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Afrique du Sud - Le poison de la corruption | ARTE

May 30, 2024
15-year-old Whisy came to the meeting just to show that they had plenty of money. They also had a predilection for exotic sports cars, which was what André was allowed to do for years after the attempted


ing of which he was a victim. He denounces it very clearly. During a television interview, for me it is an act of high treason for money to do something to the detriment of the State. Acts of high treason are perpetrated daily in inonga and the state security services do not react, a scathing reproach directed at the political caste. including the government, by speaking out in this way I ran the risk of my security advisors telling me that my life was seriously threatened and that, if I could, I had every interest in leaving the country as soon as possible after the episode of the


ed cappuccino.
afrique du sud   le poison de la corruption arte
André Derer knows what. could happen to him, he plans to leave immediately after this television interview with the support of C Ferspoy, an old school friend and his legal advisor. He first took refuge in a suburb of Joan, then we went to the airport and from there we took a private jet to Cape Town, where a private security company took us to a house. I sure have no idea where he was. Arrangements were then made for him to arrive at the airport a few minutes before boarding so he could leave incognito. Later we found out. that he had embarked for the United States at this stage he had become paranoid and in retrospect I think he had good reason to be.
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He wore sunglasses and my baseball cap was all I had to camouflage myself. I say he overreacted but subsequent events proved otherwise. After the TV interview and the flight of its CEO, a successor is quickly named and, just as quickly, Khalid Kassim, the company's long-time CFO, assumes the role of interim president and demonstrates his desire to address the problem head on. since the zo report we have collaborated much more closely with the justice system and the police, the south african national police, the army and the secret services we now have a cell at the SiGe checkpoint in our facilities we work together daily from now on The company further expressly calls on its staff to report the slightest suspicion, but it is supposed to protect the alert launchers.
afrique du sud   le poison de la corruption arte
We have given clear instructions regarding the protection of people who report abuse, but we cannot handle this internally. All this is beyond the scope of the company L aler are they safe at all just a few weeks ago Escom was still chasing one many have already been eliminated TR weeks ago two witnesses were shot dead in court crime


and entire neighborhoods were They were regularly plunged into darkness in 2023 the power outages lasted up to 12 starting in the next few hours how the population reacts we have been working with a real estate agent for some time now he is increasingly sent by owners leaving the country I will show you the largest of the properties that I am in charge of selling.
afrique du sud   le poison de la corruption arte
The land extends over 1.4 hectares. It is located in a tourist area just 1 hour from Johannesburg and Preoria in a small private nature reserve. A dream, but with the crisis that the country is going through, its value has fallen according to bank estimates. This house was worth 23 million rand in 2016. Today it is on sale for 15 million or about 720,000 euros, which reflects the general trend in South Africa. Estate agents have many houses for sale on behalf of emigrating owners, which gives a good overview of the profile of the people who turn their backs on them. in the country they are people who have medium to very high incomes their departure could be related to job opportunities in other countries in any case they are mainly skilled people who leave but the majority of South Africans cannot afford to leave the country in the numerous municipalities The consequences of CR electricity are especially palpable: in 2023 alone, more than 650,000 jobs were eliminated.
Small businesses, such as hairdressers or bakeries, suffered heavy losses due to power outages and many of them had to declare bankruptcy at the end of 2022. The unemployment rate was already almost 33% and even higher than 60% among young Bong mAb uneag referee on his street in Cattelhong township on the outskirts of Johannesburg here everyday life is marked by crime, drugs and violence, but despite all this, Bongani likes Katong feels like in house in this suburb where everyone knows each other and helps each other. Bong is a small businessman who has already launched several commercial projects throughout his life, but the electricity crisis does not make it easy for him to open a bakery where.
I distributed bread to the community but it suffered a whole series of problems, in particular transportation, power outages that interrupted the baking of the bread. I had a lot of losses so we clearly had to diversify, the bakery had to close because of SCOM. and his FEM looked for a business idea that would make them less dependent on electricity. They opened a small grocery store that offers a delivery service and employs many unemployed people from the surrounding area, but they also need electricity there, especially with the omnipresent crime. use an electronic safe so that our employees are safe and do not handle too much cash, they suffer too many thefts.
Local criminals know our guys never have many cages, but when the power goes out they sometimes turn customers away. It happens that we close the stores at dead hours so as not to expose employees to risks by forcing them to carry too much money. The government promises a sharp reduction in power cuts in 2024 but no one believes in it anymore on the other side of the country in the vineyards. around Cape Town the electricity crisis is also wreaking havoc the winegrowers have suffered serious losses they depend on the continued electricity supply for the irrigation systems the refrigeration units the fillers the operation of all this has been seriously compromised prevented Paul intelligent represents the fourth generation family on this wine and fruit farm, when the cuts began to multiply 2 years ago, he was able to resort, like many other large businessmen in the country, to enormous diesel generators that allowed him to save his harvest and keep the company in operation, but it soon became clear that shading was not a temporary problem and that the situation would not improve overnight in recent years was a real shock, it was terrible and forced us to look for ways to solve the problem at full speed in such a sunny country The solution was quickly found in solar energy to no longer depend but financially it was not that simple we are talking about millions and millions of rands it is nothing and above all they were expenses that were not planned Paul smart to get out of the problem a gigantic battery is now It is located next to the generator, which is no longer used very rarely.
This battery is recharged when the domain's electrical network is powered by both Parcom and solar panels. We have 230 kWh of autonomy thanks to this battery that, combined with solar energy, allows us to cope with a 4 episode without having to start the generator this is the idea we use more generator as a last resort in recent years many generators have broken down because we use them so much more than it was stupid that load shading has forced many companies to be more respectful of the environment. The good news is that in southern South Africa we have a high T of sunlight, it is not very visible nowadays, but we are in a good position to use solar energy, so there are winners too. in this whole story in Cape Town the deficiencies of the electricity giant we are a startup the one that manufactured Paul Clever's battery has so much that it has already acquired warehouses in the surrounding area to install other production sites in which a factory is located The Construction and expansion into Europe is already underway, its specialty of huge accumulators capable of storing electricity from renewable sources for both homes and shopping centers.
This development is a real opportunity for specific projects focused mainly on renewable energies. Escom's monopoly, many small energy suppliers are in the process of integrating the market, however, the electricity distribution network that transports it from the place of production to the consumer will remain in the hands of Escom. Western countries are providing help to facilitate the transition from coal to green energy. Germany France and other states are willing to put 10 billion dollars on the table in any case Escom would remain an important partner in Berlin we have big plans as European neighbors of the African continent we have every interest in helping South Africa in this process that leads the country towards a better future, but it will not be easy to embark on a great project with Escom today for all those who will finance it from outside, that means being very careful with the destination of the money.
I have no doubt that this aspect of the problem is clear to everyone that when we start such a company with a partner like Escom, sufficient control instruments are introduced to prevent money from disappearing on the German side. The agency responsible for the project is the Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development. His boss is one of the initiators with whom he strives to address the obvious, there is no getting around Escom, no one can deny that helping South Africa carry out its energy transition is a formidable challenge with Escom's quasi-monopoly, The associations are mainly based on political issues.
Reforms without them would have no meaning in the future of this country and in fact many South African citizens are asking for changes in their wishes and this young politician would like his country to get rid once and for all of the corrupt structures of over the years. dominated by the ANC, he and his party comrades have the creed of 2024 and our 1994 years after the elections, because they want to believe in a new beginning, people are looking for alternatives. That is why we are doing this type of campaign, our party is new, not all people have heard of us and do not know our faces, we are trying to encourage as many young people as possible to go vote because it is our future.
What is in game. this future that new present in this year's elections to recap the country and head there today in the of F of a very lively and lively place especially frequented by the black South African middle class who want to have a good time after work. doing Cagne with joy today is not boring it's great we are having fun and we feel that people are receptive and want to follow us we want to have some fun South Africa a united, safe and prosperous country in the space of a generation this is our vision the current government continues to fail in its mission this is failure incarnate that is why change is necessary we must ensure that corrupt politicians who abuse their position are removed from power, we must end the air of state capture and we will not be able to end it to the rampant


that plagues the country and finally punish the guilty. 2024, the year South Africans will finally be satisfied.

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