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E95: What the hell is happening in Germany? The brutal attack on pro-Palestinian voices

Apr 17, 2024




o hello and welcome I'm Maron K we are dm2 a radical political movement for Europe and this is another live discussion with our coordinating team presenting subversive ideas that you won't hear anywhere else and today once again we are analyzing the current situation From Israel. genocide in Gaza and specifically around the repression of pro-Palestinian


in Germany. We have covered




in Palestine several times in these live broadcasts, but first let me quickly inform you that today is day 179 of Israel's war. war against the people of Gaza in retaliation for the October 7


s by Hamas, the death toll is approaching 33,000 civilians, mostly women and children.
e95 what the hell is happening in germany the brutal attack on pro palestinian voices
Israel has completely destroyed Gaza's largest hospital, an act that has produced some of the most horrifying images I have ever seen. on the social media of children of patients under the rubble Seven international aid workers who were delivering food to the starving population of Gaza were killed just yesterday and also yesterday in a move that appears designed to provoke a broader war. Israel has killed two prominent Iranian generals in an airstrike on the Iranian consulate in Damascus. The president of Iran says that this action will not go unanswered, but the facilitators of all this horror and destruction are here in Europe and in the United States, they are the governments to which we pay taxes to politicians, many of them.
e95 what the hell is happening in germany the brutal attack on pro palestinian voices

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e95 what the hell is happening in germany the brutal attack on pro palestinian voices...

We may have voted for those who continue to support Netanyahu's massacre of Palestinians and continue to provide him with the weapons to carry it out, and yet protesting against his actions here in Europe and showing solidarity with the Palestinian cause is something that could get him into serious trouble. . Nowhere more than in Germany, which sees unconditional support for Israel as part of its moral reckoning for the Holocaust. Now you will remember the story of Iris Heet. We had it on the live stream in November. She is an Israeli Jew who was taken into custody by police in Berlin in November for calling for an end to the genocide in Gaza in a public place and since then the climate of repression in Germany has increased dramatically.
e95 what the hell is happening in germany the brutal attack on pro palestinian voices
The German government and its institutions have canceled a series of cultural events to defame Palestine prominent artists and intellectuals, many of them Jewish, as anti-Semitic, have intimidated activists and searched their homes, even given cultural grants and, in the case of a German state, citizenship depends on support to Israel, recently, a few days ago, a German bank blocked the accounts of Jewish Voice, a major NGO critical of Israel, in its press release announcing


happened, the NGO said once again that a German bank is confiscating Jewish money and that now German politicians are trying to ban the Palestinian Congress, a vital event. that will take place in 10 days in Berlin to unite activists around the ceasefire in Gaza, so tonight we will ask what is


in Germany, what is hidden behind this insane and illiberal stance of German politicians and how all this relates to the country's Nazi history.
e95 what the hell is happening in germany the brutal attack on pro palestinian voices
How successful have these repressive measures been in curbing activism for Palestine and, as we approach the European elections, what could this climate of repression mean for Germany, for other countries in Europe and, of course, for the plight of the Palestinian people? Our panel, including our own group, faracis and our team of activists, thinkers and doers from all over Europe, many of them in Germany right now, who will be reporting from the ground, will address this issue tonight and you, if you have any ideas, comment , they rant about things that you need to vent urgently and put them in the YouTube chat, this is live and we will put them on our panel, let's give the floor to Janis, thank you man in all these years I have been like many of you and many of our Viewers have been painfully engaged with the question of what the hell is happening on Earth, to the west to turn our hearts into, you know, some kind of stone when it comes to the plight of the Palestinians for 8 years now, how did that happen?
It was all those years and I'm old enough to be able to say that it was more than four decades since, you know, I first noticed this crime against people that also had a massive impact on my psychology for all those years there. There were two interventions that I think are very relevant to today: one was that of Edward Sade, the notable Palestinian-born scholar who spent his career in the United States. He is the famous author of orientalism. He changed the way we think in the West. the way we think about the Middle East and the Near East and Asia in general, Edwards once said that one of the main reasons why we should all show solidarity towards the Palestinian countries and why we should all fight for emancipation Palestinian and I was speaking to an American audience is that without the Palestinians liberating themselves, the United States cannot be liberated and I think this is relevant today in Germany and in Europe as a whole because what is happening in terms of the silencing of


in solidarity with Palestine, like what we experienced as DM25 or M25 in Germany, like the Jewish voice for peace in Germany is experiencing, have you mentioned before March?
Do you know when Jews are being arrested and their money confiscated by German Aryan police and German authorities? I know something is wrong when this is supposedly done to combat anti-em because essentially what you have is a roundabout way of ending freedom of speech, freedom of association, freedom to express solidarity with people who suffer in a place like Germany, but it's not just in Germany, we can see this everywhere now in Britain, in France, in my country this morning, the biggest newspaper in this country, a right-wing newspaper called Catharin The Daily. He called me anti-mite because I said that the people of Palestine, the people of Gaza had a moral duty to themselves to tear down the wall that surrounds them and effectively creates the open-air prison that Gaza was for them.
The second expression that I think is important is Edward S. if the Palestinians. not liberated then we are not liberated the second expression comes from Nelson Mandela Nelson Mandela once said that hey, the reason why the British were referring to a British audience at that time from within his prison the reason why the British must joining the anti aid uh movement is because it's the only way they can free themselves uh not so much because what happened in South Africa had a direct impact in terms of you know, the same police force uh oppressing the people in Manchester or Birmingham, but his point as far as I understood it correctly was that unless the people of Britain and that is generalized to the people of the West realize that the British Empire, like every imperialist empire, treats its own people P bua in a way that evolves and develops in colonies, so think. about this, the British Empire, um, destroyed India, destroyed large parts of Africa, created the circumstances, broke away, hid in South Africa and so on, and in the process, with this exact same project in development, ensured that the working class in Birmingham. in Manchester, in Liverpool, they were enslaved by the same regime that was creating a partial division in South Africa, that was Mandela's point, so we are not facing a situation where the people of Europe are simply censored when it comes to talk about gazma no the The reason why we are being censored in Germany, in France, in Italy, is because this censorship is an integral part of exactly the same process by which we cannot talk about the dispossessed in East Germany, we cannot talk We cannot talk about the dispossessed here in Greece. the impossibility of making ends meet if you live on the outskirts of Paris, so that's one thing, and therefore the fight for the emancipation of Palestine, as Edward S said, is the fight to emancipate our dispossessed, to many of the demos that are excluded. of our democracies to the extent that there are anti-Semitic Zionists and there are.
I think of the Nazis in the United States who have the Sasti on one side and the Star of David on the other, to the extent that there are Nazi Zionists in the To the extent that there are Jews who fight against Zionism, the attempt of the German government and the European Union in general to identify anti-Zionism, a criticism of Israel with anti-Semitism is equivalent to telling me that I am anti-Greek because I fight against my government because I fight against those who want to remain silent about the ethnic cleansing of Slavic-speaking Macedonians in northern Greece, it is exactly the same, so my point is that silencing the progressives, especially the progressive Jews who are fighting against the identification of Zionism with being Jewish, that project of Germany, of Greece, of Great Britain, etc., is exactly the same project as the far-right agenda that guarantees that progressives in Germany cannot speak against the oligarchs in Germany, progressives in France cannot speak about the oligarchs in France and so on, that is why I think Edward's point was so pertinent unless the Palestinians are liberated, we are not Liber, it's not just a nice slogan, it's not just a way of extending our humanity and projecting it. everywhere this is a very pertinent political analysis of a prerequisite for our freedom, which is the freedom of the Palestinians, of course we, the supporters of the Palestinians and the defenders of universal human rights, also have to accept the fact that inexorably in the land of um Palestine of the traditional traditional Palestinian land, the old Palestine as we speak we have more or less 7 million Israeli Jews and 7 million Palestinians the Zionist project on which Israel has been founded is a people without land, sorry, a land without the people for a people without land is essentially an argument, it is a project to eradicate the 7 million Palestinians, half of them and subsume the other half in the form of labor in conditions of Quai bondage, as the white supremacist wanted in South Africa. for the blacks or the expansion that is the situation in old Palestine in the traditional Palestinian territories the solution cannot be to exterminate 87 million Israeli Jews that is why it is essential to understand that liberating Palestine is essential to liberate the Germans to liberate the French but also freeing Israelis from the fear that if they do not exterminate the Palestinians, the Palestinians will exterminate them.
Thanks yanis Johannes Johannes Fair based in Germany. I know you're not physically there right now, but you're usually in Berlin. Can you give us? an indication of how things have come to this point in Germany. I know it's a pretty broad question, but tell us, tell us how it feels, first of all, I mean, as a pro-Palestinian activist in Germany, to have his voice basically. deleted thank you Madan um and thank you for yes for being able to talk about this important topic tonight um I think it's a really difficult question how to give a short answer because basically, of course, there is the whole history and the years of our The educational system us rightly educates about the horrors of the Holocaust and you know, the Nakba just doesn't mention what was mentioned there, so I think the whole kind of establishment in Germany doesn't want us to know much, so for me too.
And I think that for many others who were actively involved in the topic, it was also a process of self-education and education through information to work in politics in an organization like DM25 or in other organizations, and I think that is how the path. to know, to really understand what has been happening over the last 80 years in Israel, Palestine, and then also to be able to take the right position, and of course it is especially shocking that a country like Germany, which perpetrated a genocide, is in its history, one in Africa and one in Europe, so, as we know, now yes, we support another genocide that we can see in real time on our phones and I know that the public reaction to that has been different inside.
Germany than, for example, even with the rest of Europe. I think there is a big difference and I often explain the German mentality through my own experience, through our international comrades in Berlin for example, who are surprised by this and I have to say that I am also surprised when I talk to people even at around me, even sometimes in my family, um, who just don't know much about what's going on. However, I think there is also a difference for the younger generation and, in general, for the population, that the media and the political establishment is really somewhere else besides the general population, where there is much more awareness and a lot more knowledge about what is happening.
Now, like I said, you can see these things and these atrocities committed every day on your phone, if you immerse yourself in it. Which of course is also a difficult thing, you know, you can do it too much, but I think it's important, it's important for us to know what's going on and it's important for us to be it in repression. has been happening and continues in Germany. I also wanted to make a very important point that the first people who are, or the people who know the most, are victims of repression are the Palestinians in Germany and all those people who do not. they have a German or EU passport because they are in real danger of being deported and even the current so-called centre-left government, which is actually not center left, has announced that they will deport people, uh, who don't know, follow the um, yeah , the so-called rules, um, and I think it's very important that we recognize that, um.
Those people in the houses have been invaded by peaceful activists who have just been blocking roads and being active on the issue here in Germany, the bank account um and there really is, yes, all kinds of harassment, uh, people have been misled by the right-wing media, all these things are happening and the first victims are of course those who can, are those who can't stand up for yourself as much as a white person like me can, and I think it's really good to be asked. be active on this issue to talk about it tonight and I wanted to mention that we are also, yes, very proud to announce that we are establishing an office in Berlin in one of the institutions and buildings that have been suffering. the repression because the Berlin Senate, um yes, has already taken away its funding.
I think it was November to an institution in Berlin called oun which was actually a center for cultural activities of all kinds of um, progressive discussion evenings, yeah, a really beautiful place. and its funding was canceled and now we are moving exactly to that building for our next election campaign and yes, we hope to be able to do our bit in this work against this oppression also with the Palestine Congress, but I am sure that we will talk more about that thank you, thank you Johannes Karen Karen Doro, our main candidate for our candidacy in the next European elections in Germany.
I mean, you heard what Johannes just said. Would you say these are these efforts to suppress pro-Palestinians? The activism has been successful or, you know, there's a lot of pushback and they're actually encouraging activists to stand up even stronger. Thank Mrs. Well, I would say that a lot of people definitely got scared because of the passport. situation that Yanna already mentioned, but also because in every sector there are attempts to literally silence anyone, so that said that the community, especially in Berlin, is very strong and I am very proud to be part of it and I must say that We are very strong and we will fight until the end, so we're not really freaking out as much as you might think, but I'd like to dig a little deeper into some episodes that put everything into perspective because we're not.
The details that sometimes count and in this sense, an important thing that is missing from the conversation now is that not only actions have been criminalized, but also words, because I believe that since November the Senate in Berlin prohibits using the river sentence . to the sea in Berlin and in some other states because it can be interpreted in many different ways, so technically someone could mean that we are against the existence of Israel, for this reason people have been arrested for demonstrating in demonstrations, I mean . We are facing a level of repression that I would never have imagined possible until now.
Another element could be, for example, the criminalization of students in universities, because the mainstream media obviously does not talk about it, only in a negative sense, because there have been many protests and many requests for um also from students. and they have all been closed. There has been an attempt to disseminate in high schools a pamphlet called "Half of the um of Israel's 1948 land theft." in no neighborhood here in Berlin where there is basically an attempt to rewrite history by totally canceling the NABA and presenting everything as simply a legal transition of land from the Palestinians to the Israeli people, so um and also another very scary detail is that not only The berin Paras froze Jewish Bo's account but asked for a list with names and addresses of all the members, so if this isn't intimidating, I don't know what is.
I mean, people are rightfully freaking out, which is why it's ours too. We, white Europeans, must defend them and try to bring their voices to the forefront. This is not just a question of Palestine or Israel, it is a question of internal politics because the right-wing groups, the AF, are thriving. right now they present themselves as the saviors of Israel when we know very clearly that they are all anti-Semitic because they are simply trying to push their propaganda and their anti-migrant anti-Arab anti-Muslim agenda to externalize the enemy, you know the situation, the economic situation current situation is not good at all in this country and they are just trying to preserve things like they are blaming someone who can't defend themselves because many of them don't even have the right to vote, so In all of this, and I think this outsourcing has almost been completed because you see the police do nothing when it comes to a group of nais meeting in postam to discuss mass deportations, but when it comes to arresting old ladies against Geno's side, then he goes crazy so, uh, it What I would like to say and because this is the right, we can obviously expect this from them, but what about the left?
The left, what remains of the left, has advocated for the population groups and the other part has done the same. The ostrich, uh, hides its head in the scandal because, when it comes to Palestine, they have been blind or dead for five months because very recently they started talking about the fire of the seas in a very, yes, timid way. but uh um I'm really wondering who would like to be represented especially in the next election by people who can't even recognize the difference in five months between genocide and self defense so I look at my case, thanks Karen, some comments from the chat Anton. asks why the anti-genocide postcolonial position called Pro Palestine is a drift, points out that Germany is always on the wrong side of history and Chris Co talks about something that happened in Frankfurt, where they tried to get Frank, the city of Frankfurt, would try to ban it. a demonstration that was called from the river to the sea and the city lost the court and they had to allow it udit udit Meyer also based in Berlin the word is yours and I would love it if you could talk a little more with how The extreme right is benefiting from this and maneuvering around these issues in German society right now, yeah, I mean, it's a godsend for the far right because everyone is repeating their stereotypes against Muslims, now, um and uh, of course.
The largest group of Muslims in Germany are the Turks and they somehow managed to combine all the prejudices that people have against the Arabs and Hamas and also apply them to the Turks. It's like a big mix of prejudices that somehow become more pervasive and pervasive and jealous until they apply to everyone they don't like and are now getting help from the government with plans to make it easier to deport people if they have any prejudice against Israel. Israel against the Israelis um it's um Yeah, it's great for them and I must say, I know I always knew that the right would benefit from the general bad state of the economy, but also from this particular development of course, but what most I was disappointed it was really a link party um because some of their parliamentarians are fine, Lincoln now sometimes talks about peace about the ceasefire okay, that's progress after five months they finally want the peace ceasefire what sorry, but some of your parliamentarians are still calling to ban Palestinian organizations in Germany just for organizing protest demonstrations together with Israeli groups um it's really unbearable uh that no party currently represented in parliament um speaks in favor of the right to demonstrate uh for Gaza is really absolutely impossible um and Johannes is right, people just don't know much, it seems like a big decision has been made, not to allow any information to reach the average citizen, for example Alifa Hospital, the complete destruction of the hospital biggest of Gza and all the people killed the patients, the doctors, etc. torture of doctors before destruction, all that you will not find anything in the German media, like the most important national newspapers, they have not published an article about Alifa in the last few days and if you look for it, well, you will find it. like a short note on the T program that says that the Israeli army has now withdrawn from Alifa after a very specific operation, you know, it comes directly from the IDF Propaganda Department what they write, so I'm not surprised that the average person is so uninformed and so willing to believe the Israeli side and so willing to believe the worst about the Palestinians because the quality of information in Germany is very bad, unless you are in the habit of looking for political information on social media and even There it is, it's getting harder and harder like the other day and this has happened to me several times.
I was trying to write about Gaza on Facebook and after I wrote my little post, I wrote the same thing on Twitter too. Facebook. uh he told me that when we process your message we will let you know when it is ready. You know what it was. This is the message you get when you post a 600 megabyte video like a big video that has to be professionally processed, but it was a text message that should have. It's been instant, uh, and every time I write about my personal life, learning languages, etc., it's published instantly, but every time I write about Gaza I get this message.
Now as I process your message I'll let you know when it's ready and then look back like it was a day. later and it's completely empty like they posted an empty message, then now you're in the situation on Facebook where you can't even go to your friends' profiles and read what they might have written. I mean, we know that all networks, including Twitter, are limited. the extent of unpopular opinions, uh, so that you don't see them on your feet when you're just uh BR scrolling like you do, but normally, at least on Twitter, you can still go to people's profiles and see what they've written. but on Facebook, if you go to people's profiles, you'll see an empty message or no message where people would have written something about Gaza and that's, I think it's very, very development related, I'm not sure if it's limited to Germany or if other people are also experiencing it, but this is part of the effort to keep us completely uninformed, so that we don't protest and I don't believe that the people who do this, make these decisions about new coverage and etc. or the German government with the new rules.
I don't think they are motivated by guilt over the Holocaust. I don't think any position of power is motivated by emotional reasons like that. I think they have very practical reasons and in Germany the reason is clearly that Germany is the second largest arms exporter to Israel right after the United States. Exports have increased tenfold since October. Germany is making a lot of money shipping all these weapons. weapons to Israel and obviously it would be a really big problem if the Germans started


ing in front of the factory gates, stop the ships, stop the planes, that just can't happen and I think that's why people are kept in ignorance, thank you.
I did, I mean, if I take what you're saying, you seem to be suggesting that it's actually working, this kind of suppression with respect to the media, would you say there's some kind of? I mean, how would you break it down, break it down demographically, would you say? maybe older people maybe are plugged into the media and accept its narrative while younger people are more on social media and getting all the facts or how would you break it down if you could break it down with people you know? talking to the ground in Berlin, well, I don't think people talk to a representative, but in some services that we have seen, yes, young people obviously have a very different view on Gaza and the question of Palestine. than older people, this is true.
I think in all countries, also in the US. I have seen similar studies and I think in Switzerland there was a similar study, so I wouldn't be surprised if it was like that all over the world. because of social media, especially Tik Tok, which is so popular with the younger audience, and I'm a little more optimistic because recently there was a study done in Germany where 61% of Germans now think it's the actions of um . of the Israeli army are not justified given the number of civilian casualties, which is very, very far from calling it genocide, but at least something seems to be changing, the information cannot be withheld, they are being too obvious about it, they are bragging too much about it. work war crimes thank you udit um some quick comments from the chat receiver says it really hurts me to see how my government in Germany behaves immorally the man says I am very angry and ashamed of my government forthese undemocratic events, I grew up in the GDR and I know what undemocratic means, um, Damas points out well, quotes first, says that YouTube approves of this genocide, um in relation to the censorship on social media of prop Pastian voices and he also quotes to Norman Finlin, which I think is worth saying here.
The greatest insult to the memory of the Holocaust is not to deny it but to use it as an excuse to commit genocide against the Palestinian people. Evie Evie pagi from Greece, yours, a very good evening from me. Well, I heard on the radio today that German military exports to Israel doubled 12 to 13 times. This 10 times was just on November 8, according to Reuters. Well, most of the individual export permits, 185 out of 28, were granted after October 7, so Germany allowed Germany's military exports to total 8.5 billion euros or at least this happened in the first nine months of 2023 before that, because afterwards there was an even greater increase in exports and Germany mainly supplies Israel with components for air defense systems and communications equipment, according to the German press agency d a, which first reported the figures According to a 2023 report from the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute that studies conflicts and weapons, 69% of Israel's arms purchases come from American companies, 30% from Germany, and 0.9% from Italy. .
The study found that the dependence of Israel and Germany is quite mutual, with Berlin importing 16% of its weapons from the Jewish State, which is the second largest supplier of CP, institution C, the International Research Institute and Peace of Stockholm, highlights Germany's purchase last year of an N3 long-range air defense system as an expression of this relationship, while Israel is Germany's third largest destination for its military exports, receiving 12% of the exports behind Ukraine and Egypt, so by the end of 2023 major weapons deliveries through Israel included 61 US fighter jets and four more German submarines. The Institute noted that not all information about weapons is transferred, especially to uh, the Israeli side and for some information, probably missing from this report, some staff of the Times of Israel also participated, meanwhile, Palestinian action activists successfully closed elbit systems in Tamworth, UK, the largest Israeli weapons factory, elbit systems have been sold Elite KL Factory in Torth.
Due to the lesser protests of the Palestinian action in the city, the company had previously produced cooling and power management systems for military vehicles, but decided to sell the factory due to declining profits and resulting increased security costs. of the activities of the Palestinian actions on which the British government has received advice. his own lawyer claims Israel has preached international humanitarian law in Gaza but has not made it public according to LI to a fake recording obtained by The Observer last month Canadian Foreign Minister Melanie Jolie announced that Atava had stopped exports of weapons to Israel for military reasons.
Gaza Strip offensive Italy announced in January that it had increased exports at the start of the war and a court ruled last month that the upcoming northeastern lands must stop delivering US parts of A35 fighter jets to Israel, so All of this gives us a good idea of ​​what we are talking about about the reasons that are causing this repression against protesters in Germany and my personal experience since many decades of the 1990s, talking about World War II in Germany was kind of taboo, so there was a general lack of information as noted before about motives conditions events actions results ideas methods and propaganda of this period this leads to the proliferation of fake news distorted image and conspiracy theories just as happened before the Second War World with the same and during the World War I, among other victims, choose.
I think a very useful distinction for everyone, privately and publicly, these are Israelites and Israelis all over Europe find it difficult to distinguish between them to this day. First. The Israelites are people whose religion is Judaism. the second are citizens of the state of Israel the second the state of Israel was created because of the first the lights of Israel now the German authorities have decided that the second are Semites and their origin uh and the first are anti-site important notice The Palestinians They are also Semites. Well, by adding all this into the picture, we can get a better idea of ​​what's really going on.
Thank you, thank you to everyone who appears in the image. Lucas Lucas Fu, our communications director based in Berlin, also owns the apartment. Tell us what you are experiencing there, thanks Marin. It's a little difficult to know where to start. Actually, with what's been going on here the last few months, a lot of other people have already alluded to it. joining us from Germany by your johanes by Ken by by Judith um johanes mentioned to the Palestinian activists that last week, if I'm not mistaken, they woke up at 6 in the morning in a place where police officers were staring at them in their rooms um after breaking down their doors um running searches Wars on electronic devices um these are friends of mine their crime was organizing protests for Palestine here in Berlin um one of them in particular yes, you may have seen his face before on social media , she has been Interrupting several events here in Berlin with an Israeli Supreme Court judge with Hillary Clinton doing what I think is an element that is really important when we talk about activist work in times like these not only organizing mass protests but also , making sure that the people responsible for this don't have a minute of peace when they walk in public, as long as everything is done non-violently, of course, also, you know, we talked at length about the crackdown on It's not the first time By the way, and unfortunately probably not for the last time, about the repression of Jewish voices in Germany, the suspension of the bank account of the Jewish Voice for Peace, that is a particularly sad irony, you know these times. in Germany um I think keep in mind that a lot of people don't realize this, but Jews don't even make up 1% of the population in Germany and I think nowadays there's no place where you are more.
You're more likely to encounter a Jewish person than a pro-Palestine protest, um, almost anywhere in this country, um, so to see the repression that that's in store for them, you know, we've had the Fat Ed here talking. about this, she was arrested on numerous occasions for holding signs that said things like, you know, like, as a Jew, Israel, will stop the genocide in Gaza, and we talk a lot about this as we should, but it's also important to remind ourselves. themselves and to the Jewish comrades here who I know are better than anyone at doing this.
Remind ourselves that the real victims here are the Palestinians, not the real victims, but they, the first and most important victims, are the Palestinians not only in Palestine, obviously, but also in Europe, in the West in general and in Germany in particular, something that stuck with me from the moment we had an ID is to join us here on the live broadcast, he said, uh to be an Arab to be a Palestinian now in Germany is horrible, they are the new Jews um and I think it's a very powerful thing to say Obviously about Germany and it's especially powerful when it comes from a Jew when it comes from an Israeli Jew no less um I wanted to try to answer very briefly the question that we posed in the title of this live broadcast.
What is happening in Germany? I think the point you made is that it's very important to keep in mind that we talked. There's a lot about guilt, misplaced guilt, there's an element of that, I think especially when you're talking about society as a whole, but I think it's necessary to remember how that came to prematize German society as it does today, and you point out that it is, it is, it is. important because there is a very real material element here that is simply a relationship that serves the interests of the in Germany goes back to 1960 when uh adenau sat down with d bodian and basically started the The modern relations that we see today between Germany and the State of Israel, which to simplify means money and weapons to Israel in exchange for moral absolution, note that Germany was never completely denotified and in fact Adar himself reverted a lot. of the notification process and he was very close to the previous people in power during the Nazi period.
Remember that it was the name of a person who was particularly close to him, and obviously that was a deal that AC was accepted into. by Israel also because they served their interests, in fact Israel and Zionism in general have never had much trouble weaponizing antisemitism as long as it furthers the Zionist project and therefore for that to be established at that time . You had to create this in many ways, a fictitious feeling of guilt, to justify this, unlimited support for the state of Israel, of course, it's not like always fix some people really have it, and like as they should, um, but of course , the solution here is completely off base, um, but the question I think is, you know, we talk a lot about Germany being on the wrong side of History, um, you know, I can't remember, I can say it.
How many times have I heard that in the last few months? There must be thousands now. Which no, I'm not saying I don't agree with that. Obviously there is a lot of truth. in in um in that expression, but I think it's important to ask the question what we're talking about here, which side is this that Germany was once on, maybe more than once and now it finds itself again. I think the answer is that. the side of dehumanization, which is, I believe, the definitive lesson of the crime of genocide. um Germany, as you know, as a state. um who leads Germany, they don't see the Palestinians as human beings. um there's no way to explain it.
There's no other way to put it, just as I didn't see Jews as human in the past, and this is what needs to be reversed, this is what needs to be fixed essentially, another thing that's very encouraging. What you also pointed out is the fact that if you look at the German population more broadly, a very significant portion of them perhaps even the majority at this stage are very much against what Israel is doing in Gaza and Palestine. Overall, I think it's encouraging to see that it's a trend that has been ongoing since late last year.
The signs are encouraging, which makes it even more mind-boggling that there is no political party. There is no conventional media. Outlet that talks to those people, uh, and that's where people like us come in, that's where organizations like the M25 come in, like a political party, mayor 25, we've seen a large number of people being driven towards um tm25 , around March 25, uh, they are the ones who made it possible for us to even be on the ballot for the European elections in Germany and I think you know if the traditional politicians are so committed to this absolutely reprehensible agreement that Germany has made with Israel that was made decades ago and continues to this day, so we will face that and, you know, if we manage to come to power one day, rest assured that we will finish it and we will work towards it. um what we were created to do, which is to create um realistic but radical solutions um for you create um justice at the end of the day and that is what we have with our proposal for Palestine which demands um equal rights in the land of Palestine regardless of ethnicity , regardless of creed, regardless of anything, equal rights for all who call Palestine home, that is what we are fighting for and that is what we wish you would join us in fighting for too, thank you Lucas and if you want to do what Lucas suggested and join DM 2, there are some people also asking in the chat, then there is a simple address, dm25, dog, join, Johannes, Johannes, long time, thanks Maran.
I just wanted, towards the end of this livestream, to mention two things, first of all. I think people who follow us have probably already seen it. There is a Palestinian Congress being organized from April 12 to 14 in Berlin. In Ger, the repression has also been enormous. The Jewish Voice bank account has been canceled because of that. of them are helping with their bank accounts to raise funds for the conference and dm25 has stepped in with the donation page to help raise funds for the Palestine Congress so I think we can put the link in the chat for that and also yes , the I think that the tickets are sold out because there are many people who have a great interest in this happening and we will support and you should support the Congress and, in fact, it will take place.
Also on the same weekend we organized a DM25 and Meta 25 member meeting for German members in Berlin that April 13, yesIf you want to come, let us know and you know, join the organizations to be part of that and also to follow the Palestine Congress together and the last point, if you are in Berlin this Friday. our group our Berlin group is hosting a local fundraising event on Friday, April 5 at 7:30 at Café mamei on Mering Parcel in Berlin, where you can come and support this Congress that is taking place, as well as meet our members and meet some of these Palestinian activists. what we've been talking about so it would be great if you could actively support the Palestine cause um in Germany if you're here and if you're abroad the donation page there is also possible thank you thank you Johannes some last comments from you. guys in the chat Michelle Norris talking about the murder of aid workers that I mentioned in the introduction, the IDF missile attacks against the world.
The Food Kitchen Aid workers were obviously deliberate, all three vehicles involved had large logos on their roofs. It wasn't an accident. I think we will see a great condemnation of the world now. Neil Curry wonders when historically nonviolence against these types of insane regimes worked. It's a valid question, but you can also check out Erica Chen's work on nonviolent civilians. resistance from Harvard which helps answer that question somewhat and Tim from Germany points out that it is disturbing how ignorant my classmates are about Gaza, they don't care at all, some of them even support the genocide and the Yanis approach you it's yours alone to show that dm25 we were not monolithic in our views, so we may even disagree with each other, within the context of our union, a couple of points of descent from me, first of all, Germany has not always been on the side mistaken history.
You see, this is too easy, too lazy. If we assumed that Germany is always on the wrong side of History, then that would create a kind of um Kismet. You know very well how it could be different, that would be a great help to the politicians in Germany today because it would effectively absolve them if Germany is always on the wrong side of History, they are not to blame, no, they are to blame because Germany has sometimes been on the wrong side of history. the right side of history, let me remind you that when George W.
Bush, uh, Tony Blair and John Howard invaded Iraq, the Coalition of the Willing, you know, the German government said no nine and they were on the right side of History Point. number one point number two um, you did it. I respect your position as you know immensely, but you know I don't believe the story that um, the vast majority of the German people are taking this line because Germany has a vested interest in selling weapons to Israel. I just don't believe in that, I mean, we've had many occasions where a very large and substantial part of a population has taken a leading position against the interests of arms dealers and oligarchs in a country.
I think there is a lot to be said about the complicated form of guilt for the Holocaust, it is not simple, it is not, and I am not a psychological analyst. Anyway, I don't really like psychological analysis, so I'm not going. allow me to analyze the German collective psyche, but I can inform all of you, comrades and friends, of a conversation I had a few days ago with a quite respectable and high-level social democratic member of the ESP whose name I cannot reveal because it was a private conversation, but What he said to me was: Why are you bleeding and screaming?
BL Blue Kill. You all support the Palestinians for the death of thousands of Palestinian children. Of course, the death of every child is regrettable. he said, but you know that the allies killed thousands and thousands and thousands of German children in the final stages of World War II and that was the right thing to do because it was the only way to defeat Nazism coming from the German SPD. high ranking and I think if that's how you think of the Palestinians, as if they were the population of Nazi Germany that started the war, the Second World War, with the result that 40 million people died and then immediately your mind says : "Oh well".
They expected it, what did they expect? We're going to turn your country into a parking lot and that's coming from a German. Then there is the analytical part of the PCH, but I will not say more about this, except that this is a typical case of Truth. investment on the Palestinians, the Palestinians are suddenly being presented as the equivalent of the Nazi right and not just Hamas because they say, well, you know they supported Hamas, they voted for Hamas, so it's not just for Hamas agents who say they deserve the bomb that is coming at them and their children, but in the same way that the Germans were treated by Bomman Harris and other allies, since you know a legitimate target of the airstrikes, similarly, you know whether 20,000 or 30,000 Palestinian children need to die. in Gaza to defeat a population that supports aggression, then you can see the logic in Ban confiscate money in censor in censor you can see the logic I mean, you can't, of course, you can't agree with that, but you have to understand that logic revolves around the inversion of truth.
You know the Palestinians as aggressors as if the Nakba never took place. As if it weren't true that 800,000 Palestinians were expelled from their homes and that's how the war ended. It started between Israeli Jews and Palestinians, you know for centuries Palestinians and Jews lived side by side in the land of Palestine, there was never any conflict until the British came and the Europeans allowed the logic of landless people for a land without the people effectively declares that the Palestinians are not people, they are not human, they are dehumanization and you can see that inversion of truth starting in 1948 but ending today because the same ESP operative functionally told me: you know when I said, but wait Wait a second, you know your government believes in the two-state solution right now, how is this going to happen when you are annihilating that population and the answer was that we need to eradicate Hamas?
This is Nan's answer, we need to eradicate Hamas so that achieving the two-state solution again is an inversion of the truth an inversion of the relationship between cause and effect because he is presenting it they are presenting it and this is the standard view in Germany and beyond Germany present it as if the problem is you know that Hamas makes the two-state solution impossible when the direction of causality is exactly the opposite. Hamas did not exist at all before Ariel Shiron and his successor Bamin Netanyahu destroyed the two-state solution and because they destroyed the two-state solution because they ignored Osa C they ignored the peace process and made sure, I mean, who was in charge of become Prime Minister to end the two states.
The solution that Hamas obtained was born so through reversal is at the heart of that German European solution and beyond Germany. white supremacist complicity with Gen thank you, thank you Yanis and we are in the best moment, so with that we will close if you want to support dm25, we do not have big financiers or big sponsors, it is all small donations from people. I like you so let's move on, go to dm2 dm25 dogd donate and if you like what you've heard here tonight, we're standing in the European Parliament elections in June to give voice to the kind of ideas we've been discussing here. oppose this genocide and shout it from the floor of the European Parliament and hold the perpetrators to account if you want to support us D m25.5 dogd donate to donate you don't have to be a European citizen to donate or join um as some people have asked here on the chat yeah we have a lot of followers in the US but we're always looking for more um so please support us thanks again to our panel thanks again to you guys for watching and we'll see you at the same time

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