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Whole House Declutter in Under 45 Minutes

May 16, 2024
today we're going to do something a little different we're


ing together I'm going to





just a little reset and I wanted you to do it with me it's like body duplication and I'm starting here in the kitchen and I wanted to show you exactly what this looks like so I'll walk you through the process, what's happening in my brain because that's exactly how I took my


from crazy mess to tidy and the reason it's still today, tidying up is tidying up regularly, just opening a drawer. , open a cabinet and make quick decisions without making a mess because I'm lazy so this drawer is a pain, starting in the junk drawer and you guys always ask if they're in. like you tidy up all the time Cass, why aren't you done guys, you're never done, this is the secret, regularly tidying up your entire house is like vacuuming or washing the dishes, you don't do it just once and then never again . be part of a regular routine, so once a month a quick tidy like this means your house will be super tidy, okay, listen.
whole house declutter in under 45 minutes
I got all these scratch off tickets for Christmas. I've never scratched them, probably out of laziness, this one got scratched. God, I need glasses. I don't even know this is what I'm going to do. I'll give these to my kids today to scratch and then we'll go to the variety store and buy snacks with the money we made $10. gift card to Bulk Barn we'll also get candy we're doing a candy night this is a video coming soon and it's so crazy you're going to love this thing I don't need the box even though it's amazing I'm going deeper friends I'm going deeper is this like a knife randomly yeah like a switchblade these are the things that are difficult because they are good like they are something useful but no one uses so it is not useful to me or anyone in my house so why is it here?
whole house declutter in under 45 minutes

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whole house declutter in under 45 minutes...

I'm going to let it go. It feels weird to let go, but I'm going to let it go. This is a button for something. Why do so many wise men become ruthless? Cass becomes ruthless. This junk drawer is. Full of trash, it's trash in here and I keep shuffling through the trash because I don't want any more trash in my trash drawer, you know what? I have this little package that says flowers, except I never remember that I have them like that. I don't use them, bye, I have a million pens and markers and random things, I never use them, my kids have a place for these things, so you know, I say, oh, that's a good marker, I should keep it, why what should i write? things why is this so hard but it's also going to be a long day bookmarks I'm fighting with you guys it's going to be a long day friends this is what we're going to do spark joy?
whole house declutter in under 45 minutes
Here is my thought process on this. These are chalk markers that I bought for my thing so these I'm going to keep this is going to go this is going to go this is going to go on like this the chalk is going to stay and this is going to go well making some good decisions so I have this little sewing kit here I have never used it never used it in my life but I feel like if I need to sew on a button this is where I would look for it so I'll stick with the little sewing kit but this thing with all the push pins is just taking up space.
whole house declutter in under 45 minutes
I'll never use it, so this is going to stay. That felt good, that felt good. I just grabbed a tidy bag so I can put all the stuff that doesn't belong in while I'm tidying up here and then at the end I'm going to put all that stuff away. This cabinet drives me crazy because it's too full so I'm going to do a quick order, we're not a Christmas mug using people so these are cute but there's too much going on here and then we forget to get to the water bottles in the back all the time so I'm going to take them to the kids lunch prep station real quick and just make them coffee cups this can go this Joe loves this you can go we'll never use them this is such a cabinet stupid I hate this cabinet and it's so far back it makes it hard to get to things, someone else has a deep cabinet they hate so much.
I feel like this stool is going to slide out and be a crotch ripper. I don't know why I feel like I feel like that's happening. I should probably readjust to this. It's going to be incredibly elegant. I'm solving a problem other than tidying up, but here we are, there's a lot of stuff in this valuable real estate that we're just not using, so I'm going to relocate it like it's my son's backup lunch. but why do they have to be here and then do this just for water bottles? Because that's what we use most often.
Why do we have these? They light up. You put the lime in the coconut. Oh oh. These are great, but. We've never used them and they're just never, but we'll use them, you put the lime in the pot, come on, no, they can go, they're great, but they're going to be used. I have a water bottle organizer. I'm going to run and look for it. I'm going to clean this up and make this Fab in five


look like the lime in the coconut and with the lime. I have no idea if this is going to work or not, but I found these. old organizers that I don't use, sure, sure, this fits in the middle, of course, no, I could stack them, maybe we'll see, I mean, let's try it, it feels good, look at this, did you see this when it was beautiful, yeah, this is? in real life because I have children and I haven't shopped at the supermarket in a while.
The beautifully staged CRA is a lie. Let's get this straight. My kids hate this. They will never eat it. We have to go shopping, but at least we can get it. get rid of the things that are disgusting, this can go, let's order this one, two, 3, come on, it's better, better, better, these are all the donations that leave my house, yes, friends, okay, let's move on. Nobody likes Cass beets, nobody wants beets. Two


to order and that's it. Moving on buddy, it's all these little hidden places that I'm decluttering, like the drawers, the cabinets and the penny basket, that's the reason why your place feels really messy and cluttered on your surfaces because all these little hidden places get stuck too much so we don't have a quick and easy way to put things away so you end up piling them up so sorting these things is kind of a secret, it's really just taking a few minutes and making sure everyone These little places have room to breathe and get rid of things. things that you're not using and loving it's like why are you doing this little thing?
Because it makes a difference, it really does the next time we come back from the vet. I have a place to quickly store your stuff, except this is this empty boo boo. I have one, I'm going to put it with this one, get rid of the box, this can go, we don't even use harnesses, go to the doctor, these are expired, okay, pen, look at all the space we have here now, oh, your perfume. Do you want, do you want some perfume, let's freshen up the penny, make it smell good, run for your life, penny. Okay, less than two minutes, this is sorted, now I have space.
I have some breathing room in here, that's what tidying up in the laundry room is all about. It's a big source of friction for me because they're just overflowing, there's junk in here and I just need a quick tidy up to make life easier, but I don't tidy this up very often because it also feels really weird, this is what they are perfect for . Good bulbs so when we moved we replaced all the bulbs that are really yellow or orange with daylight bulbs but for some reason I kept all the warm bulbs so I will never use them but it feels really silly to throw one away. light bulb and where to donate a used light bulb and then I look and say no, it's hot, it's hot, it's hot and they just have to go, that's all.
I'm going to let all of this go. I'll put them on Facebook Marketplace for free if no one picks them up at the end of the day, they go in the trash but I'm tired of looking for a light bulb and no more friends, no more, this is warm, look. this is the game i play my life is about to get easier but you guys are gone these can stay oh my god that actually feels really good why didn't i do this six months ago i don't know that's crazy we also have these light bulbs, calm down, you have too many Cass bulbs, this is an empty box, it has one, it has a damn singular bulb.
I feel so good. All this is going away, I see this cabinet, this cabinet drives me crazy. I come here every day to grab a trash bag or a rag and I feel like a hot sandwich, so why not take two minutes to make it better and that's it? What I'm going to do about this is that it's actually garbage. I'm going to take everything out, organize the things I'm not using and put them back. I'm talking about reducing friction, dealing with those little hidden places in your house that are driving you crazy so that your entire house is more organized.
There is a garbage bag. Why is there a rag there? Just see, this is literally empty. Another garbage bag. Holy Doodles. more trash bags dude, you're crazy why you say I'm so organized. I'm an organization expert and yet your hidden spaces look like this. I bought these bottles and they came in a set of four and I only used two. donate them I don't need them Do I need you? You can always use another spray bottle. It's a perfectly good bottle. You can leave it. That hurts. Pica. Sassy Girl. You are going to be donated. I'll forget it.
I even have you and this is perfect. good jar oh god it's a good jar the jar should stay this can go although I'm going to recycle those dog doodles Holy Diggity I would never have thought to look for them here this is to lower my light and I want a new table and I would need these but I would never look here you know where would I look in the junk drawer now that I made room in the junk drawer I'm going to move them so good oh this is good hey look at this I forgot I had these scores it's like making money by decluttering it makes you money because you don't waste money because you find things like this, what's here, okay, no, no, I forgot about these, you're crazy, you're crazy, okay, gloves and sponges that's what's happening Here gloves and sponges everyone says you always clean and you never have gloves I buy all the gloves I just forget I have them so you know what happens oh my gosh the power of ordering I don't know why this makes me It's so dizzying but it really does.
This makes me very happy. Okay, let's move on. I feel the Bojo. I feel the juices sorted. It's like therapy. You know what I mean. It's ah. It's stressful at first, but as you progress. It actually feels so good, oh god, and now it's getting hard again. I bought these. I really had fun doing it. I gave some away, but then I had all these extras that maybe one day I'll want to do it again. It should go in the craft. room this is trash these are memories let's look for things to go Focus cast look for trash just look for trash this is Joe's drawer and I'm just saying why are you here no my things can't make decisions and things you don't mine trash trash trash this desire It's mine okay, I don't need any of this, what is this?
I don't even know, I don't even know, let's have a real moment of truth. I didn't know any of this existed until I opened this. drawer here I am hing and hating about things I didn't even know existed just like I'm not going to miss it 'cause I wouldn't even think to look for it you know what I'm saying, I just buy, just buy, oh, my wedding ring, hey, I I forgot about this, I thought I lost it, oh, the ring ordered is magic, it's too big, I'm going to resize them, I'm going to put them on my finger and my middle finger and I'm going to take them and resize them today oh, that was a good find.
I want to keep the cables and I want to keep these because they're those Bobs, but the rest is garbage. I mean, I want to keep these pillow sprays, but no. I hate the smell of lavender, it smells like blood, okay, okay, more garbage. I said I was just going to use the top drawers, but then I opened this and I forgot I owned all this stuff, so it's like Christmas morning, what are they? you're camping, why is he here? I'll give that to Joe, this literal garbage. Oh my gosh, I'm going to donate the box.
Oh, when he was a super spy practicing lock picking, do I need to be a super spy, who knows? how to pick locks I feel like the answer is yes this shower curtain is leaving you're leaving you're leaving feel so good that you're leaving you know what everything you're leaving I don't need any more things to open locks have you ever been Hobby Hopper, where have you a ridiculous amount of hobbies and you go from one hobby to another, yes, and you buy all the supplies. That's me, a hobby I had was amazing lock picking and I bought all the tools and practiced lock picking with all my neighbors. doors while they were at work like one does I'm saving it I'm saving it you never know when you have to be a spy oh this is what I was learning to draw another hobby another of my hobbies is this a hobby that I want to make sure I do you know, sure, lock this is my hobby drawer, now it can go with all these bookmarks.
I don't need you, oh, but I found my pliers, a new empty notebook, look at this. Someone's teeth, for some reason, two of the best books ever written Shameless plug I have to put these somewhere and the rest can go oh my god, this feels good, man. I got rid of a ton of CRA and found some old hobbies. I'm going to put them back here to forget about them again talking about hobbies I want to take asecond to thank today's sponsorSkillshare I have ADHD so I collect hobbies like tokens and I love using Skillshare because it's a great collection of awesome online courses.
I especially love their learning path section so I don't need to buy a ton of supplies. I can learn new hobbies and new skills in an instant and right now I am going down the path of learning how to bake delicious desserts. The beginner's guide is very easy, there are step by step instructions, there are video tutorials yesterday I made Tera missu for the first time and it was incredibly easy. and delicious. I love this because I can learn new hobbies and skills and switch back and forth, but have everything in one place instead of clutter.
It's in my Skillshare app. There are a ton of different kinds you can choose from, such as standalone design productivity software. how to draw marketing and much more I'm going to put a link in the description and the first 500 people who click that link will get a month of free skill shares in other closets that's the bane of my existence here's the trend. I open a space to sort I think run Cass run don't do it but then when I'm done I'm really happy and proud of myself so I'm going to step in and make this better because every time we need a Band.
Help or something, it's a fucking nightmare, you have this, that's right, these come in here they're just too lazy to put it there, that's why, but also why there is garbage here, no one knows, no one knows, no one knows, you know, it that we have never had nor will we. I never used them, I don't even remember we own them, we are not a mouthwash family, perfectly good sponges I will never use, you can do this, okay trash, I have so many mouth cards because I keep forgetting, I buy mouthguards. stress grind let me know in the comments below if you're a grinder never use it this is allergy junk no one knows this is my extra products bin so I should put extra products in there like you know what I mean, why is he here?
Listen, these are faces, I'm sorry, blue earth, I'm going to throw you under the bus, so I have all this blue earth stuff, but then literally at the same time, oh, you're foaming, you're turning me into a liar, but look at this. one doesn't work they like Kut skied me so eh but for some my bra says yeah you're broken but you're going to the closet look it's just not like that no why am I putting broken things in the closet? Let go. Let them go see this. I love this organizer. It is so beautiful. So I know.
I'm right? Beautiful. This is the problem. None of us are verbose enough to use this, so it's always empty. It just doesn't work, so I go. just throw things in the trash because that's how our brain works, everything just works and it doesn't even work for us, bye, you know, what we use all the time are band-aids, so, of course, I'm going to sort this out real quick Band-Aids Band-Aids Band-Aids why I don't know who's breaking so many fingers at once but if someone has a broken finger let's go to the rescue man I just have no words okay we all use them this we take sheets I had all these little bags which in theory were amazing, none of them were labeled, so we just rip things out, look for what we need and we have, it's just, it's too much, that's the problem, it's too much inventory. and there's not enough organization so I'm not a folder, this is how I fold my sheets, there's nothing wrong with that but I need a better solution and I don't know what it is at this particular moment except I have too many, is it?
OK? So, right off the bat, this doesn't even fit on a bed we already have and my son is so sick of superheroes, so he can go. I don't like top sheets, we are not a top sheet family, they can go too. These are supposed to be towels up here like why is this here no one knows these are supposed to be the things I'm going to do and this this I'm going to put all this hello you're going to be for pillowcases yeah dude I should label these I just throw away I just threw out a bunch of labels, that's what I'm going to do.
I'll just like to tie them. Do they have handles? Yeah, oh yeah, what if I literally take a second to tag and then this doesn't? They're no longer going to be the most annoying thing on the face of the Earth because they're going to be I'm a genius, okay, I'll do this. I ran down the stairs. I had these old containers that were in Milo's closet. I was actually going to donate them, but maybe this will work easier because I just stuck them in here because look, you can be like a boom toss push and then I'll label the fronts.
I'm going to try it because I have them and they're free and why the hell don't they know what I'm saying let's do this no one has time to fold the sheets no one has time to fold Che look at me fold look at me close neigh look at my fold fold look at my almost almost that was fast That was easy and organizing and many things leave my house in less than 45 minutes, it's crazy and not only does all this leave, but now I have many more organized spaces, it's exciting. I hope you feel really motivated at first.
When you start decluttering, you have to put in the effort, but then the urge goes away, the Mojo, you feel the tidying juices. I found my wedding. rings that I've been missing since before we moved here, so that was a big win, but I also found new notebooks that I could use as a lot of things that I'm really excited about. I forgot I even had them, so not only do I have a more organized space, it will be easier to keep my house tidy, but I also gained a lot of new things because I'm letting go of a lot of old things, so I hope again that you feel really inspired and motivated and I will do it.
See you next time. Thank you very much to everyone who stayed until the end. I thought about talking a little about hobbies for a second. I made a list, these are just the ones I can remember from above. off the top of my head from all the hobbies I tried, I bought supplies because I thought that was going to be what I would do and then I immediately stopped because that's how I get around well so we have paint, not just like oils, all different types of watercolors . That was like a Jam for a while, acrylics and then making bows.
I actually had a shop in an Etsy shop and I used to go to things and sell bows and tutos. Wine making. I don't even drink alcohol, but I really liked making my own. came for a minute gardening, I suck, but I got into making all my jewelry, which I still do. Lock picking was like a 2 year obsession where I would lie in bed at night and practice lock picking. I don't know why photography, drawing, sewing, finishing. Furniture, this is when I like to go around and pick up old furniture from the trash and then paint it and try to sell it like it's a business.
Oh, I'm embarrassed to scrapbook, crochet, bake bread, remember my sourdough phase. 2023, yeah, okay, balloon animals, okay, making balloon animals was a good two years of my life dedicated to making every kind of balloon animal you can imagine and constantly practicing and having PTSD since the balloons bursting in my face, okay, and making flower arrangements. That's the last one where I spent so much money and made horrible flower arrangements, um, and wreaths for the front door, like how many wreaths does a person need. Well, those are some of the hobbies I can think of off the top of my head, but I'm curious if you're a hobby too?
Hopper, you know you try all things and not all of them last, but in my defense, organizing was a hobby, tidying up was a hobby, and look at me now learning how to make videos. was a hobby, website design was a hobby, so some of my hobbies have turned into businesses anyway, thank you so much for watching and I'll see you next time.

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