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How To Stay Focused on Your Vision - Lisa Nichols

Apr 10, 2024
Hello and welcome back to the Lisa Nichols Show. I love this community. I love this space because in this space we truly share the tools that we all need and deserve to live the life we ​​want. Have the dream of having the experiences first. everyone in this space realizes that we have permission to have the dream in this space we really figure out how to dream bigger than we've ever dreamed before so you may have seen one of my other shows that I'm actually talking about. and answering some questions during our mega power speaker event which was epic you should have been there and if you were there you know what I'm talking about we opened up the space for our students and our tribe to ask their burning questions about business and o talk and instead of just answering the questions at the event, we decided to open it up and answer the question for everyone because you can get value from someone's question today.
how to stay focused on your vision   lisa nichols
I'm answering Anna's question Anna, what a great question she asked, how do you






. I keep getting distracted by minor things that steal my time and energy and lead me on tangents that are not beneficial to me, my life, my


, or my business. Lisa, how can you





vision? Well, Anna, this. It took me a while to understand it because if you're a creator, if you're an entrepreneur, if you're, you know, um, if you're an artist, then it's natural for us to create now the most challenging part of being an artist, whether you're a makeup artist you are a hairdressing artist you are a videography artist you are a transformation artist you are a content artist an artist is an artist and I haven't considered myself an artist for years because I don't do dancing, singing, makeup or hair, but I realize that I'm a content artist, I'm a transformation artist, so as an artist and that's your technical skill set, it's easier to create and stay in that zone, that's the exciting part. new programs new content new focus and the space in which most of us get distracted and I am no longer distracted in this area but I had to develop this muscle I used to always get distracted, in fact, I was so distracted in my business and my vision, nor I didn't even think it was my job to do the back end, usually build the infrastructure, you know, the things we don't call exciting, build your funnels, your campaigns, build your strategies, make sure you email all the things that are the basis of the business, but it is not the art.
how to stay focused on your vision   lisa nichols

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how to stay focused on your vision lisa nichols...

I always say there are two parts to you, you are an artist and you are a CEO, the artist will always have time because it is the creative time, it is the exciting time. CEO I haven't met anyone yet who says, "Oh my God, I wake up in the morning." I get very excited when doing my numbers. I get really excited about organizing my receipts. You just don't, you just don't understand that number. One Anna is to remember that there are two parts to running a business: the technical skill set, the artist, and then there is the CEO skill set, and you have to dedicate the right amount of time to both and make the The CEO's time typically has to be double. your artist time is what I spend the least amount of time doing in my business is being on stage and speaking, the other part, when you build a solid business, you are running the business correctly and therefore you understand that first , so number one. that the things that are not exciting for you, the CEO things, you're going to want to distract yourself, so the number one challenge is and see, okay, Lisa told me this, so since it's not in the set part of technical skills, it is the fundamental part of the CEO, which is not so fun but even more necessary.
how to stay focused on your vision   lisa nichols
Number two, eliminate distractions before they appear, so set your environment to eliminate distractions, so when I come in, don't say I'm going to ignore my phone, turn off my phone, oh my gosh, turn off your phone, yeah, remember it was like we were in our 20s and 30s before the phone came into some of our lives, not everyone's, but you can live without your phone on social media so I'm very good at time management because Time management allows my entire company to own my time. What time am I using social media? What time do I return phone calls?
how to stay focused on your vision   lisa nichols
What time am I writing emails? I know it sounds super structured and I'm an artist, so the last thing artists want is structure. In fact, the first thing an artist wants is productivity and how you get productivity. Time structure, time management, allows you to do everything, so I have a great time management tool and what? What it does is it blocks time if you need 30 minutes for something, I assign it an hour and make a list of everything I need to do in a day. Now I don't do it daily, I do it for my business.
I will need to make sales every day I will need to do social media every day I will need to return phone calls I make a list of what it takes to run a business I will need to talk to partners or joint venture partners, what should they do? do in the course of a day to run the business? So, Anna, I find a time for everything on the calendar. You won't stick to it, but you'll be more structured and then you'll be done. This time you will start doing it naturally. I still know this was in 2006.
The first time management I ever did. I resisted for two years, just so you know, don't do that. My first time management. I did it on Tuesdays and Thursdays for two hours a day. from 10 to 12 I made sales calls my business grew 152 in a year why because suddenly I had allocated time for sales what is not documented it does not happen number two or three I don't know which one I'm on I'm just talking to you girl make a plan to deal with the distractions that are hardest to eliminate, so make a plan, so how do you do it?
So my son Jilani, who is now 20 years old, would come home after school and be like mom, mom. I had my time with him so I would say Jelani reconnect time and that was reconnect after school so I could listen to all the things he did at school and then I would look at what I had to do and I would say mommy, me time and I would put that at the door and underneath, mommy, there would be time available for you and I would have a time and that would be when he and I could reconnect and he would find a toy to play with, he would find a class and he would just stare he would just stare at the time and I looked at the clock digital time digital clock so I could just look but it didn't bother me until I finished that task because I communicated with it and eliminated the distraction beforehand by having a system next is to be realistic about why you let these things happen to you distract, so many times it's not the fear of failure, but it could be, if that's the case, let's do some personal development work, I know I see so many Entrepreneurs limit the growth of their business because they are trying to find a solution to Your problem in business and the challenge is not the business, the challenge is your self-esteem about who you are becoming in the business, your fear of failure. uh it's old conversations, I don't want my family to look down on me and I sacrifice so much or the fear of success for many of us, including me, wasn't what if it doesn't work out, my biggest challenge.
OMG, what if it works? The next thing is to give yourself grace. Understand that your timeline is probably too fast. Someone told me years ago, Lisa, it will cost you twice what you thought and it will take you three. times more than you thought it would take you man, I didn't believe him like you didn't know me and then it happened that my budget of a hundred thousand dollars was actually two hundred and fifty thousand dollars and you, you will be impressed. If I told you what I thought I was going to do in a year when I started, what I estimated in one year actually took me five, so have grace, give yourself grace, the next thing is to create and celebrate your micro victories so often that trying to let you know 180 degrees out there that you didn't even celebrate these two titles how to celebrate micro victories how to celebrate them send a photo make a video send it to someone you want to listen to congratulations I used to call it graduation when I graduated from my locker room, which was my first office for Four years old, my brother, are you here, can you hear me, my brother, I'm in my brother's house, like he used to watch, he used to sit and watch me in my dressing room when I graduated from a dressing room to having a dining room like it was a graduation and then from a dining room to like you know, like my pantry, a big pantry that I made like my office was everywhere but it's a real office and every time I graduated I called it graduation, so celebrate your microwaves to Next, remember your goals and why you want them, don't get caught up in why someone else wants you to have this goal, don't get caught up. in comparison benjamin franklin says that comparison will always be the thief of all your joy know your why take advantage of your why because when you get tired when you get frustrated when you get angry you will have to go back and go back to your why and do it for your why not , your challenges, your challenges will hold you back, your why will keep you going through them now, lastly, get a community of accountability, get someone you trust enough to share your big dream and then come back to that dream with milestones and how you're going to get there, so this is my big dream: I want to be a global transformational speaker, you know, over the next 12 months I want to develop my website, I want to develop my message and I want to understand my audience and then second year, I want to develop my second program, I want to start my first retreat, how to set milestones to get to that big goal, if you only have the big goal, you will never know how much progress you are making because you didn't do it. create milestones and then share your audacious goal and share your milestones with someone who is not afraid of you, someone who can see the dream with you, someone who you don't have to convert to know that you can do it and someone will be your cheerleader. and your champion on your darkest day share the entire journey with them and allow them to hold you accountable not to the person you are today but to the person you are becoming.
Okay, now remember this is not a monologue, I'm not here to entertain you, although I like the tie dye, the outfits. I am here to transform you into everything I can. I am here for your awakening. I am here to open you to new possibilities. I'm just here to be a reminder. sometimes things you already heard but now you need to hear them again, where are you right now, this is a dialogue I would love to hear, share it with me, leave me a comment and join the conversation or continue the conversation. Did this video do it for you?
What was the content of this video that you needed to hear? What was a reminder or what was the new bo-l in this community? We used bo-l advance out loud, Lisa, and then what did anyone but you say? i can relate to if that's the kind of case in yana y-a-n-a in this community we say you are not alone to let us and our tribe know that you are not alone on this journey so what part of this conversation touched your soul and then check out one of these videos for more powerful content and most importantly a better connection after all this is your home and every time you come back I want you to feel like I'm telling you, hear me say, welcome home, we are your tribe, This is a judgment-free zone, no. one can make you better than you and I am your sister in prosperity and possibilities and every time I say that I believe in you and that I love you it is not for lack of words no matter how crazy it may seem with us being Through the video vibration, I love you and believe in you.
I can't wait to see you next time. Watch the next video.

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