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How Far Can a Tesla Cybertruck ACTUALLY Tow? We Compare It To a Diesel Truck!

Jun 02, 2024
There will be 11% battery left when we get to Bues, but I don't know if that's accurate, well, we'll see, I mean, that number has continued to go down, which it always has. a bit of range anxiety causing tension, this is the good news I heard when you're not Jo, a Cyber ​​TR up to 8 miles after it hits zero, it might not be that far away, well I guess it might getting really close, by the way, Andre, I have more than 3/4 of a tank left, not that that helps, but I thought you wanted to know so I can go three times the distance, basically, Andre, I see the Castor, do you see the beaver?
how far can a tesla cybertruck actually tow we compare it to a diesel truck
It's at the top of the mountain. The sun shines on him. We arrive at Bies. So how much power do you have left? It has to be below. Oh boy, I'm at 6%, me and my friend. I'm sweating, I was sweating a little but now that I see bias I'm a little more relaxed, yeah this is always a nail biter when you have to worry about your next supercharger even though Tesla does a good job of providing it. Very good information, except when you're towing, apparently I set the supercharger as my destination, which means it's supposed to be preconditioning yeah, that's cool.
how far can a tesla cybertruck actually tow we compare it to a diesel truck

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how far can a tesla cybertruck actually tow we compare it to a diesel truck...

I think this is one of the biggest biases now in the country. It has something like 100 fuel stations. I'll be curious to see how many superchargers it has. According to my


, it has 12 and nine of them are available if we don't hang them up, we could probably use at least six more. I think we could create a lot of angry customers. Man, you know, I've never been on this bias. There was a line on the road when he first arrived. opened, so I'm really curious to see what this guy is like. By the way, Buckes is not one of our sponsors, but Buckes, if you would like to sponsor TFL, please email to ask at tfl


how far can a tesla cybertruck actually tow we compare it to a diesel truck
Oh, Andre, that's so blatantly commercial. But never mind, let's talk about towing distance how far you got, buddy. I went 85 miles, almost 8 6 miles, man. Wow, you blew the 14 mile extended range beam out of the water, how impressive. Actually, I'm impressed because lightning. It might have a little bit bigger battery than this one and, um, I have all-terrain tires on the


and I'll pull over and look at the charging stations, yeah, but the Silverado EV that we used with a little bit smaller battery. The charger went over 200 miles, yes a slightly smaller trailer with a Silverado went 212 miles, what's the news my friend?
how far can a tesla cybertruck actually tow we compare it to a diesel truck
I think we're going to have to unhook it, aren't we? I can help. There are no trailer supercharger posts I have. to back up and oh man I have to unhook it well you could take 1 2 3 4 5 6 78 supercharger spots if you wanted to just go in including the handicapped one oh please no no no okay so let's put This in perspective, Andre, yes. If we go to Los Angeles, which is exactly 1,000 miles, yes, we would have to stop a minimum of 11 times per charge and it will take us at least 40 minutes to fill it up, at least if not more, yes, so I wouldn't recommend towing something that long and long. .
I mean, I could take my boat out on the lake. Alright. You know, it's 50 miles. I would do it every day. Well, you know, it's all about having the right tool for the right job. Yes, and. this is not the right tool, besides, this thing is huge, I mean, 28 feet, it's not even that heavy, it's just big, yeah, it's a house, it's a house, yeah, uh, while with the ram that would be the right tool, right, I had another 250 Mi range according to the truck on the left and you have 5 minutes, bam, reload and go, yeah, yeah, so you know the right tool for the right job, yeah, exactly right, Now I need to unhook, buddy, I can drop the truck, Andre, yeah, and you could see the scale go too, yeah, that's it. the way you do it woooo that's easier yeah so let me show you some numbers yeah show me some numbers so there's a big semi giant hello everyone's looking at the Cyber ​​truck oh look he's got a smart car, you have a smart car smart car, so what does it say travel, so we have 6% energy left? 6% Left I went exactly 85 Mi and so did you, yes 107 KW hours of energy were used so if 122 you know we have another 15 KW hours to play with another 5 10 Mi okay we just got an update which increased


decreased our turning radius so try it see if you can do a big good let me let me try it yeah yeah yeah with four wheel steering it did it.
Oh, I see Ram can't do that, there's no way Ram can do that. Well the battering ram could just get on the grass, yeah, rip up the new grass and then people will call the police and you know how it goes so let's stop, oh there's a good thing we did. I don't take it out, oh God, yes, I know. He became very busy all of a sudden. I'm not disabled, at least not yet. Well, I already have it. I'm curious to see how quickly it will be absorbed. power because it should be pretty prepared I mean it was preconditioned the battery should be preconditioned here's the problem Andre wait yeah turn it up a little bit more but I'm almost a foot away yeah I mean you're probably a foot. don't take like I said, don't take the supercharger out, please, with the hitch, slow, slow, slow, slow, okay, stop.
Oh I barely made it Andre oh we're on 243 Andre that's pretty good this is a 250 station yeah we're going to be a 250 but the Cyber ​​truck here's what the Cyber ​​truck it's 800 volts so it might be able to do more it might yeah okay Andre so we don't know yet what the Cyber ​​truck did in terms of Fel yeah. but we'll find out how much this worked pretty quickly because well, look, you can get by. I can, you don't have to disengage what concept, eh, and bias. This is pretty incredible because they have, like you said, you know almost 100. pumps and each pump has a


nozzle that's cool, that's cool, right, that's cool, let's do our two-click method, hey Andre, and unlike of the Cyber ​​truck, we'll just take another, uh, another, just one spot, yeah, just one spot with this long trailer, okay, here we go, so how many miles was it?
Do you want to do the math? Yeah, oops, I'm pumping gas, I don't care, you're scared, okay, I'm using the green pump, so we went 85 miles. It's hard to believe, I mean, I wanted to get to 100, I said 100, right. H, it's an off-road truck, although yeah, by the way, each gallon of


is about 35 36 kWh, right, that's how much energy you're


storing. in that tank, you know, you gotta pick an interesting time to fire the whole supercharger team, I think, when they're launching their latest, coolest vehicle that actually can't even run on most superchargers unless you know how to shoot down the and They are also branching out, they are opening up their supercharger to other manufacturers, right, it seems like this is crazy, it's a head scratcher, okay, oh wait, we have to wait, we'll wait.
The Cyber ​​​​truck is still screaming, yes it's 221 KW, yes it's at 28% uh it's already at 28% it's still screaming and guess what a 28% is and I'm done and you're at 100% what tool 100 % suitable for the right job okay, uh 8.72 gallons 85 mil divide by 8.7 27 9.7 My friend, that's my 10, yeah, and this may be the most important number: $25.74, that is what all this cost, so remember this 25 dollars, almost 26 dollars, yes, almost 26 dollars and I bet by the way the Cyber ​​​​truck will be more. this is cheap diesel well, yeah, well, I mean, I was right in Los Angeles, this was like $5.
California is crazy, but you know, real world tests we pay, we pay what we pay, man, okay , should we get some beaver nuggets beaver nuggets beaver nuggets while? we are waiting Andre success you have some nuggets I brought beaver nuggets yes they are a little caramely um sweet cornmeal with brown sugar they are good how long will it take to get back to 100%? You don't want to know the time Another hour and 15 minutes, so can we figure out how much it's going to cost to not have to sit here for an hour? Yes, according to our app, this is our app for the Cybertruck.
Yes, according to our app at the moment. Supercharger. energy, it's 35 cents per kilowatt hour, okay, it's here, so how many kilowatt hours do we need to absorb? We need it 107, so multiply 35 * 107, okay, let's do it, so 107 times 35 per kilowatt hour equals $37.45, so basically $10. It's more necessary to tow the same distance with the Cyber ​​truck than with a diesel, but that depends, of course, on where you live and the price of diesel. If you're in equivalent, it could almost be California, or more in other places. be less, so what have we learned from this experience? First, we learned that it beat the Ford Lightning, yeah, so it's actually pretty good.
I didn't beat the Silverado EV, no, no, not by a long shot, and we haven't tested it yet. rivan, so we don't know, um, yeah, so we did an overnighter with the rivan, but not as a range test like this, so I wouldn't want to do cross country towing in this truck, that's my bottom line. I wouldn't want to cross the country but I would like to stop at bias and get some beaver nuggets because they are pretty good guys thanks for watching and leave your comments below and be nice if you hate cyber trucks don't take it out on us .
If you love Cyber ​​Trucks, don't take it out on us, check out the trucks, not us, see you next time, give me something buddy, yeah, I'm fine, thanks, ciao, see you next time, oh.

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