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Me dijo que se quería DIVORCIAR | Adamari López | La entrevista con Yordi Rosado

Jun 02, 2024
What is the moment when they tell you that you are fine and that you are free of cancer? It was a short time, it wasn't like a year. Well, what happens is that many more things happened. I finished the um, the chemotherapy. After that, they changed the implant, um. No. We got married in June of the following year. Aha. And well, I thought that now the good was coming. I mean, I came out of all that difficult moment and I thought that the good was coming. The good lasted about a year or so, and I had to come to work. here in Soul of Iron Aha And as for uh before I left for Soul of Iron I had removed the other breast because every time I did the expansion not the left breast I had to do the evaluations to see how I was there and yes, and they always found microcalcifications.
me dijo que se quer a divorciar adamari l pez la entrevista con yordi rosado
So I had to do a biopsy again. Okay, wait for the result. My parents' anguish, mine, everyone's. In the end, I decided, let's remove my breast. I remove my breast. I'm not going to go where he same doctor because the other doctor I had gone to a far away place in the United States to Florida itself but I had gone to Jacksonville where no one knew me, the doctors were American, there was no one Latino so that someone could be rotated that I was somewhere and they were going to photograph me so I decided to remove the other breast as it was something well no no I didn't have to hide it because no one knew either eh I decided to stay in Miami in Florida and it gave me mere es a bacteria resistant to antibiotics and because I caught it in the hospital and my sinus turned purple it gave me like a sinus infection and it was chaos again that was before I came to work at alma de iron when I came to iron soul I didn't I didn't change the implant I just gave myself the treatment and when I had another one that I went to Miami almost to finish iron soul they found me again So I had to change the implant eh wow They gave me a part of the recordings and when I returned to Miami and I already understood that things were cold between me and Fons but I didn't know if it was the distance and he had come to do promotion the previous time he came to do promotion He was in my house now I had to go to the hotel where he was, he never wanted to come to the house that in theory was our house but it was It was a cold relationship But I always wanted that well This is going to get better is that I'm not at home He's angry when I finish working everything will return to normal so I returned to Miami and there was no improvement at all from the first day they didn't even pick me up at the airport and I knew things were going to be complicated But he wasn't one to talk if that was what he was going to ask you if you didn't say, Hey, what's wrong with you?
me dijo que se quer a divorciar adamari l pez la entrevista con yordi rosado

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me dijo que se quer a divorciar adamari l pez la entrevista con yordi rosado...

How are you? It's not you. It's me. I don't want to talk about that. And so we lived on top of things. Aha, until one day when I was away. trip but physically there was no longer any closeness no more or less how long were we talking we were like eh Until I got divorced one year nothing and one day while I was traveling he called me and told me that he wanted to get divorced but His mother tells him that she told me that she wanted to separate. Okay, he says the word divorce to you and he tells his mother that he wanted to separate and what reason does he give you that no, that he didn't love me more wow But well, I don't think I think I say it in the book at all.
me dijo que se quer a divorciar adamari l pez la entrevista con yordi rosado
Maybe he didn't know how to handle things. I don't think it was from the point of view of someone who wants to do simple harm. He's younger than me. He didn't know how to handle it. Nowadays all that happened I remember it because they are events that happened in my life It's not that I stayed at that same point because everyone when I talk about this of course it's everyone when I talk about this it's as if I wanted to go back to I don't bring up the topic when I want to tell you something important.
me dijo que se quer a divorciar adamari l pez la entrevista con yordi rosado
Sorry for interrupting you. When I invited Damari, I said, Hey, Damari. I would really like to do this interview, but I want to ask you about everything. I'm going to ask you from the beginning to today, detail by detail. Do you agree and he told me I don't have problems, it's just that no, I don't have anything to hide, Jordi. And these are things that have happened in my life that happen to anyone too, so it's not that I'm the only one who has gone through this. Maybe I am more visible or I have made it more public because my life is also developed in front of the cameras but I am not afraid to speak once I understand things when I tell you sometimes that the press sometimes wants go to take a photo until I feel that you are not ready to give certain information because maybe you have not understood it because you have not processed it because you do not know how you are going to talk about it, it is better to leave it for yourself and when you are ready So you can talk about it, of course, no, of course.
Also, I always like to ask questions and, as I say, directly to the person and listen to what that person felt. Because also, sometimes it's not that, oh, what is the correct version? Surely, I mean, I'll have Fonsi sitting there. and talking and so on or so because it's not about attacking or so it's about knowing what you felt I mean what you felt what happened at that moment so in fact I go back to that moment what you felt at that moment How was the rest of it? That day, what happened, he calls, he tells you.
You know what, I think he doesn't. Or rather, I don't want to get divorced. So, I called his mother. But his mother told me that she had told him something else, the word separation, and then, well, that's when I had to do it. my tour, I was on tour, I was doing a yacht save leads to save lives, eh, precisely a campaign to raise awareness for breast cancer and then work with those emotions as I have had to do in many other moments in front of people, but you can do more I can't do that when I have a relationship problem, especially a relationship problem, it shows that I'm completely distracted, I don't connect with each other, if sometimes I don't connect with another, it's normal and sometimes it's not possible when I have a relationship problem, there's no Well, I have had to face most of my difficult moments in front of a camera or in front of people and try not to let anyone notice that.
For example, the day that Fonsi tells you, that was a night of crying, it was a night of saying what's happening, there's no life after that, at that moment, no, no, you don't eat, you don't sleep, you don't stop thinking, your head doesn't stop hurting, it's not. anguish you talk to him again yes yes yes yes in the end we finish, that is, we return to the same house, we lived in the same place, separate rooms now, but each one in their own corner or sometimes together Although there was nothing anymore and in those huddled rooms eh Suddenly I made known the hope of Quiz this will be fixed of course of course that's why it was there yes and at what point is it final no Then he asks for a divorce He doesn't ask for it he asks for it but then these days moments pass where they meet again such and such.
They always continued in those talks, we have talks. I'm going to have an operation again. Eh, I'm going to have an operation again to remove the implant that I had. No, no. So I had to take it out. Eh, I'm going to Jacksonville again to the same original doctor. What did she do to get me to put them back in? Because I also feel that the other doctor gave me bigger chichis and I liked them smaller so I put them back in as smaller ones eh And with the new implants with the doctor I had I had gone before, eh, and where I had not had any more complications, neither from mersa nor from anything else, Fonsi went after the operation, he went to that place, we went down to Miami together and I think that the next day he already had a place to where to go he finished grabbing the things and said I'll come back Later and when I was in the other place he called me and told me I have everything I need I'm not going to come back how long did it take you to recover that is to say start after that moment like two years well like two years they always kept talking because also two people who did not have children Ah well but they had the embryos What happened to the embryos they were there they are no longer there But they were there at the time and at some point you thought of using them after the divorce and you asked him it came to nothing it came to nothing it came to nothing it came to nothing because he he he got pregnant that is, his partner got pregnant Okay but this But well you supported them Well yes, that too One never knows what is going to happen in this life and you They had had those embryos that were there, those embryos were no longer there, now that's it, that's fantastic and and well, but anyway, at what point do things start to be okay, already separated, already divorced, now, maybe we can have a call, how are they today, not that?
I could have told you sooner, maybe we could have been better. I'm great. I don't have any problems. What happens is that I'm open when talking about this topic to Fonsi. He doesn't like to talk. Okay, eh, Fonsi would like no one else to come back to him, I think. to ask about this topic and I have no problem because this is something that has already been overcome. It is simply something that one can talk about because it happened in their life and I see it and I admire it as a singer I wish him the best.
I have communicated with him and he with me in moments when my parents were missing, at some point he became present and in moments where I have felt that there is something vulnerable that could affect him and that I have found out about, I have called him and he I have shared it Okay and and and we have seen each other and we have greeted each other and after he brought up a topic called turn the page that many people said was like maybe dedicated to me well I don't know why I feel that maybe there has been tension on his part that there is none on mine But because I feel that I have spoken things openly and how they happened you never asked him if the topic was really for you no I have not met him I have not called him for that reason he says no I I don't think it's for me either, but then he gave some interviews.
So I don't have anything against him. I'm not going to stop talking about my life, what has happened to me and what has helped me grow and about what has happened to her because I think it has made me mature. I'm not here to talk about him constantly, but if someone asks me, I'm not closed to a conversation.

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