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$100,000 in S&P 500 ETF VOO (This WILL change your life)

Mar 26, 2024
most people start investing and don't really understand or know what the real goal is, they just know, hey, I want to have more money later than now and that's great, but what's the plan to get there? What real data? Have you seen and how much do you really need to achieve


personal goal? One hundred thousand dollars invested in the S P 500 is an incredible goal and in


video I


show you not only how you can get there and in how long. It


take you to get there by investing certain amounts, but also why a hundred thousand dollars should be


100 000 in s p 500 etf voo this will change your life
I'm going to share with you my three big tips on how you can literally make that happen. Focus on these. three for a short period of your


and the rest of your


you can live the way you want in that Financial Freedom. My name is Nolan Govea or Professor G, as my students know me. I made


channel to basically simplify. the complexity that I see in the financial world I do all the research so you don't have to do it now, we are going to get to that hundred thousand dollars over the last 100 years through all the crashes, all the depressions, all the recessions that have been The S P 500 statistically appreciates 10.4 percent each year on average with dividends reinvested, so if you had a hundred thousand dollars in the S P 500 today and never added another dollar in 10 years, you would have 268,961 in 20 years without add an extra dollar.
100 000 in s p 500 etf voo this will change your life

More Interesting Facts About,

100 000 in s p 500 etf voo this will change your life...

You have 723,404 dollars If you had one hundred thousand dollars in the S P 500 today and you never added another dollar in 30 years you would have one million nine hundred and forty-five thousand six hundred and eighty-three dollars and in 40 years you remember not to add One more dollar you would have 5 5 million two hundred thirty-three thousand one hundred forty-seven dollars. We're starting to see why having a hundred thousand dollars in that S P 500 might be a solid goal, so very, very quickly, what is the S P 500? The S P 500 is basically an index fund that compiles the 500 best companies in the United States.
100 000 in s p 500 etf voo this will change your life
So when you buy a share of the S P 500, you are actually buying a small part of 500 of the top companies in the same way as now. I recommend that you invest in the S P 500, that's the way I do it, which is to buy an ETF called Vu v-o-o, I'm not going to go into all the intricacies between the two, but basically, for all intents and purposes, Vu is exactly what same as the S P 500 and if you go in and look at the S P 500 holdings versus the voo holdings, it's exactly the same percentage as well with an expense ratio of only 0.03 percent.
100 000 in s p 500 etf voo this will change your life
Vu is one of the cheapest ETFs out there for What you get basically means that for your ten thousand dollars within this fund you only have to pay three dollars as a fee, sounds like a deal to me, the main reason you are investing your money on this and why I do this specifically. It's because their risk is very, very low compared to individual stocks. If instead you had a hundred thousand dollars and let's say Apple and Apple had a terrible year or two and were down like 20, then your entire portfolio is going to go down, but when you have money in an index fund or ETF, especially one that is so diversified with Over 500 companies, if one or two of the companies go down, a couple of the others will probably go up, so it should even out and at least keep your risk fairly mitigated. and Vu is not only diversified into 500 different companies, it is also diversified because it is in 11 different sectors, such as information technology, healthcare, finance, energy utilities and more, you are practically covered in all aspects, at this point you probably you're thinking yes.
S P 500 or Vu sounds like a good investment and having a hundred thousand dollars sounds like a very good idea a problem, how the hell do I get to a hundred thousand dollars? Well I'm glad you asked, let's see how long it would take. invest specific amounts per month in the S P 500 to be able to accumulate that first hundred thousand dollars in the fund if you invested one hundred dollars per month to be able to get one hundred thousand dollars in the fund it would take you 23 years if you invested two hundred dollars per month to get one hundred thousand dollars , it would take you 17 years, double it if you invested four hundred dollars a month to get one hundred thousand dollars.
It will take 12 years at eight hundred dollars a month, this would take you eight years. Let's put a thousand dollars a month in the S P 500 to get a hundred thousand dollars, it will take you six and a half years. So what does this tell us? It basically shows that if you want life-changing wealth and you want to reach that $100,000, and preferably you want to do it sooner rather than later, then you're going to have to do something that most people aren't willing to do, so... how bad do you want that? Freedom How badly do you want to be let out of your nine-to-five job?
How badly do you want to go to the beach on a random Wednesday and not have to ask your boss for time off? If you're ready for that, let's do it. What happens here are the three great tips that will make it possible for you to reach that hundred thousand dollars early in life. First on my list is first because it's something you can be doing right now and hopefully already. They are, but if you're not, it's about taking the free money at your job. I'm sure they offer a 401k match, that money is above any salary, any amount of money per hour they pay you, they are willing. to give you as long as you put part of your salary towards your retirement, so what I do is set up my 401k fund as a S P 500 fund and maximize my contribution of whatever my company is going to do. match, so if you can save five percent of your paycheck and they're going to match five percent on top of that, that really adds up and that's a way to put someone else's money toward this goal so that you you reach that hundred. a thousand dollars faster Number two of these big three is definitely one you'll have to dig into.
Remember when I said that you need to do something that other people are not willing to do well, in this case you need to figure out what your biggest goal is. The expense is and find out how you can eliminate it or drastically


it for most people, that is your living expense in terms of your mortgage or rent. I need you to do what you can to reduce it. It may be a little uncomfortable, but remember that this is only for a short period of time and as soon as you can get to that hundred thousand, remember how quickly it increases without you having to add another dollar forever, so those of you You who are renting an apartment do have the place. all for you it's time to get a roommate, at that point you're going to cut your rental expenses in half and if you own a house, it's very easy to rent a room on Airbnb or find a long-term tenant again, It's not the most fun. thing in the world, but we have to keep that end in mind and a great side note is that simply cutting spending or halving it is the first step, but make sure that with that extra money that you will now inherit you don't waste it all on something stupid, you have to be very, very disciplined at this point and you have to take that extra money and you have to put it directly into your investment.
The third tip that will lead you to achieve it. One hundred thousand dollars faster and absolutely changing your life will be that you need to work to increase your income. There are many ways to do it, but improve your skills. Become a more valuable employee and apply for a job with those new skills. If you have a new job again, it will be uncomfortable to leave a place that you like or where maybe your friends are, but the easiest way to invest more money is to be able to have more money to invest, so you have to do what you have to do and If you don't want to leave the job you're in, still improve some skills and start a side job, one of my favorites is to just learn how to do web design, there are so many people in your community who would love to pay you to help them with their website, usually people like dentists and chiropractors and even doctors are very, very good at what they do, but they're not good at communicating that and most of their websites look like they were created in like 1980, this type of people also have a lot of expendable income and would be totally fine with paying you a thousand dollars to redo their website again, just like step number two, you need to make sure and take that extra money, be disciplined and put it into it. in investing do these three things and I promise you we are getting to that hundred thousand dollars so fast there are now so many different places you can invest your money but the reason I love voo and this specific ETF is something I go over in detail in this video here, you could literally invest in this ETF alone and retire a millionaire.
I'll have that video linked below so you can go back and watch it later right now we're in kind of a market downturn and everything you see on TV or the news is pretty negative towards investing and stock investing in general , so what I did was I invested 100 a day even during the worst part of this market downturn and I documented it all in this video here. So you can see the truth of what it looks like to invest a hundred dollars for 100 days during a bad market downturn and let me tell you, you will be amazed at the results.

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