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Apr 02, 2024
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hip workout with no equipment, so all you need is a mat, if you have one, a sweat towel, a bottle of water and that's it, um, I have 10 exercises planned for us, we are going to do two rounds in total and the work sets are 35 seconds of work, 25 seconds of rest, you recover after each exercise and if you reach a movement that is not suitable, you don't do it . enjoy just skip it, rest a little more or change it to something you like like somewhere to run or star jumps or something different so the first move we'll do two squats so with your feet flat on the floor sit on two. good controlled squats just to warm up the legs, then we're going to walk with our hands like this into a very compact position, walk backwards, get up, repeat, so two squats, one walk here we go, so let's control it, let's do it nice and slow, hot, these legs open at the hips, two hands on the floor, walk up to a high plate, just walk up to that nice strong plank position, walk back, stand up, repeat two more times, going a little deeper into the squats each time, keeping your feet flat. the floor walking those hands out again don't lower your back you know don't arch keep your abs engaged walk back touch your toes reach out let's do one more of those squats squat down and come out so high plank walk up back and we're going to do this, our first exercise, rest one, just open your hips, get your shoulders and wrists moving well, so the next exercise on the floor we'll do a downward dog position, so the Downward dog position is something like this. to push a downward dog, so we're going to step over our left foot with our left hand, then we're going to step back down with my dog ​​and then with our right foot, so get a really good hip opener for the shoulders as well, so Lower the dog by pushing the feet in. the floor step on the left foot with the left hand if you can lower my dog ​​again the right foot comes out so you can really open those hips do a little more mobility warm up exercise but it's still great for your shoulders and your laps are working open shape so push down dog hands on the floor push down come out push down come out perfect last couple of reps create that nice downward dog shape to push heels into the floor step foot if you can, one more and relax.
20 minute full body intermediate hiit the body coach tv
Amazing foot, opens up the shoulder turns but also the hip flexors, a really good one, just to prepare your body for the more intense things coming up, so next thing I want to do, but basically I like it a little bit half hamburger, so I don't floor


y tested, well, okay, we're going to go down a little bit, so we're going to go down and as you go up, one two, lift those knees up to do a half Burpee, two knees to the right, like this who takes a step back, jumps feet out and then it's one, two and repeat, so jump, go up one two and repeat, jump and then really do a good knee movement, one on each side, stand up , one two, keep repeating that, turn it off and again one two, let's build.
20 minute full body intermediate hiit the body coach tv

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20 minute full body intermediate hiit the body coach tv...

The intensity of this work will get a little spicier as we go through one, two, we need to add Stop, last, things like up, one, two and relax, cool, right now our heart rate is starting to increase, we've had a great start. The next thing I'm going to do is a bear crawl position, so imagine you're on all the floors like this, we're going to stand up so that our knees are lightly touching the ground and we've walked in that position, so we're going out to the well, okay, so we're not going to land on the plank like this, you're in this position here, so your knees are adjusting to the ground, your quads are working and you step back to the side, come on, so step to the side , keep walking so the knees are just floating off the floor, really fire up the quads, really challenge the quads, so we don't have those straight legs, we're not going to fill the pack, we're in a naked center position, we'll grab the left, I mean, just get up off the ground, walk to the right, so come on, you have 15 seconds, remember it's 10 moves, two rounds, so your shoulders are going to be burning.
20 minute full body intermediate hiit the body coach tv
Now you'll feel your quads going to the left or use a width for the mat if you want, that really puts a lot of pressure on your quads so a good strength exercise for your quads and also your core shoulders will intensify a little bit. The next exercise on our feet, this is number five, let's do a little. The frog jumps now, so if you can't do frog jumps, you can just do normal stitches on the points that touch the floor. The frogs are trying to move forward, so we're trying to get that forward momentum, so we jump really big forward.
20 minute full body intermediate hiit the body coach tv
Drag back and repeat. that so toes on the ground wide foot stance landing jump and jump really quite explosive to drag those feet back you know it's too hard to just go in place touch the floor up touch the floor up obviously you can adapt and exercise depending on how hard you want to train how you need to feed it lower big chunks oh a little Drag the last step back so big button on the courts here ah and rest well recover and that's our fifth full exercise the next one I want to do we' Now let's go to do a real plank, so a long plank, long arms, straight legs, we'll walk with a plank, when you come down one end of the mat, you'll do a pushup, so obviously you can do pushups.
Get on your knees too, so walk on your hands, let's walk, walk, walk when you can't even kneel to do a pushup or do a full pushup and you walk again, so you walk back across a pushup. at each end, if you can, then the side plank walks into a big strong pushup, if you can, like I said, you can do my knees. 15 seconds to go, just walking those hands along, the strength comes through the shoulders here, the chest, the triceps, but Keep those Absol engaged with a plank, you're strong, last push and relax, cool, ya That's six full, we'll stand on the ground.
I thought I love this exercise, it's called a crab, so if you find them too difficult you can just do this or just lift up, just push your hips off the ground, feel this open at the shoulder, it's nice to even stretch your shoulders to create something of mobility that you already know, just push through the chest and shoulders, try To make it more difficult, you are going to touch the toe, look, so go to the left, this is where the crab is and from there touch that toe foot or if not, maybe try to touch the knees, so go to the left knee correctly, but you will feel the back of the The triceps that work as the back here will rise over that hand and then appear in the last 10 seconds trying to keep that bubble, don't let it fall, let it stay up high because you can keep that power, ER high and relax, so yeah.
It really focuses a lot on your triceps, but it's hard, you can't do that, just try to do a hole like this, a bridge hole, or obviously you can do little pulses that will fill out your abs in your hamstrings and glutes, but also really. open your chest awesome exercise cool next number eight we're going to start in this position here we jump our feet back and then we land and this is the squat position okay so step back land and half squat hold for a second . so we don't go up, we don't stand up like that, we stay in a squat, so it's like half Burpy squat and half therapy.
Squad, you can't do the jump, you can always step back and set them up. in and hold it but you're trying to say the top of the round how that position is the force coming in the chords ah the street coming through those legs ah let's go to the last one, let's hold that last place hold it hold it hold it hold it finish, hold , hold and rest, ah, oh, that activates and moves in quads, as you can see, it's starting to increase the intensity now, the next exercise is a sprint, so holes because quick feet, we're trying to really elevate heart right now, so 35 seconds sprint in place are you ready?
This is our ninth exercise. We go at first half speed. We have one more after this. I'm going straight back to round two. Let's try to speed up a little. a little more intensity in the second round a few more reps a little faster of course this is in my world a job I'm jogging so this is a roulette these are high come on fast speed let's go 10 seconds , let's go up faster, push it. Push the bell, that's the difference, that little 10 push a little towel on the end that carries you hurry up, okay, so next exercise we'll start with our feet together, so we'll do two power points, you go down Madison and down . go up one two so let's do power squat power squat knee Drive knee drive one two knee up knee up and repeat one two knead try to lift it let's lift it work hard now 20 seconds left it's a nice deep breathing finish on the high now because we're going to go back through for our second round no pause between in a row in 10 seconds ah let me enjoy these are bus squats down rest and rest high that's not the middle point oh Stitch why ten full ten


s that's the first one but the easy part now we have to stay mentally stronger to move on to a second round again, so two, two squats, one more cutting, so two standing squats a little faster than squats, a little walking a bit. faster let's go so it's a place one two handles around take them out board pull back get up go again come on one two seconds look board pull back get up two squats one two and again hands walk back bend down for two come on clean these legs fire they up the last 10 seconds, ah, those last places are done, oh, one drink, you're doing great, some part of you wants to quit, he said, okay, this one actually needs to lose one.
I have an extra minute of rest, but don't give up, let's get to that last exercise, yes, it means one or two, if you need to recover, I'll catch my breath and then we'll do it again, so downward dog towards those clients, we're stretching the flexor from the hip, so downward dog creates that shape here five small downwards. block form then try to get that foot in if you can in line I'll be on the foot so downward dog step push towards the tower dog stretch I've got those lats push your heels to the ground very low dog move very stretched open step foot opens up hip flexors great oh my goodness exercise big stretchy climber okay 10 seconds scrape your shoulders real quick shoulder space and relax.
Do you have any tension? You will feel it on one side or one of your hips. Know? your foot could be here or on mine and come down the other one, so you know that's tighter, we're working on getting a really nice symmetry. Next, we have the burpee on those two needle eyes. Okay, so it's not a full burpee. We're just going to kick the next kick, it really exploded, it really exploded, come on, so kick, go up one two, get those knees up, come on, let's kneel down and repeat nice and fast, go faster if you can, ah, 15 seconds. left, come on, ah, knees, wide knees, you have the last knee, knee and we'll cover, but I'm sweating now, heart rate is starting to go up, there's less chance of staying and keeping my heart up right now throughout this whole workout , so We're doing a bear called lateral walk, so remember we're not in those four planks with the four positions like this barely hearing from the ground and then we walk well, so you're in this position, you're not like this in this barefoot. position, come on, let's move forward, walk your feet along with your quads working, get your shoulders working your core, walk a little to the left, walk a little to the right, really, really, put some pressure on the quads. 20 seconds, come on, let's work together on this session. leave it all on the mat leave your stress your anger your frustration if you've had a bad day if you're a little depressed or flat just leave it on the mat replace it with positive energy Fitness and with a feeling that you know we're going to destroy it we're destroying it we're already there laughing oh and always remember how you feel at the end I always remember that saying I said look you never regret a workout you always feel better afterwards it takes a few minutes for you to have it you know if you're a little sick of getting dizzy but it's amazing what it does toyour mind, you know, when you finally fill those endorphins, come on okay, the frog jumps, so if you can, we jump forward one, two, three little ones.
Crawl back, feel the good dig, get the height, a little forward movement, too, get that big jump distance, a good jump back, so back up, Jump forward, ah, so as many as you can do , four or five, go around again, four, ah, okay, last set. last step, oh great, that was a hot set, let's go back to those plates, back to upper body, it's the last little package, so full plank position and we're going to try to do a press up on each extreme if your shoulders are a little and you can't do a full push up to your knees and do a pushup to do a big chin push to do a wall plank and then drop your knees and then push up, be careful, okay, so we are. dragging it adds a long walk and I leave my feet along my body straight, then we get to the end, we go down, we push up, if you can, under, how many sets will the push-ups allow me, come in here, full extension, see the last part superior. on the other end the last pressure to finish here we go way back great oh sweating now this is great I love that we can do this for like 20 minutes without equipment anyway you can do it in your living room you can go to a house in a bedroom hotel on the ground it's like this is the kind of team so we work that you can always take advantage of those days when you just don't have time when you're stressed and busy you don't have team, toe tattoos number seven, like that that just lift and hold this if you want to just maintain that feeling that extends across your chest to your triceps and then we're going to bring our toes together if we can, if not, stay conditioned.
Get your glutes out, you know. buttocks to hips off the floorStretch, what a good stretch from your chest, here, for your biceps and your shoulders, hold on, I want that position and play if you want, keep playing, ah, come on, five seconds, oh yes, that's very Well. Mobility because I look very tired in the chest. so when I push over there like that I can feel it open up, wow, that's good, we're on number eight, we've got that kind of half Murphy in that squat hole, so the ladder sits on the ground and on place of going up.
For example, hold that open squat for a second or two, so we're going to keep our feet back. Jump forward. Land. Hold. Hold. Fall again. to get that second when you pause the force through the quads and glutes is incredible 15 seconds ah come on last ten you have the strength here Lambo suit flat last time I held the top hold it ah ah brutal oh okay a little baby to let the last two movements be the Sprint and let's really go for it this time, let's really go for it, good, quick, feet with knees up, come on, come on, with your knees higher, come on, final extension, raise them 25 seconds to go a little faster, now come. quickly Let's get our knees up, okay, 10 seconds, let's go faster first, hurry up, work hard, work harder, so I press five, four, three, two, come on, that doesn't get the Horizon, but it's close to the point, up there, maximum heart rate, almost oh, so last move.
I have the two power squats and then the knee, the knee, lift those knees, the last movement, fix there to start, so jump, let's do one rep, two reps and then follow the knee, the knee, repeat one two, I , good, good effort, you're almost there, come on. this is the last push last exercise 20 seconds left on the clock one two touch the floor touch the floor touch the floor one two finger to the floor ah last ten seconds we're finishing come on five four three two one and relax oh oh That's a great exercise , do you know what people usually ask me with 20 minutes?
It's enough? You know when you try it like that and you really try it all, with an intense maximum effort, a heart rate through the roof, not only are you burning energy and calories now it's like there's some kind of energy expenditure after the workout, which is amazing, so training is very effective if you are short on time, if you have a lot of equipment, if you can't afford a gym membership. or an app, you know, this is an example, you can do it, you can always do it, you can find time and all you have to do is kick, come back, press play and I'll get you through it, well done I hope.
I'm doing the session if you want to see more Wildcats subscribe to the channel here on Body Coach so it's completely free. I also have an amazing app called Body Code Chat on Android and iOS that is truly changing lives with personalized meal plans. and workouts that are also available for you, you want to try it and, yeah, either way, I'm here for you on the app on YouTube on Instagram. I share a lot of free content because I want it to be accessible. I want to keep coming back. I want you to be fitter and stronger if you keep coming back early, trust me you will do well, I will see you soon, don't work out with the body trainer, look at me, good luck.

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