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Game Exploiter Vs Pro Youtubers

May 14, 2024
They're actually forging some stacks, but they're too afraid to fight me, so instead, try to break the siege, which I've been trying to do, oh yeah, productive use of time, yeah, yeah, it takes them three months disarming the siege, something that takes me three days, yes, pretty easy conquests, the only problem with my tactics now is there is like a network of alliances between all the people around me who are trying to protect each other from me, okay, Egypt is mine now no, no, no, no, it's much closer, we have to, we have, we're going to We have to start making our way along the coast now I'm hovering over the moment when it approaches gracefully.
game exploiter vs pro youtubers
I'm going to execute my children, two children. I've got my own family hostage at this point, okay, how's my legend map mode? oh it looks good oh it looks very good good Vile I have good news how would you like it instead of being completely destroyed by me, start spreading my wonderful Legend. I think it is a better option than the alternative that Vasilich could also offer you in the Glorious Mongol Empire. I don't think that's a problem for me. I don't believe it. I know I think I could well. I guess the biggest problem I would have if I made you a vassal is that you would probably have a better chance of murdering everyone I love.
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I'm sure that I'm sure that wouldn't happen, although I mean, you know you know me well, I'm not going to do it. You would have new access to people, that's the concern. I'm cool, maybe I want to be a Mongolian vassal. you are safe if you are a Mongolian vassal, yes, how many prisoners do I have? 11, right, bam, run it, oh, my dead son is haunting me, oh my god, yes, that seems completely fair, yes, I know it's fair. seeing the ghost of M8 chasing me H uh in the hallways oh idiot, you deserve that, yeah, a little bit, so Okay, do you have a late


event you're going to do here or is Paul just running off with it?
game exploiter vs pro youtubers
No, yeah, I don't think I can get over it, that doesn't look good, right, this was my plan. Well, you can do everything in your power to try to stop me in my power, don't worry, our kingdom still needs to touch your border. you still have to say hello, yeah, oh, you're touching Reie too, he's been touching me for a while, he's there in bad ways, my whole tactic has revolved around the devoted person of Adas, I have human sacrifices, so I've got the captive raid, uh, CIS, it takes over anyone not of my faith and that's pretty much everyone around me, so I've been farming all these really weak miners, um, and I'm going with four or five, right? you're just rotating crops rotating crops in West African countries, you see, I respect that that's what I wanted to do here, but then they said no, you have to delete them, jeez, I won't lie, clicks per minute.
game exploiter vs pro youtubers
This is definitely getting pretty high for me having to micro all of these armies simultaneously. Without a doubt it is the most disconnected. It's almost like an East and West Roman Empire in North Africa and Spain. I don't know, I like our chances of making it. It only has 86 kills, yes 86, what point do I need to expand my kingdom to you? Reggie, that's the question or should I just offer you vassalage peacefully, but if you were a vassal of mine, could you continue conquering on my behalf? the blood needs to keep flowing Reggie, you get it, I get it and where should the blood flow from ooh, could you invade England?
That would be wonderful, okay, I'm ready to be assimilated in terms of the assimilation packages that we can offer you. You are a good gold stipend I will look at this I will consider this offer mm well, he is quite a handsome man I really don't think I can refuse him even though his opinion of me is negative 100 ah Fantastic welcome You also have A negative opinion of me of 100, but welcome to the fold, let me give you a great artifact to help you with this. You can have King Vladimir's book on how to make gold that I stole, that's fine, yeah, I mean, I'll take it, I guess.
Look, it's like a book he didn't really want for Christmas. They just delivered it to you. You can't say no, although you can't say. I have that vibe. I got that vibe when you were giving it to me. and you said let me give you my uh like flipping through your artifacts jely yeah just scrolling through a big list can you tell me which part of England you don't like the most? Where should I do it? If I had to be specific, it would be or has to be London, okay, so I'm going to say something very American, where is London, right?
Oh, a new spy is needed. Master, there is only one of these people who doesn't completely hate me, so that will do, oh yes, yes. fa um I will happily introduce it I need some I need men here I need help oh okay my allies are missing I don't know where they are It would be a shame if someone paid all your allies to leave by yourself I don't know wait you annexed me ally I think you annexed my allies when I wasn't looking wait a minute, did you? They left maybe I've been waiting for them to come back because I need them right, here's the thing V I can't kill you directly, but I can eat all your friends, but absorb them into the giant mass.
Oh, now, this is all too easy. With each war, a new crop of nobles inevitably arrives at my prison. Adding to my huge score, the others were in the dust behind me, their combined scores not even able to rival me. Reggie, strangely, was just attacking and turning everyone into rivals. Oh, you're disfigured, now what happened. Sincerely I dont know. Veil Fisk. was running a literal pump and dump plan that after the first few successes was running out of people to pump and kids to get rid of 70% of West Africa at war with me now I want to say you are the best way literally the worst thing ever What you've done is steal, rob your people and murder them for decades, yes, and there I was, unstoppable, inevitable, even Veil and Reggie felt the need to join my Empire to protect themselves, everything was going perfectly according to my master plan.
I have this


in the bag. I was murdered by a stranger. asant oh my god you died Paul TR is dead oh my god this is our chance go go go oh my god oh he died you were actually able to do this oh god it's so doable can we Will one of us surpass those 100 deaths? I'm pretty. Dude, I don't know, I'm like a million years old in medieval times, okay, I'm going to have to keep playing, but that means I'm going to do my best to kill them as quickly as possible, oh. No, it's okay to arm myself, I'm just going to hide in my room all day and like a knife at the door, just block the door with your own children, oh yeah, maybe I should pull the trigger on them now, oh I think I know who killed I actually wait do it yeah he basically had a really good spymaster and he really liked me however he only liked me because I gave him lands and that expired oh and he lines up too conveniently maybe yeah so I would have it.
He would have suddenly forgotten that he had been given a bunch of land and then he would have remembered that his King controls too many titles and then it would have been fine. We should kill the king, so what's plan B? Fisk, what are you going to try to do to get closure? In this Gap, did you execute your oldest son? My bookings are being transferred to the local jail one by one, you have them like stored offsite and some like yeah, CIA facility, yeah, okay, yeah, and then that and then I'm leaving. to attack I really have no other way to close this gap.
I need a loan from me. I have a devious little plan to create some deaths. I need like $200, no, because you could beat me to it. I won't do it. That's risky. I have a devious plan to generate deaths. And if I get $200 I won't be able to do it. Damn, he realized that he needs this money to fight endless rebellions. There you have it. I can give you 37 is enough 37 oh dear this is yes thank you I'm going to try to get some activity going here and if I can do it I'll kill a substantial number of people.
I'm very interested to see this happen how many are a few how many people are you about to jump in here well there's little chance it will work but if it works it'll probably be like 40 people 40 people oh my god okay yeah I do you make it I guess you could get over spiff if you live another like I don't know 20 15 20 years like you could really get over spiff I think wait what wait who killed my wife wait that wasn't my wife no wait who he just died oh it was one of my daughters someone else killed one of my sons got the lunatic because he's losing control yeah yeah I know it's hard for me to track as time goes by here oh he might try to murder one of your own children, not 94% chance of success, let's wait, which one is in jail or not?
I'm not saying I am, oh I'm going to get addicted to marijuana too, oh okay then okay, I guess I could execute them all now. now I have 10 people in jail oh god my character is stressed I don't blame him I really don't blame him I the option I have is to consume hashish cakes so that's what I'm doing he has to find some you know, the pleasure of something in this stage oh I was wondering why I was getting so stressed and needing to eat all this grass, it's because I'm compassionate so I don't like murdering people, there are only two kids who aren't just in jail. and once they are, I'll run the rest.
I think it fails, yes, look at f19. No, you killed that one, it was you. You killed one of those in prison. Well, yes, because they are in prison, so it is very easy to kill them. I just pulled the trigger and then I go, I go, there we go Smith can't do it again. I pulled the trigger. Did you kill them all? I killed them all. There are two, well, two left, but as if one of them were. I'm going to die and then the other one will simply be my heir by the simple virtue of being the last one, the last one standing, yes, unless I mean I'm seducing my new wife right now if she produces a three heir for him. throne.
I mean, I could take that, I mean, honestly, if you have children that could potentially take the throne, now is a good time, uh, honestly, someone else should take it, it's a mess right now, someone come in here and fix it. This problem, okay, I thought about it. I'm trying the event ooh, what's the event? Don't know. I'm going to try to throw the biggest party possible and then, since I'm a sadistic lunatic and several of my rivals are attending, I might just make it. an option to burn everything to the ground killing everyone inside and possibly inviting 138 people so oh my god oh if you pull it off you win 100% of course Reggie had a master plan the whole time and was completely crazy just like the king himself.
I haven't been able to make this happen reliably, so this is just a shot in the dark, a comeback that was based entirely on a coin flip event that triggered a play so wild he'll shake it. take the lead and kill everyone at the banquet winning instantly or you'll have a happy feast with grand marant condemning him to third place okay, I'm the host of the feast now it all comes down to this moment this meal this maddening coin toss Despite being Surrounded by my rivals, I kept a cool head and decided not to burn the place down, so after one last attempt to snatch victory, I remained undefeated.
King Reginald and Lord Oppenheimer had naturally reached the end of their journey. in old age, leaving the legend of Paul Trodes unrivaled now, if you're watching this video and think you could have done better then give it a try, the game is currently free to play this weekend, so grab some friends and watch if you can get it. a higher score, the first free people to tweet me with scores over 200 will win the game along with all its DLC, so have fun this weekend anyway, thank you so much for watching as I take my hat off to each and every one of you spammers. in the comments section and liking this video, you are all magnificent, have a nice day my friends and goodbye for now.

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