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Minecraft, But Every Block Falls From The Sky...

Jun 01, 2024
so boom boom boom boom and also boom and then we're also going to charm all these other right hoes what's my inventory right now this is ridiculous is it necessary no of course not but it's funny and that's what matters let's put all this here. I also want to get more bows. I actually want to go and become powerful or something, boom, oh my god, that's a lot of arcs. Okay, that's a little more. than I expected, thank you people, I know you had so much. I have this great idea in mind, obviously I currently have power one on my bow, but what if we could get to power four?
minecraft but every block falls from the sky
Honestly, we could combine a bunch of power one bows together to get power four, we need a little more XP and we need a little more lapis lazuli, so let's go and mine like a bunch of XP


where. We're most likely going to mine the generators and we're also going to mine more of those lapis lazuli


s let's do this let's chat a little here it's starting out okay all these bows are now power one okay very good time to get to power two, then three, then four and it'll be cool we could just mine this redstone we have ten and now we do this boom boom power four oh this is going to be a good arc man honestly I want to go to the bottom now I feel like we're ready I feel like we're ready to go Yeah, let's pack some things and go, this is what's going to happen now, okay, I'll switch to golden boots mode and then we'll run to that big portal we saw before and after.
minecraft but every block falls from the sky

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minecraft but every block falls from the sky...

We're just going to go crazy and try to get all the things we need, which are the ender pearls and also the fire rods, those are the two most important things we need, let's find that fortress, let's do it right. Plus, I have so many gold bars, man, I can honestly do this, I have six apples in inventory, Matt Gaples, that's pretty cool too, okay, it's time for us to go, let's do it right, we're here, we're here. We're in the portal now we have to go and just worry about the obsidian in all of that because we have to place it and we just have to finish the portal now so let's do that now let's get this and seven okay perfect let's go place these two right here and let's place that that and that's it there you go there you go we made it we made the portal and we entered the largest portal that I've ever created yeah, I guess that's okay, we're here Oh boy, oh, while I extract from here, more and more


s are generated.
minecraft but every block falls from the sky
We are currently at 52 blocks per second, now I still have to keep mining. Oh boy, oh my god, it keeps appearing in the abyss too. That's funny now, if you could find that fortress it would be a good game, come on I know it's close buddy, it could be anywhere here, this is the most damned thing I've ever seen in my entire life, the real question is , flowing? hey, I have to try this, this is unreal, let me do this, come on, does this really work? no way, no way, this is amazing, oh my god, this is probably one of the best things I've ever seen anywhere else. of these challenges so far that's really so beautiful absolute perfection let's move on let's go fortress please stay here I've been waiting my whole life for a fortress and yet you give me absolutely nothing but these silly red blocks wait oh I apologize game , I did it.
minecraft but every block falls from the sky
Actually, what I said doesn't mean anything. Oh, I'm going to go and formally apologize to Mojang. Yay, we found a fortress. We are here. We actually found the fortress and now there will be flames that we can mine and obtain. Blaze Rods to be able to go find Ender's eyes Where is the generator? We need to find the generator though. Please, there you have it. Okay, let's grab some Blaze Rods real quick. Oh, there are two shots that are actually very good. I'm going to start. shooting them then yeah and I'm leaving with my 11 blaze rods because I'm on fire and I don't like this place come on let's get out of here we're leaving bye it's like I've already won what is this?
You know what I think This will be the first time I'll get the dragon egg before I beat him, so let's make history right now, fuck it and we'll get the dragon egg. Thanks for watching the ending. It's a joke, right. I'm going to have to keep running until I find a bastion, wait bro, it's literally there, this is perfect, what's the time? We have to go down, let's do it. Yes, I have so much gold, by the way, I have so much gold to go. Trade with these guys, come on, let's go up here. What's happening?
What's happening? Hello


one, make sure you get into the gold hole, the gold hole I provided you, everyone come here, we have more gold coming in, oh pearls, yes, let's get more pearls. wait we have 15 pearls right now that's actually pretty good oh we have the perfect pearls okay I think it's manga time now okay cool let's make the portal explode and now it's time for us to leave here. let's go well we're here on the surface shit it's colorful just a little just just a little bit of color let's move on how many blocks we currently have per second we're at 59. let's get to 69 real quick 69 yeah this is the most optimal number for our challenge.
Honestly, I don't want to mine any more blocks. I'll be honest with you. Now it's time for us to go to the fortress. Let's do this. I'm going to go and do. the fire dust like this, I'll turn it into a boom isoversell like this, okay, it's this way, oh, now it's going backwards. Well, you know what? I'm going to take out one of my two dragon heads and I'm just going to go and yeah, I'm going to beat the dragon like this. I don't care, this is the ultimate humiliation towards the dragon. This is going to be very unfortunate for her, oh. she's here, okay, cool, she's in this trunk, we found the fortress trunk.
Great, okay, let's put mine down now, oh, okay, we're here bro, the fortress is nice now, we've got like a blade three from this chest, this is really good, okay, wait. I have three irons here and a little bit more and then we're going to put the book here. We have a sharp three-pointed ax that is actually very good. Oh, protection three. That's perfect. What else? Another acuity three. We have acuity four. Now sharpness. four and we'll play chess and get protection three, come on, oh yeah, we found it perfect, okay, now it's time for us to do what we're going to do, let's do this next time, let's get out of here, come on, oh my god, what is ?
This ending is such a messy ending dude, okay, let's shoot all these crystals, oh, that's two, right there, three breaking, that breaking, come on, yeah, that's another one, another broken, oh, it's a lube that's trying to kill me, that's a nice cage. That's the last one, I think that's it, here we go, let's go, oh oh oh, look at yourself, I dare you, yeah, look at yourself, oh yeah, progress is being made, this place is hard to maneuver, man, so much disorder is going down, it is going down. I'm trying to pull the pearls, what, oh, come on, slam, it's almost gone, this is it, it's the last one.
I'm going to eat my shot at g Apple. I need to do the right thing. I will kill you with your own head. Come here yeah, come on, let's kill the dragon with its own head, let's get the egg, I don't even know where it is anymore, wait, let's find it, wait, oh, it's here, I've got the egg, yeah, and let's go, that was the game , thank you. Thank you very much for watching, see you later, bye.

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