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Eckart von Hirschhausen: Die wundersame Macht der Gedanken | Sternstunde Philosophie | SRF Kultur

Mar 11, 2024
You believe in Magic? No, but you've probably already crossed your fingers for a friend that everything goes well, knocked on wood, or brought a lucky charm to the exam. Why do enlightened people do those things and do it? Does it really help us be happy? Great questions, but My guest today knows the tips Eckart von Hirschhausen is a medical cabaret performer and presenter and an expert on miracles. Welcome, Mr. von Hirschhausen, thank you for the invitation. Do you believe in miracles? Yes, miracles are above all what surprises us and I would like to be invited to a program on philosophy, which made me very happy and I think even scared me at first. of all philosophy and when I was a child I already wondered about medical things in the body.
eckart von hirschhausen die wundersame macht der gedanken sternstunde philosophie srf kultur
How does the headache tablet know where the head is? When you first hit the completely wrong direction of suppositories, not to mention I think it really doesn't surprise us. ourselves enough about the miracle that we are in body and mind, that does not mean things that are extraordinary as long as I can see that they are wonderful every day after things that we do not understand, yes, Jesus could turn water into wine, but every spectator It is capable of turning the entire Rhine into water overnight. I think that's at least as surprising. People asked exactly: Do you believe in miracles?
eckart von hirschhausen die wundersame macht der gedanken sternstunde philosophie srf kultur

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eckart von hirschhausen die wundersame macht der gedanken sternstunde philosophie srf kultur...

And we looked at the fair so exciting that it made me absolutely natural. I do, I think the all-encompassing one called the greatest miracle is for Mexico, where you hit the table with your Irish daughter and it's a shame that you, like a baby, grow hair and just a healthy part. I was influenced by Islam in everyday life shit got up and that's how it will be that's all for me and without a super good day in front of my father, the colleague had a friend and the family table is for example, the drawing should be other supernatural beings who do not believe and why do Christians believe?
eckart von hirschhausen die wundersame macht der gedanken sternstunde philosophie srf kultur
I have the idea that in the past complex connections were simply explained, which was then quickly traced back as the teachings were what caused and could be built. miracles in this way, I build completely different answers, a glass does not think about it, is skeptical, then someone says that a child is a miracle, maybe nature has it or then this example is an image of a deceased person who then falls Piquet was there until then, but does the example of what amounts to a miracle fit? There is a great neuropsychologist here in Switzerland, Peter Brugger, who has done a lot of research into what superstition, so to speak, or magic is like.
eckart von hirschhausen die wundersame macht der gedanken sternstunde philosophie srf kultur
Thinking is the best term to describe it, it arises in the mind and I also quoted and questioned it intensely in my book Miracles Work Wonder, it was very useful because we have to assume that our brain is designed, so to speak, to see connections everywhere and A causal relationship, i.e. cause and effect, is constantly assumed that this photo falling off the table is related in our brain to another impression, namely that today is a special day due to death. Now, as a skeptic, one has to wonder how many. Sometimes this image has been dropped before and we picked it up and left it and didn't notice because it wasn't strange.
Our brain gives meaning to things and we have to be careful, philosophy, of course, is very suitable as a method. school of thought, so to speak, or the skeptical scientific way of thinking. We have to be careful not to let our own illusion of control or cause and effect relationship get over our heads, especially when we like to do it during the days. when we are in love, for example, the whole world is enchanted, like we see signs here, a red car passes by, honey, there will also be a red car, that shows that you are thinking right now, yes, that is normal among people in love , can. get a diagnosis in psychiatry yes, that is really what we are experiencing.
In terms of their basic equipment, they are, so to speak, designed so that when the bushes shake behind them, the first thing you suspect is a dangerous animal because in evolution it made more sense to run away too much than too little and if it was only the wind then disappeared into the air. That's why we need humor, my other favorite topic, so that we can later laugh at our own fallacies, so everything makes evolutionary sense. because I can recognize these patterns and see connections where maybe eight degrees. Everyone in the audience knows this example. You think of someone and they call you or they're still there and I think I probably had to say yes, but sure.
You have to wonder, I'm going to the bathtub. Almost no one thinks and then calls and, of course, that is the best story to tell. How often do you think a non-caller would tell others? interested, that's why we are hungry for miracle stories and if you want to know what the real cause and effect relationships are, you have to approach it a little scientifically, which means I wonder how often. If someone calls, I haven't even thought about it. How many have a number and how often do I bathe? So you can figure it out a little bit and in my book Miracle Works I mainly talked about how this miracle is believed to have an incredible impact on healthcare because conventional medicine, academic medicine, has completely ignored this psychology of healing for the last 50 years. years and has always said that she is underestimated and has said that yes, yes, it is just a placebo effect.
We have eliminated the bad saying from people and people then migrated to alternative medicine and. Complementary medicine, where there is a huge and dazzling spectrum of sensible naturopathy, which is also very strong in Switzerland and Germany, and there is also, for example, scientifically verifiable herbal medicine. It's probably all too esoteric and sometimes really vital nonsense. The face of cancer-threatening medicine is called that and it actually does nothing against cancer, we'll talk about that in a moment. I'm still interested. I don't believe that all people are equally believers in miracles or that this magical thinking is more pronounced in some. people at the point of the book.
It could be that certain people are more self-centered or have personality traits that are symbiotically developed neuroticism, that they are more likely to engage with matches on purpose, so that has more or less to do with whether they are men or women tend to be more easy to induce magical thinking, he says. Russ Coop sees that he needs to talk about these things too, so to speak. Men tend to be rational first, which is why women are empathetic per se and say. He is also interested in assuming things that may be there but do not have to be said.
Children, of course, are very fond of magical thinking. I also write as my goddaughter, for example, on the topic of dancing and banging on the table and then. I hit the table and say wild table doesn't make that normal and she just keeps dancing and an adult says skin against the table, it's not mine today either. Day sits on the couch, watches ballet on television, and gets fat and dies. I think about it. It can be easily explained that this magical thinking has a very useful and positive psychological effect: it gives us the feeling in areas where we could sometimes despair due to our helplessness.
I have an influence on my life, I am effective myself. and then you hit the table and have to deal with it again instead of tearing yourself apart with accusations of yes, I shouldn't be dancing at all and that's why magical thinking is so important in three big areas: i.e. when it comes to health . and diseases, when it comes to the weather, there are also an incredible amount of rituals about how people tried to influence the weather in the past. We have fun when drums sound in Africa. They expected it and then they say in Germany: for example today it could be because I carry an umbrella because when I had an umbrella it didn't rain, yes, as if the cloud could look inside the bag and discover the umbrella and then decide to continue taking care of it, So, when you start To think about magical thinking, you often have to smile when you roll the dice, but everyone has it in some way, once it's real, so when I need a high number, I have to put a lot of energy into the dice cup until the dice.
I don't know what I want from it anymore, in everyday life it gives way, so many people said that crossing your fingers is also something like that or Lucky charms, for example, you get a chain and they were fascinating during the preparation for the broadcast in sport , so athletes have an incredible amount of rituals, up to almost any non-compulsive action in the skin of Rafael Nadal, for example, and we have put together some very nice examples and let's take a quick look at fear-inducing rituals, necromancy . and voodoo, and not only for New Zealand women's rugby, all means are good and to achieve victory, tennis star Rafael Nadal uses very specific processes when serving in order to beat the United States.
This has also been done in Africa and. Witchcraft has a permanent place and promises help in the field. A young soccer player receives the support of a voodoo priest. The blood from the newly drawn Hans should make the player's legs immune to injury. The voodoo priest writes the names of the opponents. he over the eggs and hits them. So the opponent is weakened and cursed. In Japan, winter running in the freezing cold on New Year's Eve supposedly brings good luck. Ritual in rugby apparently does not depend on gender. This show is great the way they've put it together so this magical incantation is also in medicine and something so I'm kind of trying to bring it closer in my book, we as doctors are actually in the tradition of The Healers who lubricated the leg so that nothing would happen and we no longer have chicken heads around our necks but we have a stethoscope and you use it as a signal and immediately decide with knowledge who I am, am I someone else and what is my concern .
The fact is that doctors understand when people are the way they are and especially when they are sick they are afraid of needing a ritual for an explanation of guilt issues. That's why I also write a lot of serious things. In the book, for example, it asks what you can do for yourself, that is, if you have cancer. I am writing about your friend of mine who is seriously ill with cancer and of course he does everything possible from radiation or surgery to. a healing service where I accompanied him and where I say if everything I say gives the feeling that I can contribute something to my healing, but that is good and at the end of the day it is an illusion, then I think it is a double, because for he.
It is part of his Reality and who am I surrounded by to dissuade him? So when you say that positive expectations initiate overt neurobiological chemical processes in the body and generate stress and depression, a positive expectation can be incredibly supportive of self-healing and that only becomes dangerous if others take advantage of the illusion, as I say. Here, if you take this pairing, then all your suffering will disappear and this is a huge market, so I am very clear on how to separate nonsense from the sensible use of psychology. medicine so when I sell you Corinne powder or vitamin B 17 it was not like that at all.
But there are new promises for apricot seeds to help against cancer. Please they should finally provide evidence just shut up because they are playing with people's lives. Clearly it will be dangerous for me, but until then, if you say that doctors should know much more about this, say that your words are 30 to 40 percent of the effect of the drug, then my demand is very clear that students of medicine they should do it. They learn as many hours as they learn about biochemistry and pharmacology, they should learn about communication, psychology and the development of their personality so that they know that I myself am part of the treatment and that is what happens.
In our academic system today there is practically no placebo. Effect I would like to talk to you later about the placebo effect. He himself is a miracle. There are examples. I prefer to describe myself as a skeptic, but if you say an Adolf Hitler sweater, assuming GSW was washed. and they asked me, would I wear it? I say no, I wouldn't wear it, but I wonder why, I have no explanation. Yes, where is the evil that lies between the meshes? 90 degree program. That's a good example. It's an example of something psychologists were able to do. There is an infection behind this.
There is actually an important observation about people in the past. There were absurd things. malaria called malaria Malaria We had the idea that it comes from bad air, that the mosquito in the air is the transmitter. People were not aware of that, but they still associated it with something that is transmitted there and because. If you did not know exactly where the transferable object was, then you rented objects to people who were considered evil and infectious, so in reality there are something significant behind it from an evolutionary psychological point of view and that would now be exploited everywhere in all the advertising, yes, that is every object loaded symbolically and promising me a happy life as a new person, the whole psychology of the brand It's clear, cdu medicine, so to speak, because you get the feeling of capitalism when I buy products thatThey are magically charged. by a famous person or by a brand I recognize again that I am part of something bigger, that is almost religious in the feeling that I will belong to it if I buy the right type of shoes, which is totally sick and that is why I think it helps to educate people about it, laugh about it and ask in what areas.
It is advantageous for people to use the conscious mind. An example from the East. A concern for happiness. People don't even know how much it influences their daily routines. and your unconscious mind has things that have gone wrong that are annoying, which means unhappiness, so to speak, how that is solidified by the fact that you always constantly talk about things that you can no longer change or that never happen or that we are not solution-oriented nowadays and a simple anti-ritual is, for example, writing a happiness journal at night and asking yourself specifically why I am grateful today, what happened nice today and then you train your brain to perceive and appreciate differently the things that are in the city, to always project them into this void, so to speak.
Do that. Yeah, I just did that for a while and it's amazing how you can actually practice it when you wake up in the morning. For example, a simple ritual to think about what I represent. Most people start the day with negative feelings, the first thing they think about is what the idiot did, going out at this time and that makes a difference if I say with me. now such an attitude of I'm against getting up or with an attitude. I am a big fan of Jens Corssen, wonderful trainer and trainer, now I am a friend and I listen to this well-known exercise and I say when I get up, think about Why I am getting up today and my added If nothing comes to mind, I mean the importance of the rituals.
Maybe we should talk about it briefly too. The German philosopher Hans Georg Gadamer wrote that you have to do rituals to learn how to do it. He thinks about important things, like death or birth. Many times they have their daily rituals. If you can't speak, it's a very emotional situation, it's also a micro, so to speak, there's a ritual to do and say enough is enough.' I am not lost. I just lived it. I studied medicine in Heidelberg and I think I have it too. Already around 90 and for me it is truly one of the most moving experiences of my time as a student, as a person who. is already quite fragile can be mentally alert and clear and then, without a manuscript, simply explains the philosophy and rituals in less than two hours the gala describes are very important because they give structure to our being through an anthology of narratives of beings humans.
We need stories, we constantly tell ourselves a story about why our lives have meaning and whether that is the case or not. Let others judge whether it does not belong to God and why evil exists, God knows or was. Great and I sincerely hope that there are two different cases but that it works against this constant thinking. Developing an antidote is ancient human knowledge. Buddhists were at the forefront with this mindfulness ritual with the knowledge that the quality of our thoughts affects our physique. substance and basically practiced what they do today. Neuroscience says and Marc Aurel also said a great phrase: over time the soul takes on the color of thoughts and rituals play in all healing processes but also in all religions, of course, but that is not the case.
You have to be religious at all, so he's a great role model for me. Jon Kabat Zinn also has the 18-part meditation on scientific medicine with us on the show with a colleague Barbara Bleisch and says, for example, as long as you breathe, the more you are healthy than you are sick, it's a great thing as long as you're a doctor. The sea in the healthy patient belongs to the moment when I consciously perceive three breaths. You notice again that I have an influence on how I feel. I have an influence on my thoughts. I can let them move on.
I didn't have to take everyone seriously. I can feel something that is good for me right now, so I think about why I am blessed, what I am up to. I am grateful and these are simple techniques that make me wonder why this is not a school subject if it is so good that we then give it to every burned person in the clinics at a high price after school, I think it is much smarter . It would be for us as a society to have basic knowledge about this mind-body medicine for the body and soul in nursery schools, to learn to sing, to learn to dance, to learn to resolve disputes, to learn to treat each other with love, we have so many structures.
Problems in the health system with depression and overweight, which often have psychological causes where there are no pills for it and where as doctors we are powerless and the only thing that helps is prevention and that requires training the mind to take it the same seriously. As there is specialized knowledge. A Korean German philosopher who has children in school thinks that rituals have diminished over time and are therefore very exciting because you can't speed up a processor, but you can't speed up a procession, for example, stories. , you can't just count faster. They have their own time.
You see it in a similar way, a really nice example is the Italian animal I was once in a Zen monastery and there is a ritual about how to brew green tea and therefore Speak, in my hectic Western thought, sit next to people, older people, only now, he bags Tanja. And if you understand, the point of the ritual is to slow down the perception of time and if you actually do that with a teapot and a bag, the whole point will be ruined, but that's just for now. I find this theory very interesting and I also wonder how much time we give a topic for an uninterrupted process.
This digital world is a world of constant distraction, so I have my phone right. now my cell phone is up but otherwise I would always be tempted to look, I have a new SMS I have a new email it has to react in some way and as a result our mind is constantly in a stress mode in a reaction mode and rituals like the digital detox, that is to say turning off the thing and not taking it to the room For days it was alone or for hours it was easy to say no, it's me who serves, that becomes more and more important the more stressed we are, that's why it's a ritual, if you will, a feeling of enjoying life now in the present and that is actually the greatest effect we have on time, because as banal as it may seem, appreciating the moment and being in control again, not being distracted. and externally controlled all the time, let's leave it a little now about the amount of time and the medicine.
First of all, we'll have to see it. About 40 minutes of belief in magic are still enough. The game is back now. Normally, it would have been a long time ago. At least you have the laptops and can just take a break, like take a deep breath. We have an eternity, we cannot last long enough as is evident. as a magician, but there is great honor in esotericism and alternative medicine. In some ways there is a lot of placebo effect from hanging your hands to sleeping and even kinesiology, homeopathy, acupuncture, and in fact I want you to know first if you.
I think this is all nonsense from a scientific point of view or if there is something to it, for example, homeopathy in Berlin Bresserberg, a child likes the way it looks, then five mothers come running to the Annika C30 globules because it calms a lot to mothers, sometimes I think. something The child really learns in the worst case scenario that you have to intervene with something every time he feels pain and that is actually conditioning that I would not support at all. When I fell as a child, my mother held me in her arms. , he blew at me and said, look, oh, flying through the window is cheaper, yes and I saw the car flying through the closed windows and that for me is an example of how healing or calm and security can be transmitted again with a ritual but especially with the ritual of taking care of a child and even if I, as an adult, no longer believe in blowing, it would be a failure to help the child get out of the Rhine smart ass not to blow, that is, if this discussion and saying that it can nationalistically based on the evidence, then it is completely clear that these blood cells have no active substances.
If you try it around 2 p.m. m., there is nothing wrong with it, there is no way to say it, there are 1000 studies to strangle, we don't do it. I don't have to investigate further, it has been clear for a long time that a sip of water does, but that is the power of ritual and above all the power of conversation Say yes to the value that is created and I also did the research for my reserve myself. He wanted to know how I felt. I was with a very good hunger companion. This conversation was great.
Yeah, that was good for me. He asked me questions about where I should be thinking and how I am doing with myself. so I read to vent where what I and so on is essentially a form of a little bit of psychotherapy and the balls, so to speak, are the reminder for me to keep going and one of the craziest studies I know in the world. area of ​​​​Harvard professor Tkachuk gave a placebo to people with stomach pain and told them it was a placebo he did not deceive them at all he did not say that there were highly effective people the citizens said to take it anyway they know this is half You have to say that it was good for me, I mean, I think this ritual will go well for me and I take some time for myself and focus on what I want, that's great and that's why you should also take blood pressure medication.
First of all, explain to the patient why you are taking what you are taking, what is happening in your body and how to take it, not just casually and irregularly and I have to go now, but rather stand in front of a mirror and take it in. peace. Thank God they only say this in the 21st century, when we do things that can prevent the way millions of people were murdered in the past. I'm glad this was recognized in time, that I can lose my weight. blood pressure, that will be good for me Zack, you have a completely different attitude and a higher likelihood that people will also take the things that benefit them and that as a doctor she shouldn't tell you too much about the risks and besides the fact that we are doing exactly the wrong thing to them.
There are effective medicines for many common diseases, but half of them are not taken, because the people of Praxl, young god, are totally poisonous, often you already know what they are. It is often said in the prospectus. No, I'm lying very well. A percentage of the system, it would be said for a footballer if he has ten penalties and has scored one. Nobody would talk like that. what the language means The leaflet is completely far from reality or our general understanding of these words and that is just a condition of Cebu, so 11 scary and has an important role for the lawyers of the pharmaceutical companies, but not for the patient now these terms.
The placebo arrived and what exactly it is, let's see it very briefly in a paper. Test subjects receive painkiller morphine on the first day, but the doctor says it's just a saline solution, so patients have no expectations because. Morphine is actually a very powerful pain reliever, but it still works. According to its pharmaceutical effect, on the second day the subjects receive morphine as before, but now the doctor also says so. Knowledge and the effect of morphine lead to a positive effect. expectation and suddenly the morphine has an effect twice as strong: that is, the placebo effect on the third day, says the doctor.
He stopped the infusion, which actually creates negative expectations, but if the infusion continues, the doctor's words only mean that the effect of morphine is completely absent, that is the OCB effect well explained yes, it is somehow fascinating, like related to the mind and the body, I am happy that only philosophers have an expectation, a positive or negative expectation, consequences of what happens in our body in the brain, what I think is so good about the article is that it comes from this corner of deception, so you always think there is a placebo. These are not fictitious medications, as we just learned. , these are real drugs that have a biochemical effect and the negative expectation or expectations still come and are deduced from them and that is why they have the effect on us. brain, this separation between thoughts and neural networks is no longer valid Anyway, so how do we have transmitters, do we have hormones, do we have fear, do we have the reward system, so to speak, that positive feelings are reflected in a different brain? chemistry, water is the cause or something not, but in use about whether there is a spirit independent of matter, do you think?
I wish it. I'm ready, it's not like that either. It is not from Berthold Russell, the great skeptic who was asked. the great answer before she was always an atheist comes after her death in heaven and meets God, what would you say to her and says you could have shown more, but as long as we are on earth and we criminally neglect our spirit, what are the odds? There I am very much in favor of those who use these positive expectancy effects. I will give an example from the Middle Ages. They didn't have any medicine. What did the people do?
They wrote a phrase from the Bible. notes and swallowed them toabsorb the power of words and sometimes I think what will happen if people don't swallow the tablet the pamphlet was an interesting experiment or not so good in your beautiful book new book miracles make miracles you have list Ten things we probably don't know about placebos and Two in particular seem very interesting to me: first, placebos work. Even if you know there are some, you've already heard that what you find won't be of interest to you. Even more exciting is that the phrase is that only about 20 percent, that is, one fifth of conventional medicine, has been shown to be more effective than placebos, yes, and that is an incredible claim.
Then also about my own knee operation, where I subsequently came across a study that should give us all something to think about. Patients who were scheduled for knee surgeries were also tested with a placebo, as well as a drug used against a placebo. Fake operations were tried and then you faked the knee operation. I made an incision in the skin and then sewed it back together. The knee turned and that, of course, was behind the cloth and at the same time you saw videos, so to speak, supposedly live images, but of course stable. I thought it was your own little one, your own work in the crisis was so good from the inside that it turned out different, that's why 100 percent of the people were convinced that they were operated on, half were not at all and the shocking thing is that in In the long term there is no difference between these groups, that is, to generate expectations, an operation was performed, a magical act was performed, in this case it is better, of course, having acute blindness is something different and Of course, in the case In the case of a comminuted fracture, there is also clear evidence that it is better to operate than to do nothing, but it must be stated that a good part of what we do today is also like that.
Still like academic medicine, every day. in clinics for an incredible amount of money, it doesn't do any better than placebo and that's why I kept changing my perspective on Miracles Work because I said, I don't want to say it doesn't beat conventional medicine As an alternative, explain where the idea comes from historically, for example, from romanticism, from this desire for rituals, there are these clean remedies, there is the blue flower, there is the homeopathic remedy that is just for me, so there are many more. The romantic spirit is also present, the philosophy is technical and that is why this dispute about the right path, so to speak, is also very old.
Homeopathy, founded by Hahnemann Pipapo more than 250 years ago, did not only emerge in the 1970s. ago, and a part of what we have always considered scientific, so to speak, did not want to look at medicine scientifically and that is clear to the following people and that is why I think my book helps to guide people and also to protect from a excessive use of meaningless medications. I recommend you ask five questions before an important procedure. Do I need to be clear? The first question is where is the benefit? Sometimes you have to explain the benefit to me as a patient, not to me. the clinic that does the billing the second question is where is the damage?
How often does what you want not come out? How often are there infections, bleeding, side effects? The third big question, where is the proof that your hobby is what you simply like? operating, professor or is that professional society guidelines there is a big difference just ask four, what happens if we wait and see even with something like that where you think you have to do something, how prostate cancer tends to be small if you don't It doesn't grow quickly, leave men alone, then they will die of heart attacks and strokes, that affects a lot more people and the prostate is not a problem at all until the end of their lives, but then we can still have sex. and go to the bathroom.
Go whenever you want and have a much better quality of life, which means that now we have to protect people from the invasion of medicine and the fifth thing is to look them straight in the eyes and tell them that you would do what you are doing. recommending yourself in my own life situation and then having the doctor explain again what the medicine is really for: empathetic support for patients on their journey through life and that can also mean not treating, that can also be a good call, but if only 20 percent of doctors are better than placebos, then you should eliminate 80 percent and use placebos.
You would have a lot of money to persuade for prevention for children, for seniors, for on-site medicine, so to speak, for lifestyle changes, because that is the biggest lever you need. I don't have no but In my new reality show, I make something clear to people: when when when we always think subjectively, we have an infinite amount of time and my body can handle everything, a girl born today has 50 percent of possibilities of being 100 years old than 100 cm here men are not that long here we have something like that you feel safe that means you will I will tell you how old you are 33 you can do that at home Of course thoughts add up to 33 that here we I like it that way and if you needed it you would play with this part of your life and thank God you don't need it but what I tell people who smoke, really think about it and write it down. everything down in this remaining time things that are important to you, what I want to live, what I want to grow old for, what I want to do to keep my body healthy, that you have a positive goal and be a No smoking is not a positive goal in you, a non-smoker sounds like a non-swimmer, it sounds like you haven't reached the smoker, so language is the origin of our thoughts and you need it visually, you need it. sensually and then there are consequences for your lifestyle and this preventive medicine is the second part where I say that we can do many miracles in our daily life by doing little things, for example, I always decided not to move anymore and I always could.
I didn't make it and at some point I got my phone bill and said how many minutes I'm on the phone, then I realized it's because I can use cell phones while moving and I'm going to talk now about the second conversation only once about painting and I automatically have at least 20 minutes of walking every day yes, it is small things that make a big difference in the long term, you can see why you talk like that you have a great concern if you too a large population reaches an incredible number of people it they make in the best sense of the word infotainment lighting humorous cabaret packaging very easy to understand his father was a priest my father was not even his grandfather when he was 12 years old he was the first to establish natural sciences against avatar whose ancestors were all driving factors.
Actually, I received a bit of this Protestant spirit from birth, namely that our talents are there to be used not only by ourselves but also by others. My mother, of course, had one too. a strong influence on me The fact that my family is stratified I think that is also what we in Western Europe should always remember, how many millions of people have already been successfully integrated and how we have always had a migratory movement, voluntary and involuntary . refugees, who were in the Baltic States, they were Baltic Germans in Estonia, so my mother said different things, they were first affected here in Germany when they were studying, but they came to Germany in 1945 and they had lost everything and I think my concern for Luck also influenced this experience, which played a role in family history.
Rainer measures integrated, that is, if you can lose everything material and suddenly everything disappears and the only thing left is your life, then we are left with two things, viz. What skills do you have, what do you say in your head and what do you have in your heart? It doesn't include friendships, social ties, family and that's why I also think that that was always a concern for me, to say that it is part of our culture and our attitude. Hectic and greedy and everything is a competition and you always have to be the number one to do it.
People are so sick and we have to remind ourselves how little we really need to be happy. Even worse than the Swiss. In surveys, the Swiss are always more satisfied than the Germans, which is why I am here today to learn. Although I have a lot, yes, but the Swiss have a much stronger awareness of democracy and autonomy. determination, collective values, so they have some things that are actually technically cheap, that they could do without when they talk, so I'm referring to this idea of ​​renunciation. In some very strange way today, people sometimes do so temporarily digitally conversations that For example, they no longer have a first edition, but both historians of all Antiquity reaccept the idea, Epicor considers this minister of frugality is very important, what specifically can you do without or was it high?
I didn't want to miss my way to the studio and I was tempted to go to the nearest chocolate shop and take the Swiss delicacies home, but I'm currently experimenting with intermittent fasting: that's the idea that you can have dinner, for example stop having breakfast and postpone breakfast and what is good for the body is to have a longer rest where you leave the pancreas, the liver and the ladies alone and look, man, I can go 16 hours without eating. It doesn't hurt me at all and that of course is also an ancient spiritual technique: learning what not to give up at all, what I think, what I need, what I really need and that makes you very happy. happy and you lose weight in the process.
I have already lost ten kilos like this. We talk about luck. There is a nice story about the technical physicist. I think it's incredibly good. There are different versions. a horseshoe above his door and then they asked him, as an enlightened scientist, why do you think that? Then he said: I don't believe in it, but they told me it works even if I don't believe in it. , which shows how these paradoxes, this difficulty, on the one hand, this positive thinking that scientifically demonstrates helps us in everyday life, but on other occasions they also do so. This skepticism that we adults have, that we have about tar people and maybe us.
I can't believe in these things anymore. I think the great thing about love stories is that we can consciously change, so thinking about where and when to make decisions in life is incredibly important. Not just decide based on feelings, but based on evidence. Scientific situation, statistics, as sexy as it sounds, the reputation of the Swiss best-selling author is not either. Canon has written a lot about this, which shows that errors in thinking arise and I think it is important that we learn to say so. that it is better to do it in school or very early in life, what kind of thinking is appropriate and important and you simply have a parent who you can change from rational to emotional, someone who knows things well can be a good counselor, i.e. , an experienced doctor who has been dealing with a clinical condition for 20 years, who has this diagnostic eye, someone walks in and knows in seconds what is happening, that is not the case.
I would also trust a gut feeling because it is based on a lot of experience and knowledge, but if someone says that I hold a pendulum in my hand and I know which medicine is best for me now, that is nonsense and you have to know how to differentiate, I mean this thing positive that still interests me. Positive thinking, let's stick with it for a moment. Positive thinking is a difficult term because there is a lot of esoteric nonsense under this banner, so the best term is positive psychology and interestingly the best place in Europe is Willibald here in.
Zurich ruch is the psychologist who knows this best and has also done a lot of research on humor, for example, because positive psychology is about what promotes resilience, that is, what makes us stronger, so the psychoanalytic tradition in a phrase: if someone has a screw loose, it's because My mother always emphasizes what we all learn from bad experiences and positive psychology said, man, why are there so many people who have experienced terrible things but they don't break because of it, But maybe they even become stronger because of it? And I find that It's really exciting, but it also has a downside, that is, high expectations, positive expectations, and that is a big obstacle to being happy.
I realize that I simply have too high expectations not only of the world but also of myself. somehow that or finding the middle ground is what I'm really very difficult with who I'm also with who on average the art of living philosopher he was he was already here once he planted a nice phrase on the back of my neck he says no Let's say that 80 percent of days are everyday life, so don't think like that. Today must be the happiest day of my life. Raising these expectations forever is actually an absolute anti-recipe for happiness, and happiness isn't something you should directly aspire to, but.
It's actually a side effect of a full, coherence-oriented life like this. In the context of which, health research means my personal values, my objectives are in accordance with what I do, I have thefeeling that I have an influence on my life. Life, I am not a victim, I shape it. These are all things that are actually scientifically proven. And that's a completely different thing than me ordering everything I want in the universe and then it happens, that's nonsense, but giving people the feeling that areas of my life that you can influence and over that, that It's a way to practice it.
It's not easy either and that's something that's also reassuring because you can take the horseshoe for it. For many people, life satisfaction is a curve, which means. in your time I'm probably here right now, but it's getting better, it's this The world is 50 stable this year, that's what it's called, so to speak, this is the lowest point, it's the rush hour of life. just starting a career. You have a young family. You have 1000 things that attract you and you are freer before and after. There is a nice Jewish joke: the wait, says the Protestant, with the implantation of the egg.
He says no, sir, colleague, and with the fertilized egg, and in my opinion, life begins when the children are away from home and the dog is dead, and there is something in that. It goes uphill if we understand life as a process of maturation, if we are more relaxed and now happy, if we do not hold grudges and look backwards but accept the fullness of life with its ups and downs, then let's have a hot knife at the end. That is good and finally a little about humor and How to laugh. I'm very happy to talk about it.
You probably have a favorite joke after many that I make with my foundation. Currently there are several studies on the role that humor plays scientifically and also supports us. , among other things Here is the University of Zurich and that must be very healthy, we participated with Jenny Hoffmann and Willibald Ruch and were able to organize humor seminars, for example for the nursing staff, and demonstrate that dealing with them is something like how I deal with myself, how I get in touch. How do I bring my personality? What do I really like about humor? Which has a positive effect on the stress level and customer satisfaction. rest of the patient and that is something that was not taken seriously in medicine for a long time and that is how humor was seen helps heal my foundation a serious concern to say that it started with the clowns in the hospital that is what Theodora training does in Switzerland is exemplary, that is why there are no projects in Switzerland but in Germany and it is always about workshops and scientific support in this regard and we are doing a project in palliative medicine where we deal with people who have life-threatening illnesses and who know that I don't have much left time and I told a joke to a man who was lying in front of me and I knew he didn't have much time left.
A man jumps from the plane's parachute and wants to sail with the parachute. the land, during the first long time nothing happened, thank God I have the rescue parachute and I pull the second long time and again nothing happens and the unbridled race towards the depths and I think that was all, now my last hour has arrived . Suddenly he sees another man trapped on the ground coming towards me in the air. Mandela immediately laughed and understood that coolness of course means we are all in free fall. Yes, we come from dust and we become dust. That's why most people think that. life must consist of raising a lot of dust and we can get along well But in these existential moments we can despair because we can laugh about it and that's what laughter is for so as not to despair Tears that you have made a gift.
We no longer have to cry and they create humor and the jokes have a revealing function in the whole thing. The book teaches us that we have to rethink and let go of old thinking patterns, think creatively, etc. That is one thing and the other. It distances us from the world and also from ourselves and someone who gives an example of this is the Dalai Lama and we have prepared a scene that is quite funny and even short, yes, it looks like you have an incredible amount. It is a painful experience for your country and you could also say that if the style is not yet free and the destruction of culture is increasing, why are you laughing at it?
Yes, he doesn't laugh about it, but he tries. keep your spirit up, so to speak, and that is a different attitude and that, of course, causes a lot of misunderstandings, but as we just saw, of course, it is also contagious and it is also something exemplary for the world and for me alone I learned to appreciate this connection between humor and knowledge over time. Humor quickly becomes something like that for many people. Yes, that's superficial, but first let's get back to the gravity of the situation and I say no, that's a reason to dismiss humor, so.
So to speak, because humor is actually there for us to enjoy correcting our own assumptions about the world. So philosophically, the Greeks and Kant and all the greats said that every laugh is a small insight. So this disregard for humor is a very German thing. I don't know what it's like in Switzerland. I think we have a solid sense of humor, yes, but of course it varies from person to person, but now I'm learning I was already involved in magic when I was a. boy, and there's this knowledge in the jokes. It's often just a trick of the senses and it's a stable pen and if you leave it behind it goes out, so whoever is looking now someone always says that the hand is faster than the eye, otherwise you would.
I don't have blue eyes but see if you can see maybe it won't disappear 12 look closely 3 OMG and where is it behind the ear Humor is the change of perspective, that means if not in the same trick you would show 123, you will win Don't worry let it fool you for a second, you're fooling, but that means I'm fooling your mind because the moment two things happen twice in a row, thinking who it is now I understand how it works the third time, that's exactly what will happen. It happens then we create an expectation which is then disappointed and you can get angry or laugh at it and in that moment I understand it, we humans love deception more than deception but we get closer to the truth through deception until the end of time. a deception you also understand that they are magic jokes and everything we look at briefly but your laughter leaves a path to knowledge and knowledge can be fun.
Since their disappointment here is funny, they wanted to do a good trick with their money. He was too. a master of magic and a couple. He was always bending spoons and of course he always had them in his hand. I wanted to show that this change is possible. You can also fold them without having them in your hand, you're disgusting, it's okay. For the Sunday morning program, it is also clear where my God is when death comes and he says I have to stop him from trying to surprise me and Liberto says that's not a thing.
That's what the girl is for. Yes, you can have humor. That is the reassuring message here in Zurich too. Researched in Zurich. Model humor can be learned by specifically surrounding yourself with people with humor. React and say it yourself. You can also bring appreciation for this into your life with your humor journal. 33 Write down well. things I took pictures again with my cell phone on the way here from the shops in Zurich there are laundry facilities writing pads 342 yes - like a special offer and I thought, man, that's exactly where this sock the family had in The washing machine always disappears and reappears, so you can train, so to speak, in the world to discover fun things and that's in the books.
I also have many of these snapshots, I think the photo is included in them. telling people, watching and learning, so to speak, from this change of perspective and of course dealing with children is great too. A six-year-old boy said in the humorous exchange study that he can never miss anything again. knowing where it is somewhere is not clothing for those looking for yes we adults say where it is somewhere and he says you will never be able to go for anything again if you know where it is somewhere now we have it Already at the end of time, a last question at the beginning you said that the philosophers Plato and Aristotle also said this wonder, amazement, this is where it all begins, they are the most surprised in the world, yes, how we put the foundations of our life at risk even though we are so endowed with intelligence that we are currently putting democracy at stake.
We are putting the future of the planet at risk with a completely idiotic consumption of resources. We are putting all our lives at risk with nuclear weapons. Even think of a joke, but I'm one of Willigi's hunters in the zen master said two planets the earth and venus meet venus he says to the earth man you look bad then he said I have failed homo sapiens the venus is happening but we have To take advantage of the conversation about many possible successors, there is hope, yes, and until the end. Finally, a little secret. I can also do a little magic.
Maybe you can say goodbye for a moment and then we'll call it a day. Yes, and now Sternstunde Art will follow up with a film about the Swiss comedy duo without Rolf and after. Next week is all about humor. All information about next week can be found online at swr3 dot ch. Next Sunday we will screen one. Special program here from 10 to 12 hours on an unfortunately very serious topic: the war in Syria, some deep reflections on the history of the conflict and the humanitarian emergency. You shouldn't miss this in situ, but first I wish you all a nice Sunday

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