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My Daughter's $1 vs $100,000 Vacation

Apr 17, 2024
Today my


Salish only has one dollar to spend on a 24 hour


while my son Hudson and I travel to the incredible city of Dubai for a 100,000 dream


. The only problem is that I have never been camping, thanks dad, I am. excited, what Hudson doesn't know is that the Emirates are going to show him the vacation of a lifetime. He's going to get crazier and crazier. Look at this. I hate Sand. I think I figured it out. Hudson spent the whole year surprising Salish, so it's a lot of fun. surprise him this time. I've seen this trend all over YouTube and you could be doing a lot worse.
my daughter s 1 vs 100 000 vacation
Look, I have an amusement park right next door. I mean, I can't afford it. Okay, what is this? We stayed in a hotel. room that is bigger than our house we never splurged on expensive hotel rooms so this is going to ruin the hudson mine let's get to the best part of The Suite let's try let's try to dig deeper it won't be left out in the way that my mom will spend. the night with me next time is for sure, but if you want to see her say you can always give up I never need to win this bet and I want a vacation okay guess what guess what the government of the Emirates is giving us three tickets to Dubai and a all travel expenses paid really yes, really wait, I can't go.
my daughter s 1 vs 100 000 vacation

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my daughter s 1 vs 100 000 vacation...

I have gymnastics competitions. I have to go to practice. Can't you just take a week off? No, actually yes, but I have to go to gymnastics, so yeah, I have to say it here because. gymnastics because the competitions are coming up soon, but actually this is my idea, okay, so you know the trend that everyone makes a dollar versus a hundred thousand dollars, oh, you want the dollar, yeah, okay, oh, okay, I'll do this. I dare you to spend one. dollar for 24 hours and you go on vacation and you can do it, you can choose the vacation you want, it seems that you are not going to be able to do it, don't go, what could I be eating fish right here, well, look at live fish, this is I'm actually crazy, my dad just sent me a video of what they are doing.
my daughter s 1 vs 100 000 vacation
They are in a sweet submarine that looks so good. How does this work tonight? Oh, I know how to do this. I call this room. I call her. I'm going, no, no. You have to leave it, there you go, oh I love my room, where am I going to sleep? Sorry, have I ever been camping before, no, we're not actually campers, thanks, well it's not Dubai, but I'm this bed because You have a great idea for a holiday. This is your room. I'm excited. Here we go. That's not going to work. Could you take this dollar and help me build a tent?
my daughter s 1 vs 100 000 vacation
Do you want to pay us to help you build a tent? Yes, we can help you. but we won't take your money, really wait. Hey man, could you do me a favor and tell them to subscribe? Just tell them to subscribe to Jordan, no and now it's like that, it looks promising. I have a 10. Thanks, perfect, let me give you. an amazing tour I want to see the top floor we will have the elevator here you have an elevator oh wow this is not a hotel room thank you this closet is bigger than my first apartment in Manhattan the bedroom door there are two boys sleeping for my mom and I there's um, the sound of the ocean, it's not exactly what happened, but it could definitely be a lot worse, they say, you know, you wish you were here right now, look at this, you love animals, I wish you were here with us, how much does this cost?
One, it's ten thousand dollars a night or a year. I'm so glad I didn't pay for this room, water, juice. Okay, I'm getting hungry. I'm bored. I have a plan. I'm not that desperate yet. Foreign. Hudson has a weakness for breakfast buffets and this is one of the biggest we've seen. Oh yeah, I haven't eaten all day and I'm really hungry. They are selling pants there and they have food just as shown in the frying pan. I'm going to see if I can eat the food. I'll try. I'm scared, well, I mean, uh, never mind, I'm too scared, oh my God, oh yeah, it looks like they're selling bread.
I do not know how to do it. do it, I'll just take it, okay, thank you so much, these are so good, I think I'm going to fill up on bread, come on, take a sample, it's a buffalo chicken, so I can't eat it, come on, come on, thank you. and he is vegetarian. Yes, thank you, it was pretty good and she said it was all vegetarian. Alright, look at that amazing breakfast Hudson had so far. I'm much healthier than him. Thank you so much. That's good, these samples may not. It seems like a lot of food, but I'm small, so I'm getting full.
This is incredible. What's that? I think of so many sweet things. I need to get one. Come on, let's try to get a puppuccino because I think they're free. Hello, you can. Please just have a cappuccino, oh my god this is so exciting I get to see my sharks, hey buddy everything will be fine, so much fun, look at this safety waiver, how many things could go wrong. What about sharks? Are they aggressive? I'm going to eat meat, they can't smell, so if you keep getting fit, they'll come for you. I'm just kidding, we don't have to do this, you know he doesn't want to do it?
I'm very excited, sit down. below we are in Dubai Hudson's enthusiasm makes me want to do this, come on, what was that on my foot? Was it a shark on my foot? Now that he's there, should we leave him for the sharks? They're swimming with sharks and. Rays, lucky there is an ocean right next to me. Hudson wants to move to New York next year, so I'm not sure how many more trips like this we can take together. I hope this is a memory that lasts a lifetime. fun we are in the largest water park in the world in the middle of winter Hudson has always avoided scary attractions but today he has decided to conquer that fear.
He's training for gymnastics, what are you doing now? Hudson, are you at a water park? we're getting in I'm so nervous I hate scary games because you got this oh it's not that bad dude look at this this is like the drop of death literally since I was a little kid these things just terrified me I'm so stressed right now let's do it oh Oh my god, oh my god, dad, I did it, come on, okay, how do you feel? look at that guy's reaction he looks absolutely scared that's a big deal for him literally my whole life I've always backed out like that   I don't want to be that person anymore so I'm going to do it let's do it I'm just saying yeah I'm not going Let's think about it, I'm going to do it, this is literally four stories high, there are competitions coming up I haven't spent a single dollar yet.
It's going to be very scary. We support your hospital. We are right behind you. I think you're going to do very well. Only a couple more to go before you. How do you feel, boy. I'm very nervous. Alright? Now I'm going crazy one two down up cute this is my son Hudson and he's straight down take that Hudson wow that was amazing I conquered fear I have to go again Can I go again sir go again? Are you ready for your next surprise? oh that's so sick no way look at this I always wanted to drive one of these things I know what I'm doing I know what I'm doing What's he doing?
He's never driven before. Okay, I'm not sure about this idea. Turn on. You have to put your foot on the brake. What's that? The brake is in the center. Okay, do you know where the accelerator pedal is? I don't know what that is. Do you know anything about our Drive? No, I've never driven before. Alright. I know what a bad idea this is. I think I'll drive. You can learn to drive a Buick. Thank you so much. Thanks for watching what he does. You know what I don't know what Salish is doing. So we want this. to make it look like your car, yeah it doesn't relate to your car, why did I do it?
I saw all the girls here. I'm going to post this on Instagram, it'll impress them like crazy. What are you doing? Obviously, if this were in I would wear a helmet and you should too. There is the Museum of the future. OMG, this is probably my favorite building in the world. Look at that guy. Which foreigners are having a great time? I admit I miss Mom and Salish a lot. I really wish they could be here to experience this with us, but I'm sure they are having a great time alone. Dad, let's find out, you know there's no food around here and I'm going home for dinner, wait.
That allowed I challenge you to spend a dollar for 24 hours yes but that's okay I'll sleep here tonight to finish the challenge I'm very hungry I haven't been in a long time as we're going to look oh my God we're about to eat under the tallest building in the world the Burj Khalifa guy I'm so badly dressed he's so badly dressed this is Dubai that's the most stylish place in Dubai and he's wearing a sweatshirt even my outfit is better and I'm wearing pajama pants I'm so excited wait What oh boy no way, oh my god, that's so good, you know, I'm going to try to make something even better, let's see if I can do it.
I know you made this channel vegetarian, but I have to eat this sandwich. I hope you're not seeing it. In this video, the number one rule for this channel is to be vegetarian and they both just broke it. Right now I'm deciding that we are going to make this channel completely vegetarian, so without spending a cent, someone had to buy the rice, the recipe, how? It says to use mushrooms, but I hate mushrooms, so I'm using tofu instead. This is amazing, it's actually gold paint, 24 karat gold, oh no, you ate foods with gold, what are you guys?
My hands are clean, that looks good. Can you guys want me to smear them? this, oh no, it looks good, eat caviar, oh my gosh, that's delicious, I need red cabbage, cabbage that's purple cabbage, everyone is probably holding their breath right now, this is how I cut an avocado, I cut it into circle shape and I learned this trick. Tic Toc oh I'm scared I love tofu it's my favorite food oh it's ready let's wait more food will come out as soon as she is little favorite food I'm not even speechless two tablespoons of rice vinegar I'm not going to add too much you should know what I'm making now some of my favorites I already guessed I need seaweed because I'm making sushi this is their main course all those were appetizers I'm getting full you put seaweed right there and then you put all the toppings you want in the middle and to be.
I think maybe I added too many things and then you roll them up sushi sushi made without fish, they say sushi, I'm a little nervous, okay? I think this is a nine out of ten and other than that there's nothing to it and it's so delicious and it didn't cost a dime man this has been the craziest day of my life. I can't even process it, thank you. So much to bring me, I can't imagine anyone else. I would prefer to do this as you get older, you may want to do these things on your own.
No, that's emotional. I made a second rule. This channel is not allowed to have emotions. we're gone, oh, and keep it up, dad, when you get back. I need to teach you how to dance since I won the dollar challenge after all my competitions. I want to go on vacation to Dubai, just with my mom, let's see me. Dad and Hudson will try to live on a dollar next time. If you want to watch our first class flight to Dubai, check it out right now on Hudson's Channel.

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