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The Benefits Of Cold Water Immersion for Your Genetics

May 13, 2024
now for some reason we don't like freezing we don't like being hungry it's very uncomfortable we like warm weather we like to have food available all the time and we definitely like to be comfortable in terms of our temperature well our ancestors had adapted to the temperature for a very long period of time due to the season called winter, nowadays we can easily overcome this


and severe winter by just turning the thermostat to 70 degrees. Today I'm going to talk about some interesting research related to






genes and how using cold therapy can greatly affect


genes in a positive way.
the benefits of cold water immersion for your genetics
I now have a cold



tank outside my house. and when I first used it I set the temperature to 37 degrees, okay that's pretty cold and I don't recommend doing that to start with because it might only last five seconds. I would recommend starting at 50 degrees Fahrenheit, which is 10 degrees Celsius, starting with just a minute, you know, and then gradually increasing from there, but to experience the


. With this cold therapy you want to feel uncomfortable and experience the


that I'm going to talk about, you really only need 11 minutes a week so anyone can do it, even if you don't have a cold water dip tank you can do it.
the benefits of cold water immersion for your genetics

More Interesting Facts About,

the benefits of cold water immersion for your genetics...

With a cold shower you can find a pool that is very cold or maybe jump in the pond somewhere, but now there are different ways to experience this therapy. If you compare cold therapy with warm therapy, like a hot shower, you will definitely experience more benefits. cold therapy simply because it is more uncomfortable if you can't even imagine doing this or have no tolerance for it, it could be that you simply need more B vitamins. B vitamins help increase tolerance to extreme temperatures and I will put a link below of where I bought my tank and I am not affiliated with this type of company.
the benefits of cold water immersion for your genetics
I don't get kickbacks but it's called a cold dip shop and I bought the tank called flex but I really like it. I think the benefits are incredible. We'll find all kinds of interesting benefits related to cognitive benefits, repairing physical inflammation, etc., so I'll go over the benefits and then talk about the genetic benefits as well, however, I want to leave a note about when. initially you enter this tank your heart rate is going to increase your heart rate is going to increase okay, you will probably need to hyperventilate you will probably have respiratory gasps where your breathing will be affected, you really have to do it concentrate on controlling your breathing, slow down, inhale, slow down, exhale and that will help you with the shock of going into this cold water dive, so first let's talk about all the things you can slow down.
the benefits of cold water immersion for your genetics
Well, the first thing you can lower is the ratios of something called APO a to APO B ratios and this really has to do with cardiovascular risk without going into details. APO a and APO e have to do with proteins that are attached to or regulate lipoproteins and therefore when this ratio decreases you have better cardiovascular function, another thing that will decrease is your homocysteine ​​levels, okay, that's another factor which is associated with cardiovascular problems, you also have a decrease in oxidative stress, a decrease in cortisol and the hormone that controls cortisol, which is ACTH, which is interesting because I think your stress would increase, but it actually decreases, so Maybe not at first, but as soon as you get out of the bath and are relaxed, the antibodies even decrease, so this will strengthen your immune system, especially if you have an autoimmune problem.
Insulin actually decreases and that will be a good thing because you can imagine how many body problems are associated with high insulin. Uric acid decreases. The risk of upper respiratory tract infections decreases. And as a side note, it decreases especially if you're a swimmer, swimmers have this added cardiovascular benefit and a lot of times these pools are cold, so swimmers have a much lower incidence of upper respiratory tract and tract infections. Another thing that will decrease is your depression. Well, cold water therapy is like a natural thing. antidepressant but without the side effects the pain will decrease the inflammation will decrease the muscle pain will actually decrease now I want to mention something else about muscles.
There has been some research showing that when you do this repetitively, cold therapy can actually inhibit your gains. in muscle growth, but if you're only doing it, you know, 11 minutes a week, I highly doubt it will influence your muscles in any negative way, the benefits far outweigh any possible disadvantages, now your recovery time will decrease when you do this therapy. Additionally, if you have just exercised or have done some type of sporting event, you will recover faster and there is also evidence to show that cold therapy actually inhibits the growth of tumors and one theory as to why this happens is due to the increase in brown fat that can absorb a lot of the glucose that is fuel for cancer cells, but it makes sense that cold therapy would be anti-cancer because of what it does to your genes, to your immune system, and what it does.
For your overall survival, now let's move on to all the things this cold therapy will increase. Well, it can increase your thyroid stimulating hormone, as well as an increase in T3, which is an active form of thyroid hormone. Cold therapy actually increases your T cells. Okay, I'm there. talking about your killer T cells that attack viruses and attack cancer in general, it can increase your white blood cells, your zinc concentration will increase, your norepinephrine can increase, making you very, very alert, it can even increase your insulin sensitivity, which which has to do with the reduction of its general level.
Insulin probably one of the biggest benefits that I like about this is that it increases your mental resilience. This is your ability to adapt to stress. It makes you mentally stronger when you do this. It's kind of the same thing with fasting when you can't. When you eat over a period of time, you develop stronger willpower because you are basically now more in charge of your body compared to people with reduced willpower and they tend to give in when their body craves things. Now let's talk about gene expression, shall we? By activating certain genes that were otherwise inhibited, there is a gene called pgc-1 Alpha and when this gene is activated it creates the biogenesis of the mitochondria, it actually increases the growth of the mitochondria, which will help your metabolism and help generate more oxygen in In the body there is another gene called ve g f that will increase more blood vessels and basically you get more angiogenesis, which is the production of new blood cells.
There is another gene called PPA r g c 1 a that has to do with VO2 max. Your ability to use oxygen. and if someone has a mutation with this gene, their VO2 max can be decreased by up to 50 percent, so cold therapy can cause expression of this gene, activate it and increase their CO2 max. There is another gene called PS me1 that has to do with a protein. aggregation or buildup of damaged protein in the body which creates a lot of problems and when you add cotherapy you can increase the recycling of this protein, so you will get less buildup of this protein aggregation.
Another gene is expressed that has to do with it. with glutathione, which is like the liver's most powerful antioxidant that can help you break down poisons into harmless particles that can also influence the networks of other antioxidants, so cold therapy increases antioxidants and, as a side note, heat therapy like in a sauna or even a jacuzzi. can inhibit your antioxidants now. I'm not saying don't do it, but let's say, for example, you have a genetic problem with oxidative stress, then maybe you should focus more on cold therapy than heat therapy. There is another gene that is expressed called actn 3, which has everything to do with increasing your stress tolerance, so the more you do this, the more stress tolerance you will have, the more stress resistance you will have, the more mentally resilient you will be and the last two genes rbm3 and cirp you will get greater survival of your cells Improved DNA Stabilized RNA which is the copy of DNA which will give you improved protein synthesis or should I say protein building as well as an anti-inflammatory effect and an antioxidant effect so you can see that the The benefits of cold water immersion are enormous and I think it is actually beneficial to alternate this with heat therapy.
If you haven't seen my video on that topic, I posted it here. Look at it.

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