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'Laughable': Legal analysts expose Judge Cannon's double standard for Trump's threats of violence

Jul 02, 2024
You may remember that in May Trump seized on an outrageous conspiracy theory percolating in far-right circles, a theory based on a gross mischaracterization of the FBI search warrant in Mar Lago. Trump claimed in a fundraising email that President Biden and the FBI were close quotes and charges to take me out during the search for Marl Lago in 2022, then posted that Biden's quote authorized the FBI to use Deadly Deadly Force, But what Trump tried to portray as an attempt on his life was actually just a distortion of the


boilerplate language that accompanies the entire FBI search, his false narrative was based entirely on this: the FBI's policy on the use of force basically says that agents can respond with deadly force only when their lives are in imminent danger, so that language is not unique to the search for Mar Lago, in fact, it was the same policy that the FBI used in its search for President Biden's home and, if anyone thinks through the entire process of recovering those morale documents, Lake Trump got an unusual amount of leniency, including the fact that the FBI notified the Secret Service before executing. the order oh else


and his family weren't even in morago while that search was going on, but none of those inconvenient facts stopped


's allies from amplifying their lie, they are saying trump is going to unleash assassination squads against his enemies, but Biden.
laughable legal analysts expose judge cannon s double standard for trump s threats of violence
He unleashed armed agents on Trump's house authorizing them to use deadly force maybe they were looking for a little action maybe something really could have happened I guess in my logo Beyond just looking for the documents why Meritt Garland was preparing for a possible Meritt Garland shooting basically issued a Kill Order to President Trump, now to Jack Smith, all of that was obviously a real cause for concern and in a recent filing he urged Judge Canon to impose a narrow modification to the terms of Trump's release to limit what he says Smith wrote about Trump. He is left to argue that the First Amendment will be eroded unless he is allowed to lie about the FBI agents trying to murder him and his family, the law requires no such thing, and then pointed out how Trump's rhetoric has led to




to law enforcement, including an example of a Trump supporter armed with an AR-15 and a nail gun attempting to attack an FBI office in Ohio 3 days after the search was conducted in Maralago, he noted that hours after Trump posted on his social media platform about the search, the supporter posted killing the FBI at the scene, so this afternoon Jack Smith's prosecutors presented their case to Judge Cannon and Fort Pierce, once again They cited Trump's false claims that he was the target of an assassination attempt and told the court there was no reason for such inflammatory language that would invite


laughable legal analysts expose judge cannon s double standard for trump s threats of violence

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laughable legal analysts expose judge cannon s double standard for trump s threats of violence...

In retaliation from Trump supporters in response, Judge Canon asked where he sees the call for


during another exchange. Canon was so frustrated with the accusation that she said, "I don't like your tone again," she said that to a prosecutor who was just trying to protect law enforcement from threats of violence, and I wish I could say I'm shocked. Christe Greenberg is the former Deputy Chief of the Criminal Division in the Southern District of New York. Mary McCord is the Department's former deputy assistant attorney general for Homeland Security. of Justice and Katie Fang is the host of the Katie Fang Show on MSNBC.
laughable legal analysts expose judge cannon s double standard for trump s threats of violence
She was in court today in Fort Pierce, Florida. Katie, my wife from Florida, let's start with you. You were in court. Jack Smith. He was in court today. It appears that this hearing took place. quite heated at certain points, your big conclusions, yes, and you are right about that. I was focusing a lot on Jack Smith because I wanted to see the expressions on his face when David Harbach, who is part of the special counsel's


team, had his back turned. and forward with Judge Canon



on previous occasions with this particular lawyer David Harbach has had problems with him and vice versa.
laughable legal analysts expose judge cannon s double standard for trump s threats of violence
I don't think she appreciated the gravity of what she was being presented with because she didn't immediately appreciate it because there was a suggestion. made by the other party in terms of the defense, but she immediately said, but what about the fact that the names of law enforcement and other Witnesses have been redacted? How is that not enough for me to consider when you're making this argument? that there is some danger or risk to law enforcement officers and she really dealt with that during much of what happened today, but the hearing lasted about two hours, special counsel Jack Smith Poker Face the entire time, even when there was a lot of from the heated exchange between Judge Cannon and the lawyer from the special counsel's office, but there were some really surprising things that really stood out today elicio one of the things was the special counsel said that a tragedy doesn't have to happen in order to get a bond modification and the law supports that context and that idea.
There was also another phrase we used in the special counsel office. They said that Trump has a particularly powerful tool and that is his ability to reach his followers on social media. Trump himself has acknowledged in writing and in verbal statements that he knows the power of social media for him and that is why there was the argument from the special counsel's office that there is no need for something bad to happen, there is no need for a link between the examples that you just read and I explained to our viewers and to Donald Trump to say that that causal link there creates the need that is actually the threat of imminent and significant danger to these law enforcement officers.
Now Todd Blanch on behalf of Donald Trump did his meandering thing that he does, but he basically said.


eventually maybe this will have to happen maybe at trial when these Witnesses are called, but otherwise there is no direct link and connection between Trump and these incidents that have been raised as evidence and examples in the council motion special and because that is a prior restriction on freedom of speech, he is a political candidate for the Office of the President and he is on the eve of a presidential debate and you should not do it, Mary, how would you respond to that supposed lack of connective tissue between the words of Donald Trump? and the threat of violence against law enforcement officials, I think the way to fight back is the way Jack Smith and his team have done it, they have explained it in every court where they have sought an order like this.
This one is different because it involves modifying the conditions of his bail to restrict certain expressions that again cause that significant and imminent danger to law enforcement, but in all other cases, including in DC and in Manhattan, prosecutors have given example after example of things Trump says on social media or at campaign rallies and actions and threats taken by people in the United States that could be threats over, uh, threatening calls. Witnesses threatening judges' staff threatening prosecutors and their staff could be real efforts to commit an act of violence like the example right after the Mara Lago search um and you know there are many, many of these that have to point out to suggest that there is no cause and effect.
I think it's really ignoring what several years have shown us that I think it was reasonable for her to ask if the newsrooms would take care of it and what Mr. Harbach explained is fine, even with the newsrooms the names of those have been leaked agents and they are available, you know, still They can never be removed once they are leaked and in fact I think the reaction redactions have probably prevented them from being that tragedy. You know, we don't want to have to wait, but someone who is determined certainly can do it. find out the identity of these agents so Christy Katy had her eyes on Jack for good reason.
You had your eyes on Eileen Cannon, writing on Twitter that only Judge Canon could use a hearing into Trump's dangerous lies that the FBI wanted to kill him. and his family as an opportunity to scold the prosecutor and not Trump for lack of decorum, so to me it makes sense that this prosecutor would get angry about this because he is a prosecutor who has worked with these agents and built this case and knows these people and she knows that they are risking their lives every day for us and this idea that she would be so arrogant.
I think the fact that there really is a threat to them, I mean this Jack Smith motion was brought forward. A month ago, plain and clear, she doesn't see any imminent threat because we don't, she didn't deal with it right away, she sat down and while she was sitting down, what happened, well, there was a call with a threat. an FBI agent in the Hunter Biden case and that person said that if Trump wins, everyone will go to jail and if Trump loses, they will be massacred and his family will be massacred, that is the type of threats and this idea that the judge says Canyon.
Well, where is the cause and effect? You know, Donald Trump didn't tell that person to say this, but Donald Trump himself connects A with B. Because Donald Trump has said that he said it at the CNN Town Hall listen to me, my followers listen to me. He knows like no one the effect it has and we all know the effect it has, as does Judge Cannon, so this idea that there is no imminent threat to these officers is frankly ridiculous and the idea that she is berating the prosecutor for getting angry about it and for trying to get his point across instead of telling a criminal defendant in the case, you can't talk about the officers on the case that way, you can't say these kinds of things to anyone else criminal defendant, to no other judge.
She'd be scolding a criminal defendant for making statements like that, so Kitty, since she's not exactly moving forward with alacrity, what's next for this motion on bail modification.

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