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Aphmau Has NO EMOTIONS In Minecraft!

Mar 17, 2024
Shh we have to be sneaky one word princess twilight shines hey wait for me I have little legs make sure you like subscribe thank you now he has lost all




when a prank goes horribly wrong outmal loses all


now my friends want to help me in any way They can, but if there are no emotions, this server will find itself in a world of problems. Oh, you are the best pet ever, Mr. Bubbles, oh, you are so cute, look at you, you are the best fish, because I just caught this fish. and it's the most adorable fish in the world here's some fish food and here we go, perfect, um, uh, oh, close the door, let's see, oh, someone left me a gift, oh, my God, maybe, maybe once, eh, oh, cute, oh, okay, okay, it was a joke.
aphmau has no emotions in minecraft
It wasn't Aaron or maybe it was I don't know who it was it was probably oh my god no no oh it's not working oh no mister bubbles hey no no if you cry if you cry he'll come, you're going to go crazy what are you doing? oh the fish, oh, okay, you're hungry, oh, okay, let me take care of that, here we go, you want a fish sandwich, okay, you don't want a fish sandwich, okay, get it oh um, I'm leaving to go, I'm sorry, what happened, what happened, what is this fish sandwich, he died and then he tried to force me to eat it and it looked delicious, but I can't eat my fish friends, that's it. what this oh oh oh okay uh oh I'm so sorry abs and I don't want to feel anything anymore so you'll never want to wait anymore what uh I don't know about that I mean, I like the color gray but it's a little too much, don't you think, Mr.
aphmau has no emotions in minecraft

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aphmau has no emotions in minecraft...

Bubbles? I don't have any emotions anymore. No, no, no, no, this, this is not a good thing, I mean, you're supposed to feel things, no, it's better this way, wait, Mr. Bubbles may be gone. . but this, these things are starting to appear, but ah, um, this is weird, yeah, it's weird and it's your fault, so now I need you to keep an eye on


while I go to my lab, but there are no robots, are you okay, um, hey, half bow, uh. We're having floor time or, of course, whatever. Well, how about this? Why don't we have floor time at my house so I can know how to do things and not just sit here bored?
aphmau has no emotions in minecraft
Okay, okay, just a little further and, oh, wow, what? Is this ago? What's going on? Does this have to do with what is happening with you? Okay, you know, I don't want to touch you anymore, so let's use, come this way, wait, okay, come this way. I walk and uh don't touch anything I just need you to come in here and there we go and here we are holmes home sweet home come on down here and let's count my gold you'll sit there and uh just be a good normal


player gray while I count my goat, it's well, and one, two, three and four, I guess I'll let you, why isn't this the best?
aphmau has no emotions in minecraft
I love to do something, but what did you do, my precious gold? on the floor I told you to take care of her and take care of her, nick and poop, I don't believe it, it's okay, yeah, it's okay, just concentrate, concentrate, it's okay, listen, I've been researching the effect that Aphmau put on herself and this could be Seriously, if we don't get her emotions back in 24 hours, she'll be stuck like this forever and spread this gray effect everywhere she goes. I know, look what she did to my gold. It's mine. It's okay, we can totally rejoice. you're awake, no problem, wait, yeah, if someone can do it, we can wait, buy gold later, we have a nice little place, why do I have to do all the transportation, you do it, because I say do it , I am dinner, I don't have one. emotions, okay, listen, listen, we have a nice little place for you overlooking everything downtown and I brought you something nice and refreshing here that I think will make you feel perfectly better.
It is pure bottled concentrated sunshine. What's that? How did you get that? Don't ask questions you can't understand now go ahead and grab a sip app, okay she doesn't have gray hair anymore, she's even smaller than before now, well yeah, a little different side effect, but look, she has emotions, now He's happy again, what is he doing? maybe she's a little too happy, this is great, okay, yeah, yeah, it's working, zayn, protect me, oh okay, it's just a little problem, we might have to shake things up a little, this is a Kind of a problem, wait a minute, is he calming down, Ian?
Ian, get on it, make sure you catch it, I'll catch them all, hey, I hate when angels fall, you're telling me great, it's over, okay, let's try your idea, I have an idea too, what could you do? I have, that might work well here when I get angry, what helps cheer me up is having a snack here, I have some fries, wait, fries, yeah, they give you a little bit of a spicy sensation and it's a lot of fun, here we go, Nothing like a little hot potato to put on. you're in a good mood you don't seem to be in a good mood ian is fine, look, she's not gray anymore, yeah, but she looks like she's angry, this is anger, that's fine, right, I'm not so sure about that, oh no, It's okay, it's okay, look, she is.
It's not turning anything gray anymore, it's just not exactly setting anything on fire um uh, let's be careful here, you know, Zayn, I think we've got this under control, I can go home right now, uh, not exactly, uh guys, watch out, oh no, it's okay, look, it's not on fire anymore, what's over again, I have more chips if you want, oh, this is bad, none of these things work, okay, oh, come on, follow me, Let us be the ones to fill your dark soul with light, no, yes. I'll take her with you, do it while you're not on fire, please, okay, that looks sad, oh yeah, they look very sad, shut up now, come on, take a bite, very sad little bee, oh, I put up some tears, but hey you feel something it's better than feeling nothing at all you know it's okay to be sad sometimes you can cry a lot whoa oh wow that's a lot of tears but he has this here what's yours? what did you put on that cake ooh that's a lot of sadness okay look these cookies are pretty good too yeah this isn't the time wait don't eat mine though I mean at least it's oh we yeah really, I was going to say, hopefully at least, okay, maybe I'll smoke you soon, ah, back to Greg great, let's go back to square one, does that mean I can keep eating the snacks?
It's not right, can I try my idea? Guys, of course, what do you have in mind? Let's try to provoke another emotion. This one was given to me by Kim. This is the creepiest and scariest Minecraft. story about herobrine why don't you read it see how you feel you're going to try to scare her yeah I mean fear is an emotion there's an emotion that's emotional that's a lot of emotion she's really scared oh what are these things I mean , come on? you're the one who made her call Gray so ian at least now she's in contact with something she'll be safe up here we have to get rid of each other none of this is working maybe we should stop trying oh no no no no no, no, let's have some more cake, oh, more cake, more cake, okay, what do you think, fool?, okay, maybe we should give up, oh no, we don't, oh, we can't do that, You know, I may not have emotions. but I can get on with my day maybe I can go mining or look for something or farm or chop firewood, that's my favorite no hmm hey, yeah, hey, would you mind stepping outside for a second?
I'm really worried about you and, you know. I thought maybe you could use a little bit of water, that would be good, yeah, yeah, yeah, just a little bit like this and, bubbles liked water, remember how bubble puppies were good fish? Yeah, it was a really nice fish and I know you have to do it. spend a lot of time with him yeah yeah um hey um sorry about the fish um can I uh we can go catch another one if you want wait, when did I use this? hmm like with the fishing rod, you know that kind of thing, I'll leave you guys to go get some cookies yes, I've done it, I've done it half bad, I finally figured it out, this will bring back the excitement, like this, Are you sure there is good food? idea, oh, maybe I should have resisted, what are you doing here, not deep down, oh, don't worry, they're just going to bring all the emotions back to oh, this isn't good, a little more, baby , let the emotions take you to the I don't want any emotions I have no emotions I'm going to go to my room to take a nap could you at least help us fight these mobs first and give you some cookies?
Yes, we have another motion here. Ok, so forget about fishing, how about a nice sandwich? Oh, it's a fish, get out of here. It was a good nap. Ok, what's going on? Oh, I guess they haven't defeated the mobs yet. Wait a minute. Everything around me is gray. What's going on, guys? You know, Zane, I'm starting to think that wasn't a good idea, it seemed like a good idea at first, uh, don't worry about our app, we're just trying to deal with a lot of emotions right now. No one crazy, you really need to work on how you use your emotions and a lot of gray, wait a minute, if you're dealing with a lot of emotions right now and I have no emotions, I might be the one to help all these zombies. you're sad this is all my fault guys let me help you annie help us appreciate it because I miss being with my emotions wait a minute I'm feeling something I feel fire it's okay it's okay wait what is this guys , wait? kinda okay, I think I got it, it sure isn't like we've been doing that for the last few hours, I can't say it's all gray, yeah, okay, don't worry, I'll tell us about it, um, there that's okay , let me. just put this here and then this here oh this is cool I wonder how this could work let's see please someone help guys I'm here to help I'm trying I'm trying don't worry no no ian, stop hiding in the ditch and help. us out no, you can't make me Zayn, you can't keep generating these emotions, well I'm not doing it on purpose, it's just happening, it's all Zayn's fault, totally not mine, oh don't blame this one, it's not the moment.
Ian's got it, yeah, let's see, Zayn, give me your cannon, I think I have an idea, I want my cannon, uh, yeah, sure, here, okay, and then on the workbench, I have one, okay, stop shooting me arrows, stop dancing, perfect, okay, wait a minute, what is it? that zane we almost got them huh there's one thing there no don't worry zayn for the power of cool things I got this I wanted to keep it as a last resort in case something else worked it's a monster of emotions and I'm sorry , I panicked a little bit, I think I dealt with emotions, yeah, I would definitely say that, yeah, and you definitely gave me a new cave system under my house, you're welcome, it's over and the whole server is gray.
I can't believe this is happening. We have tried everything. Will it be like this forever? What's going on here? What happened to the center? What happened? Yes, it was very good. There was a whole problem with the gray potion. I'm not entirely sure I pulled it off, but I probably shouldn't have done it anyway. My fish died. Oh. I'm so sorry, do you want a hug? Oh, okay, what's going on? Wait, what does it look like? Yes, she feels as normal as she can be. Oh thanks guys thanks for trying you know what of course I was really sad for Mr Bobbles but I guess it's okay to be sad because things like this happen sometimes and it's just part of the circle of life and I think I feel good and my emotions are back I feel things yes everything went well you have feelings oh Aaron Ian tried to make me eat my fish.
He did what yeah, yeah, wait, no, no, no, let me explain first. I thought now we'll turn you into ground meat. At this point I think it's minced meat, don't worry. I'll make his house pretty, ah, thank god, that's for timing the half, thanks zayn. I'll finish redecorating your house too, oh yeah, come on, mine, wait, wait, wait, no, no, you didn't, no, no, I'll finish with Zayn's message. Okay, you already gave me a tease, you know what you know, everything will be fine, I'll probably find a bunch of diamonds in the new mine you just made for me and I'll be fine, okay, think of it as a new entry, right?
I want to make the bite a little deeper. Oh, I'm glad it's not my house. I guess it saves me trouble.

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