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PREPARE TO BE FREAKED OUT | Sonic Dreams Collection #1

Mar 15, 2024
Ladies my name is jacksepticeye and welcome to the Sonic Dreams


a game that seems to be floating around like there's always a game that youtubers just play and then another youtuber plays it and everyone is playing it at the end so gamegrumps mark and felix We've all played this before and I've seen bits and pieces of it and it looks hilarious. I stopped watching it, so I thought: if I'm going to play, I won't. I don't want any of the rarities to be spoiled. me and then of course people kept asking me to play it so why don't we go play it and see what happens?
prepare to be freaked out sonic dreams collection 1
This is marketed as some lost and pirated


thing, which are games that someone was making and then didn't get released, but they're No, someone just made this and it's as weird as anything, so make my Sonic hate the maze. Here's an exploit, it's the most annoying thing in the world. Make my Sonic okay, whatever we're going to. Sorry, I didn't want to read. All of that, so we're going to do our own Sonic Let Go, like Oh, it's raining outside. I didn't realize that's not proper information, but it's okay, yes, you can move them. Hey Sonic, high five, yeah, yeah, yeah, what's up buddy, what?
prepare to be freaked out sonic dreams collection 1

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prepare to be freaked out sonic dreams collection 1...

Up G, what happened, see you later, captain, okay, um, let's change this, um, yeah, now keep your arms in two positions. I put them in please, okay, we have your cute pose, um, hate. Oh, God, just, oh, the music is fading now, yeah, this is it. What is going to happen? I'm just going to make you ruin everything, oh I'm just going to ruin you. I will also make you different colors, wait, what metal adoptable, adoptable, share, drizzle, the rebel princess, the king, the hedgehog, the alien, Rogi Molly. the Vocaloid box Hedgehog Jim the super shell the hedgehog the alien Hedgehog Buttercup the Hedgehog okay, let's be happy no, let's choose something really strange divine Fox the immortal Hedgehog why not background color Oh God, photo booth, yes, sounds, what lord brings his sound his divine cunning most content jar next camera your foot is bigger than the rest of your body this is fun okay, this is the boy Sunnah get two players um take screenshot lightning okay um leave hey, the game crashed when I tried to start my own sound so here we are again too bye bye that's the sound you hear when you go crazy and go to hell also when the music is loud um ok make my sound really no works um so anka's origin story means it's my favorite story ok let's go on Eggman's origin I don't know what the hell this isn't a network adapter connected haha ​​was that Sonic Dream Team we're going to make a movie that's a camera giant Sonic Movie Maker ok, let's make a movie, how did you play?
prepare to be freaked out sonic dreams collection 1
English Oh balls ok move jump record grab push and pull oh ok ok ok I think I get it I think I get it ok come on I don't want to see this again scary welcome to Sonic Movie Maker left click grab scroll the other push grab object ok ok , I get it, so I can put things in the air, okay, this is weird, am I going to make my own snuff movie or porn or something? What is it? This is my nightmare. This is a real nightmare. Can I hit this and become shiny? um, what are you doing?
prepare to be freaked out sonic dreams collection 1
That's my Sonic I made, oh god, where did you go, oh god, I threw you there, okay, you have to go back to the scene, please, princess, something, Hedgehog, oh, you won't, you won't stop. Like mine is Kate's, you sit in the car, that's good, yeah, give me the camera. Wow, what's wrong with my arm? Am I made of gelatin? Right click to focus. Left click. Focus on white to record. You have to go there. to go over with the car, ok, our movie will be you were in a car accident and I think that's already happening right now, could you stop, stop, this is fun, throw the ball, dad, I love my dad, let's go home , okay?
Let's put you in a position, could you stop? Could you see well and record? oh look, he's jumping, he's going crazy, he was in a car accident, oh, there's no assault on the house, that's the end of a movie. Can I can I see my movie what a great movie the Oscars say Oscar oh god it's terrible it's happening it's a nightmare it's like a poor me oh poor me look I told you to pull the mouse wheel okay , What are you doing? a porno, stop it, it's prom night after the MIT song, he complains about what he's doing, yeah, we'll record from here, look, you guys do the stuff, okay, take the rest away, do you do any thing, lightsaber warfare, are you the ones I took out before, yeah?
I think it's okay, look at this, look away kids, that's gross, prom night, watch them dance, yeah, take a picture, you have a pineapple, what is this, you have a giant ice cream cone, you have a piece of cake, what do you plan to do? With these elements, these rules, let's dance, we promise, what is this? Okay, I've had enough of this room. No, not yet, you enter the war room with lightsabers. Are they connected, oh God? No, no, look away, you can't look at that Jesus Christ, Sonic has never been so weird that he's not primetime movie material.
Good job, thanks for talking to me or they won't turn on. That's kind of hot. Put your penis back in your pants. Now that we're in a hotel and I can still hear you, you guys are crawling. What are you doing in that hotel room? What am I going to find? They say that what happens behind closed doors stays behind closed doors. Do I dare take this camera out of there? someone is dead here who made these details Ted hahahaha tears you're not dead you're just high on your tits lol smoke weed every day. I have filters, oh the filters work like the little camera, that's nice, oh yeah, this will be like a horror movie, it'll be like spin, spin, spin, and then it's.
I'm going to cut them and each other what their absolute is, what's going on there, Jesus Christ, that's so creepy, oh god, I'm horny, okay? Tony I like role playing like Oh, what are they doing playing? That's what you guys are really doing. This is rare. This is weird you guys were playing beer pong earlier no wonder tails got up but it was prom night I guess what's going on are you bleeding? It hurts I'm out of here I'm here This is not good for me It's not good for my eyes My son has been ruined one second at a time Hey Sonic I have to go fast Am I right? haha, not in this scenario, let's watch my movie that I went to film school for six years for, oh how good, a tough nut to crack, ha ha ha, it's actually such creepy people, weird music in the background, it would work so well, so loud, we meet again, you thought you could escape from me, uh, you thought I wouldn't find out what you did right, who's laughing now?


torture with cake where is my camera?
I'm so full. Give me more where my camera is. I need my camera for this. Try using the easy grip while recording here. I bought you a Sonic hot dog. Would you like a hot dog? Here you go, eat it, hop Sonic, I have the camera, yeah, here we go, you want this, don't you, don't you, oh, we need it, we need a filter, we need it, we need it. creepy filter again you want this don't you? You don't want this Sonic eat it all boy, eat it all you want more just keep feeding them he said oh this works I don't Sonic here you go buddy right?
It's going to explode something is happening something is happening oh the thing is gone I can't fill it anymore ah man hey queues can I feed you Sonic here you go eat it eat it they say it's the next Martin Scorcese no summer scene Spielberg summer saying George Lucas but no one really cares oh guys you're so nice haha ​​I think I'll be next time uh murderer Do you make Sonic so fat that he's in the hospital now? Well, why are you? What are you Mughals hey hey? Sorry buddy, how are you? I know it hurts, I know it hurts, but it will all end soon.
Don't look at me like that, oh God, you're so big. He is looking at Eggman from behind. Just do it, just pull the plug it in ask me how to avoid rashes hello, are you guys panting? It's America, what is this game? Please stop showing the glass. I haven't broken it once yet, okay I need to do this, how do you do it? I mean, shout out a sounds good, can you use this for UM? Ah, there we go, yes, I have the ring, give me this camera, what's up? This is Independence Day. I'm so weird about this.
Let's go through all this again. really weird it's really weird they like it Finished recordings I'm leaving here fuck this this is not the same way patient rogue the bat nightcore Sorry, where am I? I don't agree with this, let's watch my movie this time. I actually think it turned out pretty good, it's like a found footage movie. I like aliens attacking and here's an alien inside it. You see his UFO. See what I mean. Award for the most ambitious film. Who breathes? Can I get the Chaos Emerald? Hello, egg, I think. What are we looking at?
What am I looking at? Where I am? It feels like something is in the dark. I can not see it. How do I light the corridor? You are following me? Please stop, please stop here. Various illuminators. Am I inside someone? It's happening I was born I just came out of Dave Amy's vagina What the hell is this? It's a great family movie of our children are born and you just didn't, sitting on the ends of the crib, you're tripping over balls here, I won't do it. better I didn't even notice you before I woke up they shake their head what is this something they don't like this I want to go out I want to go out I want to go home I don't like this I don't like this farewell party okay link I can't move where Come on, what is all this?
What was all this? on fire and there's an earthquake happening where the moon is in the background ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. I don't want to. I haven't planned everything out on this one. I probably should have split up the filmmaker stuff. He might come back to them later just to see what the hell I can do with them. Oh, this is a drug trip, Jesus.
Great, I knew the game was weird, that's what people would say, that's the reason I played it. I knew it was going to be weird, it was going to be fun to record it. I had no idea such a dark and strange twist was needed. I didn't know. he's going to be born from a giant vagina omg people anyway thank you guys so much for watching if you liked it he puts that like banana face opposite wink and hazel road thanks guys never sell your news now what do you want ? threesome oh my god, oh my god, what's wrong?
Things go through your heads and your butts in this cake come out in the air. I don't like it, I can't sleep, elite clown, I can't sleep, elite clown, me.

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