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Trudeau asked if he's concerned about U.S. presidency

May 26, 2024
so according to ambassador kran Hilman in French, first, Donald Trump's second round doesn't worry the feds, we should bring back front bench Brian glant Lisa R Tom Mare and Rob benzy Brian. I'll start with you on that very simple question. I think you're silent Actually I'm not, no, you don't listen to me, okay, now we listen to you, do it, there you do, um, yeah, it should, I mean, it should worry them, of course, I think Last time, the Trump administration certainly showed that they are willing to put a lot of effort into trade and even if Canada wasn't necessarily the target, the way they did it could have impacted us, I think for Trudeau and the team this is something that they hope is a way to tell and remind Canadians what they were able to achieve under the Trump Administration, so if there are some who are worried about the Trump Administration coming back and winning, then uh They hope that people will say, "Well, the Trudeau government did a good job last time dealing with that kind of dynamic, so I think that's probably one of the reasons why, politically speaking, it's kind of interesting for Trudeau to do to Lisa what What are your thoughts on, I guess, the prospects of being


about what kind of agenda regarding Canada Donald Trump might bring with him and just to add a little context for our viewers that the latest polls show in five of the six swing states? where the election will essentially be decided Donald Trump is leading Joe Biden right now, so I would say if you take a look at what liberals have been dining on recently, it's all these big announcements of deals with various automakers for vehicles electrical. vehicles for the entire supply chain, this is all based on there being an available market in the United States, if Donald Trump is re-elected, he will not continue to say that EVS should be mandatory for a certain year, he will not continue to continually give subsidies. and tax credits for the production of electric vehicles, it's going to put the brakes on everything that puts in great jeopardy all of these investments that the Liberal party has been putting front and center as their big centerpiece of what they're doing in the Canadian economy.
trudeau asked if he s concerned about u s presidency
They should be worried, that's exactly what they should be worried about, and frankly, there's nothing they can do about it if Donald Trump is elected. He has stated very clearly what he is going to do regarding electric vehicles and there they all go. No more big announcements with these automakers, there's another government, Rob, that you cover frequently, that has been alongside the Feds making all those announcements that Lisa mentions. A big point would also be greatly affected if all this EV stuff was stopped. Have you heard any concerns from them about that? Well, I mean Prime Minister Doug and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, they have spent literally billions of Ontario and Canadian tax peer money to subsidize Stellantis Volkswagen Honda, uh, and and so on. coming um and I and I think it's because Joe Biden's Inflation Reduction Act made that if we wanted to build electric vehicles in North America you had to do it I mean we had to match them if they are keeping the auto industry in Ontario was something very pragmatic what they did, we can debate whether it is corporate welfare or whether it is smart or not.
trudeau asked if he s concerned about u s presidency

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trudeau asked if he s concerned about u s presidency...

Don't know. I think Lisa makes a good point that if Trump wins and I'm still not convinced he will despite the polls, but if he wins, will he hit the brakes on EVS? Maybe it does, but I mean, there's a lot of infrastructure already in place and a lot of big companies have invested. in this technology uh Tesla is already one of the largest automakers in the world and it's a relatively new company that makes electric vehicles and you know Elon Musk owns Tesla. Elon Musk doesn't own Donald Trump, but he certainly has been an enabler for Mr.
trudeau asked if he s concerned about u s presidency
Trump, so, I don't know, I'm not convinced that the end if Trump wins, the end of the EV world will happen. I think there will be a lot of tumult. I think it was interesting that the Prime Minister was in Philadelphia talking to the siiu era G, who is going to spend about $200 million to help Biden this fall and because, on some level, Trudeau doesn't want Trump to win, but politically to the liberals would be the best thing that What could happen to them is that Trump wins because then they could try to link PV with Trump and turn him into some kind of right-wing boogeyman and mega this and mega that, so I think it's kind of a conundrum Interesting for the Federal Liberals, well, Bra brings up kind of an elephant in the room, Tom, and that is that these two conversations are happening essentially at the same time.
trudeau asked if he s concerned about u s presidency
One is about what the real impacts are if Trump wins again, particularly since everyone is talking about it on our economy. the other is the strategic political discussion going on about what the prospect of a Trump victory will mean for the liberals' chances because, according to what Rob says, there are a number of people running the liberal campaign who feel that they are You can help them by talking more about abortion as a topic. we've seen in recent weeks because of the concerns that we're so familiar with south of the border, what's your take on the outlook for that?
Well, on the first question he posed, the economy, I'm just referring to the fact that Trump is threatening. a blanket 10% tariff on everything imported from all over the world is something that everyone should be aware of and pay close attention to, it's very serious and then on the second point, it's a really open question. Don't know. I think it's open and open I think it's open whether or not the conservatives or the liberals would be helped, so the thought that Rob just described is: oh, Canadians will be so horrified to see Donald Trump come in that they will want more Justin Trudeau to try to counter Trump, isn't it also possible to argue that Canadians are looking at the possibility of being excluded or at least expelled from parts of the US market?
I'd say they know what I've never been too sure about. about this kind of PV, but at least he seems to be able to talk to Trump, maybe that could help Canada, we're not going to think about what's happening in the states, we're going to be worried about what might be happening here and I. I think there could be so many arguments and good arguments that could be made that a lot of Canadians would be rather worried about Trudeau having fights with Trump and maybe consider the possibility that maybe there could be someone nicer to get over it.
It's a speculation. At this stage and we are still a long way from the next election, but I don't think it is a very simple argument that only goes in one direction. I think there is a very plausible way to argue that could be just as interesting. so that Canadians see more of someone who could potentially, in the case of PF, talk to Trump, who is a very difficult character to deal with. I will say that Trudeau will always deserve credit, with Chrisa Freeland in particular for renegotiating after so much success. I think we actually won that negotiation and that's something that shouldn't be forgotten in this whole discussion about what Trump 2 could look like.
Brian, with more conversations about the possibility of Trump, from your political point of view, is it better or worse for the liberals. So I agree with Tom in that I think there are other arguments to be made, so don't get me wrong. I also think that generally speaking, I haven't seen surveys on this, but my gut would tell me a little bit. to which Tom also just mentioned at the end, I think people feel that Trudeau and team did a good job with Trump last time, which leads me to believe that there would be an argument that the Liberals think could resonate in saying basically look if there's a Trump administration or look there's a Trump administration and in place we deal with him before we deal with them before we do it again uh I think it's reasonable that they think that might be something that could help. them, I'm not sure that this is the case for the reasons that I mention and for other reasons because I think there are many people who are thinking about very specific issues that are not necessarily linked to that type of dynamic, but one.
What we know, Canada, I think all Canadians recognize the importance of our trade partnership with the US and our partnership in general, so you never know, so I think the Liberals would probably be saying to themselves, Politically speaking, that is most likely a potential opportunity to take. that if it's a Trump administration we can make that argument and it could be the last word for you on Lisa. I would say conservatives will be prepared for anything liberals throw at them. Visa Donald Trump, you know it's coming, it's something that's clear that conservatives should be afraid of and maybe a little aware of what will happen if Donald Trump wins and says yes, I like that Pier pev guy, he's my type as a person, that's something you don't want to have to deal with, that's a problem, that's a whole different set of problems, yeah, sure, okay, I'll leave it at that, thanks everyone.
I appreciate the discussion, our front bench Brian glant Lisa R Tel care and Rob Ben are

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