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What Really Happened When Si's Posse Got Sucker-Punched by COVID | Duck Call Room #59

Apr 04, 2024
They had to spray the sand with 139 degrees, isn't that crazy hot? I don't think he was walking all over her like she was nothing, oh yeah, and then. They also play volleyball in the gym and they hit the ball so hard you can't see it and then someone just throws it and it stays in the air and it never comes out straight. Look, they hit it in the corners of the The ball likes to give it spin and I'm like you guys are playing a different game. I just hope to make contact and try not to decapitate myself at the net because that's as high as I can go.
what really happened when si s posse got sucker punched by covid duck call room 59
I can reach high enough. I


got hurt on that net and then the guys do it, but they're looking over the net, like, take that, yeah, now they're the Olympic athletes, they're amazing, yeah, we saw a lot of people said I'm not looking, that are. By doing this, they know all that political crap, but the person next to them did, and look, their parents couldn't even be there, they were there, you know how stressful it was, oh pressure, imagine and not having your family there to celebrate something. She worked all her life, yes, and she hasn't eaten sweets for five years.
what really happened when si s posse got sucker punched by covid duck call room 59

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what really happened when si s posse got sucker punched by covid duck call room 59...

Can you imagine the leprechaun found the dress and found the love part, except for the shot putters, who don't give up? I know they said, did you see those guys throwing that shot? put at the end, oh I did it, they had two Americans who just stayed. He said it's like throwing a bowling ball from the foul line and reaching for it, but the other foul line, yeah, the other one is crazy, like throwing it through a basketball I threw the shot put in high school not too far, but let you guys,


are you cool?
what really happened when si s posse got sucker punched by covid duck call room 59
Professional basketball players can hit it from oh to the net, we won that one too finally, the basketball team made me nervous for a minute, yeah I lost. that game I said


are they doing? Yes, that was this is not the dre, that is not the team of my dreams, yes, we had a very good America had a nice Good Olympics, oh yes, do you think?, but the night the athlete had to go that night, they went out and just splurged on groceries, it's probably nothing, they probably won't do it, because most of them were also competing on something else.
what really happened when si s posse got sucker punched by covid duck call room 59
You don't go there with just one thing now let's say you wore dundas oh yeah yeah we're three years old well they were in Japan. I would have just gone and taken it to the bigger sushi bar they have there, yes, but not the sushi. how bad for you the amount he would have eaten would have been


you're fried that's all you can eat yeah yeah it would have been in that bag of rice I hope Alice and Felix bought him a pizza. although, yes, 11 medals in his life and two of them after having a baby at 35.
That's incredible, five years. I don't think we've been thinking about the fact that she had a baby between these Olympics long enough. 35. She had a Baby, yeah, I'm like Martin 35. She thought she'd never had a baby, but if she did, that would be the end of me. Yeah, yeah, I've seen it happen three times, but the fact that she, she, so it's. the third fastest person in the world to run a lap around the track, yes that's amazing, crazy, the human body is amazing, it can recover, yes, just like me and Martin, listen to me breathe, yes, listen to that , you don't even need oxygen, you know?
She hadn't had any yet, that's the sound, wait, that's the sound of pneumonia leaving. I still can't spell it, let's take our last break. We'll be right back after this. Okay, guys, let's do it. I have something to say. Before all this is in focus, well hey, how about you go, son, yeah, start wherever you want to stop, well, hey, I don't know if this is what I see those faces, this is what I have for the fans, hey, look, have I always said that? All of you, as far as you are concerned this morning,


you get up, you should keep this in mind.
I'm going to be good to everyone, get in touch and I'll do what it is right now, here's the position. You all go through the Bible and see how many times God talks about being good and being right and not just that, and then look at how many rewards you get when you are that way, that's the challenge for you, okay, I like it. Yeah, I like it because you'll be pleasantly surprised at how much there is in there, well, and look, I just want to share this. While I was depressed, not completely, but definitely depressed, a friend of mine shared a verse with me that helped me. him through some tough times in his life and if I said this verse one time to myself and out loud while I was in a bad situation, I said it five thousand um and it's psalms 91 2. it says my God, you are my refuge I trust you and I'm safe and when you're down and in a bad situation, that one over there helped me get through a lot of what I was going through because at any time my breathing would stink a little. or you know, I would panic a little or something.
I could say that and I would immediately calm down and understand everything because it's like the good thing about this is also that it's a word that I'm looking for when you say it well and it makes you like, say it slowly and breathe deeply also to say my God, you are my refuge , I trust you and I'm safe and I'm a man to me personally over the past week, that meant a lot to me, thank you for sharing that with me during what up to this point has been possibly the lowest time of my life, so which you know, there we go, well, I'll get excited next, I guess do it, yeah, so yeah.
They were the worst two weeks of my life. I was depressed. Okay, here we go. Good hammer. But yes, I know. I was afraid. There were bad moments. There were good moments. I listened to a lot of worship music. I mentioned the song Promises on this podcast before, if you've never heard it, give it a listen, but on Sunday night, about 50 people were in my yard praying for me and that meant a lot and a lady


ed Miss Beth brought this. Big old pink sign right here, you can probably barely see it, but it says: I am Yahweh, your mighty god, I hold your right hand and I will not let you go, I whisper to you, do not be afraid, I am here to help you.
Isaiah 41 13. and we left him at our house he's still at my house right now um and yeah, I've been through some things in life that scared me, but I always felt like I had some kind of control. If it was my son, I would still be the one making decisions with Carter and all his health stuff, but for the first time I probably had to fully trust God, nothing I could do, nothing I could say, I'm not smart enough, I would I did. I can't even pronounce it, I sure can't spell anything they were giving me, so it was just one of those, you know, it was a real coming-of-age moment for me, even being as young as I am.
This sure isn't here, but it's scary every time you look at it and say, "I'm going to be okay," and the only thing you can do is do what God asks you to do and just trust him. because that's all we have at the end of the day anyway, so with that being said, all those people that prayed for me, there's a list of hundreds, I got text messages from people all over the world and it meant a lot and I'm glad so much to want so badly to be back in this chair just to laugh and hang out with you because if me and I had to tell you, sigh, if this thing had taken me out and not you and all of you.
They mocked me in heaven for the first ten thousand, yeah, I couldn't have stood that, so I'll say this. I kept pushing to be able to sit next to you again, Lord, throughout the whole thing, this is what I'll say humility is a great thing, oh yeah, when you think, when you think, look, here it is, I'll give them my last process of thought about this whole matter. I didn't get vaccinated. I thought I'm 35. I'm young, I'm healthy, my immune system has always worked perfectly. I want my body to have the first chance against this virus.
Guess what I got my wish? I fulfilled my wish. I realized at that moment how in my opinion now after researching and studying how narrow minded that desire was um and I look for those of you who say it's not wrong it's this it's that's the other thing I want to remind everyone something in this still my family until I was Owen one in the fight against coven caught my dad, so I knew how serious it was, but still that wasn't me, he was older, he was at risk, he was the guy which I should have had if I was going to catch someone, so I still didn't realize until I got a perfectly healthy 35 year old young man, no underlying health conditions, nothing, and he took me to the floor twice, and said This, that's why I said that.
Humility is a great thing, because it humbled me right there before God and made me realize where I had gone wrong in my life, that's one of the things I tell people all the time if you're not in a strong relationship. with your family it's okay, with your mom and dad or your siblings it's okay, and especially when something like JD said it, it's okay, you have no control over what you're facing, that's okay, and what you're facing can take you out. , okay, and then The other part is that family is one thing, but if you don't have a relationship with God almighty, it's okay, when things like that happen, like I always used them the first time we did a wish foundation with kids that they had stage four cancer, okay?
They're about to leave, they're dying and they're coming and they wanted to see and meet Uncle Psy, okay, anyway, that's a bone to chew on, but we didn't know how to handle it, okay, and the part about it is good. It's out of your control, yeah, okay, there's nothing in yourself that you can do to make it better, you know, I always asked, okay, it's one thing for you to go to the doctor and tell yourself I'm going to the doctor and he said, Alright. I have stage four cancer that wouldn't


bother me but if I had two when my kids were little I would go and be told my kid has stage four cancer yeah folks I'm telling you life is too short okay , and this is a pandemic.
Covert 19 is nothing to play with, that's why I say okay, Martin lost his father for crying out loud. It's okay, people have lost his mother, his father, his brothers. He's fine, and he's killed over a million. I've had to cover it myself. okay, he's about to take me out okay, no, this is nothing to play with, for crying out loud, take it seriously and don't think too hard about the old size because I'm not old, I'm 32 and I have a seven to . A five and two year old and I spent a week looking at birds in a hospital window and that was my only company, so hey, at least you had the birds, yeah, I named the boy John, the Baptist was a boy that God sent them, yeah, that's who I.
I talked to them up there in


483, the boys have one, you got something before we get out of here, no, I'm glad we were praying for you and, okay, let me, I'm going to take this out with a verse, oh yes, that's another one. A baby hit us hard, I'm talking about right and being good, oh, okay, let's see what I want to do, he's in proverbs 10, if you turn to us, I'm in proverbs 10. The wise at heart accepts command , but he chatters. the fool comes to ruin the man in the technological tree walks safely but he who takes control a crooked path will be discovered he who winks maliciously causes pain and a charitable fool comes to ruin the mouth of the righteous is a source of life but the Violence overwhelms the mouths of the wicked, it's okay, look, it will add life if you are right, the mouth of the righteous is a source of life, so be good, do the right thing and God will add years to your life, that's what What the good book says.
Amen, that's fine. I'll see you all next time here in the




where we went out. I'll breathe even better next time

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