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JJ's DIAMOND Submarine vs Mikey's EMERALD Submarine Build Battle in Minecraft - Maizen

Jun 03, 2024
In this video Mikey and I decided to spend our money at a marine store, we saw a lot of


s and decided to buy them. We will go looking for treasure on an abandoned pirate ship that, according to one man's stories, has many Will the seller deceive us? Will we be able to face the difficulties of the underwater world? Look at this video. Yes, Mikey and I arrived at the port. I wonder if Mikey knows what we're doing here today because I took a lot of money. with me hey Mikey how do you like it here what do you think we will do in this port today JJ I really don't understand why we are here there is nothing interesting here containers construction cranes why are we here uh today you and I will buy


s I took a lot of money to be able buy one for you and me let's go find where the submarine seller is oh look it looks like a cafeteria inside a truck wow I didn't expect to see this right at the Port let's order something hello would you like to order some cookies oh great I'll prepare your order now yes JJ I will have the cookies thanks for ordering them for me I won't have coffee it might give me a lot of energy okay Mikey I won't order anything.
jj s diamond submarine vs mikey s emerald submarine build battle in minecraft   maizen
I'm not hungry, so I wonder if we are on the right path and if we can find submarines on this path. I'll ask the cafeteria employee. He probably knows it. Thanks for the cookies, JJ. Hey? you know where the place is with the submarines, yes you should go to your left and you will immediately see the submarines, have a good day, Mikey, come on, oh, here are all the submarines. Marines, wow, there are so many we'll probably have. There is a problem with the choice, but it's okay, we will choose the best available, come on now JJ.
jj s diamond submarine vs mikey s emerald submarine build battle in minecraft   maizen

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jj s diamond submarine vs mikey s emerald submarine build battle in minecraft maizen...

I can't wait to see all these submarines. Do we really have enough money to pay for them? Yes, Mikey, we have about 100 million. We definitely can. bought the two most expensive and coolest trays oh, it looks like this is the seller of these subs. I need to ask you for help. look for an iron submarine and then a gold one, which is better. I wonder, let's talk to the seller so he can help. we choose the best option hello you have come here to buy a submarine hello yes we want to buy two of the best submarines you have don't worry about money we definitely have enough we are very rich great I heard you I suggest you first familiarize yourself with the entire range available, we have submarines for every taste and color on the stand behind you there are more budget models, they are intended for hobbyists, but on that side there are two of the coolest submarines, one made of


s and the second made of


s differ from each other Okay, we'll look at them and when we decide which one we've chosen we'll come back to you to pay great while you choose, I'll go buy me some more coffee, be careful not to break yourself. anything, don't worry, everything will be fine, so Mikey, now it's time to choose which submarine to choose, have you already looked at something which submarine do you like the most of all all the submarines that Mar in this booth are great, I like them?
jj s diamond submarine vs mikey s emerald submarine build battle in minecraft   maizen
The stone ones seem to me to be within my means because I don't have enough money for more expensive models Mikey, you don't seem to understand what I said, I have enough money to buy an expensive submarine. Both for me and for you, you understand? I can even buy these two submarines, gold and iron, with change, let's see something more expensive and cool, oh no, this is clearly not our option. I can buy as many of these stone submarines that we can replace. the submarine once a week with a new one for the rest of our lives and I think the stone submarine is cool, well if you say we can buy the coolest submarines then let's move on to the next two.
jj s diamond submarine vs mikey s emerald submarine build battle in minecraft   maizen
I think I'll choose Emerald. one of my favorite colors green like me I am a turtle and I will choose this


one is more expensive than yours but your option is still great Mikey thank you JJ you are a true friend with whom we can have a lot of fun these submarines your submarine costs 10 million and how much is it I wonder about mine but mine costs 50 million we have just enough for this great we are waiting for a distributor of these submarines to buy them wow JJ your diamond submarine is huge I think you could fit an entire house in it so I see that you have already chosen, dear customers, which submarine you chose.
We have chosen the diamond and


submarines and we want to buy them right now. We have the money with us. pay in cash okay, it will cost 10 million plus 50 million for a total of 60 million, are you sure you have that amount of money? Yes, of course, we even have a little more. Here's the money. Keep him. How long do we have to wait for our submarines? We can't wait to try them underwater and find some adventure. Yes, tell us, distributor, how long will it take to be delivered to our port? I have been dreaming of a submarine for a long time and every day of waiting I will suffer, okay? you counted all your money your submarines will be delivered to you during the day the work is finished your submarines are ready to leave thank you for your purchase I also made bridges for you to your submarines before setting sail you will have to remove them no don't forget it Mikey what a good service I like it This moving company is a very kind person.
It's not for nothing that we chose this submarine company. I'm very happy. I have a proposal for you. You approach my truck. I'll tell you something. Come on JJ, they probably have some kind of gift for us from the company. so what kind of request would you like to discuss if you are talking about additional services? Thanks, we don't need it. No, I have something better. I have an underwater map. pirate treasure my father dreamed of finding it but he didn't succeed and I inherited this map if you find the treasure my father's dream will come true also the treasures you can find will be yours but they are guarded by a huge shark that I killed my father be careful goodbye Come on Mikey, can you imagine that we just bought our submarines and we already have an adventure that we can continue?
You agree to become a treasure hunter with me with our submarines we will be able to dive to great depths and We will be able to take all the treasures this man was talking about JJ of course I will always be with you for any adventure especially one with submarines and treasures but first Before we leave, let's configure our submarines from the inside. Here we have prepared two. chests for each of the submarines what we use in these chests to improve our lives inside the submarines let's see what we have here. I have a big anchor here, it's really huge.
It can hold my submarine so it doesn't float and stay put. instead my chest also contains a steering wheel a diving platform a fishing net and food supplies to last a long time let's see what you have here Mikey, do you really want to use this for your submarine? JJ, this is the best decoration for my submarine. I have cobwebs and sticks. I can use them to make anything, like ceiling decorations or cool clothing, and I have cakes too. I really love cakes and this is food so I also stocked up on food for my sub okay Mikey this is your sub now.
It's up to you to decide and I will start equipping my diamond submarine. I think it is worth installing fishing nets so that if something happens, I have a backup source of food and I definitely won't face the problem of hunger next. I will put a diving board if my submarine is on the surface of the water, then I can use it to have fun and enjoy the nice sea water. The main thing is not to forget about this when diving into a submarine, otherwise the water will wash away this board and I will never see it again.
Now I'll install a steering wheel on my submarine so I can control which direction it goes and the last thing I have left to do is put my food supplies somewhere. I think it is the safest. The place will be here, although I prefer to go to the end of the submarine, that is where my warehouse is. I have two barrels of apples, a barrel of carrots, a box of corn and a box of potatoes, this is a good supply of food. Mikey obviously won. By the way, I won't be able to last long with his cakes, now that I'm done, it's time to see how Mikey is doing.
I can't even imagine what he came up with. Mikey, like he always put the cake in the most unusual place. on top of his submarine maybe I was planning to attract fish to his submarine JJ I was wondering how you were doing look what I finished setting up my submarine How do you like it? It doesn't look as bad as I imagined. Of course, I don't really understand why you need cobwebs everywhere, but hey, it's your choice, wait, what is this? Are you going to fuel your submarine's engine with cakes? No, JJ. I just wanted to warm them up a little and the motors generate a lot of heat. and I will always eat food at the perfect temperature, okay Mikey, that's great, but it's time for us to move.
The adventure does not wait. Now I will remove the wooden bridges between the dock and our submarines. This is your last chance to set foot on land Mikey, everything is fine JJ, I'm ready to go, my submarine is completely ready, okay Mikey, I'll start the engine and we'll go straight to the underwater treasures. I hope we don't encounter any sharks other than man. He was talking, although even if we do what he will do to us, we have the most expensive and coolest submarines. Yeah JJ, no point in worrying, even the strongest shark won't break our cool subs.
Mikey, we can't find this place we need. look at the map again and check our calculations maybe we swam in the wrong direction or missed something. I dropped anchor so now we can safely climb to the surface of the submarines, nothing threatens us while we are on top of our submarines. I rode the sub right next to you so we can visit each other JJ, let's climb to the top of our subs. I see you, Mikey, wait, how come that cake at the entrance to your sub stayed in place after we dove? Incredible, I've never done it. seen something like this maybe Mikey knows something about cakes or he got lucky again let's look at our map JJ there's something I can't figure out it looks like we were navigating correctly but there isn't a boat or a shark nearby nothing adds up look judging by the map already we're close there's an error of like a couple of meters I don't understand anything oh wait did you hear that Mikey what was it was my submarine that made that sound I don't know maybe we'll see some fish Hit the submarines Helmet I don't see anything yet oh no Mikey I think I saw a huge fin This is a shark A huge shark It fits the description the man in the truck said What do we do?
Are we going to eat? this shark we urgently need to come up with a plan, let's hide in My Submarine for now JJ, come quickly before this shark hits the submarine with its big body and we capsize, it will be safe inside, so Mikey, when we were collecting the equipment for our submarine, I forgot the main thing about the weapons we should do now and how to defend ourselves I only have arrows in my submarine this is what I have in my submarine I don't know how we will defend ourselves with this these could be our last moments JJ you were a good friend Mikey Don't worry, I came up with a plan to save us.
I will make a bow with your materials. Sorry for badmouthing your stuff that you provide the sub with. With your help we will do it. Now Save Our Lives I will make two bows for us and with your help we will fight this shark. How smart you are JJ. I would never have thought of making a bow for my materials. Great, let's show this shark who is the strongest in this ocean. and that the treasures will be ours alone hey shark you get shot with an arrow Mikey come on shoot the shark together we will be even more effective defending our ship if everything goes as planned we might even be able to have dinner with this shark Oh. no, I fell into the water, the main thing is to get out quickly, otherwise the sharks will smell me and want to eat me, come on, Mikey, don't stop, maybe we will have to defend ourselves for a long time, but the main thing is not to lose. heart and continue shooting with a bow JJ Looks like we did it the shark got scared and swam away great now the treasures will be ours alone and no shark will bother us sorry Mikey, apparently you're bad, objects like sticks and nets saved our lives, it's okay JJ I'll never be offended for you, go get the treasures Mikey, as soon as the shark swam away we immediately saw this treasure ship the man was talking about, apparently the shark created the illusion that there was nothing here.
I wonder how it turned out. That way, Mikey, it's time to dive and get down to this treasure ship. Great, JJ, let's get ready and put on oxygen masks and oxygen tanks and wait. I'm a turtle, I can swim underwater and I don't need equipment, just remember to do it. Put your gear on JJ yeah, thanks for reminding me Mikey. I already have my oxygen tank and mask on, so we climb out of the submarine into the water and swim towards the sunken treasure ship. I wonder if we will see enemies or ghosts. There were probably pirates on this boat, be careful JJ, don't forget that we didn't kill the shark and it can return at any moment, so let's do everything quickly and don't get distracted by anything because if the shark catches us in the water, without a submarine we can't return home. with treasures look Mikey there is a drop down here that is probably where all the treasures are hidden the way an air pocket has formed here in which there is no water there are blocks of gold here probably the owners of this The ship was very rich and here is a treasure chest.Yes, I see it.
I really want to open it. What's inside? I hope no one has been here before us and that all the treasures are in their place. Wow, Mikey, look at the incredible treasure. There is gold here. diamonds emeralds experience bottles and wait wait what is this come on, you can'tSea these are nether stars, this is the most valuable resource in Minecraft. Incredible, now we are very rich. Mikey. Incredible JJ. Let's quickly get back to the subs and land because I'm starting to get uncomfortable. I think I feel like there's someone nearby. Oh no, Mikey. swim quickly to your submarine we have to get out of here quickly the shark has returned and looks very angry I'm already inside JJ starts the engines and sails back to the port what's wrong with my submarine? she is swimming somehow slower than usual oh no The shark might attack me.
I hope my submarine is very strong and can resist the shark attacks. Mikey, can you hear me? Is the connection working correctly? Where are you? Do you see the shark? I see a shark JJ, now I'm going to speed up and crash. inside I hope I can knock it out wow Mikey thank you you managed to knock out the shark you saved my life for nothing JJ Mikey how scared I was when the shark started attacking My submarine was very scary but thanks to you We were able to survive today. Sorry for criticizing your choice of elements for the submarine and thank you again for saving our lives.
I give you all the treasures we found. They are only yours. JJ, are you telling the truth? Are you really ready to give them to me? all the treasures we found even lower stars, yes Mikey, even lower stars, you really did something amazing today for which I will be grateful to you all my life, thank you, you are my best friend Mikey and you totally deserve all the treasures today, yes , I will do that. By the way, finally get rich, JJ. I am ready to share part of the treasure with you. I'll give you all the experience bottles, okay?
So Mikey and I bought a diamond and emerald submarine and went on a trip in search of Treasure, but a shark attacked us, but thanks to Mikey's intelligence we were able to first fight and then completely defeat this shark and for this reason he I gave Mikey all the treasures. Thanks for watching, don't forget to like and subscribe.

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