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5 Steps to Become a Super Consistent Trader

Jul 07, 2024
There are five simple


you can take right now to






by following our firm's elite


s. In this video, we cover them all in detail from a special live event in New York City, the SNB Trading Summit 2024. Mike Bella Fury and we are one of the leading proprietary trading firms located in New York City since 2005 and we are proud to develop seven and even eight figures per year. Traders watch, take notes and learn from many presentations so you can grow your trading account. I want to provide you with an image. I want to give them a role model to think about being or becoming a trader.
5 steps to become a super consistent trader
I'm going to save that image until the end, but I want you to think about that as we're going through this presentation. What model to follow? What image do we want this presentation to move away from? The best business coach in the world writes this to me. I want you to help me identify what trading deficiency this great trading coach is pointing out. I suspect some of you need to work on this too. One of the big problems I see with hedge fund operators is that they spend a lot of time and effort generating ideas and very little original work to properly market that idea.
5 steps to become a super consistent trader

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5 steps to become a super consistent trader...

For example, they may notice an earnings print that beats expectations and start buying stocks, but they don't identify whether they are in a momentum trading environment or a cyclical mean reversion environment, so they don't necessarily get into good news. levels and not necessarily adjust your holding period and your strategy for adding positions versus taking profits detailed reviews allow us to review the generation of good and not so good ideas, but also the ways in which you have marketed those ideas, what trading deficiency relates with being here identifies more


as a trader trading review okay what else ex execution who said that okay very good trading execution this is a tweet I wrote recently, being right about the direction is not enough and by the way This tweet was generated by a very frustrating conversation I had with a very top trader who was arguing with me about the risk in a trading idea in which this trader was clearly wrong.
5 steps to become a super consistent trader
I'm not saying that the market and this p&l had told him that and he was pushing. tells me again that hey let's move on this is just an exchange that's not really working so my tweets often have a story behind them um there's an I'm I'm frustrated here and I'm just going to Twitter and try to teach a lesson. Okay, being right about the direction isn't enough. An operator must be right about direction and timing. If it comes too early, that's not a good trade. What business deficiency am I pointing out here? Execution execution, so we have a lot of resources in our firm, today you met many of them.
5 steps to become a super consistent trader
I have to tell you that, while we support our merchants, when things are not going well, we do not sit in the rooms. Jeff and I, Steve and Carlton. Don't sit in rooms and say things are going to be fine, that's fine, keep doing what you're doing, you're a good person, you have a lovely family, that's fine, that's not what we do because things won't get better unless you change and Many times we see underperforming retail traders or proprietary traders who are not willing to admit that they have to change. Up until that point, we had two merchants in our company making seven figures a year.
Traders during the '20s and '21s made huge numbers. and early in their career, the smart guys love to trade, we supported them a lot, they did very well and then that same seven figure year, the traders went into a drawdown that was actually over seven figures, in 20 and 21 correct operations. The pullback trading specifically worked really well and then we hit a different market regime that Steve mentioned when the FED started signaling that they were going to raise rates, those Pullin trades stopped working, those traders started cutting significantly, we didn't. We sat down and told these merchants. you've done well in the past, things are going to be fine, okay, things aren't going to get better unless you change and we're also not just saying things aren't going to get better unless you change, we talk very specifically about what those traders need to do. . they change and what we talked about specifically was guessing what these traders really need to work on execution.
Well, what did you mean? I mean new playbooks. Well, and specifically, what we wanted them to work on is being more. consistent when you're in a big hole your confidence is low and you need to rebuild your confidence and your consistency and your wins and wins and we specifically said they need to work on execution and we specifically said they love Lance Lance Lance is a great role model. for them and then and Lance had formed a relationship with them and they had formed the relationship with Lance and we said that you needed to work with Lance and that you needed to work specifically on your entry and your exit strategies with Lance and Lance started to I worked with them on two minute entry and exit strategies and to their credit they really changed, they really started entering and exiting differently and to their credit they started to


more consistent again.
I actually called one of these dealers. and I told them I feel bad about this, uh, in a very opportunistic trade. I told them one of the traders said, could you have been bigger on that trade? Could you have increased the size a little more? And this merchant I will. I will do that. Never forget this. I feel very bad about this. I feel like a parent who said the wrong thing to a child. The merchant told me Bella. I just want to work on being consistent. I don't want to get any bigger there and that Trader was 100.% correct because at that point in his career they were working on their ins and outs and being more consistent and they weren't worrying and working on home run trades okay really They have taken advantage of their tie, they were down more than seven figures, uh, almost two million dollars, uh, individually, they are very close.
I would say they are within a month, month and a half, of being completely out of their hole. That's pretty impressive during the last monthly review at our firm. The traders said we are only here for the SNB resources, they were talking about Lance, okay, maybe they were also talking about us, encouraging them to work with Lance, but they had made the changes, they had used the resources, okay, number one, become an expert. your inputs and your outputs resources for that Justin does a great job on YouTube with his bar by bar video series, check that out if you want to take your inputs and outputs even more seriously Justin mentioned them, we have an SMB FasTrack program for those What Is SMB the first thing we ask our traders to focus on?
You enter through the doors. You are a new Trader. What do we ask you to focus on in the process. Okay, that's who said. Well, the number one thing we focus on, Jeff, is consistency. What's the second thing we encourage operators to focus on in SMB? Oh, you guys cracked that code real quick. I didn't know it would be so easy for you. Correct consistency, okay, what's the third thing to throw out my entire presentation? I'm just going to switch places with you guys, okay, consistency, okay, so, okay, we know that the first, second and third thing we ask traders to focus on is consistency, but what? how do they do that? we ask and what does that mean, how do we ask them to focus on consistency?
A TR a good exchange. Okay, who said that? Yes. Well, what else? Good. Well, consistent routine. Michael. Very good. Excellent answer. We ask that you focus on a consistent routine. that's the plan for them to be really consistent the things you do lead to your results well the things you do lead to your consistency for us that means doing a daily report that means doing a Playbook trade that means using the Trader view that means practicing with a highlight reel that means easy money trading that means collaborating every day that means building technology every day building your chart book every day journaling every day giving your best in your trading sessions what for us it means to practice mindfulness Exercise, sleep well, watch your diet, okay, we have a lot, if some of you are like I'm not sure what the daily report is.
Go to our YouTube channel. There are videos on each of these. Okay, but I want to share the real secret about this, so I put this here on the screen, what separates the guys who do it, what separates the Lances, the Maxes, the Garretts, the Justin's, the Jeffs and the Carltons of the guys who aren't here who we transitioned out of the company because they knew how to do all these things, but what is a differentiator? What's that? Make it a habit great yes discipline is good good innovate work it's okay to push yourself yes So the real secret is that you actually have to do these things every day, not just read them on a screen at a fancy event at the Marriot Marquee in the New York City or watch us on YouTube or watch us on YouTube and say yes. that's great, you know, and for a week it'll be like I'm going to do all these things and do these things for a week and then on day six, stop doing them, not only do you have to do them day after day, week after week , Month after month. quarter after quarter year after year you have to do it right you have to put your heart and soul into each of these things you have to compete to make the best daily report card of everyone in your training class you have to compete to make the best book of plays from everyone in the company, as a shark, did you have to compete to do the best job at Trader View like Justin did every day, day in and day out?
One of the things I will tell you is a little anecdote about me and my family, so we just got back from the Bahamas, we were at the Atlantis for five beautiful days, this is not an Atlantis commercial, although I highly recommend it, it is a little expensive but fantastic, so we're in the Bahamas and at the beginning of the day I said to my son, hey, do you want to go to practice later and he said, yeah, let's go practice, and we thought, okay, let's what time do you want to do it. He said, let's practice at 7 o'clock. and for those who have been to Atlantis, they have all these water slides and from the beginning of the day my daughter and son went on as many water slides as they could, I think they may have broken a record and uh towards the end of the day , my wife I mentioned to my wife, you know Luke and I, by the way, we have to go to practice at 7:00, so maybe we should start finishing this up, and by the way, she tells me and my wife.
He's a former division one scholarship basketball player, so she understands, he's working hard, she tells me he's on vacation, so let's give him a day off, let him enjoy it, and I just have to tell you, I don't understand. that I just like my brain, my brain doesn't understand the words she uses, okay, it's like she's speaking to me in a different language and I think the fact that this former division one scholarship basketball player tells me that your son is on vacation and you already know a high level person and I just don't understand, that really speaks to why we are so good and why we have been so special and why our Traders are Elite.
It's because I just don't understand why you would do it. Have I ever wanted to go a day without trying to get better at something that's important to you? I just wouldn't want to go to sleep any day. What I want to improve is running my company and when I'm on vacation. like no, I don't understand having a day where I didn't try to improve The Firm I I I don't understand why that would be fun I don't understand why what V I don't know what that means I I don't understand it and you know, I have a wife too and the wanna.
I want to have a happy marriage, so he didn't practice that day, but I mean, I'm not stupid, I mean, but I have to admit it. I just don't understand why and why if you don't practice you don't improve and in trading, if you want, don't do these things as if you don't improve, I wouldn't understand why I wouldn't want to do your daily report C like you say I want to be like Lance I don't understand like you I just get it right, so that's an important differentiator. Okay, double down on scalping, so this is an email.
I wrote to Dr. Steamer about this dealer. I changed the name of this merchant. Double Down is outperforming his peers. One thing that is interesting on his path to consistent profitability was doubling down on targeted scalping, which is why this trader underperformed. He doubled down on targeted speculation and Dr. Ste Barker said I saw the same dynamic years ago when I worked in Chicago. The guys who loved the detailed work of commercial mechanics and it was less aboutGuess what happens, I think this is probably the number. one of the most rewarding things I have ever experienced in my life what happens okay, you become a great artist what else you grow as a person yes, you can change yes, anyone else everything comes together everything comes together well you want what is that what you want who said that who told you Get what you want, get what you want, yes, and I think the greatest reward you will find is that you will get even more than what you want, that you will be much better and you will be able to achieve it. do things you never imagined you could do, things will turn out much better even for your big plants, that's really an experience, it's the biggest reward for that, well, thank you all for coming.
Rose has some drinks for us, um, I hope. They had a lot of fun, I hope we learned a lot and thank you very, very much, this is our first annual event for SMEs, thank you for trusting us and we are going to have some cocktails to be active. The trader is not doing as well as he wants, he is not doing as well as he deserves and he simply cannot understand why he cannot become profitable no matter how hard he tries, let me show you why this is your competition, the traders in this room From here it is full of elite traders, some of whom earn seven and even eight figures a year.
In fact, our top guys have earned almost 20 million each in net trading profits in a single year. Let's go to my office so we can share. What's more, you're probably used to watching videos of fancy Trader Lifestyles trading gurus trading on a laptop for an hour a day, maybe even 15 minutes a day, and then relaxing on some secluded beach for the rest of the day, well , everything I do. What I can say is that our Traders train like professional athletes, they live and breathe the markets, and they are continually working on their trading skills because at our firm that is what we find is really what it takes to make it in this game.
I'm Mike Bella Fury, Co-Founder and Managing Partner of S&B Capital One of the largest proprietary trading firms in the world located in Midtown Manhattan and we are always looking for trading talent to hire and develop and not only operate internally on our desk but also operate from own house using entirely our company's capital and we have numerous traders who do just that, allowing them to earn over seven figures trading the company's capital without risking their own money, but to even have a chance at something like that, you need to have proper training, that's why we are doing a new free online presentation where we share how you can get an interview with SMB to become an in-house equity trader of a remote trading company without risking yours and get access to all the training and resources of our company and, best of all, you do not need to be a profitable trader, but in fact we prefer to mold profitable traders with our methods and our techniques, that is why we have only three simple criteria that can make you win to anyone in the interview.
We're looking for highly ambitious and determined traders who fit our culture first and foremost, so if you think you might sign up Sign up for the free 1-hour online presentation by clicking the link now in the top right corner of your screen .

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