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The key moments from Sunak and Starmer's fiery first head-to-head debate | ITV News

Jun 06, 2024
Just to address you


, K Dharma, the point that Rishi Sunak made is that the economy is growing again, the plan is working, it's your opinion, well, he says the plan is working, he says the plan is working, so The question for him is why? He called the elections now because if he believes that things are going to improve towards the second half of this year, why did he call them now? He called them now because he knows it and I will ask him that he knows that inflation is going to rise again. he knows that energy prices are going to go up again in the fall, that's what he's not telling them, so he says the plan is working, but I don't think he believes the plan is working because if he thought the plan was working , I would not do it.
the key moments from sunak and starmer s fiery first head to head debate itv news
I've called this election right now Rich, I will do it soon. I think it's a little ironic because from the moment I got this job, K Starma was telling me to call an election, call an election and now that we call an election, he's like oh no, no. There will be no election because I don't want to tell you what I'm going to do and this is the choice, this is everyone's choice, the plan is working, of course, I know everyone is just starting to feel the benefits of it. but inflation is back to normal wages are rising taxes are now being cut K starma would put all that progress at risk would raise everyone's taxes by £2000 £2000 in high taxes for every working family in our country after all the hard work and sacrifice we've been through that's not the right course of action I don't know why you want to raise people's taxes Paul I just don't know how you feel when you hear a prime minister say after you've heard what you're going to say say through that the plan is working, okay.
the key moments from sunak and starmer s fiery first head to head debate itv news

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the key moments from sunak and starmer s fiery first head to head debate itv news...

I know so many people who are struggling with their bills and the Prime Minister keeps saying that he lives in a different world and if people are struggling with their bills why does he want to make it harder? for them by saddling them with £2,000 in higher taxes, how is that going to make Paula's or anyone's life easier? Could you respond directly to Rishi? This is the Prime Minister who has been part of a government that has increased taxes 26 times in the last Manifesto. who had in 2019 said we won't put in National Insurance, this man then put in National Insurance, he is the British expert on tax rises, they are at the highest level in 70 years, the NHS is broken, be honest with us, how long?
the key moments from sunak and starmer s fiery first head to head debate itv news
Will it need to be fixed, as Janet knows and everyone knows? The NHS is still recovering from Covid. We spent the best part of two years where the NHS was unable to carry out all the treatments it would normally do and it will take time to recover. From that, but now we are making progress, the waiting lists are decreasing, but what the K staff didn't mention to you and you did, Julie, 7.2 million, now it's 7.5 million that say they are coming down and this is the guy who says okay. in mathematics, yes, now they are going down, now they are going down 7.2 when you said you would lower them 7.2 million now 7.5 million I would like you to explain to me how they are going down because they were going down from where they were when they were higher up in their way down, they are down, yes, because the NHS was hit by industrial action and if it weren't for that, half a million jobs would have been safe, because of someone else.
the key moments from sunak and starmer s fiery first head to head debate itv news
I am really grateful for everyone in the NHS for working so hard and we have now reached an agreement on pay rises with everyone in the NHS except the junior doctors and of course I want to do that to make sure it is fair and affordable but even though they offered me the most generous salary deal anywhere in the world. The NHS and indeed the public sector and the union are demanding a 35% pay rise and I don't want to raise taxes to pay for that because I don't think it's right, but I will say it when K St says it will. solve it, he hasn't explained to you how, but I will tell you this answer: K, well, we wouldn't pay 35%, we already told doctors that we can't afford it because the government has already broken the economy, uh, and there are many things that can't be done now. allow, so we are not going to pay them, but what cannot be done is what the Prime Minister has done, that is, you just said that you would solve it, so what?
What would you do at the end of the day? You are not going to give them the 35% salary increase they are asking for. How would you solve it by standing there and saying, I'll solve it? It's not an answer. a plan Minister, how would you solve it, Prime Minister? your history is no, how would you resolve it? You want to be prime minister, how would you resolve the strike? say how you would solve it I wish I had so much to say when L confidence was crushing the economy, could you respond to Richy's point please? Well, I will when I can say a word.
His record says I'm not going to enter the room to negotiate and what have we got. We have been in the room. to negotiate what we have strikes going on we have to end these strikes growth the adult way to do it is to go into the room and negotiate with the doctors and come to an agreement if you have loved ones on a long waiting list would you do it if Do you feel like that's the only way to use private healthcare? rishy


yes, kiss Dharma no, absolutely not, if your loved one was on the waiting list for surgery no, thank you very much.
I don't use private healthcare. use the NHS, that's where my wife works in one of the big hospitals, as I say, it's in my DNA, triple lock plus, so we increase the personal allowance for pensioners and ensure the state pension is never taxed , that's what is done. We will be under a future conservative government. Karma has not kept that promise, which means that for the


time in the history of our country, if workers are elected, pensioners will pay taxes. I don't think that's right and you should explain to everyone why you think pensioners will pay taxes. be paying a pension tax under his government, what the Prime Minister has done during the two weeks of this campaign is pull desperate tricks and put them on the table, he has told us he is going to get rid of it, it is his policy to get rid of National Insurance .
In total there are 46 billion pounds, he said that his policy is to get rid of the inheritance tax, that is 10 billion pounds. He says that he is going to get rid of the tax, simply speaking, answer the specific question that we have committed to. I can say thank you, not for each one. others, thank you, not about each other, that is, we have committed to the triple lock, also, under us, the state pension will never be taxed under you, there is a retirement tax for British pensioners. I think it's appalling, explain to people why you think pensioners should pay tax on the state pension, okay the big problem with Liz Truss is that she made an unfunded tax cut, the PM is doing the same , let's go to the circle that you asked, you asked about it, it's very clear. under-star pensioners will pay tax on state pensions for the first time in the history of our country a retirement tax talks all you want about the past but in the future pensioners will have a tax increase under your government I kindly want to do that with the pensioners Why do you want to increase your taxes?
The most liberal prime minister we have ever had on immigration. We've never had figures like these before and he says you can believe the ships. Nobody should do that. Crossing Channel 18. Months ago the Prime Minister made a promise and said, just like the NHS promise, "you are personally responsible for it," that he would stop the boats only this year. 10,000 people have crossed in boats which is a record number so again he made a promise and is completely I couldn't keep it thank you Rishi respond directly to the kiss in the last 12 months the number of crossings has reduced by a third because the plans we put in place are starting to make a difference, but the choice of this election is about the future.
I need to have a deterrent, the only way to stop this problem is to tell the people who come here illegally that they cannot stay and they will be removed if I am your prime minister, the planes will go to Rwanda, we will have a deterrent, so the simple The question for K Armor is: What will you do with the people who come here illegally? Say what you will do with them. Very simple. What will you do with them? That's what I'll do. We will have a deterrent element. What are you going to do? we have to crush the gangs who run this file trade, making huge amounts of money by putting some of the most vulnerable people on boats across the channel, they are making a fortune before I was a politician Steven, I was the director of the public prosecutor's office and I worked with the police and prosecutors of other countries to take down terrorist gangs that cross borders.
I don't think it's impossible to take down these gangs. What I won't do is engage in an expensive stunt for Rwanda's plan if he believed. was going to work wouldn't have called an election before it could be proven wouldn't have done it jail because we need to crush the gangs. Kier Starmer voted against those laws so as always you say one thing here but your record says something completely different and you can't be trusted to address immigration so why the numbers why This year's numbers are 10,000 record numbers? because? because this is a challenge, this is a growing challenge, but I have a plan to face it.
I'm going to put people on planes, what are you going to do? with them I can tell everyone what I'm going to do, you may not like it, but I have a plan because we have to have a deterrent, what are you going to do? Just tell everyone what you are going to do with illegal migrant AR please, can we please gentlemen, we will keep our voices down. Kiss lady please reply directly to There is a pattern of behavior here, he said he would lower the waiting list, they have gone up, he said he would stop the boats we have.
Record numbers arrive. The promises she makes aren't worth the paper they're written on. His plan is failing. We have to deal with this problem. Steph, we absolutely have to deal with that. We have to crush the gangs that are doing it. I will never do it. I accept that the only criminal gangs that cannot be defeated are these vile gangs. I have defeated terrorist gangs in my past. I've seen how it's done. I know it can be done. We will have a border security command if I can. I am Prime Minister and we will do this and we will stop this vile trade and those boats that come with very vulnerable people like many young people.
I completed my last years of sixth form under covid restrictions, started university with them and have had to deal. With a cost of living crisis, a housing crisis and an unstable world, what future can they offer my generation and when will we be their priority? Thank you very much indeed K, well, miles, what I think is really important is that they have the higher education opportunities that you need whether it's university, um or technical skills, I think they're both perfect, they're equivalent, they're really important. My father was a tool maker, so he went the skills route.
I was the first, as happens in my family, to go to university. so we will make sure that those jobs are there for you in the future and that you have the opportunity to get it. We will build the houses so that you don't have to be 30 something 35 36 before you own a house under this government, but What I won't do, I won't do is send you a national service, some kind of teenage dad army, um, that would be what the Prime Minister would say, forget about going to university, he wants to see you off, uh, to national service, thank you very much karish


, you know we have a lot to be proud of as a country, but we need to do more to make sure that our young people like you, Mars, have the opportunities they deserve, so it will introduce a modern form of national service and I believe it will be transformative for the young people of our country, giving them the skills and opportunities they need to succeed in life, fostering a culture of service in our society, uniting it but also strengthening our resilience. and security for the future and I think that will be an incredibly positive thing, but beyond that, I want them to have financial security.

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