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Playing in every league from Challenger to Ultimate Champion in one day

Jun 01, 2024
I decided to play in all


s, from Challenger 1 to Ultimate Champion. I'm using multiple accounts so I don't have to win more than 100 games. Close it, wait for a level 13, there was actually a level 13 the last two days of the season at 4000. trophies oh, is he dropping trophies on purpose? oh what a great game so far this is quality content two guys oh what uh the last thing no it was the last juke. He wanted me to do


thing possible so he could take my left rook, but he doesn't. I know that's not enough to take my tower, yeah he literally tried to trick me bro that's really crazy at first.
playing in every league from challenger to ultimate champion in one day
I was underestimating these players until I saw that the guys in the game have earned my respect now. 4000 trophies I love you he just tried his best it's not even tower oh it's tower but he can't stop this you can't stop this I was going to make kite oh the gods here kite I'm done I can't do this the whole guy rejected me oh Oh my god that's what he's thinking right now he would never fall into that barrel of music in a million years oh I'm leaking oh sorry but he's leaking too so it turns out the guy is just a God.
playing in every league from challenger to ultimate champion in one day

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playing in every league from challenger to ultimate champion in one day...

I didn't see that barrel coming. I had nothing. for that, man, absolutely nothing, you know, wait, you just played with a gang of goblins, oh dear lord, man, can we talk about that? You want to talk? Want? Okay, I'll do it now. Do you want to talk about it, friend? that little bomb tower on a xe on the bridge it's not time yet, not yet, I don't want to do it yet, I don't want to put him out of his misery just yet, I want to see what else he's got going. manga, I'm going to put it to the test a little, although we go with spikes, I want to see what it has, let's predict a fireball, I mean, it's still a tower, that's Snowtown, oh, it's not God, your tornado wait, I don't want lose my tower, okay? we're fine we're fine we're fine I just don't want to get into a two-rook situation this is over I'm not going to play a single card all you have to do is play a single troop okay, no no, no, 4,600 big trophies, now I expect big plays, now big plays, we're no longer in baby


one or league two, we're


three now, oh no, that's going to make a splash, why would I play with the rebel giant?
playing in every league from challenger to ultimate champion in one day
Am I supposed to blend in? It's too difficult. I'm not going to play anything. Then I'll give it a chance because I could go Inferno Dragon Rage and I'd be dead 20 times. Let's see if he can defend. this I have faith I have faith here he's just a sparkling friend he's just a sparkling in oh, you cycled to an EU, he's a smart guy. I feel like at this point people are starting to understand how the cards work but they don't really have one they understand how to use it properly but they know what mini pekka counters what they don't know about the sparky about to shoot him to kill him like there's a difference, you know, but he will be fined in a couple more leagues.
playing in every league from challenger to ultimate champion in one day
I don't think he's going to lose to Double Sparky that's all I'm going to say bop wow uno you only play one e genius oh zap oh now that's one way to finish


three they have to be better right? , they have to be better at At this point, you know what's really surprising, although I feel like the higher I go, the lower my opponents go. I feel like there are so many level 13s and 12s that are stuck at 4000 trophies and just don't know how to play the game. Damn that wizard really showed up there for him oh man I love it that's the master that's what we're looking for so that's the bm we're all looking for here damn that balloon or did I say that did I predict who has also been there yet? he doesn't understand this is not good for him we have to hit him back right we have to hit him with the hit him with the backhand oh thanks oops me me me me okay sorry sorry it was a bit much but he did it first he did it first what did we learn master players like the bm one more giant row atta boy attaboy I'm going to let him have faith I have a chance and then just zap it's over too easy bro it's too easy oh level 13 mage falcon definitely crush that's for sure holy shit look normally that it wouldn't have an impact on my tower oh wait wizard don't do it bro that's crazy this could be my first loss one push left maybe something in the opposite lane is fine just fireball so I'm going to try to get it right wizard will be better do it well well okay here we go a push a push I wonder here a push I wonder no, I won't, I won't, no, actually it's my first defeat.
I mean, what about he has his card max completely maxed out and he has mage Valk so I can't get through him? I think we're actually good here, yeah that was bad, that's so stupid how the wizard doesn't get a single shot with that. Shit I'm going to predict dark alvin ah I want to predict which prediction will be ruined bro I better win this now I have to win this right okay actually I'm going to roll off the zero bridge I just need a hit I guess not, no it's not max I need two wits that's what we got zap bro one hit here we go we actually have to make some predictions because they beat the level cards it's the only way I win but I have a solution for that. a better count now we're raising even more very high hopes for these players now like they're not amazing but they're getting there you know all night okay the knight is supposed to shoot a goblin. how he polished himself, but on the ladder it is not like that.
Things don't happen the way they're supposed to. By now we should know this. I'm telling you these guys aren't horrible, but they are mechanics, the fine tuning isn't there yet, that's the only difference between this player and someone you know, seven thousand trophies, those mechanics get the big picture, but the little guys of the day a day. They have no idea, brother, they have no idea what they're doing. You better not defend that friend. Yes, I feel like you did. I'm pretty sure it's gg, though don't let that get crossed. uh no, no, no, no, yes, the one.
What I've noticed is that literally


one has max cards. I rarely meet a single person who doesn't have them completely maximal. That's definitely what I've noticed. I had to spend a couple gems to upgrade my spear goblins because I realized they weren't. It's not a single shot, huh, skeletons and that's a big deal anyway, we know he's just


with the triple win condition. He is


with the triple win condition. See, this is the intermediate ladder at its finest. No wonder why sometimes when they activate me on the stream when I lose. these decks because you think, oh, one victory condition, okay, two victory conditions, sure, but when they draw the third one, I have to wait for it to set, no, no, no, don't get better, I have to do This just in case, oh, I needed it. who really needed that wow he's playing a lot of bait wait this isn't fun oh you little bastard by the way my knight doesn't want goblins shot I'm still excited about it whatever it is I'm just going to shoot the machine flying. we're still winning this is this is pain this video pain bro I don't know what to do oh I just logged in okay I'll bike back okay okay do a little for your ball okay I've got my check back we' It's all good bro , you got so many damn conditions on your wings, this is stupid, can you relax, can you relax, buddy, you know how to relax, that's the mission, oh, I was going to splash my tower, wait, I gotta go to hell, bro, I lost .
No, no, no, you don't have any spells, do you? You don't have a pickaxe, brother, yeah oh, but wait, that's going to fall. win one more and then technically I'm on grand


, everything will be fine, we'll have fun no matter what it is, we'll have fun, win or lose, I'll have fun on Clash right now for the first time. is it physically possible to defend this or am I dead pretty sure I'm dead oh my god oh great champ you're right all you do is spam the bridge I feel like it's the end of the season we should all call this is the tilted arena every person that ends here it's just leaning I feel like you already shot something I can't I know we shot something I don't remember what yeah it was a mother actually just swinging two witch mothers in a row this guy how does he get away with this?
I don't know, we'll find out if she has her way, she just got a record, yeah the mega minion is dead, I mean a couple of hits at least, oh yeah that's some good damage. I'll take that he deserves a lot more than that, he literally just shot the elixir twice, that's fine, I mean he's not playing archers, he should win this, I have a ton of tanks, expositions are useless so we'll see what happens. Me, mother witch, oh, interesting playmate, so I have Barbara, oh my god, friend, what are you doing? I have so many tanks.
This is what I'm talking about when I say inclined, you know, people play like that, stupid, oh dark. prince no way oh geez I didn't need the fireball it's expo it's expo I have to do it buddy I have to do it oh I forgot I'm also on my main account so you guys really know it's me bme okay this is something like that It's funny, now he played in the expo under, bro, like i said, everyone in this arena is biased and i think i just made it worse, but i don't even feel bad, it was the expo, he deserved it, all good, the next


after a couple of hours. of questionable gameplay finally made it to 7k exactly where I belong, won't activate King Tower, not on my watch, does it ever get an earthquake or lightning because I feel like it would already have a fireball if I had done it right or am I just crazy, I know . crazy but I'm trying to prove a point here he does that fireball I'm confused so this is a long game right now like all I have to do is defend all you have to do is spam the bridge so we're like on a proper pass he's trying to spam the bridge so hard but all I have to do is defend with Cycle what does that say?
The immovable object meets the unstoppable force. That's what bridge spam is against Cycle Inferno Tower. You know what I mean? You know what I mean, it's like you can't really do anything unless I commit too much ah, I think we're good, ah, don't worry, oh baby dragon, bye, baby dragon, oh, it's a success, right? what I am going to do? oh no, it's not, brother, stop. What do you think? Do you think this is going to break through like I don't understand what your thought process is friend after the giant roll 20? Do you understand that you are not breaking up?
Sorry I just think I've had enough of this video, I literally just passed 7k and I don't even know, technically I have like 600 tilt cups but I dropped it on purpose, it was a fun game so what did I learn in this video? So they all suck. including you

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