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Game Theory: Your Superpower Is In Your PANTS! (A Difficult Game About Climbing)

May 15, 2024
this loincloth is a champ and is hidden among the products in all the scenarios right now we should do a


theater maybe Tom maybe hit Tom. I'll say, Hi Tom, can we do an episode on physics? from this magical loincloth I guess we're doing this hello Internet, welcome to Game Theory, the show that's holding on to its last bit of sanity for dear life, but try as I might, after only eight episodes, I let it go and I'm falling right into the extremes of defense instead of covering the release of a major


or having a meta discussion about the gaming industry.
game theory your superpower is in your pants a difficult game about climbing
I'm doing an episode about the latest rage game to hit the internet, a


game about


if you haven't seen this game. however, well, it's there in the title, it's a


game about


, it was created by Ponty Pant as a spiritual successor to top it with Bennett FY, the OG difficult climbing game, oh oh no oh no no no oh god no , no, no, The only difference is that instead of climbing using a silly hammer, our character is climbing this mountain with his bare hands. You'd think that would make this easier to control, but you'd be wrong, so the fact that you're sacrificing two critical points of contact is no, no, no, no, no, can I please get on the top of the rock and sit for a second?
game theory your superpower is in your pants a difficult game about climbing

More Interesting Facts About,

game theory your superpower is in your pants a difficult game about climbing...

No one asked for the video except my boss, that's fine, if it's an episode about the physics of loincloths, what you want is an episode about the physics of loincloths, you'll get it, although you might be getting more than you bargained for. I was hoping because when trying to answer this. seemingly simple question about a piece of cloth I was led down a rabbit hole that completely undid the universe of this game in the end I felt like I had climbed a mountain with my bare hands turns out there is more to this man than meets the eye At first glance and I'm not talking about what's hidden under that cloth, I mean the science of this game is strange and causes all kinds of ripple effects that I didn't expect to think about when I play a fod in the game, there are so many.
game theory your superpower is in your pants a difficult game about climbing
Questions that I didn't need answers to and that I now have answers to, so in typical theorist fashion, I'm now going to share them all with you without further ado. I present to you a difficult


about a difficult game about climbing before we discuss. any physics about our climbers modesty garment, we must first discuss the physics of the climber himself and man, this guy is a beast, not only is he able to climb the mountain ENT ire, the city and the clouds without even breaking a sweat, but he is doing it without a harness and without using his feet or as climbers call it free soloing or campusing sorry for the whispers, there is a certain member of the theoretical team who is an avid climber and I am worried that if he hears me he will try to interrupt me again, regardless of whether our climber is able to do all of this without even having to take a break, which requires a lot of grip strength and endurance, or this man is the strongest man who ever lived or there is something else going on and I think you guys they can.
game theory your superpower is in your pants a difficult game about climbing
Figure out which one I'm leaning towards. What caught my attention was not just how well our player clung to the mountain, but what happens when he inevitably falls to the end. Can I please climb to the top? the Rock and sit for a second. I, I, no, no, no, that buoyancy, see? I did see my boy shoot out of the water like he was some kind of kid, but why? Well, if you remember anything from


science class Fourth grade, you know? that buoyancy AB from physics will reduce to density density is a measure of how much mass an object has per unit volume and if you know the density of an object you can easily determine whether it will float or sink in a particular fluid if an object is more dense than the fluid sinks if it is less dense than the fluid floats pretty easy stuff, all of which we've covered in a couple of theories, but today we're going to take things a step further because not only can you use density to determine if an object will float, but can you also use it to find out how much it will float?
If an object is half as dense as the fluid it floats in, then half the object's volume will end up submerged underwater. The more the density increases, the greater the proportion of that object will be underwater, so to put it in mathematical terms, when it comes to an object floating in a fluid, the relationship between the densities of the object and the fluid is equal to the density ratio. Volume of the object that is submerged at its maximum volume. I sound like a nerd. Normally humans have a density of 985 kg per cubic M and water has a density of 997 kg per cubic M, which makes humming puppies less dense than water, so we float. but my guy here is suspiciously optimistic, it's almost like our weather is a lot less dense than a person normally should be, he shoots out of the water like a bath toy you submerged during bath time as a kid, not just me , anyway, a strange childhood apart from us.
We should be able to figure out why this happens using that formula, all we need to know is what percentage of our object or in this case our climber is submerged when it is cooling down at the base of the mountain after falling for the eleventh time, but to what extent? How tall is it? No, for this I needed to do something special for the first time as a presenter on the channel. I needed to get the pixel measurements scattered around


mountain hike. There are many objects that could serve as possible measuring sticks, although unfortunately most of them don't either.
They do not have standard sizes or, if they do, they come in a variety of standard sizes. Things like the steel drum and street signs can be various sizes and don't even get me started on the variety of clothing sizes, it's probably a style


. Anyway, somewhere, all of that would massively mess up our calculations if we chose the wrong size, so I kept looking and kept looking until I found a thing that comes in one size and one size, just a concrete road barrier, This type of concrete barrier is specifically known. like an F-shaped barrier that feels like false advertising, it's nothing like an F, but anyway, thanks to the American State Highway Association and transportation officials, we know exactly how high these barriers are .
Everyone get your copy off the a t roadside. fourth edition design guide that I know everyone has out there and turn to page 164, you'll see that your F-shaped concrete barrier has a standard height of 32 inches, so when comparing that to our climber's size, our measurements in pixels they show that he is almost exactly 6' 5 inches or almost 2 m tall for clarity, that's the same height as Bo burnum, who is admittedly tall, but at least he's realistic. I was worried that we had another Gold is 10t situation on our hands, but now that we know how tall our character is, we can scale our character model to that height in Blender and using the volume measurement tool we can conclude that his total volume is 01057 cubic M, okay, we are almost there, we just need to compare the in-game images to see where to cut the 3D model and by doing so we can see that around 33% of its volume or 0.035 cubic m is submerged underwater , we finally plugged all that information into our formula above, set the density of water to 997. kg per cubic meter and found that the density of our climber is a drum roll, please drum roll 33013 kg per cubic meter, no It's no wonder it's so optimistic for the context, which is as dense as the bamboo that has been used to make rafts around the world for hundreds of years. thousands of years thanks to its buoyancy, there is no need for expensive airplanes.
If this guy is your friend, just attach a motor to his feet and cross the ocean, it's not just his density that is on the lighter side, nor with his volume and the formula for density which equals mass over volume, it which means he only has a mass of 41.3 kg or 91 lb when a typical person his size would be expected to weigh 104 kg or 222 lb, which actually explains why our climber is able to swing and stop in such a way . easily Newton's first law of motion states that an object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted on by an unbalanced force, which decides how much unbalanced force required to change the position of an object is known as the inertia of the object and that is greatly affected by the mass of an object.
If something has a high mass, it has a high inertia and therefore makes it very difficult to get that object to start moving and difficult to achieve. will also stop in the case of our climber, although its low mass means it has lower inertia and could therefore stop its movement almost instantly, which is exactly what we see in the game, perhaps the physics of this world make sense. after all, ha, yeah, sure, you know I couldn't stop there even though we just calculated that our climber is lighter than we would have expected. Something about it still doesn't make sense.
Every time you fall in this game, you fall like a rock. much faster than a person should feel, but if it's not his own mass that's causing that, then that would mean something is wrong with gravity on Earth. You may know that the acceleration due to gravity is 9.8 m/s squared, that's the acceleration. What all objects on Earth feel like if you drop two objects at the same time, no matter how massive they are, they will always fall with an acceleration of 9.8 m/s squared. Galileo discovered this principle at the end of the 16th century with two spheres with different weights. and when the Apollo 15 astronauts went to the moon they dropped a hammer and a feather to discover that objects fell at 1.625 m/s squared, in short, whenever you have an object of any mass and you drop it from a height known.
I can calculate exactly what the acceleration due to gravity is on any planet Earth or perhaps anywhere this game takes place. This first Boulder seems like a good starting point. I don't want to spend hours on this after all. I have too many things. to focus my anger like the new poppy book that just dropped, but since we've already calculated the height of our climber, we can use it as a measuring stick to determine exactly how high the first rock we climb is using more pixels. With measurements we can measure that the distance between his feet and the surface of the water is 22311 in or around 5.7 M, then we simply drop him and measure how long it took his feet to touch the surface after repeating the experiment five times only .
To be sure, I found that the average time it took for your toes to first connect with the water was about 0.81 seconds. We plug it into our formula for the acceleration of a falling object, which is the change in distance minus the initial velocity multiplied by time with all. of that, then we multiply it by two and then we divide it by the time squared. From there, we get an acceleration due to gravity of 19.85%. A chamber approach to strength training is actually more impressive than that of a regular climber. Much earlier I said that a normal person on Earth is 6' tall. 5 would have a mass of around 104 kilos, if we use our classic formula Force equals mass time acceleration with the acceleration of the Earth's gravity being 9.8 m/s squared, then the force that person would need to get up would be of 1,020 Newtons of force, but If we do the same with our climber using the mass and gravity we have already calculated, it turns out that it would need a force of 692 Newtons to get up, which is 32% less force than in the real world, no wonder he's able to do it. he climbs for so long without a break that he's practically floating down the face of the cliff.
I'm sure climbers around the world would kill for that kind of weight, but while your climbing ability may not be all that impressive, it's finally time to talk about the most impressive thing about This Game It's Something I've Been Joking About from the beginning, yes, it's finally time to talk about the loincloth, although technically speaking, a loincloth that is held at the waist with a belt is actually called a loincloth, just saying and In fact, if you want to get super technical in the archives In the game, this cover is known as lazy cloth because there isn't actually any cloth covering the front, which means all those bushes and rocks are going to rub and scrape all over your body.
Boulders forget buoyancy, boy I can't unsee that, so what's going on with this fabric? There are three main factors that I could see when playing this game, firstly, based on the way it is waved, it is clear that this fabric is quite thin. I won't get movement like that with a fabric that is thick and stiff, secondly, when you come out of the water, the fabric doesn't seem to be wet, the water just falls off, which means it has to be quiteraincoat, it ultimately has to somehow prevent our climber from having a Marilyn Monroe moment while falling headlong down the mountain.
What material could be thin enough to flow in the wind but stiff enough not to fall all over the place and reveal the goods and may as well be? waterproof at the same time, after hours of research online and handling every fabric at my local fabric store, I finally have an answer to this incredibly useless question, this magical loincloth is actually not magical at all, it's just a canvas, Now I know when you think of canvas: think of the thick material that artists paint on, but canvas can be made in all kinds of thicknesses depending on the need, it can be thick enough to support the paint or it can be just as thick. thin enough to make flexible bags and yes, even fabrics, all while remaining thin. super strong, this is where our conversation about gravity from earlier comes into play with the gravity of this.
With the world being much stronger, any material we use would weigh almost twice as much, meaning the canvas could remain relatively thin, but It will still act as a heavier version of that same fabric, helping the fabric to continue to drape downwards while also hiding your products at all times. If we zoom in on a piece of canvas, what you will find is cotton or linen that has been woven in what is known as a plain weave style, a standard over-under weaving technique. Did I understand correctly? Amy, please, I desperately need validation and If we extract the texture used for the cloth from the game files, what do we see?
A plain weave, we even see the fraying that is typical of canvas fabric and finally, although the natural material will always be 100% waterproof, there is something about canvas. waterproof properties, as any painter will tell you, he doesn't normally paint watercolor on canvas. Why, because canvas is not very absorbent in the early 19th century, canoes used in North America were lined with canvas, for that same reason people have been using canvas to keep things waterproof for hundreds of years. years and, fun fact, you can make Canvas even more waterproof. All you need to do is treat it with some type of wax or oil and boom, it'll be like water off a duck's back or water off a climber's butt.
I guess that's why canvas was the preferred material during the age of sailing and Pirate sailcloths were commonly made from canvas because they were strong, lightweight and relatively waterproof, and wouldn't you know it from the base of the mountain right next to it? where you start the game, what do we see but a ship with a broken sail? This boat belongs to our climber. He was shipwrecked on these rocks. His clothes were soaked and torn, so he decided to make a loincloth out of the canvas. climb the mountain to safety, the only thing the canvas doesn't fully explain is how even despite the high gravity, he never falls further than his Buns of Steel, even when completely upside down, maybe there's some kind of magic in this world, that or this guy.
He's got a big shelf back there that he physically can't pass respectfully, of course, but hey, that's just a theory, a game theory, thanks for looking.

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