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Jun 05, 2024
my armpit and made my arm completely numb. brother, my armpit felt dead and I was getting a little worried because


pain was actually spreading to my chest brother, my heart is racing, the pit of my heart hurts, brother, I'm going to die, I think I'm going to die my arm p in my you know why I'm getting lost in an anxiety for a shot for a slide shot and I'm sorry, man, it's pain, it's in the muscle, it's like spasms and that and according to the research a bullet and a sting is a of the most painful things in the Amazon jungle.
why this boiling amazon river kills anything that enters
I really thought I was going to die. I ran to the common area to tell our translator what had happened and Eva just laughed about it. It was funny to them, I know they were laughing at me, I'm dying, these English people, man, oh they come to Amazon, yeah man, they bite them and start crying. I know he used his bullet ants to wipe his butt that night. I was in a lot of pain and it was completely stressing my body to the point that I couldn't even think clearly, but as always, the magic of the Amazon had the answer:


medicine, no, this problem you have, when you think too much about the brain, forget it and you are completely connected to the mat, so to put it simply, Jack is about to shoot a natural Amazonian herb into our nostril, what it essentially does is it instantly attaches to your body's nervous system, causing a massive dopamine spike.
why this boiling amazon river kills anything that enters

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why this boiling amazon river kills anything that enters...

The fact that it completely temporarily overwhelms your brain's emotional capacity, clears all the thoughts in your mind and results in a feeling of euphoria, and I can't say I've ever felt that before, although I'll add a disclaimer. Here are reports. Many people who have tried this end up crying, sneezing, vomiting and even experiencing unwanted bell movements, so if you ever find yourself alone in the Amazon rainforest with a Peruvian man named Jack, who possesses this herb, proceed with caution, nervous . a little bit I just don't know what to expect Just breathe slowly how you feel bro feel I don't know I can't literally I can't explain it like a big exhale hitting differently feel something emotional or just at peace I guess really I look so happy R it's like a heat, oh well, and then it was my turn wow, I feel very happy as present, yeah, yeah, like that tree looks amazing right now, thank you, yeah, thank you for coming for being open, yeah, wow. that was a rush, the initial feeling is like having a firework stuck up your nose, but then there is a rush of happiness, oh my god, I'm really interested to see what feels good, oh yeah, did I forget to mention that we are ?
why this boiling amazon river kills anything that enters
Doing that for those who don't know, iasa is one of the most powerful medicines on the planet and in this case we will take it in the form of a tea. Iasa has many health benefits including a reduction in anxiety and a cure for post-traumatic stress disorder. or past life traumas, but the most notable thing is that the experience you have when you take it will change your life forever, but before that it's finally time for you to see the



for the first time, woo, that's hot, wo wo , that's crazy, something natural. steam bath in the middle of the rainforest this is absurd that's sweat no way no way so i came home yeah you put your boiler on matx and you just turn on the hot water tap in the back that's crazy You know what really saddens me for making this video, the camera doesn't see what our eyes see and seeing it in real life is very different from how the camera can capture it.
why this boiling amazon river kills anything that enters
I know the feeling of being here. I'm going to try and do the best I can to try to get it. in the editing and in the camera, but man, this is something else. I flew by egg from the UK right here. I'm going to open it, put it in this pot with some


water from the


directly. Let's see if we can boil an egg and eat it ready, it's boiling, it's actually boiling the egg, basically you should keep it at river temperature instead of it getting cold and pretty soon we'll have an edible poached egg that smells like an egg, what you have with noodles, so here I have my chicken and mushroom noodles.
I'm going to mix this egg, yeah, with the noodles, pick up the boiling river in that and start pouring it in there, so I have an egg and mushroom flavored chicken noodle, it's cooking completely. I think it's ready, the consistency is perfect, it's nice and smooth for all my British members, please subscribe to the channel. You know a good fellow who does it when he sees one, he knows England. I missed you, that's all I needed right now. I'm ready to stay here for another 2 weeks. I was ready to go home before eating this. Okay, so this is my first official meal here, so I'll be dancing with everyone.
Well I'm really starting to struggle with this heat now it's absolutely exhausting we're burning like 4500 calories a day just walking I'm sorry if I sound a little deflated right now I'm absolutely gutted this is killing me we're waking up . I got up around 500 a.m. in the morning just to get the best shots for the video, just to see the river steaming, since in the morning the air is cooler, so the river is creating a lot more steam. I'm literally drenched in sweat and it's literally 6:00:45 AM. in the morning like, oh God, I'm literally looking for this lizard that I just saw and it was absolutely huge, but it ran away and I don't know where it went, but it was like a I think the lizard is slow.
Slow down, slow down, slow down, slow down, slow down it's a snake, yeah, oh my god, can I? for the lizard and Jack calls me. I was thinking yeah, he has the lizard. I'm so glad because I needed to capture it on camera. Oh, I checked off all the animals on the list, we crossed them all off. Okay, my name is Jay, so this. It is the Ashen tribe, they have been in the Amazon for thousands of years and they are the ones who will guide us through our Iasa experience, so this is the most authentic an Amazon rainforest experience could ever be and yes, they He began by welcoming us with a traditional Amazonian dance.
The S of things we are about to receive as a big fan from one of the ladies here. I think it's as part of the cleaning process before we go up and the ceremony begins. out of the ordinary for us, yes, this is nothing like what we would do at home. No, I'm excited to be clean, yes, but I naturally clean using rayx for the past week, so the Iowaska ceremony goes something like this: we spiritually cleanse ourselves. one of the hosts in the Hot River water and a local plant that smelled beautiful by the way, this was to rid our body of any negative energy and thoughts.
Jack and I are about to go to the iasa ceremony. This is the last time you will hear from me directly on camera. I will try to document and record as much of the experience as I can. Yes, I really want to try to fully experience this and immerse myself in it. No matter what happens, I will guide you through the entire process. I'll give you all the details I can, but until then, wish me luck, my heart was pounding. I have heard countless stories about Iowaska and its effects on the mind and at this point I am quite skeptical, but I had to change that. quick-thinking because to properly experience Iowaska I needed to give myself completely to it and I wanted it to take me to places I'd never been before.
I don't want to bore you with 5 hours of dark footage but to keep it simple here you go What happened after I took the Alaska unfortunately there were no hallucinations or crazy aliens any of that but what I experienced felt very real like a real message coming from from somewhere higher up, this will get deep about an hour or so after I took it. I started to feel very connected to the room and the forest and it was a state of deep reflection on my life and who I am, not the Jay you see online, but the real Jay that I have to deal with daily. argue that I have to deal with criticizing me 24/7 it's hard because iasa is meant to strip you of your ego and I'm sitting here doing this voiceover which is the complete opposite this This is the ego speaking, this is me telling You talk about my experience as if it matters, but my ego tells me to make this video because it is valid for me as a Creator.
I want to show the world who I am and what I'm capable of and we all do almost everything in our lives is show everyone what we're doing like it's so important, that's why it's hard because Iasa showed me what an ego is and that It was my biggest lesson, this was my opinion of the whole situation, it's okay, everyone who takes iasa wants to talk about their experience, so during the ceremony I was aware of how people want to see the craziest things so they can look for a book or tell the world how connected they are to nature, but my experience told me exactly the opposite, which was really strange.
Ego is the biggest killer, stop doing it so other people can validate you and just enjoy your experience while doing something. Jay already had his naked ego over the last 18 months of experiences and throughout those experiences I was able to reflect and question myself very, very hard. Questions and those questions gave me answers. I remember sitting there and thinking about when I cared about what car I had or what clothes I wore or what brands I had in my wardrobe and generally how the world saw me instead of how I saw the world.

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