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Jun 19, 2024
Go, name a word that starts with N and is, yeah, foreign, are you scared?, okay, okay, okay, yeah, another episode of Family Feud, yeah, yeah, leave it, so leave it, leave it new. right, trust, we loved it, right, give up trust, okay, today we have a very, very special episode on my left, we have the big Steve, it's his mustache, no, so I'm not staying with me, we have the big one , black, powerful, awesome, strong and B, okay, and to my right we have a team coming, some brothers, you know what I'm saying, I appreciate everyone coming out hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, do not do it. let them interrupt you man, yeah, I'll take this mustache where I really come from, come on, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, now we have team captains, team captains, yeah, Mark, introduce your team, tell us a little bit about yourself, hey man, my team.
amp vs rdc family feud
The Marvelous RDC world, man, one of the best groups. I was like the best group on the planet. I really don't know, do you know any other groups that you might know about? It sounds like a shame. I don't know, I can't. name it, I always hear about RDC, so I don't know, but yeah, you know we have seven on the team, everyone stepping up and uh, that's it, that's all I can say, okay, okay , okay, team captain, agent, oh, get ready for this moment here and we just refuse to accept it today and we'll let us talk okay, okay, okay, you hide from this team, man, yeah, okay, like this that we get the first two captains of the first team.
amp vs rdc family feud

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amp vs rdc family feud...

I don't have socks, okay, man, okay, you bought it today at the gift shop, yeah, he gets dressed and comes out here, this, yeah, no, that's not true, that's not true. I never went to the fence, okay? I'm not a convict, okay? Okay, I'm ready, brother, how will this be? You've got two brothers there, grab the bell, just grab the bell. Yes, it has a red end on top. You'll press that thing on the first one when it turns on. up, you go first, okay, then I'll ask you a question, if he's on the board, the poll says you're right and if he's not there, you're wrong, don't let me talk to you like that, stand up for yourself, Steve.
amp vs rdc family feud
Okay, okay, so let's get to it here, let's go with the top seven answers on the board, name something you wouldn't do when your mom is home, masturbate, what happened was your reflexes were too slow, you reflex , click, okay, okay. We have time with us, how are you today brother? Okay, so the top seven responses on the board name something I knew my black brother behind me wouldn't look at on my Twitter team. Hey, but Steve, you still have to play, yeah. I'm ahead I was testing to see if he would go I don't I always yes it's okay okay, name something you wouldn't do when your mom is home my turn it's your turn have sex yes he says have sex survey says what do you think Do you think I'm half me me me Mark do you think I'm going to invite a girl to talk about communication no, come on, okay, okay, okay, now we have Davis, now the top seven questions on the board, five on the left, name something you wouldn't do or your mom is home right below we've found and maximized the top seven questions on the board name something you wouldn't do your mom is home is the time limit like what's going on smoke good job good job Next we have Chris name something you wouldn't do with your mom's house.
amp vs rdc family feud
I'm going to say. I'm going to say curse my brother. The dirty mouth poll says, "Okay, okay, okay, wow, look at that board lighting up, man, okay, now we've got Duke." The top seven answers on the board name something you wouldn't do when your mom is home okay, right? Yeah, fight, okay, okay, the survey says okay, now we're back at the top, name something you want to do. Your mom is home now look this is hard but when my mom is home I never make a mess dirty poll says everything is nice now if it's just this way you guys can steal and clean the board all you could be yours, could they? whisper louder please whisper louder okay, okay, okay, no pressure, no pressure now, the fat on your team depends on this answer here because if you get it wrong, RDC has a chance to take that whole point, now i thought seven answers on the board name something you wouldn't do when your mom is home stay up late that's good stay up late service right now no pressure no pressure now top seven answers on the board all you have to do is get a just one One The best, right now, name something you wouldn't do when your mom is home, help too, yeah, my mom had the house.
I won't be late home after curfew, you know what I say, yeah, okay, okay, okay, I'll come home later. curfew service hey guys now let's see the two remaining answers oh i think outside on wednesday yeah you're doing too much okay let's do it let's get it even though you're going to lose bro come on here we go here we go we go crazy. Boys will lie daily now, can I answer you, Steve? I'm not going to lie, man, I don't lie every time I'm on Tinder and the only thing I always lie about is my profile height at six three, okay, not yet. lie about mine take it off okay okay davis top seven answers on the board name something you would lie about on a dating map personally not me personally but something one would lie about is your weight , further.
Billy's obesity survey says yes, it's fine. uh you're ready foreigner oh sorry sorry top seven questions top seven answers on the board name something that guys will lie about in the data now excuse me guys yeah okay , talk to me, talk to me, okay, okay, okay. okay, okay, Phantom says appearance too, do you?, me too Chris, stop stepping on the board. Name something guys will lie about on the dating app. I have this brother. I got this, so basically, hey, Steve, hey, Steve, hey, come on, don't do it. tell us what to do bro come on I say profession good job occupation hey hey okay the survey says all you guys no name something guys would lie about in a dating attitude now oh , I got some butts in my head, really clean up the whole world by myself that's what Leland should be making money or wealth everyone else okay good answer so the racket survey paper money it says we do that , we do it right, so you get two x's if you make a mistake, you see.
We have the opportunity to steal all your hard work. What's happening? I've been bleeding so much. This is not doing. See what I did? Number one school on the board. Okay, so stop putting answers in the board name. something a guy would lie about on a dating app Steve I'm going to have to go with relationship status that feels like high vibes that's a high vibe relationship status survey says that stupid ass stupid ass stupid ass come on man God name something a guy would lie about on a dating app yeah I bet you can shut your mouth something a guy would lie about on a dating app is kids being parents someone says here himself, it's on the board, name something a boy will do. lying on a dating profile man I feel like there are some things you could lie about but I know a lot about your education the university they educate yes sir education use words sometimes I said wow wow years leaps and Jesus, oh yes, zero. it's so hit, um round three, this round will be worth double, okay, it's two, nothing, don't say it's a time for you to go far away, this time for you to come back because you have nothing, so the question is naming a word. that starts with N and it's an ER oh ten nine eggs says would you like to spend a place never never that's that's that's a little more yes that's his leader that's what's going on Kanye is the leader wait never poll says player pass Ion in the board name something that starts with n and ends in e r it's me, what are you looking at me?
I'm going to go with nag, nag, um, no, we know, they said, you're telling me they chose nag over Nick, that set up, what's a nag on someone? That's bothering you, you're a dagger, bro, okay, okay, top seven answers on the board, name something that starts with n and ends in ER, I mean, okay, Steve, I won't use any of the services. I'm going to go ahead and say it. the board I'm ready, I'm ready, okay, I mean, why don't you say this top seven on the board? name a word that starts with n and ends in ER uh November, that's a little crazy, the other one you say what hey, don't tell me, oh yeah, I'm not going to tell you anything else.
I wouldn't mind hurry up, oh wait, mister, hurry up, yeah, um basketball, what was that? Okay, said a lot, double down, ready, okay, okay. okay, okay, let's test the answer on the board. I need a word that starts with n and ends in ER. Never ooh like Michael I don't play Minecraft inferior oh never never the poll says no because I have one more chance yes You did this wrong You will have what you had throughout the game Nothing else nothing Okay, yeah, go ahead, yeah, they're ready, they're ready right now. A word that starts with n ER, don't excuse me, I'm going to do it.
I'm gonna go ahead and say uh Niner Niners and they're good uh okay yeah maybe I'll call you it works come on man really. Now this is your chance to steal it for double points. This could really put them six feet under and they'll never be able to come back, but. it's really realistic, realistic, okay now I need an N word it's an emergency room, stop the answers on the board Steve there are a lot of great answers that this incompetent group missed, the one we're going to choose is better, better survey , he said everyone says Niger Niger Niger that was the first thing I said, you spelled it wrong bro, the survey says new York here we go abroad, I know I should thank you, name the biggest red flag in a woman, okay, come on , 10 seconds, okay, we start with Chris Chris.
The top five areas are on the board, name the biggest red flag about a woman, she takes my money all the time, that bothers me. Sorry, it says board memberships name the biggest red flags about a woman, you guys I'm literally doing it right now. um, I still say uh, when they're still talking to her ex, your ex hasn't talked to your ex in the past. The survey says here we go, so if you're wrong, they have a chance to steal, they still win, we know he. We won't have holes, wait the same, okay, that's painful, it's painful, it's really painful.
I mean, he's not wrong, it just hurts. Name the biggest red flag about a woman if she has children. Wow, no, we don't have time, it's disgusting. I won't support you okay Steve talk to me man kids the poll says back home now RDC had a chance to steal the wind. One answer is all they need to win. You ready, we're ready, ready, how you feel, how you feel, you feel. okay Steve, you feel good, okay, we're done here, what's up? Bob answer on board you only need one just once name listen name the biggest red flag in a woman hey every time I do this can you listen well every time these girls be one of these they don't do it with them God best friend God best friend oh I wish it would all go away look at me it's okay man keep your chin up you know you think it's okay you think it's okay it's unacceptable oh my god

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