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May 18, 2024
Well, kids, not only are we making a


for the viewer, but it's also


and we think we're going to love it. What we're doing is something called St Louis Slinger and it comes to us courtesy of the viewer in an STL underscore. 6337 I just put it together STL must be the brains of St Louis, he lives in St Louis and I sent this and he wrote to Sam, make this the St Louis Slinger overall, it's two eggs and hashbrowns and a ground beef patty, all topped with Carney chili cheese chili. with meat what did I say with Carney


ything covered in chili with Carney bad wait with meat oh meat it's not with it's with meat I'm Canadian I've n


done it but poor brain now I've ruined it open your Lord, it's Tijuana, not you Tiana and, by the way it's Brian, no it's definitely brain, I'm sure it's brain, I can read, I can't pronounce, that seems to be my problem, my apologies to anyone offended by my mispronunciation of Chile K carne es More okay it's not like G Dees, it's better than ripping off Carney, oh my god, in today's J in the kitchen.
a new regional recipe that might be the best late night munchies ever sam the cooking guy
I'm going to make the most incredible lasna. Bon, the Italian accent only comes out when he says Italian words. I do not understand that. My recapping brain says it's two eggs, hash browns, and a ground beef patty, all topped with K car chili cheese and onion, and it's


served at 2:a. m. in a restaurant after a good


drinking brain, this couldn't be more interesting. our alley couldn't be, so we gotta make a hash brown, we're gonna make it from scratch, we're gonna make our own Patty, grind our own meat, but since I usually get out my grinder, it occurred to me, you know, not everyone.
a new regional recipe that might be the best late night munchies ever sam the cooking guy

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a new regional recipe that might be the best late night munchies ever sam the cooking guy...

It has a grinder, but many more people could have a food processor. I'm going to show you how you can use a food processor to grind your own meat, yeah, how about that, how about that, and then there's the eggs and the cor cart that I have. I'm not going to do it, I have a can, okay, a little trick is good and then onions and eggs and cheese, oh I want to get drunk just thinking about how good this week


meal would be, let's prepare our hash brown, let's move on to the meat and then you know it's a container of water, this is a potato and that's a box grater.
a new regional recipe that might be the best late night munchies ever sam the cooking guy
You start by grating the potato into the water for two reasons: one removes the starch and two prevents the potato from oxidizing and turning brown when you just pound it. outdoors I see the water level rise significantly obviously this is a potato I will make everything I may not use it all but I am making a portion I want to make sure I have enough potato for the hash brown don't peel not too close it's okay let me wipe my face hand we'll let this soak and continue that's my meat I'm using ribs because I'm thinking I'm going to love the flavor I cut them into these little cubes and put them in my freezer on this little piece of parchment for about 20 minutes to freeze it a little .
a new regional recipe that might be the best late night munchies ever sam the cooking guy
You can see it's a little tough, it'll just grind better in the processor, if you put it in the t room or even straight out of the refrigerator, it will puree and we don't want you to cut it into small cubes like this, leave it for about 20 minutes in the freezer and then you can process it. successfully and we will do that now. I'll do it about half at a time, so we'll start and then drop the pieces. Stop, look, how does that sound to you? Ground beef, there you go, ground beef. without a grinder, but again, you can't do too much at once, take your time, little by little seems pretty perfect to me, right?
And you saw that the pieces had a lot of fat, you like 20 15%. fat to lean ratio so just take it out and do the other half okay maybe I have too much here and okay this was about 12 O I want a good size Patty so if I figure this could be 8 oz for what I have. What I'm going to do, I want it pretty close to the size of my hash brown, which is going to be this big, so let me see if I spread this guy out what it's going to look like. I love this a little bit more here. oh, we're making a damn fabulous Slinger, okay, put this aside, let's start with our hash brown because it's going to take the longest pan on the heat, now I'm going to add a couple of things, I


add oil and butter. but I'm going to add bacon fat and butter because why not, because I have leftover because I put it in this from something I made the other day, it's just going to add more flavor and that won't be a bad thing.
There's a little bit of butter and you want a decent amount of fat in this pan, it'll really help the hash brown nicely, frankly, brown and beautiful, so when it looks like that, grab your potato. I squeezed out as much water as I could and rolled it up. on a towel and now there it is and you see how beautiful white it is, that's because I put it in the water right when I was mashing it. Now when we go, you want to keep the pieces a little spongy to make better hash. a little bit longer, okay, gentle pressure, you don't need to crush it, now we're just going to leave this, it's probably 6 7 minutes and then we'll think about turning it until then, stay comfortable, so we start looking. well at the bottom, do you want to take a little look?
Look, it's beautiful, that's how I like it, we haven't pushed it down, all we want to do now is get it ready to flip, so I'm going to do two things. a little bit of oil a little bit around the edge here we go and now I'm going to season this because we haven't done it yet so this is just a little combination of salt, pepper, garlic powder, onion powder and smoked paprika. just do a little bit of this because why wouldn't we? Now we can flip, so I trust myself here Max ready, beautiful, that's a happy looking little hash brown, isn't it?
God, I love that it's beautiful. Beauty, so it's probably you. I know that another 5 minutes on that other side will be the perfect time to cook our big Patty. Well, here's our boy. What we haven't done yet is season them, so we're going to do that with our


friend, we're going to grease here. We'll spread this out, we'll grab our happy companion and we'll go ahead and it'll look this beautiful, you can put a little more seasoning on top and now, if it wasn't obvious, we're just


a burger, but here it is. What you need to know is that brain number one did not specify what type of burger or number of burgers the reading I did says oh, sometimes it's beef, sometimes it's sausage, sometimes it's one, sometimes it's a couple. , it all depends on your own interpretation.
I'm going to go with a big ass one because it's going to go with our beautiful big ass hash brown, yeah, Breen, yeah, B, yeah, Breen, and that's our chili shop's butt that looks pretty, feel though free to make your own, but I thought we would. our own hash brown we're processing our own meat to make a great burger we're


eggs I felt good chopping with the store bought chili we're going to let this warm up it'll be ready to flip in a second everything's coming let's go okay so we're going to take this one out guy, we'll throw some tin foil on it, we'll cook a couple of eggs, Bob's your uncle when you're ready to flip some oil and she'll go or he'll go, lovely, lovely, hash Brown's ready, this guy's ready , we are going. cook our eggs to cook our eggs yeah I could use butter but remember bacon grease I'm not sure why I wouldn't use it I mean it's here and waiting for me it's hot it's really hot holy shit and on we.
See, you know, you always have a season, well, let me take that back. You know I always have a season. Eggs are delicious, but they're also soft unless they're seasoned properly and I want these kids sunny side up, so cook them until we're there, then we build right. I say let's do it and here we go. We have our landing place. We have our perfect brizzle hash. It is wonderful. We have that Rib Patty or as they say Short Rib Patty and now our eggs. we have one we have two gorgeous I'm just going to turn it around a little bit because I want to go like this with my chili like this two things and just two things spread a little bit of finely chopped yellow onion and a little bit of cheese a little bit of sharp cheddar cheese to win right on top of the chili and you know, when I said just two things I meant three because that's all you need, it's a beautiful dish, well it's as beautiful as it could be, the only thing left to do, you know what? it's apart from a bite it's called The Money Shot are you ready let's go like this boom wait for it and it's a slow free fall oh slow motion yoka egg running hello nice going towards the edge will it go off the edge that's the question no No, oh my god, it's okay, it's time to bite and I'm going to come in here.
Hash Brown, short ribs, egg, chili, cheese, onion, so not a big bite, but oh I hear it's crispy. You get this, but before you get anything else, you need the chili right here, so chili and that, oh stop it, okay, that's it, dear St. Louis, I'm coming. I have to, how could I not have this in the land where it was born? It's absolutely fantastic, every component of this is good and because the mastermind sent us this


, you're getting a knife like the chef. Wow, you have to do that. I mean, I mean we try not to do things all the time.
Nobody is going to like this one. Everyone is going to like it. One thing is missing. You know what it is. Maximize the alcohol that led to ordering this at a restaurant, that's what's missing. Alright guys, if we finish now, we can all eat this right away. Thanks for watching, see you around. Hey, hit the subscribe button. Could you, thank you?

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