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We Find a INSIDE OUT SCHOOL for PLUSHIES..(Brookhaven)

Jul 06, 2024
They laughed, you made them smile, oh my god. Even the embarrassment was like Denis was very funny and said LOL yeah guys I think I did my job correctly good luck guys thanks come on angry I'll show anger let me check the embarrassment he said don't look at me oh, sorry, sorry. I won't look at you, go back to your place, boys, shame, don't look at me, girl, no, why would you be embarrassed? Oh he's getting scared, said one out of embarrassment, guys I'm getting angry I'm just going to throw this ball at everyone sadness is like staying away angry my big fall don't worry guys don't make me angry I'm just going to break this whole thing scene oh no, the crowds a little quiet, well that proves you're angry.
we find a inside out school for plushies brookhaven
I did it, you made everyone on stage angry just because it's like mhm, he's sure really angry, come on, let's sit back down, okay guys, I'm actually a little nervous about mine. I don't know how this will go. I'm thinking about all the future results of this performance. What could go wrong? Oh no, I fell down the stairs, oh no, poor anxiety, anxiety is very anxious. I'm sure he has a lot of anxiety, guys, I can. Don't take this, I'm so nervous, I'm out, I can't stand this, I have the scenario Fred, that's the scenario, Fred, come on, that was a very good job Ry, thank you, thank you, just because it's like they passed the test , guys, we did it. yeah, woohoo, but it's not over yet, follow me for the next test, there's another one, there are so many, everyone is left with sadness and shame, surely there's something wrong with the two of them, guys, the mental shame just crawls away.
we find a inside out school for plushies brookhaven

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we find a inside out school for plushies brookhaven...

Santa keeps bringing us down, we should I'm not paying attention oh, what are we doing in math class? I hate math being repeated. I trust you, yes you can copy my documents. What do you believe? Why would they ask with shame? Angel, you know he doesn't like it. when people tell you that you don't know much, oh no, your face with the book, guys, it's so embarrassing so I have a test for everyone. Great, I hate tests. I hope it's easy to get started with you. It's okay, it says what it does. you're really mad think of a good answer oh don't be embarrassed he saw me staring at him and he said uh you him everything everyone everyone makes me angry girl oh there's no shame like these people make me angry sit down the weather outside is nice he's trying to get out of the classroom sit down shame poor shame okay I think I'll see you next Angel make sure you think of something that makes you really happy she will come to see me next next test is you what is anxiety um okay come here guys please , be the same question they asked me because I can answer it pretty well, what guys, this could be a trick question, why do you get a math question, um, that's 56, okay, since I know this is a trick question , I'm going to say uh I'm nervous, I don't like being put on the spot, I'm out, ah, she said, uhhuh, look at me in the window.
we find a inside out school for plushies brookhaven
I like to move it. I guess it happens, that's exactly what anxiety would do. Good job, refc now, uh-oh. Joy, don't ruin it for us now, what is something that makes you happy but makes others sad? Well, actually, that's a very difficult question. I don't know what the answer is. Well, stuffed animals in general love fireworks, but because you are. very small like Envy, they are afraid of them wait, wait, wait, no, no, no angel, he said, but what makes others sad, they don't get sad about fireworks, they are afraid of them, oh, that's true, well , I love being happy, look, yes, he said.
we find a inside out school for plushies brookhaven
H uhoh angel, I think you gave him away. I didn't know what to do, she said. Because they told me good job, they said good job to Bean, but to you they say, "hm, they're doubting you, well guys, it's closed." finished we need a lunch break okay I think I passed I think it was a decent test come on shame it's not lunch time shame favorite time at


what are you trying to say he's like uh I'm where's he going what's he God, he's hiding inside a locker room and he's so scared, why guys? I feel so bad seeing this.
He says, "Don't be afraid, don't look at me, guys, okay, guys, let's turn around, don't look at him." Because he is more ashamed, where did the others go? I think they're outside no, I think it's lunch time so yeah, they're here in the cafeteria no upset here where are we going upset lunch time is here get on the bus this Excursion and Excursion just for lunch something doesn't add up guys, I'm sitting in the front Okay, this is so disgusting, well, let's go in and get to the


, nothing can go wrong, we've all passed. the tests who leads us where are we going?
I don't know this guy in front of me. I can't really see his face. He's wearing like a white top. Where we are? Shall we go out guys? What are we doing here? and who is that driver, I don't know, he's a doctor, that's weird, he has a mask anyway, uh, shame, shame, where did he go, let's follow him, I think they're kidnapping him, no, they're not kidnapping him , he jumped on his own shame, wait, what? Is this place guys, why is he so haunted? Why does it say experimental everywhere? It was like, guys, the person who brought us here is in here too.
What I don't like is how this is going, guys, this place looks too creepy. There are dead skeletons everywhere, was that here when we first rode in AR uh-oh, who are you? Because, oh hey, emotions are pretty SCE, so you guys think we're dumb, why does it sound like that and why does it sound so creepy? Is Santa getting happy for him? He said, "We know you're human. You're the guy I saw. I told you, uh, I don't like the sound of this. You guys are fake. Sadness has always doubted us, but how did she always know?" .
He's like icy sadness, but now guys, what are you planning to do with us? Because now they know that we are human and we are trapped inside this place. They don't understand it, not even the doctor says it was like he did it. you in real emotions forever oh no uh-oh I don't want to be angry forever no no no no no guys he's going to make us do surgery and become a real move oh guys no no no he was like sit down. here, oh, they're operating on her, he says hurry up, uh-oh, they'll take the shot out, look how big he is, oh no, guys, look, we can escape here, no, he blocked it, oh, he blocked it , where did we go, come on guys? we have to escape we can't become real emotions shame help us shame we know you never talk but please this is the time you help us please shame please he said, "Hey, come on, it's right outside, now it's coming in Panic guys, shame on you please." this is your time to embarrass this is your time to shine quick it's there hurry up he said hide behind me oh yeah go go go go come to the corner guys that's very smart I think that's a good plan here it comes please please please please Please don't see us guys, guys, shame is a legend for this, he was like, where are these fools going?
Oh no, poor shame, I know he's stressed, even EnV is looking for us, shame is like H, even sadness is looking for us, uhoh, guys, the doctor is looking embarrassed, he says, do you know where they went, He said: no, who is that guys, there is also another doctor, he said, he, he, he said, deal with them, boss, oh, that's the boss, oh no, they took the boss out of us. the boss has blood stains everywhere oh guys the doctor comes up to us and says H I'm surprised no one has seen us yet I wonder what he's going to say oh few he's gone oh no yes why doesn't the shame go away now no He has nothing behind him look what we have here he was like I think they went outside doctor little defenseless creatures even sers was like he ran away he was like chk outside what he left let's go we have to escape let's shame let's go this way thank you shame we owe you this life way guys no all emotions we are capes yeah guys shame wear a nice big jacket oh don't run guys I can't believe we got into a fancy Inside Out school just to be evil shame saved your life deserves all the like, this video receives yes, a like equals a respect to shame, give it all your respect.

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