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Barbie games but I am a 26 year old man

Jun 03, 2021
Hi friends whats happend? My name is Kevin and just to show how confident I am in my masculinity, we're going to play Barbie and the 12 Ballerina. I don't remember 12 ballerinas or something, let's go to the trailer and find out more about the game, since apparently I can't tell you. Well, from the looks of it, this is going to be a very long scene. Why is it in slow motion? Oh, for the effect, because there is something wrong with her. No, we can not. check out this new game we'll learn as we go okay I don't want the game to know that I'm like a 26


old man so I'll put my name as Kevina very convincing I know like seven. kavinas oh my god she laughs and chews to the music what's going on it's like a child has owned this game in the past and didn't treat it well but that can't be right, okay


let's start right, Ok, let's go.
barbie games but i am a 26 year old man
This is very peaceful. I like it a lot. What are we collecting? Oh God, we've jumped too soon. She says: Oops, you killed me. Hey, she looks at those gem flowers that are releasing magic dust. I think she's as high as a kite. To be honest, from the way she talks, I think we're trying to eat this chick. It could be a dog, but I'm going with chicken. Also, the game is Barbie in the 12 dancing princesses. I don't know what she's like. Within 12 Dancing Princesses, I guess she murders them and opens them up, but I guess we'll find out.
barbie games but i am a 26 year old man

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barbie games but i am a 26 year old man...

Oh, now I'm playing as Twyla and she's looking right at me. She's making me a little nervous. She uses the directional buttons or the left analogues. Because? What did I do? What am I doing? Am I supposed to catch them? What is the point? I don't quite understand, it's going well, all I need to know is that we have to move forward and we are doing very well. I love video


. "They're doing great. I love how she says we're doing great when she's doing everything. Almost there, just one more hit. What's one more hit? Is she on drugs or something?
barbie games but i am a 26 year old man
That would make a lot of sense. If it was, she just keeps going. I just need one more hit and I'll stop doing it for good. Honestly, I don't even need meth. I can't get these last two sheets and it's pissing me off. to them, okay, this is, this is, come on, fix it, come on, come on, come on, come on, take that last sheet, it's painful, honestly, this is not that easy I guess the game is super short a lot of. These


tend to be super short and have minigames that are super repetitive or a little too difficult for kids to ever complete.
barbie games but i am a 26 year old man
I think we should move a little faster. What's the point? that I should do it. I have all the sheets very good once I got the first part of the flute. Why do I get a pair of flutes? I don't understand, she's scaring me. This whole game is scaring me. We found the first part of the flute I found this dirty flute in the tree. I should blow it. Let's hope it's just as fun to find the remaining two parts. Oh God, I hope it's more fun. They can keep the gems. Why do I buy them all just because I'm Barbie? that doesn't seem fair at all oh this is where the hunting part of the game begins you have to kill and skin the corpse then you can keep it it's only fair that I share oh facts, for love, like you didn't even take it, who?
It's brutus, this game tells you everything, how are you supposed to follow this? Maybe you have to have a great knowledge of the deep lore of the Barbie universe. Ah, great, another piece, the flute, what shall we do now? Okay, sign language, apparently, this game is like that. done, wow, I'm going to throw berries at these stupid birds and I guess that's what I have to do, I hope he drowns, screams, what's going wrong, where did you throw that Barbie, Jesus Christ, why is she throwing them over? I think the wind took Barry away yeah blame the wind it's not your fault it's never your fault it's


she's so pretentious yay now the magpie is abandoning her kids and she gave me the flute okay that cat is even taller than I eat barbie, not me.
I'm not really high, I don't think anyone wants to be high and play this game. I think you would be very scared. I'm still confused about how the baby is going to fit inside these 12 dancing princesses. The story better start progressing. so we can figure it out, I don't know if it's a sexual thing or if it's like, you know, I want to wear her skin. I'm not sure, I hope we find out soon, some poor kid probably did. I found this video because it's a Barbie video. I know they are very upset or at least their parents would be.
Oh, this is where the 2D platforming begins. Oh well, she's dead. She now she doesn't stop when you tell her to stop, oh my god. she just loves to kill herself she's so relatable oh my god she doesn't stop this it's so frustrating I just have to take it very close because she really wants to die let's hurry up and find the flute so we can help the princesses find the elixir bottle of what barbie what nonsense are you talking about you haven't informed me about this at all jesus christ barry lives in a shitty neighborhood look at the state of these bridges okay that doesn't even look like there's a hole there it just looks like a I walk like look at that perfect sick man that's ridiculous okay there's no way she fits down there like it's impossible to commit suicide there she's so good at committing suicide okay no I don't want to do that jump just jump normally please oh my god oh , are those frustrating controls.
Okay, I made it across thank goodness for the gems. I can not understand what you say. Who is Brunei? I don't think I've ever felt so frustrated. Why did I die there? I'm supposed to know that he has to be around here somehow, who is this guy? Why do we let him live in our boathouse? And I bet it sounds just as beautiful too. Wow, it's good, you don't even need to move your fingers. Not really. let's get into the damn scenes again they even look insane maybe he's just nervous he might be nervous you know he's talking in front of girls and parrots what is this?
What's going on? I'm going to try to translate this. can you understand, i think she said you're high, wake up, wake up, like the music sounds good, that's what confuses me. It might be possible that all voice actors stutter now that I think about it, that's probably the most realistic explanation for this, this arc, wait, why does it sound like me? This is cursed. Twilight already found a way through the gates, why don't we send Twyla or whatever her name is after all these gems? So I hope whoever expressed that. parrot this is her only acting credit it would be really depressing to try to kick this mole i want to kill him no baby won't she's too self righteous we all know when we look away she's murdering all the creatures and peasants in the village look at her He's threatening them as we speak Hey, you like rabbit stew, how am I supposed to get around here?
I don't understand, oh, a platform just arrived, go before it jumps, no, it takes so long to return, we are sure that Jesus Christ weighs like a metric ton when he walks on those slabs you can see the whole ground shaking where is Brutus ? I need to know who Brutus is. Is it the monkey? Is this hedge moving somehow? I'm just not going to pay attention to that. I'm going to keep moving because I think the drugs are really starting to kick in and I don't want to get lost here when I start to fade, what am I doing with my life?
Guys, someone tell me, is this what I was aiming for? been on this planet for 26


s so i could be doing this god just think about that car that broke me we would never have gotten this the things i could have missed who are you and why are you in my yard oh my god you are terrifying and the better our dance, the easier it will be for us to save father from cousin Rowena and Desmond, that's a really bad package there that she just said in small talk, in passing, like oh, we should save father from blah blah. blah and blue blue blue I don't know I'm lost all I know is this kid is scaring me like someone is scared imagine going into your hallway it's night time you're getting up to go to the bathroom I have a glass of water and you see this waiting for you oh well a rhythm dance game no horrible ps2 game would be complete without a rhythm dance game what's that move jesus christ she's been stealing some from me we gotta keep dancing if we're going to save father yeah that'll save father , as opposed to calling the police which would be absolutely useless, it was great fun, you were fantastic, she's applauding herself, what a narcissist, nice trick kevin, good job, great job, this cat is just like me.
I no longer want to exist, please take me off this earth. I think I'm going to change my name and just do girl games because they're really bad but fun. Bringing each princess back to the central pavilion needs to be done correctly. match a gem with a princess use the directional buttons I don't understand how I'm supposed to know which one to match I mean, are they slightly different oval shapes? I think this one looks something like this. You know this one. Maybe this one. Return to the pavilion. What did I do? Don't know. I'm just going to say that I did it.
I accomplished something today, which is rare. Why am I dancing again? I already did. I don't need lessons. I know what I do. I'm doing, what am I doing? I understand it's dancing, but why did I think we were done with this section of the game? I'm going to keep spamming the same move over and over again. I think Fortnite might have stolen all of her dances from here. they're like where can we find fashion and happen and dance, of course, Barbie and the 12 dancing princesses? Wow, that camera move, yeah, it's been happening, look at it, see, this is not how I expected my Friday night to go, who wants to go out? at the club dancing when you could just be watching a girl dance on barbie and the 12 dancing princesses this is so cool I love how 10 years ago this would be my worst nightmare if someone saw me playing a game like this and now I like it Hello Internet , I'm a 26 year old man and this is what I do on Friday nights.
Way to go, we'll save my father easily, okay, we'll save our father easily with dances like that, apparently I don't know how. he has simon cowell holding him hostage and we have to move on. britain has talent to get him back we just need to enchant all the dancing slippers every time i use the flute his magic seems to get stronger i think he's just making this up as he goes on you know and the elixir vile come on twyla come on . I think that cat has been drinking enough elixir to be honest, his pupils are dilated.
Do I have to go through any of the other doors? I don't think he went this route. Yeah, I definitely didn't see these crazy hedges attacking me. Twyla should be around. I wish you wouldn't die once you touch something. It's really frustrating when you die instantly like that like you touch the edge of something and it just dies just click on everyone yeah there we go all the wildlife is coming out now get out the shotgun barbie it's like shooting just shatter, this reminds me of spiderman pointing at spiderman meme, they look exactly the same okay?
I think I know what I have to do on this one. I guess I just have to put something in that matches. I don't even know if they all agree. No, she doesn't like that. I don't understand the point of this, but. I'm just allowing them. I know she shouldn't let them make me do this. I'm not playing this again. Why do you make them all dance? I don't understand how this is saving your father. in denial and you've gone crazy look, let's end there, we're done, I don't care about his father anymore, but I hope you enjoyed it, it was fun and I say it without irony, I'm embarrassed to say it.
I love making fun of old games and, uh, these games are top notch, but I hope you enjoyed them. I give it a curse out of 10,100. Get this game for yourself if you don't have a PlayStation 2. Go out and Get It and get this game. It's very cheap. You can get it for 150 at a thrift store if you want to, but I hope you enjoyed it. I appreciate you seeing me as always, friends, if you have more games like this. If you want to suggest me, please let me know. I'm sure you have a bunch in your collection that you'd love for me to try and give a vintage review.
So, yeah, I'll let him dance. bear, will be here, dance, if she does it, it's not good, okay, here she goes, yes, this is good, that's the sprinkler and that's what it's called, but yeah, I hope you enjoyed it, I hope to see you next time . I don't blame you if you don't, but I hope you do and we'll see you next time, bye for now.

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