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Why EVERYONE Plays: Darius (League of Legends)

Mar 14, 2024
Hey guys, welcome back to another leaked video and today is a new series of videos that I'm doing essentially in conjunction with the why no one


like a sister series series. Let me introduce you why



like this, from this moment on I go. I'll be alternating between the two series, which means I'll do a why there's no place and then next week I'll do a why


plays and I'll keep bouncing between the two, so I hope you can't wait for it to start. After the first episode, let's start in the top lane with one of the most well-known monsters in the


and practically the history of the game,


, the big bad generation of noxus, like the sister series.
why everyone plays darius league of legends
My goal is to create a discussion about the possible reasons why these champions see. a consistently high pick rate and, more importantly, whether that is related to the champion's own stats or player loyalty, so this should be very interesting to talk about. If you enjoy these types of videos, a rating would be greatly appreciated and also subscribe to learn more about why in the future. everyone plays videos there is also a playlist in the description below usually but because this is the first episode I have the playlist on why no one plays in the description and if this is your first time on my channel, check out some of them. but for now that will be it, let's get started Despite their hysterically ridiculous rework in 2015, giants are actually a fairly tame subclass of champions and true to their core essence of being defeated bosses, they are very simple when it comes to their strengths and weaknesses over time, the giant subclass has seen new additions and reworks to allow the roster to expand quite diversely, which is impressive of riot to be able to find so many different ways to create a frontline slow but powerful and meaty from At this point, the list of conventional champions in the subclass extends to the following aatrox set


dr mundo trundle garen alawi urgot mordekaiser volleyball trundle nazis and yorick, could be a couple more, but I feel like They don't exactly fit the definition of that.
why everyone plays darius league of legends

More Interesting Facts About,

why everyone plays darius league of legends...

However, the definition generally implies three main details of what a juggernaut consists of: they have extremely high damage output, especially considering how little they have to build in the offensive department, one or two damage items at most, and In general, those elements don't give that much. extra attack damage or ability power compared to total damage items usually around half, if you look at a black blade it only gives 40 ad or a steric gauge maybe around 35 to 40. The usual 80 items can reach 70 or 80 because they have such good base damage and scaling that they have the luxury of building defensive items without any loss in performance.
why everyone plays darius league of legends
Typically, each giant also comes with some sort of sustainability need, such as healing regeneration shields or more than one. His most notable attribute, however, is not one of his strengths, it is actually his weaknesses. Whenever you think of a giant, you probably think of how slow or immobile they are and that's true, although every giant has a built-in property that makes it easier to approach their champions, it's safe to say. They are arguably the slowest champions in the game, as they don't really win any medals when it comes to speed or burst. Because of these polarizing traits, it is often seen that some monsters have incredibly high pick rates and the rest have incredibly low rates that said time and time again, Darius has claimed the top prize as the most popular giant to play as, as well as the most popular top laners to pick for pretty much almost every elo, except maybe challenger.
why everyone plays darius league of legends
Why, even though I am a greedy player myself? so I have quite a bit of knowledge on the subject and can narrow it down to three reasons starting with this first one, such as how giants as a class are pretty straightforward in their abilities in their gameplay. Darius is no exception, he is very simple. champion to play with simple rewards and simple punishments. What I mean by this is that he is a very transparent champion. What you see is what you get. There's nothing super crazy with him, there are no flaming hoops that you have to jump through to play against him or play against him, it's not. like all the new champions who have so many conditions that you have to be careful with like the felios to this day I still don't know how he works darius gives a breath of fresh air to toplane it is because he is one of the few champions left in the game is very basic but also very effective at what it does, so I'll go into more detail about its abilities.
Bleeding has been a well-known aspect of his strength since the rework of him half a decade ago, each of his basic abilities. Damaging attacks and abilities provide damage over time to your target that can stack up to five times and deal quite significant damage, importantly, although with five stacks you gain a huge buff that allows you to instantly limit stacks. from other targets and take between 30 and 230. bonus attack damage the highest stat boost of any skill in the entire game at max level, even champions like sanchez or dr mundo who get free stats like crazy don't come close to the amount of a.d darius can reach anyone with basic knowledge of the game who reads this passive and can conclude that he becomes increasingly dangerous the longer a fight goes on, as not only does he rack up more damage on you through bleeding , but the steroid you get with five stacks is a game-changer in almost every fight.
Mentioning that trying to master it through numbers won't always work because all you need is 5 stacks on one target to apply it to all the others, decimate and cut a wide circular area around it with the sweet spot on the outer edge, no just to address some very solid ones. damage but also heal him for a percentage of his missing health 15 for each champion with a cap of 45, that's quite a bit again just reading this most players can figure out that attacking as many enemies as possible at that point optimal results are very rewarding for the person. playing with darius and devastating consequences for those playing against him even though his q has overloaded numbers in terms of damage, mana cost and cooldown, he has very pronounced counterplay, just avoid the dumper and you can mitigate the threat of this skill, reminds me a little. about Marth from Smash Bros because the character rewards you for the right slot with really powerful attacks and spam, but because of how tight that slot has to be, it's a pro hit and a crippling hit is an auto attack empower, something you seal In many, in fact, more than three-quarters of those listed on the wiki have some type of boosted basic attack.
Darius's comes in the form of a 90 slow for one second, which is pretty substantial. a slow duration given once again the cheap mana cost and low cooldown, although that property is fairly ubiquitous among all basic attack buffs and although most people might think that the slow is not as impactful as a nest q that provides more id garen or volibear keyword silences. key that stuns, remember that darius' main goal is simply to get 5 stacks of his passive, slowing an enemy champion by 90 for a second essentially guarantees to land another basic attack immediately, as few have enough mobility to run away from a slow so powerful, not only that. but the paralyzing blow also makes landing the dumper on your q much easier as if this attack did anything other than slow it would be too overpowered, imagine if you're stunned, instead apprehend that it's some sort of quasi-mobility tool , as I mentioned before.
Each giant has some kind of built-in mobility, such as a small additional dash movement accelerator, such as Darius, which pulls everything within 535 units, about the same as the auto attack range of a marksman or a mage, also gives them a slow of 40. for one second, guarantees another basic attack right after, plus it provides up to 35 armor penetration, the same as Lord Dominic's greetings for the free people, they don't really consider this to be much of a threat due to how intrinsic it is and although the percentage is higher than the penetration. doesn't do much in the early stages of the game, it's what allows darius to easily take on bulkier characters that can slowly damage them, like nasus or similar.
I will say though, especially after its most recent nerfs, it has a high mana cost and a high cooldown, but overall it's still a very threatening ability to keep an eye on, lastly its ultimate, the iconic guillotine noxina, darius launches into the air and nails whoever he kills for massive amounts of true damage if he manages to hit the target. fatal blow to the target with this attack, it instantly refreshes your passive buff and resets the skill, allowing you to cast it again for free, not only that, but at level 3 you can cast it for free, regardless of whether this skill adds another reason to fight him. with 5 stacks it's incredibly dangerous because the ult's true damage also increases with each stack of bleed on the target even though it actually has one of the lowest base damage for an offensive ult it only goes so far I think as 300, a fully stacked ultimate takes you to 600 at base, which is still surprisingly pretty low considering level 16 champions have over 2000 hp, most maxes at rank 3 can go up to 800 to 1000 damage, but it has a nice 150 to 80 bonus ratio that may not be building as much. ad in your items but remember your passive can give up to 230 bonus, hypothetically speaking a standard dairy built will give you around say 80 ad and then add an additional 230 from your passive which will take you to over 300 with a bonus of 150 at a ratio of 80. that can take knox and guitan's maximum damage to over 1000 true damage that can be chained if he deals the killing blow and remember that if he deals the killing blow to the target with his ultimate ability, he instantly gains Noxian Rage which allows him to stack five on anyone else and then just spams Ultimate everywhere, as you can see from their abilities they are all pretty powerful individually, but just as simple in their strengths , so are his invulnerabilities, regardless of how many players think he's overpowered.
Darys is actually a Very Fair champion, each of his abilities are strong, yes, but they are also exploitable. His passive is one of the best in the game but only if he reaches 5 stacks, an easy way to prevent that from happening is to avoid fighting him in long battles or dodge his q and e sweet spot to remove any free stacks, his q can healing him for massive amounts of hp and also dealing incredible damage, but proper spacing, whether from being too far from his sword or too close, is enough to make this essentially a dead giveaway.
His ability is strong crowd control, but with fairly poor range and a narrow area of ​​effect, meaning you can completely neutralize this attack by slashing it if you're a ranged champion or dodging it if you're standing right next to it. he. I rarely see anyone doing the latter, but believe it or not, it's a lot easier to do than you think. Lastly, his ultimate is only powerful if you manage to land a killing blow with it or if he gets five stacks on you again. This can be fixed by keeping an eye on your health bar when it's low or making sure it doesn't easily stack on you for free.
People exploit certain cheese tactics a lot, like channeling gold, but most League players actually enjoy winning a fair fight, contrary to what they say. Popular belief: Many players feel better about winning a lane matchup or game through superior skill or execution rather than getting carried away. his strengths and weaknesses are better and that is usually darius player, like i said before what you see is what you get or else you get what you paid for. Darius rewards players who take the time to learn its attributes, something you don't always do. see in other champions, making him a very popular pick, reason number two and three are less conceptual but equally important to mention that he is a raid boss, a trait also shared by most giants like alawi and aatrox, Simply put, raid bosses are champions whose main strength in a fight is their ability to force focus.
You've probably heard about this catch-22 before against the boss of theincursion. You can't fight them because all that time and energy you spend trying to kill them gives the other enemy champions free time to take you out, but you also can't focus on the other champions because the raid boss will destroy you. The sheer pressure that Darius can put on a 5v5 front is enough to win a fight against his own enemies. You have to take into account how close they are. are for him because if he has even two seconds to attack you, you're pretty much dead and even if he can't get close enough to bomb the backline, another way to do it is to build up five stacks on a tank and then crush his In my opinion, No other giant does this better than Darius, making him the most popular giant to play, while other big names like Alawi and Mordekaiser have the potential to change fights in 1v9 games.
None of them do it as well. . Sufficiently and stylishly like Darius to this day, a five-man pentadonk has to be one of the most satisfying things, especially since it's not as easy to make as a Katarina penta or even a pike, which many high-ranking players level know This is why your main priority is to keep Darius out of a fight as much as possible, but in lower level play that kind of situational awareness is almost completely absent, making Darius much better , that's often why he gets banned so often in low games. elo because no one knows how to fight him emphasizing once again that Whether Darius wins or loses a game depends entirely on which player knows him best, you or your opponents, lastly, he is reliable and consistent, you may find that many Other giants have a hard time producing stable results because much of their potential may be limited or hidden behind a mountain of conditions like maybe York requiring proper configuration of his ghouls, NASA needs a lot of batteries in his Q or while he has than setting up his tentacles, darius on the other hand, he doesn't really care what the situation is, sure it would be nice if you could start a team fight immediately with five stacks, but the best thing about him is that he can fight practically anywhere moment and in most cases you don't always need your ultimate ability.
To win a fight, that kind of accessibility isn't as pronounced in other behemoths like Garen Trundle or Mundo, who usually rely heavily on something like his ultimate or passive or don't have the same kind of sustenance in the fight that Darius does. consistency. It's super important in this game. I can't emphasize it enough. I have said it many times in my previous videos and I will say it in perpetuity. This is why those who are more independent and stable are favored over those who are not now. It may be true that while Darius is super popular in solo queue, that doesn't exactly translate into pro play and that's a valid point to make, but again, that goes back to my original Darius point, the difference Whether you win or lose depends. about which player knows him best in the pro


, almost all players in the top lane know his weaknesses well, which is usually the reason why top laners don't pick him, since he is very exploitable and has high mobility or Crowd control is usually given priority. pro game so you might not see champions like jax either in general, what makes darius popular is that he is very simple to play but also very rewarding and satisfying.
He has clear weaknesses but also very clear strengths and a good darius. The player knows how to balance his disadvantages with his advantages. It's like that friend that you really love and care about because he's super trustworthy and down to earth, but you don't really want to hang out with him because you don't want to. it ruins your perfectly good friendship with him, he's more of a friend, at least that's how I think a lot of top laners look at him because you don't see many high elo darius montricks, but at least everyone knows to keep him in their back pocket, I don't think There is not a single respectable toplaner who has not played Darius at least a couple of times.
I hope this video was insightful for those who needed it and entertaining for those who wanted it, it really feels good to talk about it mostly. the good of a champ and not so much the bad if you enjoyed it although I would really appreciate reading and if you have any thoughts on the positives or negatives of dairy I would love to hear them in the comments section below as this is the first , why everyone plays videos. I don't exactly have a playlist so you can watch the previous episodes yet, but if you're interested, make sure to check out the sister series to Why Everyone Plays, called Why Nobody Plays, the link will be in the description that'll be it, lots of it.
Thank you all for watching and I hope to see you again soon in the next video, take care.

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