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Types of Divination Tools to Connect Higher Self Guides Angels

Mar 24, 2024
Our topic today is



when you are beginning your spiritual path. Divination


are a starting point as you learn to tune into your intuition. They can increase our


ion with our



. Spirit kids and


think of these tools as training wheels until you are confident enough to speak to Spirit without them. The tools presented here are the most common ones that most people can access, but every tradition in the world has its own way of dividing the wisdom of the universe. Find the ones that resonate with you and do them. yours stay with us until the end of the video for a demonstration on bibliomancy and automatic writing with Lisa Hello Mystics if you are new here welcome if you already know us welcome back I'm Susie Parker Goins, I cry for Trent and I I'm Lisa Stewart, welcome to the Mystic Mosaic podcast.
types of divination tools to connect higher self guides angels
We are here to help clarify, illuminate, normalize, and encourage you as you develop your gifts so you can confidently build a sustainable lifestyle for your


, your family, and even your career. We provide information to use as a starting point for your own spiritual journey we are not doctors and will not give medical advice, also we will not give free readings, the information provided here is for educational purposes only, let's start the conversation, so we are talking. about


tools today and a little bit of the history of divination is that many cultures use it throughout history.
types of divination tools to connect higher self guides angels

More Interesting Facts About,

types of divination tools to connect higher self guides angels...

Thank you very much, we will move on to the next section. It's just that divination has been used throughout history. from the Oracle at Delphi Maybe that will happen, a lot of history is based on a Greek myth, it is based on what the Oracle said and everyone ignores it, so everyone dies. You can use divination with clouds or fire, even animal entrails, people have done it. Well, you looked at the weather and made decisions or determined from them what their path was, natural disasters in a rather not really modern sense, but in a more practical sense you have people who are called Water Witches and they use divining rods to finding water in a new area I have heard several stories from people I know personally who said yes my grandfather did it, no one believed him and yet here we are too.
types of divination tools to connect higher self guides angels
I think it was in the Victorian era when there was uh the on the. popularity of seances, they would have seances of course which allowed a lot of frauds to happen but there would be Groupon group seances and they had something called table flipping where they said the spirits were moving the table and it also didn't have the impact spiritual thing we're going to talk about today, so let's move on to Lisa defining divination in the context of our podcast today. Take it, Lisa, what is fortune telling? It is a form of energetic communication. It is an ancient practice of


ing with your intuition, the source of spiritual guidance and even divination from your ancestors, it allows us to get answers in other ways, it is an external focal point, what I love is that it moves my perceptions outside of myself , towards the tool, and will also help dissipate. fears again, you know we've talked about using intuition, how intuition is the soft, pleasant voice that gently


you instead of yelling at you when it's done right, gets your ego out of the way so you can listen, allows me to give take a step back to reevaluate. and considering my motives, it also allows me to consider my actions and the results from a very different point of view, my intuition comes to life and that's when I can actively listen for guidance, so that's all great, but sometimes I hesitate to use my tools, can you talk?
types of divination tools to connect higher self guides angels
For me a little bit more about that, yeah, so if you're hesitant about using divination tools because it's a common thing, like people always like I don't know if I could do that, I don't know if I should do that or um . and it is because you know the tools that we are going to talk about many of them; in fact, most of them, if not all, are considered some kind of witchcraft or tools of the devil or whatever, etc. If you have an aversion to one or all of them, there is a reason you know that it could be a deeply held belief that you might have from your own life experiences, such as knowing that someone told you that these things were bad or that they were bad. or what do you know. you know whatever and you know if you play with it you'll end up talking to the devil or you know whatever you want to do that um it could also be a belief that was passed down from an ancestor you know Remember that a lot of times a lot of our belief systems are actually They were based on superstitions, so those beliefs are passed down to us, you know, generation after generation, even though we live in the Modern Age of science and reason and all that.
We still have, you know, remnants of superstitions and things that, even though they don't make any sense now, we still believe them because it's a belief that came from our ancestors. It could also be the remnant of a traumatic experience from a past life, for example, in your past life, you may have had a bad experience with the latter and a black cat. You associated the two together, which is why you think you know you can't walk underneath. a ladder near a black cat or whatever, it could be something like that um and there's also the fear of connection to something malevolent, which is certainly a possibility.
I'm not going to lie about that, but there are many safe ways to do divination, so if you choose one of the safest ways to do it, it's not a problem, yes, yes, then, yes, but many metaphysical practitioners have run into This is worth investigating if you are interested in learning more about the many divination tools and methods you know. You, if you find doubts towards one or the other, you know, if you want to investigate it, we suggest that you do so, if not, you know, look for something else, there are many different ways to do divination that we are going to put. a list of the most common ones in the description box so you can look at them, see which ones resonate with you and then do your research and see what works, yes absolutely there are many to explore but today we want to talk about them.
Our favorites because there are hundreds and hundreds of divination tools and we don't have time for that, but the most accessible divination tools that the three of us use are Oracle cards and Tarot cards. Again, they provide an external focal point. you know that phrase um, you know, if you're too close to it, you know it's too subjective, the cards help you externalize that problem, so it's no longer yours, you can memorize what the book that accompanies the cards says of the tarot and you can also take a look at the symbols to help identify and intuit some of the messages that are conveyed with the cards, but not all symbols mean the same to everyone.
Personally, I would recommend that you start your own glossary. You know there are many glossaries available, but again take what resonates and leave the rest Susie, don't you have a story about? oh yeah, yeah, I learned to read tarot intuitively, uh, that was a class and that's when I realized, oh yeah, I'm okay with this. I tried hard to memorize. the book that, uh, memorizes, no, yeah, I don't really, so when I was learning how to do tarot, I was working in a corporate office for a big restaurant train and I was running around the cube in cubes saying get some cards.
The kids want me to read to you and they're all like yeah let's do this, so I'm throwing out cards for this particular person, she was also an in-house temp like me, I'm throwing them out and I gave her a textbook. One meaning for the Three of Swords now on the rider's weight platform is a heart that has three swords stuck into it, so I don't even remember what the textbook definition is anymore, but when I told it to him I realized I got that intuitive hit. that that wasn't heard, that wasn't what the thing was and I looked at her and told her that's not you, that's not right and like I said, you're very sensitive, so this was a place, an office department that we simply throw pity at him. at each other left and right and we were making fun of each other, but what I understood from that one card was that it was really hitting her hard in other places that we didn't mean for it to land, but it did, so she was very sensitive and every time we threw some kind of bar dough at her, she would really break it and I looked at her and said that and that was the first time anyone did this and you know, not being a reader to say yes at that moment was like Lo I did well, I succeeded and that certainly influenced my interactions with her after that, so while the books are great, you also have your intuition, these cards open you up to your intuitive strokes, pay attention to them, it will make a difference. in the quality of the reading, yes, absolutely, and these tools are a perfect way to tap into your intuition.
I mean, we talked about it before there are great training wheels until you feel comfortable enough talking to Spirit on your own, another tool we all use. The uses are pendulums, so pendulums are a small heavy item on the end of some kind of chain or rope or something, so here's one that I have a hard time using, um, but uh, Susie, you have too a story about a pendulum, right? If I have it. Of course. I was taking a magic 101 class and we were looking at divination tools during the course of that and one of them were pendulums and up until that point I was like yeah, yeah, no, no, they're too difficult.
It has to be too detailed and then it happened in a witch shop and she had a display of pendulums and those were the exercises where we were going to determine where a hidden object was, so I took out a pendulum and held my head up. I went out and did things and said, you know I don't have a good relationship with pendulums, because I have an innate distrust of them and the pendulum swung so hard, yeah, it almost hit me in the face, so I was. Okay, there's your answer, yeah, okay, you're right, I understand and I've been able to work with them since then, um, but it's one of those things that I have.
I will wear necklaces. I'll use whatever I have, but yeah, they're great. I really like them and I'm not just saying that because we're talking about pendulums, but yes, yes, I can work with them if you want. Yes, I'm incredibly looking forward to it. Learn more about how my pendulum and I can work together and coexist peacefully because you can get more answers than just yes or no from pendulums. You can use them in different ways and you can balance one question with another once. you get your answer, okay, let's move on to the next question, next question so you can be very punctual and focused that way we talked about cleaning and completing with pendulums.
I know that to clear a space or at least declutter. To start with, the pendulum, you know, I'll swing it counter-clockwise and then, of course, if there's any padding when it comes to power outages and things like that, then it'll be because nature abhors a vacuum, so you know the pendulum will help fill it. Again, I said that, right, Susie, yeah, sort of, I mean, we talked a lot about clearing and completing, and again the pendulum is like that external focal point, so you can ask if you need clarification, you can get a yes or a no and then if the clearing needs to occur, I know practitioners who will use the pendulum as their focal point, um and from what I see, the clearing moves counterclockwise and then, of course, once you clean it.
I want to complete, we keep singing that song and it's going to go clockwise, so you're calling on the Source because like you said, what was nature, it pours a void, yeah, and so does my dog, but you know That's something else. cats are riding my vacuum cleaners these days. I don't know, I don't know, but we'll have to talk more about using that pendulum and filling it in again. I'd like to learn more about that, but in addition to that we also use mats in graphs um which are actually response gradients um they're really fun to use again.
I talked about moving from one answer to the next. They are also very good at helping find items and clearing chakras and then of course the grids we've talked about. I don't know if we've talked about crystal grids, but we can also use pendulum grids, so it helps inform directions, our chakras, elements, astrological houses, as well as the traditional fan-shaped maps that we use. I have some available. Yes, I have some grids that are available on my website. I'll probably put a screenshot to show a couple of them here so you can see what they look like and then you can get them. on my website, but yes, there are entire books dedicated to pendulum charts that are shaped like a fan and they give you instructions on how to use them and you know there are all kinds of questions about health, money, love and relationships. of any kind, I mean all kinds of things, there are whole books, like I said, dedicated to different kinds of questions that you can ask with your pendulum, so you know, look that up too, yeah, thanks Kai, I want to mention us to the three.
I had a brief conversation before starting thisReceive a notification when we upload another video, help YouTube. Share the episode with others who want to learn more about this topic. Let's get back to it now, let's move on to our travels Susie, yes, these are all skills that you can learn and what is the skill that you have. you want to learn because as we're going to launch it, it's your journey and therefore your choice about it, so as we sit here and talk to you about this is what we do and this is our experience, you get your own experience not there's a set path there's no set tool you have to start with you don't have to start with the tool that's popular right now I mean, I know we do I have a new deck, so at least I have the deck that I have the deck, guys, I have the deck and I use that deck, so it's okay, but it's just a chance, you can figure it out and listen, you can listen to your


and intuition about what tool you want to start with, so in my case the pendulum didn't always start, it didn't always work for me, it's okay, say you prefer to sit in front of the fire and watch the flames or a candle or you can look in a mirror, choose the tool that resonates best with you and maybe that means you are taking advantage from a past life and learning about a tool that resonates with you is one you can have. learned in a past life, but you go with the one that suits you best and if you say, there comes a time when that emotion ends and you say, ah, okay, it doesn't work for me anymore, there are so many. other options you can go and look um and don't succumb, don't fall under peer pressure.
I know I just talked about the platform we all bought, but that wasn't pressure, no, it was reinforcement because I had bought. the deck first and then everyone was like oh that looks really cool yeah Lisa actually had the deck she already had the deck when I was talking about it and I said I wanted it and she said oh you mean this one. I'm like, yeah and then he brought it over so I could see it and then I went and I was like, yeah, so I knew for sure that I wanted the technology and then I started telling everyone that if they found the deck, I want that deck and then yeah and then So I told you and you say I have to have the jacket and Phil, this is like I have to have this.
I signed her up at my table that day. I remember I did your neck and you say I wanted you to see. It was because I thought, isn't that amazing?, I didn't do it, it wasn't like look what I have that you don't have, no, it wasn't that, but it was like, look at me, I have my dick, I mean and it was hysterical and so Of course, I looked at it and I had to understand it, but listen kids, that's not the way it always works, it wasn't peer pressure, do as we say, not as we do, oh God, I'm trying to do it again here . good and powerful deck Shaman Weaver Shaman dreams that it is a great deck um, but there are a lot of things that people do, come on, we are making you all friends can do it too, it's not like you have to forge your own. walk here when you were looking at it Lisa calls it the next shiny thing getting stuck on the next shiny thing we don't have to do that you learn discernment and you work on discernment and you figure out what's really going to happen works best for you and that will help you develop your own best practices about what you're doing, but Lisa didn't.
That Shaman Stream deck wasn't your first deck, although what was your first deck, it wasn't my first deck, but I was going to ask you what discernment is, discernment, it's not differentiating. I'm kidding, I'm kidding because you know, obviously my discernment between BS and a valid question is lacking, but yeah, I mean going back to my first deck three years ago. Like when I feel like I'm in this fraternity where everyone was excited and we were like oh, you started waking up three years ago, yeah, me too, you know? It's like we all got engaged together when I came back from London, um.
I had a great time, Andrew, I was visiting London with him, his team of colleagues and I did the JK Rowling walk. I went to Warner Brothers studios to visit all the production elements of Harry Potter, etc., and that was a lot. of fun and we also visited a it was called The Leaky cauldron, it was called The Cauldron, we could, it was a mixology bar where it was cool and you could mix your own drinks, it was a lot of fun, I really got into that atmosphere and I think my guides say : okay, you're ready, you're ready, you're ready and I'm like, who's pushing me on my back?
Well, we go back home and I say to Andrew, you know what the next day was like. I want to go to a new age store and I want to buy a Tarot deck, that was it. I figured it out and this is what we're going to do and he said okay so I had to go to the metaphysical bookstore here in Seattle. tarot cards and of course we talk about tools that speak to us and this didn't jump off the shelf like many practitioners talk about but the one I picked up is the light seers tarot, a beautiful deck and the color spoke. to me and I say, okay, you're coming home with me, we check, we get in the car, we head home, I'm sitting in the passenger seat and I have the box in my hand and I looked down.
I said "okay, well I guess I'm doing this, suddenly my whole body lit up, I felt tingly from head to toe and I thought, oh, I guess the universe thinks this is a good idea, it was the most magical experience." incredible as my first step". accept my power and remember that it's like you have your first wand, yes, absolutely fine, because you know I don't want to break things in Ollivander's shop. You know I had that experience that Harry had. I think it's almost okay, moving on, great, yeah. So yeah, once you get your you don't have to.
It is highly recommended that I join the team. All your friends are doing it. You absolutely should too. That wouldn't let you be influenced by the next shiny thing. Shiny object syndrome. Yeah. I'm not exactly doing it right so all your friends are doing it isn't part of the best practices section right? It is not strange for personal readings. You know this when you read for yourself because inevitably there are questions you would like answered. Also so you know that there is no reason why you can't read for yourself, although there are many practitioners who don't read for themselves because they feel like they can't read for themselves.
I'm not that person. I read it for myself and it works well, thank you, so a best practice for you to do your own personal reading is to cleanse your energy and you know, remove what is not you and then fill it with source and then protect it as a routine to that our our standard model clear fill and protect there it is um don't forget to ground uh you know how to breathe Focus connect to the source ask the question and remember it's like I always say clear question clear answer ask the question listen to the answer listen to the answer Yes, thank the guides and then let it go, you know, even if you don't understand it at the time, it's okay because later it may become clear and it may not even be that same day as when I had readings where I've done a reading and I'm like, okay, I don't get it and then like a week later it's like oh yeah, I get it, so you know I did it, it can take a while and you know sometimes we can be a little slow. in acceptance, so, you know, just go with it, just go with it, um in a public place, this practice is to cleanse again, fail, protect, cleanse your energy, fill yourself with source and protect yourself, I have a question again clear, sometimes specific is good other times it's just tell me what I need to know what my next steps are something generic like that again you ground yourself you know it through the breath and you concentrate you connect to the source and then you do the reading um and then when you're done you make sure you clean the space um that's something we talked about, it's like sometimes we do it, sometimes we don't, it depends on the circumstances, like me personally, if I'm just reading a card, I actually don't.
I clear the space when I'm done because it's not necessary if I do energy work, however, along with the reading or the session, that's a completely different matter, so I clear it completely, so it's kind of a conscious choice, but only as the best choice. practice while, especially if you're just starting out and aren't really sure what's happening, it's probably best to just clear the space to have a clean slate for the next person. Did you want to say something? Susie, it's true, no. I was going to ask what the difference is. I mean, I'm trying to clarify but I can't see the difference now, so you answered the question, don't worry, you must be psychic.
I think I'm okay, can I just a real quick um? apart from Kai and that's for those who are starting off really good and don't know what clearing space means to them. What I learned in the beginning stages was to use white light to bathe myself and help cleanse my aura. I just cleared my immediate space, my little desk area while I was drawing cards, yeah, and I mean this with good intentions, when I clear spaces, I actually get all the space, so if I'm in an audience like at an event or something and I have a booth I go right to the edges of the booth, whatever that entails, yeah, table, everything on it, you know, above my head, under my feet, everything, yeah, um, so, um, and speaking of the differences between personal and public reading, um, there's a lot of energy changing that.
It can happen in a public space because you know it, because if you are doing a personal reading, this is in your home, within your territory, within the limits that you establish in a public environment, there are basically no rules, there is no energy limit. . unless you set one up so the energy can change constantly and therefore when you do a reading, especially on something that is really intense, the energy can change and it can affect the reading, so pay attention to that, the other thing about personal and public reading is that you know you're also facilitating someone else's healing, I mean, even if you're doing a reading, I mean, recently, you know, I complained about the fact that now I have to have tissues in my table because I do a reading and inevitably someone starts crying. and I'm like, damn, you know, I mean, it's good because that means that person is like I hit something and they drop something, but at the same time I'm fine and I have to clear the space and you.
I know all that, so that's just laziness on my part, but anyway, you know you're facilitating someone else's healing, so you have to be aware of that, it's one of those things like there's some kind of release. . that happens during a reading, whether it's a reading or a healing, so yes, you have to clarify it and then sometimes a person may like the reading, they don't like it, it doesn't make any sense, not even to you when you're reading , and that's just Because there's a block now, blocking yours is entirely possible or it could be a block with the client, so if you really want to get to the answer, you know which ads make sense, then you're going to have to do it. do something to clear that blockage in some way, that usually means energy work, which usually means cleansing well, um, and especially if you're okay for me, if I'm doing energy work, I definitely need to cleanse between sessions, um, so that I don't there are crosses. containment, there's no cross contamination and there's no oogies on the floor or the walls or anything like that, you know, and you can do that between readings too just to make sure you know, especially if you're new to reading and not If you don't have a very good energy sensitivity, it's better to just clean the Whiteboard so that the next person you meet and well, like I said, clean the Whiteboard, fill it with good energy, protect the space and that makes a nice and comfortable environment for let the next person come in, almost like a doctor's office, like yeah, you change the paper, you throw away the needles, you throw away the needles, you change the paper, wash your hands, wash your hands, wash your hands, clean, fill and protect new. by the podcast Mystic Mosaic new in gel form tell us in the comments section what you think about this topic and share your experiences with us thank you okay, what I would love to do is talk about the warnings of our divination.
The tools we are using are simply divination tools, once you use them that is when they become that spiritual connection between you and the Divine, while you are divining information and communication from the other side, there are healthy ways to use it and there are ways unhealthy to use it, so let's cover both first, the healthy ways when you use cards, pendulum or anything else, again you want to set the intention, but you can also set the intention for your day or event. using those tools correctly those tools provide clarity and also provide focus and direction.
I'll check my decks when I'm doing a public event. Okay, while I prepare my cards, I'll shuffle them. and I say what I need to know and they'll drop down and I'll do it with each of my decks to get that message to help me, in general, to reinforce my confidence and what I'm doing, but also anything else. messages so it's a readquick personal one that I like to use you use these with all your Susie decks at the show the ones I take to an event yes, yes I have three sitting at my table and I give people a choice, but since I am preparing them, taking them out of your container, so I'll mix them up and say what I need to know and try to cut them off or a card will be raised.
Yeah, interesting, I didn't know it's like I would actually do well. I usually use just one deck, although I usually carry a couple with me. I usually just grab a deck and say, okay, what do I need? Do you know what's happening today? What I need to know about the fair today and later. Yeah, so I'll lay out some cards and then I'll get kind of a barometer check, so to speak, on what's going on and then yeah, that's interesting. Yes, I use my energy cards correctly, so I have all five. energies and I generally use them to set my intention for the day, although it didn't occur to me to use them for an event, so it's a nice hat too, thanks.
I think it's a good way to incorporate that energy. like I'm okayhere I'm making cards let's make some cards to play so it helps me shift gears yeah and then the unhealthy ways when we use the tools um is remembering that they're not a crotch and not being obsessed with the tool . Well, not all decisions have to be based on the tool you want in order to make your own decisions correctly, so what we ask you to do is take back your power, don't leave your power in the hands of the tool. it's about sovereignty so some examples here might include I have to review the cards before I start or um you know, oh wait, you know that decision isn't clear enough yet um use your intuition um the tools are just the attention of your abilities, yes, Izzy someone who is trying to avoid the problem says but the card says yes but this card says so they are trying to excuse a bad decision or bad behavior and they are shifting the responsibility, they are freeing you from that responsibility so yes yes I can't blame the tool you have to take responsibility absolutely yes expecting the tool to provide absolute certainty nothing is set in stone so again we come back to open mindedness i.e. being open and flexible because What you thought you intuited is usually the correct communications coming from Spirit.
However, sometimes our own belief systems tend to confuse what we hear and then all of a sudden it's like oh wait, what did I hear? Okay, just be open, just be open and be fluid with the energy that's coming through um, this is one of my funny adages that I've learned to recite to myself that are Oracle abuse, don't rearrange them until you you get confirmation bias if you don't like the answer, sorry, sit down because sometimes the answer may seem harsh, but if you sit with this for 24 hours or five days, you'll go, oh, you know, that made sense, like that Yes, it reminds me of someone I know, Reverend Carmen Murphy, the first spiritualist church in Puyallup, it's a very long thing and I hang out. with her online from time to time, but that's what I call the Reverend Carmen Murphy's Tarot School, if you get a card, you read it, so they asked me for three cards, I find five or I look at it the first time it happened, it was like Yeah, I don't like that card and Carmen just jumped really hard on that, so yeah, no, I'm recovered from Oracle's abuse.
Thank you very much, thank you Susie, but I know Kai, you had an interesting anecdote earlier where you talk about cards containing the same message when you're, you know, shuffling the cards and laying them out on the table, you and your babysitter are reading the same ones. cards, however, get the message right again. I'm talking about messages that get confused due to our own belief system, do you want to clarify that a little? Well, yeah, I mean, sometimes you get a thing where you know I look at the cards and I read them and then they, uh, the person will say, well, you know, I.
No, I don't know if that's true or blah, blah, blah, and I know it and I'm just saying you know what, that's what they're telling me, yeah, what do you think of the message that you have? Yes, you do what you want. with that information, you know you asked for an answer, you got an answer, whether you like it or not, that's up to you, yes, yes, and move on, no, that's absolutely correct and I think as people who start reading the letters from the Oracle and the Tarot, when I know I want to share this gift with our friends and say: Hello, can I read for you?
I need practice, you read for them, you give them the reading and they say I don't like that and suddenly I absorb it and say, oh, I'm a bad reader, right? I'm never going to be good at this and it's like no, the problems with them are not with me, yeah, and the other thing I want to quickly mention is another friend of mine when she started learning to read. I read, you know, she was one of those people where she was, you know, flipping the cards and then flipping through the book and reading the descriptions and stuff, and a friend of hers actually took the book out of her hand and threw it and It was like okay, now read the cards, you know, because I mean, the book is a good starting point, like you have a deck that you have no idea what's going on with it and you know you're trying to get it. . some perspective on it, like it's okay to read the book a couple of times just to get an idea, but yeah, after that it's like you need to be able to read the deck without the book, yeah, yeah, no one else. more time five six seven eight go ahead Lisa I think yours is going to be Salient and then I'll probably go and pop it so go on cool so you're waiting for me to raise that balloon okay so here's my balloon ,Susie.
She forgot what she was saying, oh, there's no shame in using the book, it's true, but don't let it become a crutch. Yeah, because I also forgot what she was going to say, but that was it, it's like you can really become something. Relying on it slows down the reading and then confuses the information and then you never learn to trust your own intuition, yeah, and that's the thing is you know people like it, but the book says this and I'm like, yeah, but that doesn't apply to the situation that has nothing to do with what's going on and, well, you know, you'll live with a group of friends, yeah, and it won't make sense to you because it's like that's not the purpose. . from the reading that's not the um the context yeah yeah context that's a good word you know you're missing that when you say oh you're so dedicated to the book or whatever um so yeah, so that's Why do you know that a lot of times? , even with some of the Decks I have?
You know I still read the book because it's like, oh, okay, that's interesting. I never thought of it that way and then it's fine as I get more used to it. in the deck there are certain cards, okay, I know what the book says about this card, but in the context of this reading it actually means that it refers to this, yes, and that's how you know I'll get used to my new decks They even start talking to me and then I say, okay, no, and that's a good method. Kai and I again go back to what I was saying, don't be afraid and don't be ashamed for not using the block, but you know. that the cards have many different discrete meanings and so when you understand the context of the situation, record, resonate and leave the rest because you know it can be a sunny day but it can also be raining and then, oh look, you have a rainbow, so you have the weather and you have three elements in play, which is wiser and more effective in that scenario, okay, so we hope you enjoyed our talk about divination tools.
The next step Lisa is going to demonstrate how to use bibliomancy and automatic writing. If there is a topic or question she has for us, please let us know and also consider supporting us on this journey by picking up my top pendulum grids at Hands on Fire. Buzz, uh, get your copy from Lisa. 2023 Energy Calendar Planner including digitally recording your Oracle tarot readings at and don't forget to listen to Susie's amazing podcasts at Blue and don't forget the Mystic Mosaic podcast is now on Spotify where you can listen to us on any time tell us in the comments section what you think about this topic and share your experiences with us thanks Hey mystics, did you know that opening a book to a random page with divine messages is a form of divination?
It's true, it's called bibliomancy. It's about opening a book to a random page to gain knowledge and wisdom. You can use any book to ask a question about the Divine. Traditionally, the Christian Bible, among other religious texts, was the first book used. It was the first printed book, needless to say. Bibliomancy has been around throughout the ages, so let me show you that if you have a deck of tarot cards and prefer not to shuffle to select your card for the day, you might consider using the guide that came with your cards in my hand. I have the enchanted map Oracle by Colette Baron Reed and you can ask the same question you would ask your deck, like what is my next move for today or what does the universe want me to know now.
If you know your book intimately, I would recommend it. closing your eyes, turning the book over and asking what the universe wants me to know, turn it over and let's see, I have a home here, so the answer is you feel comfortable in your own skin, you belong, that's a really nice message, right? So if you ever have a question you'd like answered right away, just pick the nearest book, ask the question, and then randomly open the page to get your answer. Isn't it so fabulous? I love it. You can do this too. Let me know in the comments.
If you've ever done this and what your ideas were, have you ever done a creative project and looked back and said to yourself I can't believe I wrote that or drew that or musically played that when you're more in the flow? It is likely that you have accessed the cosmos. You may have pulled an idea from the universe and it flowed from your arm to your hand to your pencil. In many cases, this is done unintentionally. It is done intentionally. You can define deep messages. Automatic writing is a tool to assist the Divine. quick answers from your


self Source or spiritual guide automatic writing is the art of writing words without consciously writing many wise authors and artists have used the process of automatic writing to deliver their messages conscious writing allows me to connect with anyone at any time or dimension to help Unlock the secrets of my unconscious mind.
Automatic writing is one of my favorite ways to stay connected to my


and spirit guides and gain deep insight into my questions. Practice can also become an intense emotional experience. The only thing you need to know is that it is. You do not keep a diary and it is not a crystal ball, nor is it a dictation, the messages essentially come from your higher self. Preparing for this automatic writing experience is a lot like preparing for a reading: you want to optimally prepare your mind and body before getting into the flow. This is done during a trance state after meditating for a few minutes.
I put on headphones to keep out the noise. I start channeling messages while asking certain questions. The first thing you should do is ask the right question. Refrain from asking questions. Yes or no questions because the answers you will get will be long. The spiritual realm has a lot to say. The questions could be: What do I need to know today? Who am I or why does this pattern keep repeating itself when you are the first to form your spiritual team. You can respond with something simple like you are loved and that's great. The second thing is not to dismiss what you are writing.
Don't get carried away with confidence in what you are writing. In some cases, I write. words I'm not familiar with and have to look them up and I'm surprised by the revelation. In many cases, my writing events can last 20 minutes or so. I will intentionally set aside time during the day to download other messages. Sometimes the angel radio may ring in my ear alerting me of incoming messages. If that's the case, I'll have some cards on hand to jot down messages. I hope this inspires you to consider using automatic writing as another form of divination until next time.
Time remains grounded, protected and magical.

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