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Emergency Evacuation in Air Ambulance

Mar 29, 2024
Daniel texted me a moment ago and you said you were telling everyone good morning. Can you tell everyone that you are afraid of the people outside? Look at her, look at her, look at her face, who knows, okay, put her down, look where. run to see nope as soon as they make a loud noise she'll run away to see if she says ha ha I'm not afraid what's going on guys welcome to today's video I don't even know what to say um today is too much it's very oh no, you're not going to cry, I think that I'll hold it steady, sure then, oh sure, later, like me, thinking about it I get excited, yeah, it's always when I turn on the camera, I started, yeah, I know. just when you start to think about them, what's about to happen, yeah I know and I really can't, I can't believe it, I can't believe that what's happening today is happening, it's oh we are, yeah, just a lot um, we.
emergency evacuation in air ambulance
We'll take you with me and show you the journey, yeah, all the things that are happening today and I feel like you're going to cry a lot, I think I could cry a lot, just from the emotion. If there's a window and we see what's going on, what's going on, oh my God, this is something we've never experienced, yeah, it's a journey we've never been on, in fact, last month is a journey that I, I , I. I don't think we want to have to go through it again and there are parts of the story that we didn't even know and maybe it was better that we didn't know and maybe we'll share some of it, but stay tuned.
emergency evacuation in air ambulance

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emergency evacuation in air ambulance...

This is going to be emotional but also very interesting, I bet a lot of you will say wow, I didn't even know that existed, yeah, because I really didn't know, no, I didn't know, no, no, no, I mean now It makes a lot of sense, yeah, no, I have no idea, yeah, okay, so I got in the car. I just wanted to show you what I have so far from the medical supply store to yesterday and some things I still have. I'll come back to get it today, but here's the oxygen tank. I have three of those, they are portable.
emergency evacuation in air ambulance
Here are the hoses to connect to the oxygen. I'm still shopping for a wheelchair and a few other things. The medical store. Some other medical equipment. Also some. some balloons and some other things like that for later today too, so all kinds of things happen today okay, she just goes between the cars oh well, I know I hear that siren going off while they're driving, sorry, this could be a emotional day, very emotional day, we're trying not to tear up Kendall and I, but that was just a call from the transport, which is an


, the sirens were going off, so the transport was an


, the sirens were going off, they're transporting our family member from the house to the airport, okay, gosh, these turnip events that keep happening, I mean, they called me crying and very upset and worried, and said this flight is a medical flight, by the way , they can't get it, they can't board. they can't go out because it's raining this is an airport policy no one can board they started working on all kinds of attempts to get medical staff they have limited oxygen I know this is very vague to begin with uh we are I'm going to explain everything at the end, but just I'll give little details as we go, there's limited oxygen in the ambulance and there's oxygen on the plane, so they have to get from the ambulance to the plane, but they can't, that's what everyone is working on, all the medical staff on the plane is working on this, the doctors are talking to the people at the airport to tell them this is a different situation, this is not a commercial flight, this is a medical


flight and they are running out of oxygen in the ambulance, so I hope they call me back and tell me that everything is fine, so no, there's the call right now, so okay, okay, cool, then they'll let you guys, okay, so just.
emergency evacuation in air ambulance
I got the text, they said they're going to let them through the gate, so they're going to let the ambulance through the gate, they're going to make an exception, they're going to let them through the ambulance, they just walked through the gate right now. We're heading to the plane right now, so they'll be boarding soon, so that's the update. There is never a dull moment in this. Okay, like I said, it's a mix of emotions. Today I showed you all the medical equipment we are receiving. balloons that we are going to get, I said it was going to be a marshmallow, like Daniel texted me a moment ago and you said I'm crying more like for your mom because I know it's like the piece that she has right now, you know, leaving such a nightmare behind and I know it was like that and it was difficult from the last one of them, like there were forces fighting them before they even got on the plane, that's the idea that they are how I could imagine it. they take off and they go and they're in the air and it's like it's gone it's over it's over it's over and like no more no more so I'm just happy I'm happy for them I'm happy for Daniel's mom just because it's been a while month this has been absolute hell and the last few weeks have been pure hell you guys don't even know the extent of this because you don't even know yes, you like everything and maybe at some point we can share the horrors that took place, honestly, yeah that would have happened in the United States, there were probably some negligence lawsuits anyway, we have the balloons.
Daniel entering with the balloons made me very excited. I don't even believe it. We're all going to be a mess when we go to the airport I know, so let's say hello, they're in the air, they're on their way, I'll be a puppy, oh, they're coming today, yeah. Oh, they are, yes, I know it seems like we haven't even described it. I haven't described anything about who, who, how or what they are in and all the things, but I'll show you anyway. We're going to put them in the room. Have you even talked about all the things we have for them?
Yes, medical equipment. She makes everything better and, by the way, she loves them. Here is one of her machines. We have, of course, this will be hooked. even all the things I showed the oxygen is fine for the trip it's fine it's fine then the big one will go to the mailbox it's fine and this is going to be fine we're all loaded in the car we have the backup oxygen tank number one number two and number three are in the back so we're ready, Sebby's coming with us, we're heading to the airport to go pick them up, let's go, so we decide to track the plane, they're making good time, yeah look.
It already seems like it's halfway there, don't you think? Yes, it seems like it's halfway there. Oh my gosh, that's super exciting. They're in the middle of an ocean between Cuba or the Dominican Republic and Mexico, Central America, yeah, yeah, that's crazy. they are wow, so cool, I didn't know that, I didn't know that, this is not, which you will understand, this is not traditional, this is not American Airlines, it is not Delta, something very different, very, different, exactly, super cool , Oh God. God, that's cool, we can follow it on the way, so we're in a little area where we can see the planes landing and they're literally coming down, yeah, it'll be cool to see them and I think we'll be able to do it. see them get off the plane right here, oh my God, so I'm going to turn the camera around and show you when the plant when they get off the plane, yeah, like it's going to be, we're going to have to leave this. area and I actually walked to the next building so I'm so excited oh my gosh where are you going to bring him?
Oh, oh my god, that's so perfect. You'll sit here, yeah, oh no, let's go there, that's right. in eight, aha, yes, that's it, yes, that's the one. They are unloading their luggage and getting into the golf cart. I assume they will be the next to leave. It's going well, welcome home. Okay, of course, bye, Poppy is coming. Really. I miss you guys come here that wheelchair is moving it kept going good what a day wow I'm tired so if you don't know my dad got sick in Panama we'll just link that video yeah you can link it that's it part of in the video, yes we did it, we explained that yes we did it, we did it so I can link that and that's the whole story so basically we needed to get him out of Panama and since he's on oxygen he needed to be in a flight that could have oxygen without stopping and if something happened to him on the flight he had no problems because he was on a medical staff they have medical staff on board they can ventilate they can even go I see you and I see you are there, so it is a plane that is a medical


plan that takes people out of countries that need medical help and they can't just get on a commercial plane and come back, it was just them and the staff, so it's very convenient, quite crazy. that's something that's available for people to use and my dad needed it and he had to use it and that's the only way to get here, yeah, and it helped him a lot and it was a great flight and everything went perfectly. yes, so it's good to have him home, yes, it's not over, he still has a road to recovery, so he has treatments, tests and visits to the doctors, and yes, coming to the US, we needed him in the US .U.S., yeah, the whole point of this one was. to get him out of Panama the doctors and hospitals were not good and it was not a good situation for him I don't trust any of the treatments or the medications and whatever happens mom keeps telling me there is story after story I mean Basically I just go to say that neglect and abuse happened, yes, and in that hospital, I never heard of them being mean to them in the hospital, some people were some very nice, but others were mean, most of it was me, yes, they meant things.
It's like it's a horror story, it's like a movie like that, they pulled the covers off him, like they were laughing at him, things like that, so it's nice and now I can't even say, I can't even say the things that They did yes, no, no, and they took away blankets, that's the least I know, yes, that was it, I was just giving you some examples of what you're taking. Here's one, his nasal air cannula was broken and he asked for it to be fixed. They, I think she just laughed and yeah, and she yelled at him.
He said it was her fault. she didn't even do anything, she just didn't care about him, she didn't take him to the bathroom, I mean it was literally abuse and neglect. that's how that happened, so he's here now and that's good, um, he had several near-death experiences, really yeah, during that whole experience in Panama, I mean, he almost coded, yeah, I mean, yeah, yeah, I think he pretty much did, so it's a miracle, he's alive and now we're going to give him the best possible treatment, yeah, and I think he'll recover and be fine, yeah, that's it, thanks for watching.

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