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Judge Jeanine: This was the Democrats' 'worst nightmare'

May 30, 2024
hello everyone it's Friday and I'm Judge Janine Piro along with Kevin Walling Johnny Joey Jones Shannon bream and Greg Gutfeld it's 5 o'clock in New York City and


is five o'clock it's the Democrats



Donald Trump Shaking up the deep blue Bronx with a rockus rally lines stretched across blocks to get in The former president ignited more than 10,000 supporters who chanted four more years Trump in Joe Biden's disaster-focused laser message demolishing sleepy failures Peace by parts in his speech to the minority voters what a crowd


is something he said: we are not going to win New York, we are going to win New York on the first day, we are going to throw out bomic and we are going to replace it with bad namics like your hats, I will give you low, low taxes. inflation low interest rates Raising wages increasing income and fair trade for the American worker and we will make energy affordable Again saying drill baby drill drill baby drill I'm here tonight to talk about how to solve problems, the simple fact is that Joe Biden is not getting the job done for the Bronx, he is not getting the job done for New York and he is not getting the job done for America, we have crowds of immigrants fighting our police offices to show the middle finger to America, so Very simply, Joe Biden puts illegal aliens first, I put America first.
judge jeanine this was the democrats worst nightmare
Democrats are furious to see their base flocking to the rally, it must be heartbreaking for them to see Trump assembling a diverse coalition of working class and hacks like the Democratic governor of New York, Kathy Hokel, had nothing good to say, Except nasty slander like this, well, I'll do it. tell you that it won't make any difference Jake and that is Donald Trump being the ring leader and inviting all his clowns to a place like the Bronx New York will never ever support Donald Trump for president, but if you want to talk about clowns Kathy the leftist media is full of them listen to how they reacted to the rally he is not going to win New York he is not going to win the Bronx but that audience is not the Bronx the audience is everyone else in the states he could possibly win and what is trying to do and there's no disadvantage to him in doing this by the way, what he's trying to do is send signals to other people, signals to people in swing states who are white and who don't want to be seen as voted for racist to soften the ground, let's say, well, maybe not that racist, but the bronks people are making their own decisions about Trump, we've been voting against the same party for years and nothing has changed things. it's gotten out of control we're dealing with housing situations we're dealing with homelessness mental illness crime the cost of living has skyrocketed out of control uh I don't see Biden doing anything about it and there's also an influx in the There is a border that needs to be addressed and I believe Trump is the right man to do it.
judge jeanine this was the democrats worst nightmare

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judge jeanine this was the democrats worst nightmare...

I have seen the change worse with theonomy with the Democratic Party. I have been a Democrat my entire life and Donald Trump simply has the right. answers for Donald Trump to dare to go to the big blue Bronx Biden wouldn't do that in a deeply Republican area, right? I don't expect her to, yeah, she basically threw a party in her backyard and called them clowns, she's rich, she looks like she played Seven Minutes in Heaven with Bozo the Clown, lots of makeup, ma'am, this is a b, this is a battle between reality and ideas so the reason I think Trump resonates and there is enthusiasm is because he talks about real things not ideas so it's like jobs it's crime the border and prices and then he talks about bacon he goes crazy on bacon I can't buy bacon that's a thing Joe right now in the Democratic Party Rtic they're reeling on ideas you know, white supremacy threatens democracy the soul of America these are things you can't touch, these They are concepts, but when you talk about your family, that is real, when you talk about your children, that is real, what Joe is pushing is a denial of what is real by calling everything an idea so that gender is not. . real is an idea crime is not real is a perception inflation is not real is a concept I think the mistake that Democrats have probably made in the last 10 years is that they abandoned the world of reality for the world of reality. the summary they took, they took the lead on the campuses and left the impasse, so when you think about yourself, you think about how you think about your friends, whether they're Democrats or Republicans, their friends, their family, their relatives, their peers of work, but for the Democrats it became a vessel, everyone became a vessel of power, you know, the oppressor versus oppressed gender becomes a fluid concept, the border is not the border, it is not something tangible in this moment, you're seeing people react like, what is Biden talking about?
judge jeanine this was the democrats worst nightmare
None of these things resonate in my life, while this guy actually talks about the things we see every day, immigrants outside hotels, you know, driving down Sixth Avenue, guys passed out, it's like those are things that You can play, although I don't recommend it. Yeah, you know Shannon when you hear Donald Trump here, he was very authentic, he was himself, there were no sweeping generalizations, there was no, uh, you know, there was no hyperbole, he was just real. I mean, Greg is right about that. I mean, do you think? that he conveyed the message the way he wanted.
judge jeanine this was the democrats worst nightmare
I think he feels there's an opportunity. Republicans see an opportunity to say there's been a change and they want to point out to Democrats, for example, progressive things and what's happening on campus, saying now you're the Ultra Elite Ivy League Educational Friends, now we're the working class party, that's the argument they want to try to be able to make, so I think I was willing to go here and let Optics do the talking a little bit where President Biden is very controlled. Environments are much smaller things, and like you said, I'm not sure I'd go to Alabama and try to do an event there, but President Trump seems willing to come in here and he knows that not everyone in the Bronx loves him.
He's a New Yorker, he knows how this works, but remember that even if not all the people there are from the Bronx, listen to those who do say they're from there. There was a teacher that one of ours spoke to yesterday and said, "I'm from the Bronx, I teach here and when I look around and see resources being spent on people who are here illegally that we have compassion for, but that It means the resources are far from our communities and I'm struggling economically, that's a real problem for me, so those voices are worth listening to, whatever party you come from, Kevin, why are Democrats so afraid?
I mean, why does Kathy Hokel have to have her moment of her deplorable moment and call Republicans clowns? I mean, you know it's a race, well, I mean, this Democrat is a little afraid to sit down at you? aside, for once, but I would say listen. I would love to see Donald Trump campaigning in New York, in New Jersey, Ronald Reagan changed New York again the 80s, um, so please. Invest all your time and resources there. I think Shannon also makes an excellent point because we've seen throughout history demographics change, right? The South was a democratic bastion for decades.
LBJ flipped that Richard Nixon flipped that into the Republican column, you know, the Democrats flipped Georgia and Arizona for the first time in generations with President Biden, so you see these kinds of demographic shifts, coalition shifts, and we'll see how that plays out. that in the next six months, you think Joey? that the president will continue to go to Democratic areas, well, as long as he has to be here, probably, and you know, they flipped Georgia with a lot of mailboxes and fun things, but I don't know. If you changed the hearts and minds of Georgians, I will tell you now that I live in the Margorie Taylor Greens district in Biden, which would be comparable to New York City, and Biden would not appear there and if he did, there would not be a crowd uh, this isn't about winning New York, it's about pointing out to the rest of the country and especially those who have big checks to write, hey, you can sleep with me because I can go to the place where I shouldn't have anyone.
Show up and get a roaring crowd. This is about Cobb County and Guette County. Georgia. Fulton may not win, but can he get 5,000 more votes in the other two counties the Georgia government touches? These are the people of the states of Milwaukee and Detroit, Minneapolis. that Trump is competitive in 20 uh in 2016 that he could come back in 2024 and you know you look at that and you see where that lady is going we've been Democrats forever and nothing has changed that's only half true things have changed the policies that the Democrats have enacted in big cities and urban areas to control rents and control education and do things to try to level the playing field and create equity has only hurt them, has only suppressed people and therefore what has changed is the opportunity for those people to keep up with the rest of the country that has seen prosperity since 2008 and therefore does it matter if he wins in New York? belt buckle you wear the more the better there is behind you you should have wanted a rodeo that's like walking in with a big belt buckle that's what tells the country I can do this in New York yeah what What about the dark shirt that I don't wear?
It's not blue. I like it. What's wrong with it? Matches the tie. I know we know what the school uniform looks like. It's Friday. It's Friday. It's free dress. Joey, it looks like you sell winnebagos. He bought a car. He bought a car. Even after that, even after that tangent, I buy a car. Hey Sean Hannity here, click here to subscribe to the Fox News YouTube page for our hottest interviews and most compelling analysis. You won't find them anywhere else.

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