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Fernduell der Präsidenten: Biden antwortet auf Putin-Rede zum Ukraine-Krieg | ZDFheute live

Mar 11, 2024
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today, it is a day of high symbolism and the focus is on rhetoric because it is about the remote duel between the presidents. The American president responds to both of Russian President Putin's speech on Ukraine. war and one of the questions is what is being revealed? These speeches about the respective speakers and about their plans and intentions are what we want to address today. Your questions and comments can be sent to us by email or to us. by email, or rather, or through social networks and Putin has already taken the shot in the morning.
fernduell der pr sidenten biden antwortet auf putin rede zum ukraine krieg zdfheute live
We will talk about this in more detail in a moment, but we will deal with the second speaker with the President of the United States, who surprisingly was in kyiv yesterday afternoon, but in the afternoon he traveled to Warsaw, where today, after the President's reception Du. Since in a few minutes a long-awaited speech will be given at Warsaw Castle, our main objective will be to follow this speech on the site for us Elma Teven, who I will see at this moment when we see you soon. I would also like to give a warm welcome to Elmar, it's great that you are with us, what can we expect from the President of the United States today in Warsaw?
fernduell der pr sidenten biden antwortet auf putin rede zum ukraine krieg zdfheute live

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fernduell der pr sidenten biden antwortet auf putin rede zum ukraine krieg zdfheute live...

Christopher, he wants to give a big speech, they told us beforehand and that means that he wants a year after the start of the war, to take stock to a certain extent and make it very clear that Vladimir Putin's plan did not work and that the US He will do everything in his power to prevent this plan from finally coming to fruition. The United States will not continue to help them in everything they do. It is possible that the President will announce here or perhaps in the next few days that they will not do so. receiving long-range missiles It would be a very important announcement because it would put Ukraine in a position to possibly also close supply routes for the Russian armed forces in Crimea.
fernduell der pr sidenten biden antwortet auf putin rede zum ukraine krieg zdfheute live
Disrupting this is, in a sense, a kind of home game. Joe Biden, because 82% of Poles here think he will do the right thing. The United States is seen as a reliable partner, basically a security guarantee for Poland, and we are sending a signal to Moscow that Putin cannot win this war. and that he will reach a point where he sees that Russia's greatest interest would be to sit at the negotiating table. We haven't made much progress. Now the Polish President is speaking here, you are speaking right now and so it will be. Joe Biden himself is also expected in a few minutes.
fernduell der pr sidenten biden antwortet auf putin rede zum ukraine krieg zdfheute live
Thank you very much, Elmar, for these first impressions and evaluations. We'll come to you later in the broadcast, but now we'll go over Vladimir Putin's speech. The most important thing for us, to summarize again, was that Putin's annual message to Russia was eagerly awaited: what direction would it set? What followed was, above all, the best I could do. of Russian propaganda, a settling of scores with the West. I'll say it again. They started this war, we just used violence and still do to stop it. Russia wanted to resolve the conflict with Ukraine peacefully. So Putin is also responsible for all the country's economic and social problems, which the Russian president considers almost non-existent.
They have caused inflation, unemployment and energy crises in their own countries. These are stories that are familiar to us in Putin. speeches and are aimed at preparing the Russians for a long war. Shortly before the end, Putin drops a political bomb. They want us to have a strategic defeat and defeat our nuclear facilities. That is why I am forced to announce today that Russia. is suspending its participation in the Treaty on Strategic Offensive Weapons - this means the last remaining nuclear arms control treaty with the US, yes and now the author of the article is in my studio, she is She has been working as a correspondent in Russia for ZDF for almost half a year now, but he is currently still waiting for his work permit for Russia and is therefore still good for us in Germany.
It's good that you are here Nina, dear, what impression did Putin's speech leave on you? It could only be a matter of speculation and in fact there are many people in the city who feared or hoped that it might herald a new wave of mobilization, that it might change the economy to a war economy or that it would officially clear the warrior. perhaps even those were the darkest forecasts for NATO and all that, as we know, has not come true now, but he has repeated much of the history and drugs that we already know from him in the past, namely that the West is the leadership, that Russia is simply defending itself.
There is a puppet regime installed here, so it was, um, it was more the most well-known generation, so to speak, two things were new from my point of view: first of all, that it just suspended the last nuclear arms control treaty remaining with the US, we heard a contribution and secondly, it had a bit of a detailed effect, but he said that the soldiers who are deployed in Ukraine can go on vacation every six months and that, of course, suggests that it is expecting a long war and who also wants to involve the Russians in the long war, yes.
So obviously you're actually thinking in terms of longer time horizons, it's kind of a symbolism competition nowadays. you could also say the PR, um, who does it for you, now it was better for Putin or for both of them, yes, the competition against the two of them that started yesterday traveled to kyiv, which of course produced strong images and this was also what They discussed on the Russian talk shows on state television the main propagandists, so to speak, and they portrayed it a little bit as if both of them had finally traveled to kyiv, they had finally traveled to Ukraine and all of that is because Russia would have given security guarantees. so they presented it a little in their own sense and that, of course, is intended to hide the fact that Putin has not yet traveled to the occupied territories, although that was always discussed and of course it remained that way today in Moscow an event obligatory that took place in a familiar environment and did not hold any surprises or produce particularly strong images.
Another aspect Russia apparently has plans for a gradual takeover of its neighboring country Belarus by 2030. I will summarize it very briefly, which comes from. A Kremlin document that several German media have evaluated. This document, said to be from the summer of 2021, is considered authentic by Western secret services, which is why President Putin plans to infiltrate Bellaros politically, economically and militarily. make the country a union state under Russian leadership by 2030. We are here for you. To evaluate these plans, to briefly classify this union state of Belarus, Russia has existed since 2000. You can imagine it a bit like the European Union, there should be a joint economic space, a coordinated foreign policy and Russia also has troops and weapons stationed in Belarus, but Lukashenko has repeatedly stressed in the past and reiterated yesterday that he wants to continue maintaining the sovereignty of Belarus and that Belarusian troops would undoubtedly be prepared to a Ukrainian aggression, if Ukrainian troops reached Belarusian territory, it would be the Belarusian army, but that is, of course, a very cautious restriction, so to speak, and while I said that you would like to remain sovereign in this matter, of course, it depends on Putin, especially since 2020, if anyone remembers the protests there.
Putin helped quell the protests, so Lukashenko is somewhat indebted to him, but in the past he has always managed to assert his or her sovereignty. The sovereignty of Belarus and I think it would be difficult to convey it to Belarusians if Belarus were in A unitary state with Russia would be completely successful in which the assessments of Nina Niebergall, our correspondent in Russia, are still in Germany and hopefully soon in Moscow, thank you very much for that and let's go one step further. In his speech, Putin also called for the suspension of the nuclear disarmament treaty with the United States.
Russia announced that Putin would have to resume nuclear weapons testing if the United States did so. , what this step means now and exactly what consequences it could have. We will talk about this with political scientist Maximilian Terhalle. Before that, my colleague Christian Volk will explain it to us again. The US and Russia have 90 percent of all nuclear energy. weapons in the world, which is why its treaties are central to nuclear disarmament from 1987 to 2019. The INF Treaty was in force for the reduction of short- and medium-range nuclear weapons. The United States withdrew, the only thing left was the New Start Agreement of In 2011, the treaty limits the number of long-range nuclear jumpheads that countries can have stationed and also allows both countries to conduct on-site inspection visits, but there has not been any inspection since March 2020, first because of Corona and then because of Russia. blocked US controls because Washington had allegedly denied Russia access to certain facilities.
The United States denied that this could result in further escalation. Putin today called on the military to be prepared to conduct nuclear weapons tests if Washington were to carry them out first. We are now talking about this with Maximilian Terhalle, he is a political scientist at the London School of Economics and Political Science and is now connected from Berlin. Have a good day, good morning Halle, what does Putin's suspension of this treaty mean now? Yes, what Putin is looking for here is a political appearance of strong power. First of all, he wants to send the message that Russia is a nuclear factor in the world that should not be underestimated.
He wants to see drastic support for the efforts already underway. Ukraine by the West, de


ries of tanks, etc. He now wants to send a signal to counteract this. He is playing with fire here, he already did so several times last year, and German tank deliveries have long failed. That's why he wants to threaten that it is in possession and at the same time say that it can also be used. We already saw last year that this is so. The relationship occurred at the end of September and October. held among Americans after Putin indicated that he would use tactical nuclear weapons.
I think in this sense we are looking at the renewal of the layered power politics that Putin is carrying out here around the current weapons deliveries that are planned to be undermined and perhaps to be undermined. Let one or another NATO country make a different decision. We are awaiting the speech of the President of the United States, Mr. Thale. Of course, we would like to take the time to talk to you a little more about the Russian side. By the way, it seems that there is currently another type of escalation within the Russian armed forces, namely the notorious mercenaries of the Wagner combat troops who feel betrayed by the Ministry of Defense in the ministerial school, including the head of the troops Wagner in Odenkirchen. , the chief of the General Staff and the Minister of Defense, one after the other, prohibiting the delivery of ammunition to Wagner's troops and support for air transport.
The information has just arrived that they have canceled the request for the delivery of pioneer shovels so that. The boys can't hunker down. There is simply a direct opposition that does nothing more than an attempt to destroy Wagner's troops, which can be equated to high treason now that Wagner and Bachmut are fighting and losing hundreds of their fighters every day. We just received a comment from JT Jehle, don't let yourselves be divided, we are all human beings, citizens of Russia, the USA and Ukraine, we all don't want war, if it were that easy it would be good, but let's get back to it.
We just heard from Mr. Halle: how would you evaluate this tension on the Russian side? Yes, of course, from the point of view of Ukrainians. Of course, it's a welcome expression of the internal weakness of the Russian military apparatus, so we see that Of course, he has regular troops on duty at the front, but also essentially Wagner troops, so that's something he tries to coordinate , tries to coordinate these Wagner troops, especially through the prisoners they have brought here en masse. to be used as a spearhead in coordination between regular and non-regular troops or Wagner, there appears to be considerable friction, as can be seen from the combat power, the Russians currently have up to 800 dead in the Battle of Bakhmut. moment that is compared to the battle last summer May June Zero renets Johannes only 200 that is, the coordination of the military apparatus is not simplified with the introduction of the Wagner group, the attack power does not necessarily increase, which is why this enormous force Wagner and the regular troops have been fighting for a long time in Bachmut andFrom the Rhineland point of view, he is gritting his teeth, as I said, we are waiting for the speech of the US president, which can start at any time, then, Of course, you go directly to that point, what expectations do you have from this speech?
Well, I think the most important thing is that the US president was initially in kyiv, so he was in the country where the war was being fought, whereas before we had heard that the Russian president had not dared to enter on Ukrainian territory. and give a speech there, now he is in Moscow in Warsaw and will be there. Believethat two things underline at least once again the unity of the West, which is unfortunately what Putin has been trying to do since the beginning of the war to divide so that the enemy is weakened; that has not been successful and, at the same time, what he calls the decadent West has had his share until now.
Sustainability in the supply of weapons and humanitarian aid and these are two things that I think Putin will focus on very Clearly, to be clear, our message is firmness. What Putin is doing and we are here. United States, especially with 10,000 men. Yes. Already stationed in Poland, we are a power that will not back down here and that, of course, sends a confident but also credible country. Our own signal to allies in particular, something that has been questioned in many quarters, but again, I think, through the visit it is underlined that this is not the case. King writes to us via YouTube.
The question is: when will the madness end? Well, now I have to say that it is more of a rhetorical nature. Unfortunately, not all of us can answer that. We hope to speak as soon as possible. Let's talk briefly about the speech of the Russian president. The president of the United States is sending a strong signal, but Russian President Putin also made no move to back down today. We take his speech as a whole. Yes, I largely followed many patterns of war justification that have been used before, but. Obviously one thing is missing, namely the message of victory, where are the great successes that should now continue to drive the Russian nation to win this war, which must be won from the Russian side?
That is, this message of success. available in any way, where should it come from? I think that means more to him, we just had him in the city of Bakhmut, a small town where the Russians were really formed, that's what is constantly missing from this speech. because it does not exist and, therefore, perhaps it is also explainable that in the end the nuclear variant comes into play here again in a very drastic way. We must not forget that this is the last contractual agreement between the Americans and Russians on strategic nuclear weapons. that are fired from the continent across the Atlantic towards Russia Perhaps this is a point that is perhaps also important to younger listeners, not with these continental strategic weapons, they are there to ensure that Europe benefits from US deterrence , this is the central objective.
The effect of these weapons and now there is a page here about these weapons. Putin said that these weapons, I would like to see the most limited form, so it is very notable that Putin's ability for so-called escalation is seen in this. once again use this as intimidation as a threat to emphasize that I could too. We know a lot of this isn't credible, but if you think about it, it's true, but Big Edge asks us what China says about freezing Nuclear Disarmament. Treaty? He had not yet strongly condemned the nuclear escalation, so the question is perhaps also to what extent China can see that China would have an interest in this.
China has no interest in it. Everyone wants to have nuclear energy. on an equal footing with the United States, so it has no interest in it. This is a treaty that China included in a startup, for example, so here I am trying to make sure that Chinese mediation efforts are not exploited in any way. take into account or that the essential credible character is the opposite, it must be achieved by the Chinese from their point of view, we use them. We are still waiting for the speech from the president of the United States, as I said, it should actually be at 5:30 p.m.
It's probably going to be a few minutes late, but we're really glad to have it so we can ask our viewers a few more questions. Viewers or our users can respond, for example, to Wolfgang Mücke, who asks: they mean Wagner, so I had already talked about it before, Wagner's mercenary troop will be too strong for Putin, that could be a factor, well Putin He has a goal, he wants to win the war and to do so he takes everything he can find. We have seen how masses of prisoners were recruited. It is precisely the prisoners who are now going to have to suffer the most blood.
The difficulty that exists is that Putin intervenes directly in the strategic war and here he has not sufficiently taken that into account in this brutal one. war, this brutal house-to-house war that is being waged, this Wagner group, depending on whether it succeeds or not, of course makes demands on the leadership of the regular army and that, above all, this claim refers to how this war there to fight and then, of course, also the reward for the respective successes so far. If this coordination of these two parts of the army succeeds irregularly and regularly, it will probably not work ideally and this creates friction and perhaps the last point in which Wagner was of course well promoted in propaganda terms for a long time as a brutal unit that would aspire to victory, this brutal unit that would also be very high.
It is extremely difficult against the Ukrainian defenders, who of course know them much better than the attacker Jonas m. he writes to us on YouTube Is there still any danger from Belarus at the moment? How long can your president say no to Putin? Well, maybe now we can. Let's keep in mind what we discussed earlier with Nina Niedergeist: that there are plans. Of course, Putin would like Belarus to be voluntary. From a military strategic point of view, I don't think so. I don't see it likely. Russia is fighting with all its strength to be able to maintain the front that it is trying to maintain, for example in the Don Bass or, for example, in the conquest of Bakhmut.
It's clear that she can actually pull it off militarily. What is being said now is that Belarus, if an initiative could result in an attack, in my opinion it is the office's unwise potential to destabilize Ukraine, of course, where they should focus their forces. After what we have seen so far and what I have mentioned before, the Russians will have between 8 and 800 deaths in the current fighting. Six months ago they only had deaths per day, just in quotes. So this coalition capability, the strike power for this. , the Russian military organization is not enough to open a new front now, so I prefer to say here There is no immediate danger there, yes, the room, thank you very much for this evaluation up to this point, I am just hearing the president stand on this moment in front of the cameras and microphones to deliver his speech, precisely his speech, which is eagerly awaited, we will follow Warsaw to the castle and we will remain as presidents, teachers of Hamburg, dear ex-Ministers and ministers, mayors of Polish cities , thank you for welcoming me back here in Poland, it has been almost a year since I spoke here in front of the King's Castle in Warsaw after Putin had already launched an attack on Ukraine and the largest ground war since the Second War began World Cup in Europe, everything that had been the basis of well-being and security for more than 75 years was destroyed A year ago the world thought it was going to fall, but here I come directly from Kiel and I.
Let's say Stol says and, more important than anything else, kyiv is still free. The Russian invasion not only tested Ukraine but the entire world, Europe, America, NATO, all democracies and we were faced with a simple but profound question: would we react or watch? far away we would be strong or weak we would be united or we would be divided but a year later we all know the answer we reacted we were strong and we were united and the world did not look away we are too faced with fundamental questions regarding the commitment to our values, we defend the sovereignty of nations, we defend the right of people to live free of aggression, we defend democracy.
A year later, we know what the answer is: yes, we defend. We defended sovereignty, the right of people to live free of aggression and we spoke out in favor of democracy and yesterday I was in front of the podium with the President in Kiefer and I confirmed that we will continue defending these same things, come. What can happen? When President Putin ordered his tanks into Ukraine, he thought he would invade the country and have them. The Ukrainian people are simply too brave. Europe and America were closed. he couldn't achieve this easy victory his tanks were destroyed and burned he thought he could NATO Finland the series but instead he got the naturalization of Finland and Sweden thought NATO was divided but instead it was almost more closed than ever he thought he could use weapons and weaken Europe, but together we have achieved that Europe no longer depends on Russian fuels.
We thought he was strong and the leaders of democracies were weak, but then we encountered the iron will of all those who did it. Do not allow the world to be dominated and President Selinski has shown courage and hardened his will to resist. Putin is standing in front of the water one year ago today. It is not possible that we had democracy in the world. It has become stronger. It has not weakened. The autographs of the world are weaker, they have not become stronger because especially in these hours of uncertainty you have to know where to be and you also have to know who is by your side.
People in Poland know that they know and they know better. that no one here in Poland because that is what Solidarity means turning against oppression and Warsaw was destroyed under the iron fist of communism, this country and this city suffered for a long time and the brave members of the opposition in Belarus are fighting for its democracy. today, which shows the determination of the people of Moldova to live in freedom and want to maintain their independence on the path to the President of the EU, Sandu, who cannot assure us that we are on his side and on the side of the Moldovan people, applaud the President and for Moldova Putin today no longer has doubts about the strength of the coalition, but he has doubts about our resistance and doubts that we will continue to support Ukraine and that NATO will remain, but there is no doubt that our support for Ukraine remains unwavering.
It will never tire and NATO will never hesitate. President Putin will fail with the name of his country, but he is full of the will of the organic people to defend the country if they win, we always defend these values ​​and that's all. This is about freedom here, that is the message I brought to kyiv yesterday, I was addressing the people of Ukraine turned President Zelensky, who said in December in the United States that this fight will determine the world and will determine how our children and grandchildren and their children and grandchildren will live - it is not only what he said about children and grandchildren in Ukraine but for everyone around the world and today we are also experiencing this here in Poland we are experiencing it again and again in Europe the appetite of autocrats cannot be appease you have to turn against it the autocrats of this world only understand one word no no no no no you don't get mine Country no you don't get my freedom you don't get my future and I repeat what I said here last time year a dictator who wants to rebuild a empire will never be able to suppress the people's desire for freedom, the will of the free and Ukraine will never become a victim of Russia and Russia will never win there because the free people refuse to live in a world of darkness and hopelessness this was truly a extraordinary year in all respects extraordinary trial by mercenaries and Russian armed forces committed terrible crimes against humanity and brazenly threatened civilians raped people stole Ukrainian children to protect the future of Ukraine bombed two white house schools educational institutions no one can turn away The sight of these atrocities that Russia committed against the Ukrainian people has committed and is committing is What was really terribly extraordinary was the reaction of the Ukrainian people and the world a year after the bombs fell on the country and the Russian tanks entered the country .
Ukraine remains independent and free, but no combatants have reclaimed territory in these areas. The blue-yellow flag flies proudly again. President Zelensky is leading a government that reflects the will of the organic people. The UN General Assembly and the world have repeatedly condemned Russia's aggression, the last time the vote was held at the UN. overwhelmingly in October 100 143 countries condemned Russian aggression only four four countries in the entire world sided with Russia and now I turn once again to the Russian people, to the USA and to the nations of Europe and they do not want to control to Russia, they do not want to destroy Russia, the West is not planning an attack as Putin said today and millions of Russian citizens just want to live in peace with their neighbors and are not our opponents.
This war was never a necessity, it is a tragedy that President Putin has chosen. war and he is fighting it every day The war continues that is Putin's decision he could end the war if Russia stops invading Ukraine the war would end if Ukraine stops fighting then that would be the end of Ukraine that's why we all have to make sure Ukraine defends itself together can the United States has forged a global coalition of more than 50 nations to support weapons and equipmentcritical for the brave soldiers in Ukraine tanks anti-aircraft artillery armored vehicles the European Union and its member states have done a truly tremendous job not only for security assistance but also economic and humanitarian Support the admission of refugees and everyone here this afternoon should take a quick look, and I mean this, look around us, look at each other and look at what more than 1.5 million refugees have done so far.
They have been accepted in Poland, God bless them for that. Poland's generosity, willingness to open hearts and homes is unparalleled everywhere in my country, in big cities and in small towns, Ukrainian flags fly, and last year Democrats and Republicans in the American Congress They stood together for peace, they advocated for it, that's what Americans are and that's what Americans do. The world is also coming together to address the global consequences of Putin's wars. Putin made sure that aid in the Black Sea. It was closed so that Ukraine could not export grain, causing a global food crisis, especially in Africa.
The US and the G7 and their partners around the world are especially affected. Instead, they have worked to strengthen the world's food supply again and my wife JüL is away. to Africa this week to express our support there too. We are committed to the people of Ukraine for the future of Ukraine, a free, sovereign and democratic Ukraine, that was the dream of those who founded the independence of Ukraine more than 30 years ago. , who started the revolution, who defended democracy on the Maidan and hundreds of people gave their lives there, but Putin continues to try to corrupt others here: a dream of Ukrainian patriots who have opposed Russian aggression in the thorn zone .
For years and to those who have given their lives for their beloved homeland Ukraine, yesterday I laid a wreath at the war memorial and remembered those who gave their lives alongside President Silence of the US and our partners stand with the teachers, the rescuers of war. The workers of municipalities throughout Ukraine who are trying to restore power in the face of cruel Russian bombings, we are on the side of millions of refugees who were welcomed in Europe, in the USA, but especially here in Poland, ordinary people in Europe was ready. To help and continue to help the economy, the cultural leaders and the boy prince of Poland have helped and with heart and determination have shown what is good, we thank the First Lady and think of the entire population.
I will not forget. I saw the first Ukrainian refugees last year. I saw their faces. They were desperate. They had their children close to them and did not know if they would see their siblings and cousins ​​again and in this darkest hour they offered them safety and shelter. the refugees were hugged they were welcomed and in the meantime together we make sure that Russia pays the price we have the most comprehensive sanctions that have ever existed and we will announce more sanctions this week together with our partners and we will hold accountable those who are responsible for this war and We will hold accountable all those who initiated war crimes and crimes against humanity.
There are so many things we can be proud of, things we've accomplished together in the last year, that we really need to do. look at things with open eyes, defend freedom, it is not about a day or a few weeks, it is always difficult, it takes a long time and Ukraine continues to defend itself from Russian attacks and there will continue to be bitter days, days of casualties and tragedies, but The United States, along with its partners, stands behind Ukraine as that country defends itself next year. A NATO meeting will be convened for the summit. We will celebrate the 50th, 75th anniversary of NATO.
This strong union and there is no doubt that the United States. supports NATO and is a partner in Nate and every NATO member knows that Russia knows this. This is exactly how an attack on one NATO member is an attack on all NATO members. We will defend every inch of NATO territory. Last year, the United States met several times with its partners to build this strong coalition against the aggression of the Russians and that is what it is about, it is not just about the things we are against, but the things for of which we are, of what the world does. we want to live, we have to approach it strategically, use the coalition to give people a better life, more health, more well-being, we have to build peace and security and every person can enjoy dignity and freedom so that everyone can enjoy freedom.
We are at a turning point. The decisions we make in the next five years will have decisive significance for the next decades of our lives. This applies to Americans as it applies to people around the world. fact now it is crucial for our future to build or destroy chaos or stability hope or fear democracy hope or dictatorship not destruction by dictators limitation or possibilities opportunities open up when people live in freedom not in captivity freedom freedom there is no more wonderful word than freedom there is no terrorist objective but peace, Americans know it and everyone knows it too and everything we do now must be done so that our children and our children's children also have this experience, to make freedom, freedom is the truth of all ages We will defend them.
Defend us so let us go towards the future with conviction with hope we are allies allies of the light not of the darkness not of oppression but of freedom not of captivity but allies of yes Freedom May God bless you all, may God protect our troops and may God protect and bless Ukraine and all those who defend peace in the world thank you Poland thank you thank you thank you for everything you do God protect you all so far The speech I gave to the president of the United States was not that long as One might have thought that about 15-20 minutes after my unofficial stop, perhaps we will briefly summarize the most important points before learning a few more points about MRT.
I also want to see him individually, so it was a nice moment. emotional speech, we were strong, the president said, united and without looking away when Ukraine was invaded. Even a year after Russia's attack, the United States defends the right to live in peace and freedom. Putin wanted to split NATO, but. He didn't make it. Now it is more united than ever. There was much praise for Ukraine's heroic struggle and it was also reiterated that the UN had at the time condemned the war in general, of course. The right side of history, so to speak, is not the West that is the aggressor, but that Russia was able to stop the war, Ukraine was not, and then there was also a clear commitment to NATO and the world. a crossroads Maybe you can do this with MRI too.
The knowledge of speaking will be crucial for the next five years that you listen to us because my question would be now that we see it now that you have the light back on, did you have to turn the light off for safety. Reasons: How did the speech affect you? Was there anything surprising from your point of view? Did it roughly meet your expectations? To be honest, the speech was a little smaller than the one a year ago. Above all, he recalled the history of the Second World War and the history of the liberation of Poland in the solidarity movement and the revolution here in Poland.
I think this time he didn't do it to that extent. focus on three points the first point understanding autocrats is only when you say you don't have to oppose them they only understand this message the second point freedom freedom is the most important thing, this is a term that is very well received here in Europe of the East, especially in Poland, but also in other European countries, because we know that freedom cannot be obtained for free, that you have to put something into it and the third thing is that for me I heard this morning in front of the National Security Advisor, Jake Sullivan, who made it clear that Vladimir Putin could basically end this war, as he has done very, very easily, by withdrawing troops from Ukraine;
Ukraine can't afford to fight to stop it because then Ukraine would no longer have these three big messages, I think, that he wanted. cross here because it is very important that the alliance, the allies, the alliances here remain closed because the United States will make Ukraine a little bit stronger in the coming weeks. So we also heard about the delivery of long-range missiles to ensure that Ukraine can continue to regain territory. The goal is to put Putin in a situation where Russia also has an interest in reaching a negotiated peace, but that only works if Putin, in the first place, would be ready with part of his ultimate goals, that is not the case.
In sight We just heard this from Moscow today, but yes, Joe Biden wants to leave the message here. They are united behind Ukraine and they are also very, very grateful to Poland for their support. Have you seen this? , from time to time we have a small problem with the sound or the image. We still try to ask another question about Poland. Most of it was well received by us. Maybe just to put it in perspective. The crossroads referred to the end of his speech. At the end of his speech, they both talked about the next five years, he said, his decisions both in Europe and in the U.S.
Maybe you can explain a little more what that means about President Malcha? a great struggle between liberal democracies, on the one hand, and authoritarian regimes, on the other, and he really believes that this is a crossroads that the world finds itself at and has to decide whether it is in favor of the rules-based order that have. We have known for decades, an order that defends freedom but also democratic values, citizens and human rights, or the world is going in a more authoritarian direction where individual freedoms are not as important, these are principles that China and Russia they defend.
Basically, the president is also referring, to a certain extent, to the Europeans, but also to the United States itself, because we have experienced in Europe, but also in the United States, that these democracies are being attacked from within. I was very aware of the Capitol storm in 2021. Democracy can also be fragile, so you have a policy that is under pressure to deliver, you also have to offer your people perspectives and demonstrate that democracy is better than authoritarianism in the Warsaw castle, thank you very much as I said. We would have small problems with the sound and also with the image.
There is a lot going on with you at the moment, the lines are overloaded, thank you very much for these reviews and information, thank you for catching up with the MRT, so I will see if we can continue the conversation with Maximilian der Halle, if that is possible, yes You can still hear me in Berlin. I think I see it and I hope he hears me too. It would be good if all of you, political scientists from the London School of Economics and Political Science, were with us, perhaps you would also like to give your general assessment of the President's speech, what effect did it have on you? ?
It was an important peace speech that aims to encourage Poles to believe in NATO that protects them and that was presented by the representative of the power that can guarantee that and I think that in this speech too much pathos should not be added too quickly, but rather, what they say here is what they mean very seriously: freedom cannot be obtained for free and permanently, but rather two people have to fight for it and I think this message, of course, is well received by the Poles because they feel strengthened in what is right. of their course, but of course also in the direction of Ukraine, reinforces that the fight they are fighting is necessary, but also a call to NATO, perhaps even to Germany, to make sure once again exactly what it is really about, it is That is to say, the setback of an aggressor who otherwise has what we consider freedom, I would describe as very severe if I had to put an end to it.
It was also a response to the speech given earlier that day by Russian President Vladimir Putin and both also said, among others. Among other things, Ukraine will never be a victory for Russia, so how can that be done now? Evaluating how these words will be received in Russia, because in Russia one had the impression, or after the speech, that they were preparing for a long time. dispute anyway - both sides, first of all Russia, now also the USA, what does that mean? Well, first of all he made it clear to both of them once again, in the context of Putin's speech, that what Putin wanted What we have achieved so far has been the division of the West, the lack of perseverance of the West in supporting Ukraine , all of that has not worked, nor has the change in military tactics to the bombing of civilian centers, the destruction of energy supplies, electricity, etc.
None of that worked and I think what this underlines is ultimately something that could be very crucial, which is, in addition to military hardware, the sheer will to fight for one's own values ​​on the Ukrainian side and on the other side. It is Russia, where perhaps not all soldiers know why they are doing what they are currently doing and not to describe this as pathetic because I think it is important to remember credibility and that is whatIt comes from a military point of view and the credibility of NATO in this direction wants to permanently underline that the West is on the side of Ukraine.
Lau bin Lee writes to us on YouTube. Both talks do not help to end the war. Well, of course, that's the case now. One of the two conversations in which it could be said that there could be a possibility of re-intensifying diplomatic relations in some way? At first impression it must be said that yes, it does not sound like that at all anywhere, yes, about someone who uses the army. strength to get something that does not belong to them and to see here now a negotiating table where one could sit if necessary, some conditions have to be met and at the moment it does not seem that the Russian side is even one millimeter willing to retract its aggression and, therefore, Therefore, the will of the Ukrainians is equally unconditional.
However, I think that here it is very clear not to see who is the greedy one and who is the defender of his own freedom. so as not to make the mistake that in reality both are involved in this competition no, it is war, yes, he also has a clear responsibility, we did not want to deny that, it is clear, we will ask again with ok YouTube, his name is probably Professor Thale, is he? What reaction would the West have if Russia decides to use a nuclear attack? Fortunately, at the moment we are only talking about nuclear attacks in theory.
They say that in the movie it has already been said that it is unlikely. This means would be resorted to at a certain point, the step that Putin is taking now has caused the new start treaty to be unilaterally suspended, which is a power politics approach to say "listen, I will not necessarily comply with this regulation" limitation of the clear warheads then he is sending a clear signal or wants to send a signal correctly to the West. I'm ready to fight. This is the principle of intimidation, which has worked very well in parts with the principle of trying to intimidate those in the West who might allow themselves to break unity.
That's the first point, that's the central point, that's why Putin makes the second one, a real nuclear attack that doesn't happen from a high position, there's a lead-up and the. In the period before we had a much smaller format at the end of last year, that is, September-October, when the Americans and the Russians spoke very clearly on the issue after Putin threatened a tactical nuclear strike inside Ukraine , there was a very, very German reaction. confrontation between the two, which meant that after 5 days, Russia no longer spoke on the issue, so I would also put the first principle to the fore here: it is the policy of intimidation that hides behind the threat to withdraw of the initial treaty. , which aims to reach potential actors in the West so that they no longer support NATO's position, that is the approach here, this is not a direct military nuclear confrontation with reason, asking what needs to be done to avoid another Cold War , maybe sometimes more generally, do you see an exit strategy somewhere?
As you said before, there is clear responsibility, but is there still a way to say that, well, the bloodshed could stop at some point? , it can only come from Russia, what would have to happen in Russia for that point to come at some point, so I, that goes exactly in this direction, what has to happen is that, unfortunately, it will be decided in the field of battle. who will be the winner of this There is a war and the more defeats Russia has if necessary in Russia in the small one that is promoting in the coming months we will be able to observe very closely the coming offensives, the more defeats a horse has, the greater the resistance within Russia to continue this war, which is why I have repeatedly noted in conversation that Russia supposedly had this eternal perseverance, similar to a patriotic war in World War II, that is not right, this is about winning a war that Russia started From the Russian perspective, Ukraine is opposed and I think the more defeats accumulate, the harder it is for the supposedly unbeatable Putin to justify himself.
We must not forget all the criticism he has received. against him in the Kremlin apparatus. Previously we had the dispute between the regular troops and the Wagner Group, all this is possible. Yes, ultimately back to Putin, why isn't the leader able to do what he says simply and well? that perhaps in the end he still talks about a special operation and not about the war, one last question, perhaps again an aspect that our viewers always take into account the role of China - they had already said something about it before the speech of both De them, the question arises: what are the chances of the military alliance between Russia and China being evaluated, in certain circumstances even with South Africa?
Another question: will China send soldiers to Ukraine? Perhaps, once again, about China's role in this conflict. Yes, China will not send soldiers to Russia. What is happening with the possible arms transfer between Chinese and Russians suggested by Blinken is something to watch very closely because it indicates how China wants to orient itself, actually wants to orient itself. do it by buying oil, purely financing Putin's war machine or how to actively intervene in this war. I think that the peace initiative that China's top foreign policy representative Wangier called a few days ago in Munich, of course, you should follow it closely, but of course, you can always see Taiwan's reflection in the whole matter of that the Chinese want to have a successful model for their war, when here in Munich it was very clear and they emphasized again that Taiwan belongs to China, which also justifies a possible war. against Taiwan, so the Chinese always support it.
That Russia surely only defends itself from the attack of the Americans from outside, so that is the model for the divisible; In this sense, politically I would completely rule out mediation. In any case, the topic will keep us busy for quite some time. Unfortunately, it can be assumed that Maximilian der Halle's assessments were made by political scientists at the London School of Economics and Political Science. Thank you very much for taking the time for us tonight. Thank you very much, Michael, and of course, as always, thank you very much for the many questions and comments that were our broadcast on Russian President Putin's speeches this morning. and to the presidents of the United States, thank you for your interest, have a pleasant evening and see you soon, ciao.

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