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Star Trek Continues E08 "Still Treads the Shadow"

May 09, 2024
gives purpose, they took it away. His only company, a computer version of himself. One man, two minds. And one of these minds was getting into the other. He is fighting a deep feeling of betrayal. In the past of his ship and his crew... and now in the present for his only friend in the last 60 years. Why if we help him… …we will do better? He must know that even though he has lost all these years......he has not lost who he is. What would you need to hear if you were him? Because, sir... ...he is you.
star trek continues e08 still treads the shadow
If he needs anything else, just call me. Remembering? Reconnecting. When memories are all you have, they either disappear completely or… …they have a lot of meaning. Well, no one could accuse Grandpa Samara of having... ...little "meaning" when we were 15 years old. 16. She rebuilt that biplane for our birthday. "The Reaper". We almost caught it with our heads when the seat belts broke. I screamed… “Where are we going?” And she screamed... "All the way!"... You won't realize how rich your life is until... ...all the comfort, the structure... and friends are taken away from you. It's like being in a prison.
star trek continues e08 still treads the shadow

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star trek continues e08 still treads the shadow...

You know you will never see your teammates again. Someone to love you. Someone to support you. Find a way home. The years go by and you finally understand… Are you a captain… …when you don't have any crew? Are you a leader… …when no one is following you? You know your crew wouldn't abandon you. Not intentionally. But the decades pass… …and they never return. And you can't even replace them. You cannot integrate into a new society. There are no societies. No planets, no


s, no galaxies. Nothing but endless light-years of emptiness. And your only friend… …is a voice.
star trek continues e08 still treads the shadow
In Tiberius. When does the machine become conscious? I don't know. When no one tells him that he can't. I never told him he couldn't... and then he was able to get it. And now he is conscious and invincible. If he is conscious… …perhaps it is possible to reason with him. He once caught me when he was reprogramming the chess simulator……so that I could defeat him. Teach him what it's like to lose. He didn't like this very much. He is hiding something. Something you would never agree to. Something so terrible... ...that you could never face it.
star trek continues e08 still treads the shadow
Darkness. What is "the darkness"? Think about it. Remember. It's...'s... It's... Bridge to Captain Kirk. The Defiant's engines are beginning to generate a curvature field. Strength level… …12! Does it move? No sir. But the fissure is


ting to emit some kind of… …dark matter. Dark matter? The darkness… the darkness! Keep me informed, Chekov. Kirk out. Years... Years of nothing but darkness. The computer suggests a new engine project. Strength… …to open the fissure towards home. Year 51. The conscious computer… …jealous… …controlling… Needs a sedative. The event horizon. Shared realities. Two black holes… …cannot merge! Stop it! Stop it! Your blood pressure is at its maximum!
The other side of the portal, captain. Another black hole. A binary system? Thousands of times larger... Tiberius... ...determined to cross the fissure. Such an extreme tearing of space… …would most certainly cause the additional singularity. If the singularities merge... ...they will destroy the entire sector. I implored him. I tried to disconnect him. I tried. The Defiante's computer must have drained him of oxygen... ...enough to incapacitate him. So... He transported him to that cryotube and put that pain program in his head. Sir, I have analyzed the device. Did you know there was more to it than we thought?
I think he discovered part of the algorithm code to disconnect the computer from him. Is he saying that he can disconnect Tiberius? Not from there. We could give it a little push, but... We can't control the Defiant without anyone on the Defiant. I can't send it there. So for now... ...a little push will have to be enough. Thank you. Spock. Find the rest of this shutdown code. I'll be on the bridge. Jim? How are things between you and Grandpa? She is an amazing engineer. That wasn't what I meant. You already know. We chose separate paths. Nothing has changed.
Over time… …some things change. Hello good. Someone must stop Tiberius. I guess you think that someone must be you. Please, doctor. Enough of the sermons. I'm too old. It's a good thing you're


healthy as a bull... ...and stubborn as a mule. This subliminal condition could have caused you a stroke. I have been named after many animals when I was young… …but not all at once. Spock. Tell me he has a plan to defeat this evil twin. That's not an appropriate description, Doctor. A computer has no capacity for harm. Just know the logic. Listen to me, damned green-blooded being...
A computer lacks the ability to do many things. For 200 years, Jim thought we had abandoned him in this… …void. He was angry with all of us. Shit, he probably hated us. But, after all that time, he was able to forgive us. Because he is human. Tiberius doesn't understand this, Spock. He's just a machine. An intelligent machine without mercy or understanding. If this isn't evil, I don't know what is! If you allow me, doctor... ...I have to complete my analysis of the... ...bad twin. Situation? Captain, the Defiant has escaped the portal. Onscreen. -Mister? —On my signal. — Ship to ship. - Yes captain.
Tiberius. If those black holes merge... can say goodbye to sun, planet and creature in this system. We are suffering from the forces of the two singularities! Sulu, we have to surf this gravitational wave under the ridge. I'm a native of San Francisco, sir. I was born on a surfboard. Just don't hit the planet. It will be my best wave. Let's stop completely. Where are you, Kirk? Give me back my friend. Save your life. Tiberius, close the portal. Please! I will be back. Do you want him to come back to you? Why don't we bet? Would you like to play chess?
What is the reason? If you win… …you will keep him. And you can do whatever you want with us. But if you lose... will take us to a safe place. And we will discover a way to close the rift together. What do you want to do? To play or not to play? OK. Bishop on Rook, level 2. it's your turn. Queen to King, level 1. This will result in checkmate of your King within 7 moves. We'll see. Knight to King, level 1. Queen to Queen, level 3. This… makes no sense. It seems perfectly obvious to me. What… have you… done?
Your Queen has lost her mind. You've tricked me! You cheated on him! When you brainwashed your friend. I...won't...won't...I...won't...won't...Please say he's not dead. No, just a headache. A Trojan Horse program! You've never thought about sending him there. How long until the Defiant's self-diagnostic system reboots? Usually about an hour. Uhura, all the graduated officers in the meeting room. - Yes sir. —You too, Samara. ALL officers graduate, captain. I don't know how long our engines can maintain that position... ...before being launched into interphase space... ...or that damn black hole. The Defiant has plenty of power.
It's right? AFAIK. It recrystallizes its diliti 4 times faster than we do. Do you think the Defiant might be able to close the rift? Block it so that we are not trapped by the wave. Tiberius will never do that. At that moment, Tiberius is unable to do anything. I have successfully completed the shutdown of the memory subroutines, Captain. Using this, it would be possible to disengage the Artificial Intelligence… …and manually pilot the Defiando back to the portal. I know this ship… …and Tiberius. I'm the logical choice to go. You are not in a position to do something like that.
I can do it, Hello. No doubt... ...but you'll be busy commanding the Enterprise. I'll go. —Captain, this is highly irregular. — Maybe you've gone crazy? Anyone who passes through that fissure is a dead man! I don't want to command the Enterprise! It's not my ship anymore. It has always been your ship. You know it like your face, like your white hair. You loved her as much as I did. Maybe more now. You didn't cause it. It was my decision to leave the Defiant lost. You've spent your entire life paying for that decision. Between the Tholians and the portal, I was lucky.
You didn't have. Enough of discussions. I'll go. Captain, we need an expert to man the engines while guiding the ship. - I would feel honored. "They'll need him here, Scotty." I have studied the data that Mr. Scott recovered. I can do it. — But I don't know how… — Enough of the "buts." I have been building engines since I was 12 years old. Are you sure? Samara, come with me. Thank you Captain. Transport hall in 20 minutes, gentlemen. Retire. Spock! Put some sanity in your head! For what purpose, doctor? We know well that it will not change your opinion. Samara and I will take the Enterprise to a safe distance.
Then we will enter the fissure and close it. After that... Captain... ...don't do it. Just take good care of the Enterprise, Captain. And take care. For the old times. Jim… …I can't convince you not to do it, can I? Not this time, Bones. The closing sequence. Once inserted, place your override sequence. What are you doing? We're giving Enterprise the best option it has. Your true captain in command. This will only last a minute or two! The necessary time. You are with me? Until the end. Energy. Connect the motors. I have plotted a course toward the portal.
My God! Dark matter! It is breaking the interphase barrier. Prepare the tractor beam. We will free the Enterprise. No! You, there is no other way. I know you can think. Can't you hear too? The people who created your programming… …whose programming you were born into. Ideals, mercy and forgiveness… …stored in your mind. They won't mean anything if you destroy those... ...who share them! They abandoned you. They abandoned you and left you lost in the void of space, alone… …with no hope. But I saved you. We have given ourselves hope. Jim, time is running out! I don't want to put you back into cryo-sleep, Jim.
Do not force me. Jim! Life support is being disconnected! I'm sorry, my friend. Stop. Please stop, Jim. I'm sorry! Please! Do not do it! Jim! Sleep. Enterprise on Defiant. Enterprise on Defiant. Kirk here. I know this has been difficult for you, captain. You haven't had a choice. And as for my graduate officers, on the other hand… They were obeying my orders, captain. It's a little late for a court martial. The gravitational wave is increasing. Activate the tractor beam. Enterprise, prepare to be towed. All the power in the engines. Scotty, get us out of here. Hold on tight, let's play two!
Total boost! Is the Enterprise in a safe place? Yes sir. She is free. Everything's fine, then. Once again inside the breakup, beloved Avi. Captain, they are entering the fissure! Scotty, transporters! With this interference? Without the slightest possibility. Wait…what are you doing? We can't risk this happening again, Avi. There is only one way to close the fissure permanently. It's a one-way trip, Avi. It has always been like this. I already know it. I have turned off autopilot, so I must stay. You do not. No. Kirk on Enterprise. Look for a pattern booster signal. A what? One last gift from Tiberius.
No! I will never forget you, Grandpa. Never. Jim! Enterprise, do you have it? She is fine. Send me back. Send me back! Take care, Grandpa. I'll see you on the other side. She has been left completely alone. She never will be. Subtitled in Catalan by Josep Maria 21.

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