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UNFAIR SHARK SURVIVAL! | Little Big Planet 3 (174)

Mar 26, 2024
a lot I don't know if we've done this one yet we probably have they all start to look the same they all look the same listen it's the experiences oh oh I'm so good I like how you guys react it's like it's nice well it was fast you can beat it yeah , it was winning like obviously someone had done a lot, oh still, we have to wait, no, I could, I can, I have to do it manually, oh, great


plant. the level is actually designed well, which would have been shit, okay, this time I won't die first, oh, up, we just need to warm up a


, we just need to warm up a little, we got that, we got crushed, we got crushed. the box we would have been so good if that box wasn't there we had a good lunch I thought he was dead because I thought yeah oh I'm dead you can't touch the shot it's called




so it's very


I would agree okay i was riding the belly of the


and he killed me oh no oh that's the wrong way oh wait oh wait you can murder that you can oh wait you can talk to the shirt oh we broke his jaw he was doing so well wait if you did it better you're doing well you did better the best I could wasn't good enough it's unfair actually it was like the best if he did it he's one of those follow the only person okay whoever's out okay okay oh okay no I'm okay with this anyway no no I'm okay with this no no I'm not okay with this wait please I'm okay I had to swim down this way it was going to kill me no come on I just want to surface this letter shark


letter level the player what are these sharks i want him to follow me follow me camera please don't follow wade don't fall for him just follow me no ok i need the boy he never follows me yes no oh look at that oh i'm not so dead you need to get on the platform okay oh oh you have dump dog whoever is in front every time you fail so hard you have to get on the platform yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes oh no why did I go down so far?
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Yes friend, that's unfair. I'm so sad seeing this. I'm so sad seeing this. Oh you're still lying, I hate them both because they didn't attack you and then it took you like six years to try to get on the platform, turn up the current, they were after me and you say everything is after you, okay Antoine, If he follows you, I hate you, he is following you. I yes yes finally I wasn't that close to a flight here let's go find him you know go after him yes no you actually wanted them to go after me don't push me back don't log out damn it Edward why isn't there a good position yes there is when you're ahead oh well uh this is cool uh uh this is cool I'm dead we're all dead okay that was good when it was good guys who were trying oh oh my god that was awesome chat comments the audience, our dear guests, do you think this, the level of the shark is unfair, one of us, I will stop broadcasting, I was telling them oh, oh, come on, this looks good, okay, wait, you have to go, you have go ride him, don't touch his belly oh you're doing so well you're right I'm trying oh no it's okay it's okay it's okay don't get up just it's okay it's okay just stay there stay there stay there just try to go out and drink air once in a while oh it's still good oh ride the sandwich oh wait oh go oh why did you do the work why didn't you do the jump and run strategy no you didn't do it right you're okay buddy jump tragic come on Come on, come on, come on, why would you go that way?
unfair shark survival little big planet 3 174

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unfair shark survival little big planet 3 174...

I don't know, I couldn't keep going. Survival level. Okay, we have this. I just like to wait for my moment. Oh my god, I'm just trying to say hello. yes, take it out with a jump strategy oh no, I think I'm good, Edward, please stop, why do I always throw them in front, when I'm in front, why does the person behind me always fall, I'm currently going, no I can see, no I don't understand why when I'm on the right side the camera never follows me and then that one doesn't die fast enough no, you were still alive and it was following you there wasn't a chance it was thrown away it's doing great surviving the sharks I just want the camera to follow me, okay, oh oh, one of the sharks, come on, come on, come on, come on, no, no, no, I swear Wade always, somehow, survives like a a million sharks will hit him and me. be touched and die instantly I know how to survive in this unfair I don't know they're just saving you for the explosion we should crush them it would be the bait yeah look at this look at this we were literally in the same place how does this happen?
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I'm trying not to die. You are swimming. This is what happened last time when he was alive. I swim up and they eat me near the platforms. You die. Alright. This is the one that swims sideways. I just want someone to survive whoever is in front of the camera, please follow me, come on, okay, wait, wait, jump and run, jump and run, please jump and run, please, oh my god, I couldn't avoid where I landed there. Yes, you could have done better. I could have done it. No, but I can't bet anything will get better, it's not my fault, it will get better, I can't get better at rng, get better, uh, I think you could have had better energy, yeah, he could have done better, the gold, silver and bronze until now, oh.
unfair shark survival little big planet 3 174
Oh, I'm like that, that guy looks at the camera trying to follow him. I swear they also aimed perfectly at both of us. I don't even know if he was going towards me. I'm pretty sure he was going towards you and me. right in the crosshairs and it ate me too damn that can't be right wow oh look who's in front actually yeah please land what yeah what oh god I'm stuck underneath okay I have a plan, OK? sacrifice myself because I see what's happening I don't think you are, oh, you're just going to wait, no, I'm trying to say it so both sharks don't go for both of us, all at the same time, look, I was going for I'm dead, I He's pushing back, okay, look at that sacrifice, okay, you did it again, you should have jumped and gotten so much, there you go, oh, okay, okay, stay there right now, wait, I don't get it, I don't get it.
I don't think I don't understand how you're always lucky to survive, buddy, I literally get shot at and then I don't stay in the same places. The sharks are always after me, no matter what I do. At any time, can you die? I'm a cheese, oh I would. I wanted to have a chance a week ago. I can't wait to play this game with you again. D-live today. You can die? I just like the opportunity. I literally never get a chance because he just follows everyone. Otherwise when they get back there, every time the camera focuses back on Antoine, he just dies instantly yeah, because he's always underwater, I don't think he can.
I was upset about being on platforms. Come up, why does he always go after me? Yes that's how I die I have to get out I can get out I can't get out okay I believe in myself I like how I make the sacrifice and I start from the back and no one else does it you guys are greedy look at him he's still going after me yes oh thank you wait for your sacrifice oh no , I don't, please, just get on the platform just thank you, jump, jump, okay, yeah, I hate how he gets a chance and turns around, there's nothing he can do, yeah, gotta get it. better I feel like this level is a little unfair it's not, it's unfair because the camera follows him okay please leave me alone I'm alive I don't know I'm not yes I think I'm alive and I don't know where I am oh I'm in the shark red apparently oh here I am can I let myself out you oh I'm out I went out for a brief second I died how how how how to get up I don't think that's enough how how okay yeah, stay there, you two stay there, oh, oh please, this It's my only chance I can't see, oh, wasn't it?
They didn't let me have that excuse, I literally couldn't see all the same and you guys oh you'd better not, you were fine, you were like they pushed you, yeah, they shot you, the sharks pushed you like six times and man, I never, I just end up dying in bad ways, okay, I just want the camera to follow me. Ok, the other camera is following me. Are you kidding? Are you kidding? I get a shot forward and what happens, the red shark comes back and hits me and kills all my momentum, I lose all my momentum, I guess there can only be one. champion in this unfair survival game in shark mode, yeah, it's unfair that you got further, I can't see straight, oh come on baby, I'm just going to ride this, no, come on, watch out, I'm fine, I'm fine. well I'm fine I'm fine I'm fine I'm fine don't do it don't do it don't do it don't do it don't do it don't do it don't do it I got crushed, it was okay, I actually made it, all good, it's over, you were.
I encourage you when you see why we die. I encourage them when they're there and tell them, "You can do it, you can do it." Anthony is like Andrew is like oh you're going to die you're going to die the trip is over well I knew the trip was over no it was okay for a while just go away it's okay jump and run jump and run jump and run hey what are you ? you're coming back for us no, it's okay, oh no, run, jump, run, jump, run, jump, you got this, you got this, just no, don't mess it up, oh my god, run and jump, yeah, keep going , I knew it, I knew it, that's the Strat oh my God, look, I clapped, I was clapping, I thought: you can do this, you can do the number, look, you're number one, they told me, they brought this guy up, he told me That was high school, that's all the time for me, he told me.
Yo, the loading failed, I don't know if it really happened, take us back, we'll see, we'll see, we'll see, I said the loading failed, so I really hope it doesn't fail, I knew it was like once someone that rocket starts if they could start running, jump, come get me, I'm dying for all of you, well you're not really dying for us, how am I alive? I don't know, just go, I told them, I told them like you. You're like the luckiest man in this, you get shot and then somehow you're dead. I'm alive, I'm still alive.
I'm still hot. I dont live. Look, yes, he did, he didn't. My score was 550. Well, it never happened, I guess. It never happened, yes, literally yesterday, I have video evidence. Dana shows the correct punctuation. I did not see anything.

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