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I Added A Villager City To Minecraft.... Again?

Jun 11, 2024
I have an idea, come on, oh wow, it really is parkour civilization, wait, that's ebo, maybe he can help me, what's up, nod, okay, EO, I owe it to these guys. a lot of money, could you please lend me 20 million emeralds? No way I actually have 20 million emeralds on me right now come on here you can have what you gotta be kidding me Avengers Tower no way that sounds so cool what's just the


s town when did it get there ? I wonder if any of the Avengers are here. What an Iron Man suit. I'll take it for a little T.
i added a villager city to minecraft again
Welcome home, sir. no wait Jarvis I can see my house from up here okay let me see if this works oh yeah this is amazing it's actually pretty fast no way it's Iron Man what's up little one you're my favorite superhero okay let's not distract him he has a lot of important things what to do oh okay don't worry sir the hostiles detected what you're talking about no they're friendly they go lethal don't go lethal no oh my gosh I think I'm going to put This is where it is I found it well. I wonder what other interesting places are welcome.
i added a villager city to minecraft again

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i added a villager city to minecraft again...

Have you made love? Well, it's a lot, you probably have time to go to BL's location. Okay, I'll finish. My job today is shit, I have to try to make 100 emeralds, where will I go next. Water Village, okay, I'll check it out and if it looks bad, I'll go somewhere else, oh wa, they must have a lot of money. here, this is cool, hey buddy, I want to make a trade, are you here to stop the fire? Please do all the emds we have, if you can stop the fire lord, I'm sure I will stop him for real, let's go to Piat, the Fire Lord.
i added a villager city to minecraft again
I'm going to have to master the four elements: water, air, earth and fire, that sounds like a lot of work, but I need the money, so I'll start with air, okay, show me some air bending, like this, what is it? what I want? I didn't mean to. Sorry, wait. I'm actually pretty good at bending the Earth, this makes sense, oh wow, just stand in the window and smash my M. I'll try to find who threw it, right? He dominates all the elements like two of them, everything will be fine, he is the Lord of Fire. I'm going to have to defeat him.
i added a villager city to minecraft again
I've been training my whole life for this fight. Avatar, come on. I did it. Where are my emeralds? Here you go, here are all our emeralds, okay, sweet wait, it's only two, that's all the emeralds we have, what a waste of time and maybe they forgot about me, it's time to deliver your EMS shit, it's my first day, not two. that's bad Max how many did you do uh yeah I did a two where is the rest that's all I have guys come on I'm still learning you're going to have to come with me this way what is this place?
This is where we put traders who are making enough money. Society wouldn't work if we didn't all burn our share. They come here for a little extra motivation, but I thought everything was free here. Nothing in life is free. Now come with me. wait, that's about B, help me, I haven't seen my family since the last Box load, we're full so you have to share this, sir, I'm not going in there, BL prisoner F, okay, okay, I'm coming. I go, that's what I thought. This is crazy. You are evil. I thought it was a good civilization.
The guard will be here soon to give them additional motivation. This sucks. It couldn't be worse. I have to find a way to get out of here hello what do you want to try with my CRT wait no way do you have a spike or something how is that going to help me get out of here I don't know I'm sorry but you're an idiot who down prisoners no way friend if you didn't rob me I wouldn't be in this situation you're an idiot ah friend I didn't want to rob you but if I didn't they would have put me in prison I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, I never thought of it like that, you're right, I'm sorry, I killed your girlfriend, it's okay, she was kind of ugly anyway, I feel dead, so I'm going to treasure it. the key to your ankle B there's no way you're giving me the key, come on buddy, you're the best, what 20,000 emeralds, buddy, you're a scammer, I don't have any emeralds, okay, I changed the trade, okay, it better be that way.
Free this time, now that I took off the anklet, I'm leaving here, okay, are you coming with me? I could bring it here. Oh, okay, well, good luck, then I have to get out of here before he arrives. The guards realize It's okay up here Stop there Quick Ankle bracelet It's okay I have to try to find a way to get back to my base No way I'm in the room with all the portals I think I know how to get back home but I have to find a portal that no one cares about H this should work no one will care now that I have all these pieces I think I know what to do and then I put this here okay come on I think this work wait I came here because they stole my money earlier If I leave, I'm going to go to the Vault, I'm just going to take a few million, wait, that one is empty, that one is also empty, what's happening, all of them are empty, no.
I don't understand where all the emeralds go. I'm going to get to the bottom of this. There's still a guy working here. He is putting the emeralds into the machine. I think I have an idea how to get rid of it. Dude, it's your time to shine, go get it, hey little guy, how did you get out of your tank? Wait, wait, help someone, someone, help me, oh my God, what did he do to her? Okay, whatever I need to focus on, this is the machine they put in. the emeralds inside so I'll follow this if I make it to the end I should be able to find out where all the money goes what the hell leads to this room what's going on here wait what's this just someone's bedroom wait this guy has been stealing all the emeralds for himself?
How many do you have there? 100 million. I really wish you wouldn't. Faith that guy, why are you stealing everyone's emeralds? Do you know what you tell them or I tell them? they're okay, I'll tell them I really didn't think it would be that easy, okay everyone, I have an announcement, okay, everyone's paying attention, tell them what you did, okay everyone, just don't Tred to murder me, wait. no, I didn't do it whoever killed him I'm going to give you 1 million emeralds tell them you're lying how dare you we're going to kill you if I were you I'd run to hell just so you know when I get out of this you're going to pay this is it bad this is very bad I have to leave here this way you are lost you can't go this way they are already everywhere I will have to leave the main door look there yes, I will have to go through this portal it does not have any sign I have to find a place where to hide I think I see him there, okay I have to find a way back to my base Oh, weird.
I guess the


s in this town have names. Honestly, this town is pretty nice. Maybe I'll stay here for a while. What was that? What's that? That's my cue to go. Oh, they're gone. no way welcome to the new town of villagers okay let's go I'm back home I have to find a place to hide oh the mall there's definitely a place to hide there let's go I think this will work , wait, what the hell, how are they doing that? It's not even just a horse. I can use it to escape if they want to use my horse.
It costs 200 emeralds. Okay, let's go now. They can't keep up with me. I think I lost it. I found it. around here, no way wait in the forest I think I have an idea, okay, I hope this still works well, come on, I'll take it to the Vault, we have them surrounded, okay guys, I brought you here on purpose, I know. It's going to be hard to believe, but your King is lying to you. All of these chests are empty. Wait guys, he will find the truth. He is empty. I know you were betrayed, but all the money is in his room.
Let's arrest him and recover the money from him. Oh look. like he would have won if someone T a AR attacked me, BL bomb all over this


, tell me how to turn that off right now. I will never tell you that I have the brother, real quick, how do we turn off the bomb? You can? You mean I didn't think anyone would be stupid enough to take what we do? Everyone, everyone, run, guys, follow me here, everyone this way, come on, come on, we have to be quick, okay, I'm right behind you, wait. I just remembered, don't worry buddy, I won't leave you behind, now we're going to save the llamas, okay guys, we gotta get out of here, you know, the llamas can stay, shit, this is going to be close, wait , my son is still inside.
That's okay, maybe he survived the guys who were too close, but no one was hurt and in the end that's all that matters, we all learned a valuable lesson. Make sure to keep your eyes on this one, don't let it get close to any doors. You know what, there you go now, everything is finally back to normal, okay guys, listen, I like you a lot, but you can't live in my house, but you ruined our relationship, okay, that's a good point, Do you refill the emeralds you took from the chest, no, it's okay, I know what to do, guys, it cost all the emeralds you made, but we were able to rebuild your society here in New Villager City, now you will live with me, but I'm going to need a new leader to everyone, okay guys, good luck with that, everything is back to normal now, bro, listen, I have a plan, but I'm going to need help.

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