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45 Life Lessons From A 100-Year-Old

Apr 18, 2024
be constantly willing to learn knowledge is king look on the bright side of


looking for more positive things in our lives helps us change our way of thinking to a more positive one don't make important decisions when you are angry honesty is the best policy be open and sincere be willing to learn and grow your beliefs and views when presented with new information this does not make you a hypocrite it makes you someone willing to grow listening and empathy are a strength, not a weakness slow down and think before you act this will help you not make hasty decisions logic is your friend be responsible for your actions have integrity in all aspects of


be kind and compassionate do not let yourself be taken by surprise by human nature but also be willing to trust others always remember the five by five rule if it's not going to matter in five


s don't spend more than five minutes upset about it don't do things halfway don't take anything for granted you never know what life will bring you don't cling to toxic people toxic situations or stay in toxic places learn to let go it's okay to make mistakes your value is not defined by a person's inability to see your worth the distance between your dreams and reality is a matter of determination how badly do you want it?
45 life lessons from a 100 year old
Are you willing to go to the end for your dream? be honest with what you feel don't try to hide your feelings to spare others your feelings matter as much as theirs never underestimate anyone never beg for someone's acceptance pride will never get you anywhere people will always have something to say say about yourself but that doesn't mean it reflects who you are in its entirety one day you will thank yourself for not giving up don't be afraid of change because it's the only thing that is permanent be kind with your words, we never fully understand what happens in someone's life Outside of our interactions with that person, always try to be kind and gentle, admit when you're wrong, it may be hard to do, but it's always worth it.
45 life lessons from a 100 year old

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45 life lessons from a 100 year old...

In the end, surround yourself with people who bring you joy, don't let yourself be drowned by your own emotions and thoughts, thinking too much doesn't change anything, it actually creates problems that didn't exist before, we can always start over, not all the people we lose are a lost. Many of those people come into our lives to remind us that we deserve better. It's okay to see the good in someone, but never use that as an excuse for someone who doesn't treat you well. You are not a doormat. Don't let anyone treat you. like one don't settle for being an opinion always find time for the things that make you happy being alive sometimes not having closure is your closure trust that some of the best days of your life haven't happened yet you are loved no matter what pass even when you feel this is not true, this is a reminder that it is all about travel, see as much of the world as you can, this will help you see how much bigger the world is than your own backyard, forgive yourself, Forgive others for your own good, no.
45 life lessons from a 100 year old
The fact that they hold a grudge is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die because of it, in the end it hurts you learn to receive praise learn to accept criticism criticism helps you grow and gives you a way to do so look for opportunities to praise others live life to the fullest your
45 life lessons from a 100 year old

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