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Meet SIX Alters! THE GIRLS OF DISSOCIADID | Meet The Alters | Dissociative Identity Disorder

Mar 05, 2020
Hello everyone, my name is Chloe and this is another video from dissociated dissociated is a channel dedicated to spreading awareness education and destigmatizing




which used to be known as multiple personality


. This video is a miniseries of encounter videos with the altars where we present. changes in this case are all female changes in one go in short segments as much as possible because this is what our sponsors voted for. Many thanks to all our sponsors for helping us shape this channel. We made a video like this before and it was for the kids and if you wanted to watch it, you can watch it here.
meet six alters the girls of dissociadid meet the alters dissociative identity disorder
We got a lot of comments from people saying, is this real? What is this



disorder? It is a real disorder. It is a disorder that forms due to childhood trauma. Basically. It disrupts complete personality integration, so instead of having a fully formed personality, a child will grow up having multiple ego states. These ego states are known as


, they develop as separate people, they will have their own memories, their own experiences. They make their own decisions about life based on my recent experiences, they may have different religions, different tastes and foods, different reactions to medicine, different gender, sex, different sexualities, different preferences when it comes to food and things like that, so yeah this is a real thing and this is what our backers asked for so I'll start with me.
meet six alters the girls of dissociadid meet the alters dissociative identity disorder

More Interesting Facts About,

meet six alters the girls of dissociadid meet the alters dissociative identity disorder...

My name is Chloe. I am the presenter of the dissociative system. I use the legal name of the organization, which does not make me the original. If you want to know more about what the original alter is or what dissociative identity disorder is. We made a video essentially going over what the bulk of the idea is and how it forms and how we live with it. Pierre, but no, my name is Chloe and I'm the host and that just means. that I go out more frequently, so I am in control of the body more often. I go about daily life, generally trying to make sure we are safe and healthy and interacting with people.
meet six alters the girls of dissociadid meet the alters dissociative identity disorder
I run the dissociated channel. I created this channel. runs all social media, so unless you get a comment that specifically says it's from another alter, it will always be mine. I am pansexual. I am attracted to people regardless of gender. I am a woman. I am cis. I was born a woman. I identify as a woman. I enjoy writing. I enjoy learning new things. I enjoy learning about medicine, art, and writing poetry. I love learning about history. I really enjoy creative activities. I really like affection. I am a very affectionate person. I am passionate about raising awareness about mental illnesses, especially those like mine that are not very well understood and have a huge impact on the way we, as people with this disorder, have to live our lives and the resources we have. available.
meet six alters the girls of dissociadid meet the alters dissociative identity disorder
I firmly believe that everyone should be treated equally, no matter where they come from or what color their skin is, what their religious belief is, what their sexuality is. I believe that everyone should be treated equally and that everyone should have the same rights. an egalitarian platform or on a platform that benefits as many people as possible those are the things that I am passionate about I love animals very, very much, I really like animals yes, these are some of my


hello everyone, my name It's Sally, many of you will already know me. I made a video with Amira called All About Alters Three, which was about animal and non-human alters.
I made a Meet the Elders video that will be like this except it will have a little more detail and I also changed it. It also appears in other videos. I'm sure Chloe will leave a link somewhere if you want to see what kind of videos I've been in and learn more about myself, but know we're following some basic questions that were left by our clients my name is sally my role I'm technically a Protective but I'm more of an inner caregiver I work mainly on the inside I used to exist mainly to calm Chloe down especially when she had panic attacks or major depressive episodes and I think that helped her a lot.
I really like gardening and now I spent a lot of time in the inner world looking after children, so a lot of what I do is calm the system, care for the system, nourish the system before Chloe. I took on a more maternal role in the system. They knew me as the mother of the system. I do a lot with children. They sit with me when I garden or sit on my lap in my rocking chair. I've had to try to teach a mega to play the piano. I can't go into too much detail about the little ones.
If you want to know why we made a video about it, I'm sure Chloe will leave this somewhere. Yes I am a woman. I also have an old slider. I move between the ages of 24 and 27. Sexuality. I'm straight, so I'm a straight woman. I'm interested in men. I don't think I've ever been in love. I've never been interested in any of Chloe's partners. We have very different tastes and then Chloe is attracted to femininity, whether it's women, men or non-binary people. I'm not attracted to masculinity, but I am attracted to typically handsome ones. Men instead of pretty, I'm attracted to security intelligence and stability, Chloe and I did it quite dramatically, I mean, she's also attracted to stability and security and things like that, definitely intelligence, but we haven't dated with so many intelligent people, let's say.
I like that favorite food, I actually really enjoy salads. I know people are going to think that's silly because I'm a gardener. You like rabbit food. No, I just really enjoy clean flavors, refreshing flavors, especially if they're hydrating. I like healthy food, but I really like salads. They are my favorites yes I like a good salad favorite movies I like titanic I find it very moving I like old movies I like movies that tell a story that can transcend time I like movies that teach you something I also like mulan rouge I think it is a very beautiful film, a very sad film, very sad.
I seem to like sad movies, that's not very good, but yeah, I like those movies. I like the channel. I'm quite happy that my video is the most viewed on the channel. I feel very happy about that, very happy that I did a good job, especially considering how dissociated I was when I filmed it with Mira. I think Chloe is doing something wonderful and I think it was very brave of her and I'm very pleased. Proud of her for starting this and despite everything we're going through and have been going through since we started this channel, she's only missed an upload twice since we started and it's already a year away, now she sits and films and edits and yes She's not happy about this, she won't upload it, she'll go again even on the days she can't get out of bed, she's so dedicated to trying to change lives, I guess she's trying to help and I find that very inspiring and I think. that we are lucky that they have given us such a platform to be able to explore that and if we are helping people along the way, then what more can we ask for?
Hello, my name is Nadia, it is a pleasure to


you. Hello everyone. There has been so much. Many switches today are unrealistic. I feel like they really put me in like you know one of those spinning roller coasters in carnival rides and things where you desperately cling to the slide. That's what I feel now. Hi, I'm Nadia and I haven't made a Meet the Altares video yet and I know I need it and people keep saying where is Nadi's video because you guys love me and I love you too. No I haven't done one yet and I know I need to know, I know, I'm sorry, so this is like a mini, I know because our backers voted for it and we love our backers so much, we love all our subscribers and please follow us so much , very, very much, we love them, we love them. thanks for following thanks for subscribing please join our patreon so we can pay our bills I'm nadia I'm 17 I don't age slide I'm always 17 I don't think I'll age I haven't aged in a long time um very good from now on , 17 years old, probably in the foreseeable future, the human incarnation of the sun, people will say, which is really sweet.
Some of you seem to find it really interesting how much energy I don't always have. I love it because it's usually Chloe and I who switch between each other and when I've been out because this body has chronic fatigue, she's exhausted because I have so much more energy than anyone else in the system and probably much higher than the body is physically able to deal with it, that's why I'm usually out for short periods of between half an hour and three hours, like little short bursts of Nadia time, bloody fun time. I am a woman, most of us in the system are women actually.
We have some guys that you will beat in this video, probably not today because I feel like we are at our limit to change in a day in a short period of time. We've been using positive triggers like we've been using. positive triggers like songs and things like a lot of us have specific songs and things like that that will encourage someone else to run and also we all knew that we were filming this today like Jade passed a message and Kyle said, "We're okay, guys." I need to calm down everyone will stay in the front room kyle doesn't sound like that did I do well everyone come to the front room doesn't sound like that either sorry kyle my role is ironically to keep the body relaxed to keep the body carefree to prevent our mind feels overwhelmed I am the embodiment of our childhood freedom that we didn't get to have I am the embodiment of our childhood happiness I am excitable and happy most of the time I have depression at some point, so it fluctuates between happy and sad, but Most of my memories are positive.
I mean, I have trauma. I am not a carrier of childhood trauma, but I do have adolescence trauma, thank you. specifically relationship trauma, Chloe and I are like the system lovers, the most interested in relationships and stuff like that. I'm pansexual, which means I really don't give a damn about gender. I mean, I respect your gender, I validate your gender. whatever it is, but it won't affect how I love you, so if you are one gender it doesn't mean I am less likely to love you than another gender, I don't care, it's the person that matters.
I like Wicca and things like that. I like to explore our connections with the world around us and the earth, nature, natural magic and things like that. I like to feel part of the beautiful parts of the world we are in. because sometimes it seems like they are few and far between, but I mean there are no clouds in the sky today and that's really beautiful and I think we should appreciate things like that. More birds, sun, songs and favorite movies. I really like the song Man on the Moon. spies like zella day or something like that it's called man on the moon i'm just a man we have playlists on spotify and stuff like that if you want to take a look at the music we listen to because everyone has their own or most of us do anyway there are 82 songs in mine i love jupiter drops on train i also love the train i really like gabrielle applein oh and dodie i love dodie clark we all love dodie clark especially us


we are like yeah dodie give us those feelings girl come on oh i also really like country music jolene jolene jolene jolene I'm begging you please don't take my man I got distracted I'm so sorry I'm literally just associating it with my phone like yeah music I like it who am I?
Why am I here? I'm supposed to answer questions. Oh my god, this was a really bad idea. We have questions, questions where they have gone. I'm literally like swiping randomly. things and clicking hoping one of them is the right one um oh what do I think of the channel? I didn't even watch it, I just noticed because Chloe said, what do you think of the channel? Tell me what I'm doing. good job chloe is doing a great job i think she is amazing for doing this and i found a lot of friends through you guys in the comments and i am so happy that you are in our life now and i can't wait to do a


up and get to know you like If I couldn't wait, I'm waiting for this moment soon, so I'm sorry, hello, my name is Nadia, it's a pleasure to meet you, look, it's the simple things, it's the simple joy, I like life, simple things like getting very close to my face and saying stupid things that don't make any sense those are the things that make me happy just like you make me happy and this channel makes me happy and I'm very happy that chloe is doing it because I know that we are reaching people and I there are so many nice comments and things like that we don't really check why this is still so close to my face.
Should I do this for the rest of the video? Are you uncomfortable but comfortable? Good afternoon, I, your host for this. night, literally, which I don't relate to the skin of this body or anything about it, I really remember my family and I have a whole history of memories that are real to me, even though I knowthat are not the life of the body, it is mine. life I am quite dark also I am much taller than this this body is five foot two and quite curvy like we are not big like we are thin but we have an hourglass figure while I am more straight I am quite slim, like If I were very thin, not as thin as jade, but I am very thin, slender, I have small breasts like the other day, oh my God, I sent a message to the wind from the entropy system.
I like it because I passed by a mirror. and like I wasn't really paying attention at all and I kind of forgot that I wasn't in my own body, even though the sizes and heights of things are different because I was so dissociated that I just felt like I was in a dream, I walked past from a mirror cabinet and I got like that and thought, oh God, very unpleasant, even the whites of my eyes like they were a different kind of white. I have high, very high cheekbones. cheekbones wearing two braids when my hair is down it's just above my waist floating things that I can be free and spin and feel the air on my skin and feel the world around me and just connect with it I'm dissociating like hell , let's leave this here for today and see if we can get other people out during the week because it was a stupid idea.
We were all a little bit like "Oh my gosh, it's good to see you again." I hope you enjoy this video. Don't go out with me I need to come in bye guys hello so my name is nina. I am an alter in the dissociated system. I'm a sexual alter, which means I can do all the things that Chloe doesn't want to or she can't do. I can't handle this, Chloe and I are hypersexual, but sometimes things happen that even hypersexual people can't handle and that's my job, so I take care of Chloe. I am a sexual protector.
I make sure Chloe doesn't remember anything unpleasant she's done. she doesn't want to remember and I experienced things for her that were too intense for her to deal with, so I have a lot of sexual trauma. I am the best prepared to deal with that sexual trauma, that does not mean that being sexual The only thing I am is who deals with sex. I like to think I'm understanding. I'm not the best at calming people down. I guess I enjoy fun things more, but I'm a good friend. I love giving advice. I love talking about sex I love dancing I really enjoy dancing it doesn't have to be sexy to dance really a type of dance I'm a woman I don't like to think about it too much I'm an adult I'm illegal, let's put it that way other than that I like to think I'm a little mysterious I I like to be playful I like to know about the people I like I like to discover things about people I like to surprise people I like to be a little naughty, sometimes I get the system into trouble or I have done it in the past, but now I'm a good girl, I behave much better and they thank me for it.
I'm not a big troublemaker, I like to think that I'm a good person, I just have a lot in my brain and a lot of memories, what do I think of the channel? I enjoy making comebacks. Jade and I get along well. We both have a pretty sharp tongue and I enjoy using it, but I'm not allowed to respond to comments on this channel. The others think it's going to get us in trouble. I don't think it will get us into trouble. I just like to be a little playful. Life is boring. Otherwise, what's the point of sexuality?
I'm not that upset, I don't think I've ever felt romantic attraction, so I consider myself a sexually romantic person, I prefer women, I prefer women and I'm very irritated because Chloe beat me to our first lesbian sex experience, that really bothers me. It got on my nerves, but I play fair to her anyway. I am happy with men. I am happy with women. I am happy with a gender non-binary transgender. Whatever. I don't really care much, but I think women are attractive. In a way that men aren't, I'm not necessarily more attractive, but I appreciate aesthetic beauty.
I find it much more fun to flirt with women. Women are a little trickier when it comes to flirting, especially when it's another girl flirting with them. So I find it interesting because I like to challenge myself. I don't interact much with the rest of the system. Chloe and I get along like a house on fire. I love that girl and Nadia and I also get along well because Nadia is very. Loving, she is very interested in all those things, so she likes to ask questions even if she has never used them. I really don't know what else you want me to say.
I enjoy putting on makeup, but I don't do it that often. this is not the type of makeup I would choose to wear if I had the choice I would wear big cat eyes if you've seen pictures of us in the past I really liked wearing dark red lipstick or dark purple lipstick and very big cat eyes in a world of mine hair is very straight very long and very very flattened and blonde I look almost exactly like Chloe in college at one point there is a photo that looks almost exactly like me my face is quite similar to the body's face if not exactly my nose It's a little smaller and I'm a little thinner I have higher cheekbones much higher cheekbones shorter cheekbones I'm taller I'm five foot seven I barely have dark skin like anyone else but my skin is It's as pale as the skin on the body.
Chloe's skin is atrociously pale. I wouldn't say I have a golden tan. Being a sexual protector is not fun or a game. It is a very unpleasant experience and it is a lifetime to live. I guess there are some good things that Come on, I've also met very interesting people, let's put it this way: favorite food, I like noodles, I like sushi, my favorite music, I have a playlist on Spotify that you can listen to if you like Favorite movies, you know, I'm not sure. I have a favorite movie I find myself quite bored I find it difficult to analyze hobbies I like to dance I like to sing I like to flirt I like to learn things about people that people don't even realize they know about themselves and then I can pull that off as a little folder and say: hey, I know that you guys are less mean to you if you think you have a chance, people are more respectful if they are attracted to you, that's what I found, that's why Always get on a man's good side because if he thinks he has a chance he will do his best not to hurt you too much in case he ruined his chances and then he will have to turn into a big bad wolf which they obviously don't want you to see I love the moment that happens anyway and we have a habit of going too deep I have a habit of going too deep but it all comes from a place of protection I would do my best if I had my own body I wouldn't live in England I would live somewhere nice, somewhere elegant, somewhere with modern design, a black and white themed house and I really like wearing red.
You see Chloe dressed in red. It's probably me, when did I appear? into the system shortly after Chloe's first sexual experience, which was non-consensual, so I've been around for a while. I don't exist just to seduce people. That's not my role. That's not my goal. I really don't mind seducing. you, but my role is to keep us safe in a different way in a very particular part of life and I think I do it very well. I know a lot of things about a lot of people and I have had a lot of experiences and I like to talk I like to talk a lot it was a pleasure to meet you and I hope to see you again soon good evening everyone my name is jade I have already made two videos on this channel one of which was meet alters full video if you want to know me in more detail, i suggest you visit that video.
I go into much more detail about my life in the inner world, how my relationships with other people within the system came about, as well as my opinion of this channel. So yes, my name is Jade. I am a guardian of the system and also one of the executive protectors. I am a woman. She used to get old. I first appeared in the system when I was 11 years old. Then I kept getting older and now I stopped getting older. and I identify as ageless I don't think I will grow any older and I don't identify with a particular age I am able to control the memories within the system that I am in charge of archiving and who has access in and out of the dungeons of our world interior through the cave system I have many responsibilities within the system again.
I suggest that if you're interested in that, you watch my full video in the Meet the alters series playlist. My romantic sexuality. I identify sexually as a lesbian. I think so. Being asexual I have very little interest in that kind of thing it takes a lot to earn respect to be able to have a relationship like that there has to be a lot of respect involved which is hard for me because I'm not the most trustworthy person because of my relationship with those within the system and my job within the system, which involves keeping us as safe as possible, I am not a trauma carrier personally, but I am aware of our trauma throughout life due to my role in the system as a gatekeeper and having the ability to archive memories I have access to all parts of the inner world which is unique to me I am the only alter in the system who can go to all parts of the inner world I work very closely with Kyle and Chloe all three of us We are the executive protectors of the system.
We have the final say on any decision made. My opinion on the channel has changed a bit since my Meet the Altares video which I filmed many months ago and which was right at the beginning of creating this channel since last week we have been doing this for exactly a year since last Sunday it was our anniversary of Chloe starting the channel in some cases, like for example, if you've seen our unboxing video, one of our unboxing videos, she was proven right. In my knowledge of the channel and my belief that some viewers are very naive about the type of situations this could put us in in terms of danger and abusers, people who try to target particular alters, especially little ones, it has also been shown that I was right there, but I was also pleasantly surprised by the maturity and willingness to understand of many people who watch this channel regularly or who are new visitors and I must say that it was a very pleasant surprise.
I didn't expect it, I think this channel has encouraged me to have a more open mind. and it has definitely improved our communication within the system. It has improved my trust in Chloe and my understanding of what her abilities are and exactly what she wants to do with the life she has given us. Appearance-wise, I'm very, very thin. I've been told I'm unhealthily thin. I have eating disorders. I have black hair, which is very, very long. Black hair. I have green eyes. I prefer to dress in black clothing, preferably with long skirts or dresses. I prefer black dresses.
My favorite food. bread and soup, practically anything I can cook in my cave, I will enjoy cooking with my cauldron, a cast iron pot on the fire, the wood fire, I enjoy rustic bread, soups, meat, those types of foods with music, I'm sure everyone has told you that. Now throughout this video, as it has taken us over a month to encourage everyone on the front lines to film these videos using positive triggers, it has been very difficult, but I'm sure everyone has told you that everyone we have our own Spotify playlists. I'd like to hear my musical tastes, so you're more than welcome to check out mine.
I'm sure they will be linked in the description box below. If you want the links, I think that should be enough for now. Thank you so much. Thank you very much for watching this video, I hope you have a very pleasant day. Remember to like and subscribe. Good night all. Well, this is the stupidest thing I've had to do in a long time. You realize this is literally just talking to a camera. this is stupid this is so stupid i feel like an idiot hi my name is ruby ​​i'm a former pursuer turned protector of the system the dissociated system apparently what they call us now stupid stupid name i've been told i have to do this so here i am talking to a camera my name is ruby ​​i'm 30 it's really none of your business exactly how old i am i know people are going to say oh ruby ​​is an idiot oh ruby ​​is really really rude honestly , no I don't care, you can say whatever you want about me.
I'm like this for a reason and, frankly, I don't mind changing. I've done enough of that, so I used to be a chaser if you don't know. What is that, info videos on Chloe's channel, I'll probably link one somewhere if you want to know what the hell that is, but it basically means I was a bad alter, I used to hurt the body, I don't usually do good things, I never hurt to nobody. Otherwise, he would never hurt anyone except in self-defense. I exist to keep the system physically safe if someone came to fight with us or something or we needed to physically defend ourselves because someone was literally punching us or something.
I'm the someone who would confront. I have a very high tolerance for pain. I am good at evaluating. I mean, I think I'm good at assessing danger. Apparently I jump in too fast, but hey, I'm getting better.I'm trying. the best I can, I'm not always quite maternal, I enjoy playing with the little ones, I don't take care of them, but I enjoy being around children to protect them and take care of them, you know, you know, I am a carrier of trauma. I will never, ever talk about the trauma I have, but especially not on this channel.
No, thanks. No, I'm a lesbian. I have red hair. I've been told I look red from oranges. New black. It existed long before that show came out. so no I'm not effective and to be honest I don't think we look that much alike just we're both a bit big and have red hair and obviously I'm not Russian I'm strong someone once said I was built. like a rhino I have a scar there I like to wear punk clothes punk clothes some spikes a lot of leather I always have a spiked collar my opinion on this channel I feel stupid talking to a camera like it's a person I mean like it helps us get to a safe place, I mean, if you've been watching this video, you'll have seen that it went from nothing basic to a house that we officially moved into on Monday of this week, so I haven't even been here a week, but the difference What Kyle has done is here and you can probably hear that.
Because I wasn't going to do this alone. I am a physical protector. I keep the system secure. Tell people to shut down if they are being rude or getting too close and yes that includes friends, if you say something that triggers you or something I will tell you to back off, obviously out of a sense of self preservation not because I'm just an idiot and no, I will never hurt anyone else. No, I'm not a murderer. I call that stigma. I exist to keep the system safe and that is why I am here. You are welcome.
Don't know. What else would someone else want to tell me? I'm very interested in Dorothy the singer, the band, Dorothy's music, Dorothy's heavy music, music that can help get my anger out, I guess it's okay, I'm bored, enough is enough, I hope this is it. Good enough for you Chloe, love you, bye, thank you so much for watching. I hope you enjoyed this video and enjoyed meeting some of our authors. If you would like to see our boys, we made another video which you can find here. In the description box below, there will be one coming soon to our non-human altars, so you will meet them in a separate video.
Thank you very much for our sponsors who support us and who voted for us to make this video if you wish. Help us give us feedback on how to manage our channel and what you would like to see from us. Then check out our patreon, it's what allows us to do this kind of thing, just as donations through coffee allow us to continue spreading the word. awareness about this disorder and other mental health issues, so I hope you enjoyed this video. Much love to everyone, have a great night, goodbye.

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