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Victory Has A Voice | Jentezen Franklin

May 16, 2024
First Kings chapter 20, you know it's Palm Sunday, so you have the right to rejoice today. You know you might as well let praise loose in your heart today because God is good and I haven't come with a bad story. come with a good story look at first Kings chapter 20 it starts badly but ends well now benh Hadad the king of Syria gathered all his forces 32 kings were with him with horses and chariots he went up and besieged Samaria and made war against it when he sent messengers to the city to Ahab king of Israel and said this to him says Ben Hadad.
victory has a voice jentezen franklin
I want to mention that he was named after his father, his father's name was Hadad and it means the king of whirlwinds, his father was so brutal. man and now the son who notices the terminology of the words he speaks of I am going to make you like dust that is what he says I am the reincarnation of my father and I come to destroy like a whirlwind verse three listen to the enemy your silver and your gold your most beautiful wives and children are mine the king of Israel responded and said oh my Lord oh King just as you say without resistance there is no opposition you want my family you want my marriage you want my business you want my finances just as you say and everything I have is yours verse five then the messenger returned because the devil never stops once you let him in he takes more and takes more he comes to kill steal and destroy he never stops if you let him in He keeps taking if you don't learn to resist the enemy, he He will never run away, he will keep coming and the messenger came back and said like this, says Ben, hey dad, saying that in fact I have sent you saying that you will give me your silver.
victory has a voice jentezen franklin

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victory has a voice jentezen franklin...

I pray to your wives and your children, but tomorrow at this time I will send my servants to you and they will search your house and the houses of your servants, and it will be whatever is pleasing in your eyes, whatever I bring you. pleasure anything that brings you joy anything that makes you feel happy to be alive or that means that something is really precious to you and pleasant when you think about it I am taking it I am taking whatever is pleasing to your eyes they will put it in their hands and take it then the king of Israel called the Elders of the land and said please notice how these men look for trouble they have sent me and they have sent silver and gold for my wives and children and I did not deny it and The elders and all the The people told him that it is bad when the people have to tell the leader how to leave, do not listen or consent, that is why he said to the Messengers of Ben Hadad, tell my Lord the king everything that you sent to your servant.
victory has a voice jentezen franklin
I was willing. do but this I cannot do and The Messengers left and he returned and that is when he says in verse 10 I will make you as if it would come like a whirlwind as if there was nothing left but dust verse 11 finally The The narrative changes the The narrative Then the king of Israel changes after saying yes yes yes you can have it you can have it tell him so that he who puts on the armor does not boast like he who takes it off verse 13 suddenly a prophet approached King Ahab of Israel and God said: I will deliver the enemy into your hands.
victory has a voice jentezen franklin
I want to talk to you for a few minutes about this story because I think it's a powerful lesson that you hear a lot in the media today about controlling the narrative in which you hear it. in politics you hear it in sports you hear it even in controversies and crises whoever controls the narrative controls the outcome that's the thinking that's what people believe if you keep saying it doesn't matter what the truth is just control the narrative and you will control the result and in this story it's like Ben Haad, this evil Syrian king and his army join together with 32 other kings because he had tried to conquer Israel before you read it again and again and once again it says and once again they came against Israel and he could not defeat them but this time it was different because he hired 32 different nations, their kings and their armies against a group of farmers the Israelites and it was because Ben Hadad knew the power of his God and he thought this time because I have 32 kings and their armies plus my own army.
They have no chance. His back is against the wall. I'm going to destroy them. The reason you face great resistance is because the devil knows who you are. The enemy knows who you are. I think the devil is afraid of this church church I think he knows I think the demons know we are here today I think he is afraid because we are anointed to pray we are anointed to preach we are anointed to sing we are anointed to lift up Jesus we are anointed to laying hands on people we are anointed today to set the captives free we are anointed today to change the narrative in the life of someone who has accepted addiction and slavery for the rest of their life, that is what the enemy tells you and while You keep letting him come and take and take and take, he will take your family, he will take your life, he will take away your aspirations, your dreams, your money, your resources, he will take everything from you. and then he will come after what is pleasurable and seems good to you and the things that you enjoy to the point that you are suicidal and you see no reason to keep waiting and keep believing that that is what the enemy wants to do.
Ahab had his back turned. the wall so much that the nation of Israel was surrendering I was in the process of negotiating a surrender and all the enemy would say is I don't surrender I don't live with you I don't if you leave me in your life I come to destroy your life, never You don't think I'm here to be your friend, that's what Ben is, so don't ever think that we're just going to get along, I'm coming, I'm taking your life. children I will take your grandchildren I will take your wife I will take I am behind your husband you think he is cute I am behind him I want to ruin him I want to ruin your family I want to ruin your life I want to ruin your body I want to ruin you I am not here to play with you you have that seeing well Satan in this story and his Na and his narrative for your life is a disaster and he kills, steals and destroys according to John 10:10 that is all he seeks may be pleasure for a moment but ultimately he comes to kill steal and destroy that is the agenda of hell the devil keeps pushing for more and more I want every precious thing in your eyes whatever is precious to you I want is whatever you want and there is that time when the elders spoke to Ahab so authority that they told him don't consent what do you mean you he he sent he kept drinking and you haven't gotten up and that moment comes when the The whole narrative of the story changes because if you change the narrative you change the result, many of us just sit and We let the enemy attack and we think we are helpless and that's just the way it is and we have nothing to say.
So, but I have come today to preach about when Victory begins to discover that she has a


. Don't let the enemy talk all the trash. Don't let the enemy make all the threats and fear in your life. Don't let the world and other people's opinions even control the narrative of your life 116 times Jesus said, but I tell you, he knew that when he came into the world, the devil in the Garden of Eden had captured the narrative and he had the control and said death he said steal he said kill and the man just had to move on but Jesus said I am here now and the word has become flesh and I am dwelling among you and the enemy says that you are defeated and that you are and you are and you have not hope and you have no future but I tell you, I tell you that it is not going to kill you, steal and destroy everything pleasant in your life, I have come to give you life and to give it in abundance.


has a


you have to speak


you have to get to that moment and I love it because that moment came when something broke in him something said I have given up and I gave up all that I'm going to give up taking everything you have, Ben, Hey dad, he said and he said he was when I started this conversation, okay, and some of you have your back.
Behind the wall, the enemy is coming right now like a flood, like a whirlwind, and promises to reduce them. reduced to ashes and nothing but dust and I love the power of an anointed service because you're watching me on television and the enemy said, I want your gold and your silver and your business is under attack and he and he came and he said, "I I love your children and your children are under attack and your marriages I love your wife I love your husband everything is affecting on all fronts and then he says I'm going to take the pleasure and joy out of life I'm going to make you so miserable that you can't even enjoy yourself you have no peace I want you to suck your teeth I want you negative I want you walking around just hating life and bitter and angry and mad and upset all Nice I I'm going after that and that might be how you got in here, but you came to the wrong service and you are watching the wrong program because the prophet appeared with a word from the Lord in the text that I read and that word is still alive in this year on this day at this hour and in our lives and our families you know he basically said to me like what Ahab something hit him something fell on him you know there are two types of fighters there are people who train and they do MMA and Judo and karate and they are ready, I mean, they are playing, they have been waiting for this day all their lives, they come in in Kung Fu mode and they are ready to go and then there are those people who don't work much, but if you don't watch it sometimes you can catch them on the wrong day.
I am one of those people. I'll run any day. I can run. I am a runner. Run away from you, but I don't want to fight you, but there are days when I don't even want to tell the story that keeps coming to my mind, but when my little Drake was this big and he was playing football and and there. There was a man on the field that was on the other team and he grabbed my son and pulled him and shook him like that by the shoulder pads and he wasn't her coach, she just shook him, something happened over me, I jumped.
On the fence it was like in slow motion. He was running through the field. Keep your hands off my boy's house and thank God, one of our members was there and he ran and grabbed me and said, "Wait, pastor." who I am but we were going to fight was falling right there on that field and that is how we should feel when the enemy says I am going to destroy your children and your family because this battle is not ours, we are fighting with God supporting the cross he has won the battle the blood has won the battle it is not by strength or power it is by my spirit says the Lord of hosts I need someone to give God a praise if you believe I have no intention of leaving him Hell will control the narrative, well you have cancer, so now you have a decision.
Are you going to let hell control the narrative because hell will tell you what to say? Just give up, just know you're going to die, just know there's no hope and people die and then God doesn't heal anymore and you know so many people who died so just give up or can you say devil, you can't threaten me with heaven, can you? you're crazy? What happens if you die? What happens if I do? It is called a shortcut to Heaven, nothing can separate me from the love of God and that is why until my last breath I will say things like because of their wounds I am healed and when people ask me to pray for them I don't care what condition they are in if I'm coming, I'm going to put my hands and say Lord, I entrust them to you but I'm praying that you heal them or heal them in this room or take them to heaven and heal them, but no more suffering and I.
I'm going to tell you that God is still a Healer because of his wounds. You better learn. You better learn to not let the enemy keep coming and attacking your mind, your body, your family and have no resistance. You control the narrative that the Bible tells. Proverbs 18 life and death are in the power of your tongue and you eat the fruit of it someone is in the storm of your life you are ready to raise your hands and give up you are already negotiating surrender but the Lord has sent me today to tell them that victory has a voice and it wasn't until King began to use his voice to proclaim victory that the battle began to turn these stories were written for our learning the Bible said we are supposed to react as God shows us in the scriptures and Victory doesn't come until we understand that victory has a voice You should say things like what the Bible says If you're barely hanging on and you're in a bad place There's a scripture in the Bible that says Now thank you Be to God who always gives us victory in every place.
There's nowhere for me to go. What does that mean? Does that mean I won't go through things? Does that mean I'm not suffering? Does that mean I will never go through pain? I will never go through attacks I will not go through losses I will not go through anything negative Don't listen to what he said now Thank God who always gives us victory everywhere What does that mean? no matter where I am no matter what happens to me and my family God has still promised Victory and we must give voice to that Victory the cross has won the blood has won the name of Jesus has won and this is what the Bible I carry with me Jesus is with me no matter what happens that's what he promises no matter how much I'm broken and crying he's with me therefore he can't be defeated and I'm his son get a praise Break right now when Victory start talking about the devil.
You want a fight. You could beat me, but you'll know each other. We were in a fight I'm going to swing you I'm going to hit you I'm going to scratch you like a girl I'm going to poke you in the eye I'm going to pull your hair I'm going to spit on you I'm going to kick you in places you don't You want me to kick you I will, I will fight any way I have to fight, but you won't get my family, you won't get my finances, no. getting my joy andmy pleasure in life because in his presence there is fullness of joy and at his right hand there are pleasures forever, turn to someone and tell them that the pain, the days of sad crying, will not last forever, the pleasure, the pleasure needs to return, well , I'm single. and looking for pleasure I change the narrative I'm single and looking for Jesus to come and if he decides to give me a great partner if he doesn't I'm happy the way I am I go anywhere I want to go do anything I want I want to do it with the best people miserable people that I know, are not single people, let's tell the truth now.
I just want to say that someone needs to give Victory a voice, not when you get the ring or not when you get the job or not when you get the house, how about here and now in each place? pleasure enjoy the goodness of God you could be on a ventilator you could be receiving chemotherapy but here you sit and let worry torment you you control the narrative and you control the outcome why am I screaming I'm wearing out my voice Hallelujah let victory begin to speak for your mouth let joy begin to speak through your mouth let peace begin to speak through your mouth let purpose begin to come through your mouth let faith begin to speak speak of faith speak of victory good success speak blessed you I say I feel like saying it like I wrote it I walk in favor hallelujah I walk in wisdom I walk in blessing I walk I know the enemy has weapons pointed at me but no form of weapon will prosper I will only make him control that narrative I will refuse to preach until the dead scream too all the who have encouragement praise God oh I feel like this is more than a preacher who gets you excited when you start doing what that book says say when you start to praise him when you're going through suffering and pain and brokenness God notices things that people don't note, even nature gives examples when an elephant fights with another male elephant, two male elephants will fight over who will be able to reproduce and have a family and when. an outside elephant comes in and the dominant one tries to be dominant and takes it away from the alpha male elephant.
The one who wins will blow a trumpet in his trunk, he will simply throw his head back after winning because victory has a voice even in the lines when the when the territorial lines cross the line and come, try to take away the family of the alpha male Lion, his little cubs and his little lonus, he fights and wins, you'll hear him roar for Miles, maybe that's why we don't win much. maybe we never praise God, even nature teaches us that if you are winning you must make some noise and you must have a little self-confidence and some burden.
I like how Ahab just turned around and said, don't tell. your chickens before they are born Mr. Ben there is dad I still have a God who is faithful do not put on the armor like you and act like before fighting the battle which is the same as after you have taken it off and are still alive, Look, he's, he's understanding, he's, he's understanding, uh, it's just that I'm not talking about arrogance, I'm talking about we have to fight in the US victory. He has a mouth, even a rabbit when he walks away from um. of a predator, you know?
They do something, look at this, don't do it while I'm preaching, but look at this, when they have a victory in their life and they escape, they will get somewhere and they will just jump in the air and kick a leg. called binky, them the binky, I mean a bunny can walk away from a fox and say the devil thought he had me but he didn't have me and he'll jump and kick and some of you God is giving you a job give him a house bless you coming in blessed to come out and you're still too sophisticated to shout at God I don't care if you're Baptist Methodist Presbyterian Catholic I don't care what you are you should do it Congratulate him if he's been good, even nature says the victor should make some noise.
Everyone applaud and shout to God on Palm Sunday with a voice of triumph, but the best in nature is the Impala. South Africa has them. I've seen them and they said that when there's a line on the horizon or they know it and they feel it and they see that you're walking through the tall grass, you're hungry and you're on the bow and sometimes when the Impalas know they're on about to be attacked they have a secret little thing they do, it's called parking and they jump up in the air right where they are, they jump up and down as high as they can, it's a weird thing you just saw and What I read said that the Impala is known for the characteristic of Jumping which constitutes an anti-predator strategy, it is part of their strategy against the enemy, that when they know that he is ready to attack and destroy them or their family, he will start jumping high why because they said I love this if you go after the week what they're really telling the enemy if you're going to go out after the week I'm not that deadhead sitting right there look he hadn't moved at all sir I'm not weak I'm going to fight you if you come against me I know how to praise I know how to pray I know how to call my best friend and her best friend and him best friend, I know how to get it all out, I know how to anoint, I know how to bind demons and lose the victory, oh come on, If I were the devil, I would be upset with some of you, you are saying in that line, I am not weak even if you are stalking me even if you come anyway I just want you to know that I have something for you listen to this from First Corinthians everyone they say victory victory has a voice has a voice look how great this voice is and look how great this is 1 Corinthians 15 says this this Incorruptible will put on incorruption this Mortal has put on immortality then the warning of death will be fulfilled the wording is how do you swallow unless you have a mouth death is swallowed in Victory victory has a mouth that can if you can if Jesus could give voice he is saying if I don't care what you are facing if I can conquer death I can conquer anything and I have swallowed death in Victory whatever it is every time your team is beating you' We are supposed to be the loudest team, we talk about victory, we go into battle with the word of God, even Jesus, when he returns after the Rapture, the nation of Israel will be surrounded and the Bible says that all the nations will turn against Israel and the people will turn against Israel.
We are seeing it before our eyes, this week we have people in our government who gave a speech, one of them, the leader of the Senate, gave a speech and said that we should consider cutting off all support for Israel until they do what we think and many in the world think they should do and not defend, they are still fighting against that spirit of Ben, him, dad, that's it, that's it, how can you like this story and not love those people, but the Bible says that It is one of the prophecies that every nation in the world the world will turn its back on Israel and at that moment God Jesus Christ will get on a white horse and ride towards the valley of Magto where the armies seem like they are going to win and he will open his mouth and just when it seems like all the armies are going to destroy Israel your Bible says a sword will come out of his mouth and consume the Antichrist and consume the false prophet and consume the Beast oh Hallelujah death will be devoured in Victory and I mean this Easter season If you have lost someone you love why don't you make your narrative instead it is so sad and the pleasure is gone and there is no joy left why don't you change the narrative and give the voice victory and say death you have been swallowed in Victory because of Jesus there is an empty tomb and there is eternal life.
Today I pray that there is a saint who loses control, that people like Ahab, but there is that battle train and then there are those people who just lose it in the moment and something just takes control and I tell you that part of The battle we are in is when you decide to give victory to the voice in the situation, all the things, so how do I give it a voice? Get out of here, number one, saying he's with me Jesus is with me he'll never leave me there's nothing that can make him leave me he's with me I'm going to be okay I don't promise you that everything will change I promise you that they will let it be a package of lines you have a line you have to enter whatever fiery furnace you have to go through you are going to find Jesus said I will never leave you I will never abandon you I will dry your tears I will cry it will last at night I will bring joy in the morning the sun goes let's shine number one number two my bible said you should go out change the narrative by saying this everything is fine since i have a scenario all things work together for good don't you believe not only good things not only pleasant things not only pleasant things successful but all things work together oh man I can walk with confidence I can say well I don't understand this I don't understand I understand how the eggs, flour, salt and sugar here are going to make me a good little cake.
I do not get it. The reason it's not good is because it's not all together, but all you're tasting is the salty part. What you're tasting is the baking soda, all you're tasting is the flour, but when you put it all together, I'm not really talking about my winds, I'm talking about how I was so low that I didn't know how I was going to do it. now I can praise him, it makes me love him more, not just the winds, thank God for that, but also the struggles, everything works together for good, so change the narrative, stop talking about defeat, disaster, depression and hopelessness, death has been absorbed.
Victoria, what can the enemy do to you but give you a shortcut to Heaven? I want you to stand up on every campus, no one move please, if you do I hope there is a line outside that is surrounding the building looking for the weak. to someone and you say I'm not the weak one, you say pastor, our family is so dysfunctional, we are not the weak, everything is working for the good, Jesus is with me, but faith has a voice and if you don't find your voice of praise and voice of prayer and voice of Prophecy and proclamation of the truth of the word of God death and life are in the power of your tongue and there are families under attack there are marriages under attack listening to me on every campus there are people physically under attack there There are people who mentally struggle with the feelings of that, coming into your house and taking everything that brings you pleasure, and I tell you that when the enemy is done with you, you are just a shell of a person that you don't look at. go ahead to anything that's the enemy that's the enemy it doesn't have to be like that Jesus said I have come but I tell you I have come to give you life in life more abundantly even after the storm after the pain after the failure come on Come on, let's talk, sell it As it is after your failure, all things, even my failures, work together when Grace comes into it, so Pastor, what do you want me to do?
I felt guided by the Lord. I'm sorry, but I felt led by the Lord. have an old-fashioned wake-up call and tell families and tell husbands and wives and tell people who are struggling listen, you're struggling with the narrative right now, you're struggling and you're not giving, you're not giving the victory. a voice you are giving circumstances a voice that you are letting other people have and control the narrative of your life but you are not giving Victory a voice God wants to touch you this morning just like Ahab did think about this and come to you this morning so depressed and you can get a touch and a word from God like Ahab and the same guy 11 verses later says don't you think just because you put on that armor you're going to put it off and he was? telling the truth, he's been, hey, daddy fought his last fight, he died Pastor, I need this, I need exactly what you're preaching.
I'm so negative. I am so. I'm so fed up with the circumstances. I'm not. No, I don't have the voice of victory in my life if that's you I want you to come as families I want you to come as couples I want you to come and I want you to retire here and we're going to testify and we're going to pray for you today and I want you to come now. I mean, come on, let's do this. I don't like to just preach and be done. I don't want this to stop. I want an adjustment. the spirit all things are working together says all things he is working all things for my good beautiful come on come come as close as you can come as close as you can on each campus the pastors are coming but they are I'm going to start singing this song and I felt like it was the right song because I just declared it.
We can take a few moments and if you need to get away, you can leave when we start praying here and thank you for being with us, but we're going to take just a minute and we're going to Worship the Lord so raise your hands right now I want you to pray in the first service there were 73 people who gave their lives to Jesus Christ 73 the Lord told me there would be one hundred Souls saved in the two services this morning, which tells me there are at least 27 people who need to be saved right now, so just raise your hands towards heaven and simply declare that there will be a victory thanks to Jesus, thanks to the Cross for the blood for theblood that is shed I will not give you my gold and my silver my business my finances I will not give you my children I stand in faith for every family every in the name of Jesus sing it church I'm going to see your Victory I'm going to see the victory bat you oh you take you take you take with the in for evil and you turn it around oh you really take you turn you turn oh you say you take you take to turn it into good you take you take everything around you take what the enemy for evil turn it for you turn itI'm going to see I'm going to see you I'm going to see you for the Battle For The Battle It belongs to you Lord and I'm going to see you Victory I'm going to see you victory the ble the oh look I'm going to see I'm going to see W for you Lord I'm going to see I'm going to see take you take you take we say you take the in, you take what the enemy lives for you, turn it around, turn it around, oh come on, you take, you take, you take what the enemy, for you, for you, He says, you take with him in and you turn turn get ready to sing it again you know what the Lord spoke to me while I was preaching at 9:00 he said he said tell them that victory has a voice and when the Holy Spirit comes and fills you and you begin to pray in the heavenly language and speak as the spirit gives you the expression you are not speaking defeat you are not speaking outside of God's will of victory in your life you pray in the spirit and that mouth is empowered with the anointing of the Holy Ghost, so right now I want everyone in this building who has been filled with the Holy Spirit from Heaven.
Come on, raise your voice and say Lord. When you pray in the spirit, you let God fight that battle when we don't know what we should pray in the spirit. it moves intercession forward I don't care what people think, you can pray in the Holy Spirit, he has a language of prayer, they spoke in tongues, as the spirit gave him the expression, oh look, I'll see, I'll see. leave him PR, he won't pray defeat, he won't pray, hopelessness, he won't pray B rupy, I'm going to see him pray Victory, I'm going to see your victory, victory for all who worship him in all this, worship him. throughout this room he enters our receives the Holy Spirit receives his powerful name and his power you take it you take it you take what the enemy and you turn it you turn it you turn it you turn it oh yes you do it yes you do it you take what the enemy in turn we go Adoration of the Church to the Lord he does powerful things when we worship him and he turns he is turning you turn he is turning W you take on the enemy with everything is possible with God I am going to see I I am going to see your Victory.
I will see your victory for You Belongs Lord. I'm going to see Victory. I'm going to watch his victory outdoors if you're in this room this morning. I tell you that I prayed yesterday and I don't know why, but I asked for 100 souls. The Lord said to claim 100 souls this Sunday and we had 703 in the first service and I made it very clear. I'm not talking about, I'm talking. about how you're lost, you're on your way to hell and you know it and you want to change, you want to change the narrative, it's like the enemy has no restrictions and you've given up title to everything that's valuable to you and you.
I can't, you don't have any power to stop it, I'm telling you, that's why Jesus came to give us life back and more abundantly. Pastor, I know that I'm not right with God. I know that if I died, I don't know if I would go to heaven. In fact, I think I would probably go to heaven. hell. Pray for me. This is the power of victory. Find a voice because when you believe in your heart and confess with your mouth, you will be saved. The Bible says victory has a mouth so right where you are standing wherever you are Pastor pray for me I need to be right with God today raise your hand high I want to see it without shame, without shame, without shame, hold it up beautiful, raise it in high, lift up join me 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 on the other side of the building 52 where did I stop?
Where was it? 52 53 someone shouts another number there is another there is another there is another give God the glory give Jesus the praise you care, you care, you care God cares he cares about you he loves you he loves you wait wait someone came into this room and you said God doesn't care about me I don't matter I don't matter to my family I don't matter to anyone the Lord just told me to tell you, tell them that they matter pray this prayer say Jesus wash me cleanse me I receive by faith in my heart and the confession from my mouth I receive victory victory because victory is mine through Jesus Christ that means from this day forward wherever Jesus goes that means from this day forward and even before this day he works all things together to the good because I am called and I matter, give God all the praise, give him all the praise, oh what a wonderful taste. oh what a wonderful savior that someone give you a hosanna blessed be on Palm Sunday praise Lord we love you I want I want I want to finish like this those of you who raise your hands at 50 60 always how many were on your way out I want you to go to the next step stand and you sign up for water baptism.
We'll give you a devotional and a free Bible, just grab it. I want them to pull these two trucks that we talked to our missionaries in Haiti and he said our number one need is we desperately need two of these trucks, that's ours, that's our feed point behind it, we have a warehouse there in Haiti, it's amazing that the two hot spots in the world, Israel and Haiti, and we have, that's the you built what you built you bought the excavator you bought you shipped 272,000 meals since 2000 Brian and 2000 and since 2010 we've shipped 272,000 meals a month in a huge container and the container is there but the trucks broke down we bought those old trucks you just saw and now we are going to buy two new ones, it will cost $100,000, it will cost much cheaper there, you can get a new truck for $52,000 and no one will buy them, for what they are working on a deal and we I have two new trucks for $100,000 Why don't we all do what we can?
I'm not going to tell you what to do. Donate online. We do not accept offerings. You can donate at a donation station. Now raise your hand we're going to do it amen we're going to get those two trucks and feed those hungry people who are desperate for food in Haiti and God will bless us God will bless us Do you believe that? Do you think you know yourself? We built 100 houses there. Did you know that we built a hundred houses and they still live in them? There they are. Those are the houses you built. That's the playground you built.
There are a hundred of those and you say well that? It seems like a lot you should see and we built a thing called The Miracle Market, we gave a million dollars and it got it, it employs how many people Brian, how many people is 2500 and he told us the only thing left in that area is it's outside of Port of Prince, thank goodness, is about 40 miles outside of PTO Prince, said the only thing that keeps his area going is that miracle market where people sew or pick some fruit or whatever to make a cupcake or whatever.
Whatever it is and they sell it and most of them make a dollar a day and they are delighted that it is the poorest nation in the Western Hemisphere, the poorest nation. I've been there many times and I don't know why God put Haiti there. In my heart I don't understand it, I didn't understand it and then we built that warehouse and the earthquake happened and it didn't tear down that warehouse and the United Nations came and brought helicopters. I'm making this up and Harvard University sent surgeons and they were doing amputations. Hundreds of people across the property were receiving medical help while the United Nations helicoptered in the big guys with two deals.
I don't remember what they're called, but they're big deals because I saw them and stuff. They fly in and Harvard doctors perform amputations and save lives that's how God does it that's how God does it thank you now raise your hands it's 12:23 hallelujah how many of you are glad you're still in church at 12 :23 and now may the Lord bless you and keep you, let his face shine upon you, may he lift up his face upon you and give you peace in the mighty name of Jesus, give Victory a voice in your home, in your family and in your life. .
I will be at the door I will shake hands and greet people thank you for being here today this Friday 12:00 and 7:00 three times on Saturday the Easter production three times next Sunday God bless you I am standing here in the house from Zach, the Zach Family House on the kibbutz, the first community we introduced to you on October 7, this entire family died when we entered this house after the atrocities of October 7, we saw the father lying here behind me on the ground with a knife in her hand and in the shelter behind me the mother in bed hugging her son both dead and both burned alive but like this The instinct of a family to protect each other to save each other this is what we felt with you Pastor Jensen Franklin and your entire congregation was an instinct, a family instinct, to come and be with us and remind us that we are not alone.
You are responding immediately because you know you have known us for many years and are committed to building resilience. Center that will give us therapy so that our communities can heal together in these atrocities of October 7, we know that rebuilding again will be painful and hard but we know that with you we can do it step by step together as a family. is

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