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Inside Out 2 Funko Pop Hunt + Movie Review!

Jun 19, 2024
I'm going to watch the other way around too and I'm really excited about this because I loved the first one. I actually rewatched it a while ago just to refresh my memory again and it's still a great


years later, but now here it is. We have a couple of hours until the


starts so what I want to do is look for other upside down toys and collectibles in the store and I think I have the perfect place to do that, Walmart and I'm I hope we have good luck here because I saw online that this is the store I should have the most fingers crossed so I got to the Disney section and I feel like this is where I would probably be and they have some cool stuff. sets like the upper house as well as some Disney and Moana castles, yeah you know what guys, I don't see the new one upside down, it's definitely a shame, but the search continues now.
inside out 2 funko pop hunt movie review
The next section I want to


was adorable because you never know. it could be one in one of these sets and I would love to try to get them for the collection but I'm checking it here and I don't see any in any of these sets and now that we're here I might as well check out the pops and I think Scarlet Witch is new, but I don't see any from the inside out either. I didn't mean for that to rhyme, but who cares, we still haven't found any inside out and now they're all coming to GameStop.
inside out 2 funko pop hunt movie review

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inside out 2 funko pop hunt movie review...

There's a really cool pops section and I looked around the rest of the store, there was no inside out stuff, but back here they have Joy and Envy in the memory orb and I'm trying to see if there are any others. They have behind them that there is another Joy, but that seems to be it, so now that I think about it, it's a good thing we looked for these a while ago because otherwise I wouldn't have been able to finish the one set today and just before we leave, everyone check this out, you have it on us and envy, but of course, I already have these two, wait everyone, look at this before we go in, we have to do everything right, everyone.
inside out 2 funko pop hunt movie review
I have my bucket of popcorn. I'm glad to see the movie Riley. How was Camp? It is the apochal. That was good. She's gone for 3 days and everything we get is good. She's gone for 3 days and everything we get is good. Yes, it sounds. We get back into the game and just like that, everyone, the movie's over, let's go back and talk about it. Well, we're back and now I saw the critical score on Rotten Tomato before I went to see the movie and I would say. that mine is right about that like a 96. I don't know if you saw it either, but I did it with the angry popcorn bucket and if you look at the bottom, here it lights up.
inside out 2 funko pop hunt movie review
I know it's a little difficult. I see with the lights on, but it's there and if you're wondering how the popcorn fits in, it's in the back here, it opens up and you can fill it, I think maybe with large or medium popcorn, it's definitely fine done and I didn't have many so I'm glad I got it and now I'm sure some of you have seen the complete set of two inside out pops behind me but before I talk about them I want to show you my practically complete . set from the first film because many of them also appear upside down.
Funko never made a new pop for them, so let's start with this one, which is sad, such a cool figure. I love how they really created the emotions. especially with these originals released on them, I think it was like 2015, yeah it was 2015, the year the first movie was released anyway, what I'm trying to say here is that I love how detailed they made them, even with the age of the characters. they've only been making pops for 5 years and honestly this is one of my favorite pixar sets they've ever done and now on to the next one here we all have anger which is definitely a bigger character actually pretty close to the size of Sadness, if you pick up these characters you will notice that they are super heavy, they are definitely a solid figure.
Now let's take a look at Disgust, which is another really cool one and she's a little bit slimmer, of course, because she's got a little bit more of a normal build, we'll go with that Sadness who's a little bit stockier, so to make her provided they had to make her a bigger character and then angrily she's practically just a brick, but out of disgust here it's kind of fun. Because her head is bigger actually all of these characters have bigger faces so they work really well with the pops and I have to say I love how much detail they put into her dress and that each one of them has a mouth that Funko Pops don't always have a great addition to the characters because of course everything revolves around emotions so if they didn't have mouths it just wouldn't make sense, but now let's take a look at this one that is here.
I'm afraid of another rhyme today, but anyway this one is probably the smallest of them all just because of how long and lanky he is, but again another nice one and now let's get into I think maybe the main character here, well yeah, I'd say The main character is probably sadness and this one here we have joy, it's funny. I was watching some videos about Inside Out and someone had talked about how Riley is more the setting than the main character because when you think about it, she's not. the most important character in the film. She's a big part of the movie, but these guys are definitely the stars and they control everyone.
I have to step away a little because we're not done yet. We also have who your friend likes. to play bing bong bing B, come on, he's cool and like all the other characters, I love how much detail they put into his jacket, the hat, his legs are those different colors and the flower on his forehead is really lovely. and that's all the main wave here, but I also have some other characters and these are exclusive and let's talk about the first one which is a completely different character, we have the rainbow unicorn. This one was released much later and I want to see it. the year in this 2018 so yeah 3 years later was a bit random because it was released much later like they weren't even making other Inside Out Pops at the time but it was definitely a nice addition to the set that also got.
To say I really like that she has the coffee in her hand, I thought it was a nice touch and I think this could have been released for Pride, I think they had like a whole set of rainbow unicorn stuff and I think the Funko Pop. It was as a bonus to go with it, but I'm not exactly sure and now let's get into this, which is another angry figure where he's completely red. It was an Entertainment Earth exclusive that was released around the same time. like the original set and I love this one because it has the flames on top but also the glitter all over it, but anyway, let's move on to the last one here, which is probably, ooh, I don't know, maybe the coolest one of all the set. for the first movie we clearly have Bing Bong, of course, because he is the imaginary friend.
This was for a long time one of my favorite Funko pops and I think it's still up there definitely in my top 10 or 20 just because I don't know, I love the clear figures and the uniqueness compared to the full set, but Anyway, enough about this, let's get into the new emotions that broke out in Riley because of course we have four new ones and that means they need a lot more. There is space up there and we have shame and anxiety, they also let me see if I can get it here on Wii and it doesn't end there because we are also envious and in fact they made a new version of Joy which, in my opinion, It makes a lot of sense because Joy is another major character in the movie, but the others, I mean, I feel like we could have had another whole new wave of them too because they're in the movie in about the same amount, but anyway, everyone, let's get into this. guys a little bit deeper because for Joy she becomes a little bit sadder because it's no longer the main emotion, the anxiety of course is taking over and I feel like it's pretty relatable for a lot of people and now this might be a little bit more Spoiler, but I'm going to talk about it anyway because in the movie it's really like anxiety is the only emotion for a while until they really learn to live with all the new changes happening in the world, which again is very similar. to real life, I feel like it's just a movie that a lot of people can relate to and I think the embarrassment of how he definitely comes out of his shell a little bit is also cool and I think that from all of this here, the emotion that La que It appears less definitely on the Wii, like you see it a little bit, but not enough.
I felt good, actually, maybe here's the thing. She's just boring, so she shows up a fair amount, but when she does, she's not at all either. significant, I want to say a little, but I don't really think one thing that was really interesting and I think they should have added it to the Funko Pop is that she actually had a phone to control the board that was separate from the real one. dash on the front it would have been cool to have that on the character or you know what, now that I think about it, I didn't even check to see if she had it, oh I'm sorry Joy, you know what I can't. tell him, let's take it out of the box, oh no, that would have been great if they had added it, but anyway, back to the movie, one thing that I think is really interesting is that there isn't actually a villain like I guess you are. .
You could think of anxiety as a villain but she's actually more of a kind of anti-hero because she wants good for Riley and so does all the other emotions, she just doesn't know how to control herself so she takes control and I have to say which is weird how well that worked out, but I guess that's a given with how relatable each of these characters is, if you're more sad or embarrassed all the time, I feel like you'd love to add, you know a specific one, but I think it's because Each of these emotions is very relatable and I feel like you know someone who is more into this emotion than anything else and it would be so fun to have one on your desk or give it as a gift.
Someone and I know I've talked about this before, but I feel like it would be great to have a little anxiety on your table or possibly a joy or whatever your favorite is. I don't know, I know anyway. That's all the characters I have, but I also wanted to talk about some figures that I feel like we still need to see from the movie and I guess the ones I'm going to talk about were considered spoilers so that's why they didn't create them, but the first one I have here it's Nostalgia, who doesn't show up very often and they're always joking about her saying you need to come back in like 10 or 15 years because of course Riley. only 13 in the movie she wouldn't have Nostalgia, but first you need to have more life experience than another figure that I think could be really cool and this one is something similar to I guess the Thunder Frog is when they repress her emotions.
It would probably have to be a fancy character, but I was thinking, you know, they make the jar with all the characters in it and then the holes in the top and if they did that it would be sadness, anger, disgust, fear and joy, so five of everyone crammed together, it might not work with how big the pop heads are, but I feel like Funko could figure it out. I mean, they've done it with characters for comic book covers, it could work, and another one I think would be really, really good. funny is Bluey and I know who Bluey is.
I'm not even exactly sure if that's his name, but that's what it sounded like in the movie. It was really funny how they made Bluey too. It was almost like the tracks from Dora Blu, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and Bluey. all together and I really enjoyed that he had the fanny pack with all the different things in it like Toodles, you know, the one from Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Oh, Toodles, he's going to I'm not that good, is it just a PNG? At least I cut it. I did not do it. I must have been vague and well anyway, here we go, that's all I have for my


of Inside Out 2 and let me know in the comments section below if you're going to see the movie. or maybe you've already seen it like me, I don't know, but either way it was a lot of fun.
I hope you liked it and see you tomorrow.

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