can run drivers waking up man yeah wait I mean whose It's your fault what did you do what happened what happened don't you dare I don't see bullets what the train stopped don't go don't go run down the tunnel they stopped right there, on the other side wake up no, they're coming, the bad guys are coming, they used to be The heroes are now the bad guys, if you jump, you go faster, oh, thank you, surprise, surprise, excuse me, I caught something being on this train, yeah, well, you're pretty. close you know close whatever the world is evan get out of that team I'm green I didn't choose it go go go to the orange team you're orange we're supposed to be we're supposed to have teams we're supposed to have no no no , no, let's play this, let's play this without teams, everyone be the gb 200, okay, yes, yes, I have it, I have it, I have the gp 200.
I'm ready, I'm ready, are you? oh yeah, oh oh, there's no room, there's no room in this circle for all of us and the way we go here is fine, so no one's on teams, they all call themselves never seen before, never sit down, You can hit me all you want, hey, we're supposed to do it. join the guy who doesn't play one what are you talking about i play one i'm the best at huh where's the next one? Thanks for the pointer, I appreciate it, get the sheets, get the layers, get them. okay I'll get them next time they leave oh it's getting smaller guys it's getting smaller it must be cold outside someone has to poop see you later oh no here you go yeah no , no, no, no, guys, a trend is happening here if you go.
For an ogler you're not going to do so well, go, go, go look for them. No, you didn't win. We all die. No, he won. Why do I have more cash and why does one say? Why would one have everything? right that's it everyone has no shine is this another gta 5 but my friends are my enemies again my friends are my enemies my enemies are my friends do you know how to get the purple which one am I the purple oh Oh, are you okay? Sorry, sorry, sorry, take the purple part, oh, let's make a pact, it means you against delusional and hey, full speed, speed, uh, the pact is over, go for the purple, go for the purple, In reality, it was much more embarrassing.
I catch the green man I catch the green man listen if no one wins he wins the whole game convictions if he wins right now he wins the whole game oh, get out of here that's not how you say sandwich guys, I have to win the other side, I know that that's what I Hate I can't stand it catch it yes wait wait wait yes yes what just happened victory see that strategy see that strategy yes great strategy friend it took too little loyalty and a lot of betrayal that skill is very delusional we have to team up Okay, What color are purple and orange?
Probably probably the purple one is very disgusting, probably like brown, an orangey purple, the color of poop, you guys are going to smear yourself so close to catching Evan, right there, get Murphy's mighty purple Power Rangers, if you don't give up , I'll kill you oh, you got close there, yeah, oh, it gets delirious, let's team up, let's team up, let's team up, oh, you're just asking everyone, let's team up, let's get out of here, let's get out of here, no, get out of here here. Here, oh this is getting intense, what are you doing? I have my methods, oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no, I wasn't a great method, we did it deliriously, like you guys worked together, I told you against everyone. well you know I've been going for the purple guy this whole time yeah well I thought we were teams holy delusional delusional I believe in you kill the purple guy purple guy must die you got this delusional yeah what's going on you didn't think in this, did you think about this, did you expel it?
Wow, I feel like I'm saying, delusional, kill, purple, confuse the game or something, okay, okay, who hasn't won yet, that other guy hasn't won, nobody, you, haven't won. yeah, I'm trying to join the victory club, he's like he hasn't won yet, he's so proud and powerful, he's trying to fit in with the winners, like, what have they got, oh geez, we've all been lost victories, oh, almost got it. him we can finish the job I feel harassed I feel very harassed right now that's what you get for being a lying lyricist I didn't do it I'm not a liar oh nice I mean there's not enough time in this what do you do? you mean you did it, he wasn't supposed to die in that plan, come on moo, you got this, win your first victory, delusional, you should give him some advice, yeah, listen, if he's blocking you, just leave, oh, okay , that's how I won. oh wait it has two wheels outside the server it should have exploded right there oh we are moving no you can do it I get it its name is move I get it I like to move it you want to go out slowly guys a point of doing it. blow his head off he's doing it right he's doing it I'm getting naked here's the time I'm going to make landing number one he thinks he's the one closest to the circle I don't understand I don't know he wasn't close the game is broken?
What car, what vehicle, what's up with the one named after uh, you're named after Elon Musk's baby, xa21, which 21. It's a meme, it was actually a real thing, but still meme, oh, look at this Oh, this is the car that Elon Musk would have. ocelot here we have oh this would be good guys this will be good look at these jumps look around in a circle okay guys if you don't touch a ramp they are they are they are a bastard you are a bastard look this is not a loser not a coward a bastard al the less we know he wasn't a motherfucker yeah you used to rock there yeah boom I'm using the ramp hilarious wait a minute you have to use the ramp to get there uh-oh what are you doing oh that looks really cool that's not as cool as I thought oh oh oh oh that looks so perfect and he died too fast hilarious yes even he owns your name that's what he does with all his friends he likes all his friends and he nicknames them after their name.
I'm writing Addiction Lyrius, where all the words have lyrics. Save that clip and save that clip. Okay, okay, wow, guys, this is 20 20. You can ride anything these days, okay, yeah, that's it. and that's what you're writing, yeah, an idiot, write a poker pick, you're on a unicorn and in your case a penis, chocolate chips, drink chocolate, remember that, okay, okay, I learned to do this moo thing, I learned from the


master himself, let's see, please go back to Kyle, man, that was clean, don't blame me, blame yourself, I don't know if there's enough time, I like how delusional he thinks that everything, like just playing, is bullying, if you don't do it, if that wasn't 2 on 1, although if you don't win this, who wins the whole game?
It's true, do you want to beat me? Do you know who has a daughter? What does that have to do with anything? Have you ever thought about Emma? Did you think about? that tough guy huh, stop and forget about it for a second okay, what does that mean? I don't know what it means it means a lot it doesn't mean I'm supposed to give up it's what you're saying is I'm supposed to care hey listen I care but I care more about this wind oh moose that blows you straight away Are you bringing your ass to the sidewalk right now?
I forgot what the point of this will be, this is, this is a bad oath before God. and delirious I don't understand there is no justice wow let's end on that note eh well if you did it because you care about his daughter and then you are a good guy yes you did it wow what a good guy okay who gives to stop recording you

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