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LISTEN EVERY NIGHT BEFORE SLEEP! - It Goes Straight to Your Subconscious Mind

Apr 04, 2024
you must find a way to serve Martin Luther King said not


one can be famous but


one can be great because greatness is determined by service we now live in a world where everyone wants to be famous and where we admire people simply for being famous. I think that being known gives us value. The truth is that all of that will fade with time. The real truth is that service and the importance of service and the importance that you bring to


service is what is lasting to be able to perform any occupation, job or Talent OR gift are our honorees who today earn doctorate degrees in seemingly opposite fields : HIV and AIDS and the spoken word, but what they have in common is service using the spoken word to serve the community in the world using their knowledge and information about HIV and AIDS and Medicine serving the world and if We look at the most successful people in the world, whether they know it or not, they have that service paradigm that everyone talks about Mark Zuckerberg and the IPO service Jay-Z quick service through word two people through song for many years, I was really happy to be on TV and people would stop and say oh you on TV, yeah I'm on TV.
listen every night before sleep   it goes straight to your subconscious mind
I like being on television, it's a good job. I went back and took a good look at what I was doing on television and made the decision that I was no longer going to just be on television, but I was going to use television as a platform as a Force for Good and not be used by television, and I will tell you about my The decision to make that significant change in the way I operated in television using television as a service changed my career exponentially service through medicine service through ART using what Whether you produce


product as a way to give back to the world, when the paradigm of whatever it is changes, you choose to do service and bring meaning to that success.
listen every night before sleep   it goes straight to your subconscious mind

More Interesting Facts About,

listen every night before sleep it goes straight to your subconscious mind...

I promise you that I will follow you. Service and meaning equal success. You will see. I think life is actually very simple. What we give, we receive back and what we believe about ourselves. it becomes reality for us our thinking creates our experiences there is a law of thought like everything else like all of nature there is a universal energy or law of





whatever you want to call it but to me it means the power that is within Me and me around transforms my thoughts into experiences. You will see. I believe that we are all responsible for everything in our lives.
listen every night before sleep   it goes straight to your subconscious mind
Every thought we think every word we speak is creating our experiences, our future and it is almost as if every time you think a thought or say a word that universal intelligence or energy is


ing or responding to what you are thinking, believing or saying. without judging or criticizing, accepting ourselves completely for our own worth, whatever we choose to believe becomes reality for us. I've spent hundreds and hundreds and hundreds. and thousands of hours talking to spiritual leaders and teachers and not just spiritual leaders and teachers who have been considered that way, but thousands of people who came from levels of dysfunction, who came from levels of pain, who were suffering and who were challenged in their progression when trying to improve. to be the best human beings they could be and allowed themselves the opportunity to come on our show, the Oprah Winfrey Show, and share their stories.
listen every night before sleep   it goes straight to your subconscious mind
I am someone who believes in sharing stories. I believe in the process of sharing, period, because I know everything. life gets better when you share it and those thousands of people who have been invited to the program and many of them who are also members of the audience have been my best teachers and I would say that one of my gifts, one of my gifts that I have What I had since I was a little girl growing up in Mississippi and being raised on a small farm in Acre with my grandmother that I knew how to pay attention.
She was a great observer of life and I grew up believing that she was indeed a child of God. It's because every Sunday I sat in our little church just up a dirt road from where my grandmother lived, there was no running water or electricity, but the church is close to us and we could hear the singing while I got dressed for Sunday school and I would always sit on the left side of the left pew in the second row and


to the preacher preach about the Lord your God being a loving God and sometimes he would say that the Lord your God is a jealous God, but most importantly .
I heard him say you are a child of God and through God everything is possible and I literally took his word so by the time I was leaving I had to leave my grandmother because she got sick and they sent me to live in Milwaukee with my mother who had two other children, I got hit on the playground because when people asked me who your dad is, I said Jesus is my dad, sometimes he's my brother and God is my father, but what I now know and have learned is that my vision of God, although I call it God in a box and all that, although that has exes, my vision of God has expanded to include all things, everything, everything, God is all, God is law, God is all in all things , not just the guys standing on the bench with the beard, if you think for a moment about the vastness of the universe, it is so incredibly large that our human Minds cannot comprehend it, it is huge and not even our best scientists with the equipment Today's most modern cannot We measure the size of the universe and half of us can't agree on whether it is expanding or contracting and in this Incredible Universe there are so many galaxies that we have encountered each and every one of the galaxies smaller in a far corner there is one called the small galaxy called the Milky Way in a very far corner there is a smaller Sun and around this Sun revolve a few points one of which is called planet Earth now I find it very, very difficult to believe that the incredible intelligence that created this entire universe is an old man sitting on a cloud above planet earth looking at my genitals and yet it doesn't compute it doesn't compute and yet how many of us were raised to believe that and many of us are living it if you were raised in a religion where you were a sinner and a worm and had a lot of sexual problems and things like that are starting to be re-evaluated.
Do some mental work to change that, so you don't keep trading. You can sit. In front of a mirror it would be very good to look yourself in the eyes and say: "Okay, now, when I was a child, this is what I was taught, but I am no longer a child, now I am an adult and I don't think I choose now." believe and then decide what you want your belief in God to be, see if you are in a religion that belittles you or where you are a sinner or a worm or whatever, get another religion, there are many of them, they all say they are the The only way I see it is that I believe that even our concept of God should sustain us and you don't have to have the same concept of God that your parents or grandparents had.
You don't have to have each person, they are a unique individual and each of us creates our own. lifestyle and our own belief system and I think we need to constantly re-evaluate what we believe and particularly if we believe things that don't nourish us, I think why do I believe that, where did I learn? That's really true for me now. Makes sense? Maybe I could let it go. You could create a pair of psychic scissors and cut them out of your Consciousness or create a big trash can and say, "Okay, that one


in there and decides that you just don't choose to live under old limitations anymore.
Refuse to believe in worry. Start trusting. the universe and see how it works when life calls us, that's when we have to respond people say how did you do everything you did right I answered the phone and opened the email and did what was in front of me and then life would give me. something else to do and something else to do and it's interesting because I think it's been 25 years since I wrote the second book can heal your life and in that period of time, that book alone sold 40 million copies worldwide and. I feel like I always felt like I didn't do anything to promote it at all, it's just that life took over and life said this book is going to go to this country and this book is going to go to this country and it's going to this country and it has. gone to many many places around the world.
I even have two Chinese versions, there's this Chinese version of traditional China and then there's the Chinese one. version of Taiwan, which is the new China, you never know where your job in life will take you and I think it's important that you don't go into that to say how much money can I make, oh, I'm going to be rich. I have to do this because books don't make you that rich but what they do is open up the world to you and my thought has always been how can I help people, how can I help people and I think if you come from that point of view it will be becomes much easier, it is time to understand that all problems of an individual nature are generated from within and we do not have to solve the problems that we create, we only have to dissolve the problems that you create and do not have. solve if there is a problem in the situation yes we have to solve but you have a problem inside you the solution is not what you need the solution is crazy solution means for an illusion you are creating an illusory solution something that you compensate for that creates a solution more than you invented one more time now you just have to turn off the problems you're going through a certain drama the only thing is that you're a terrible director that's all there is to it instead of improving your direction now you're trying to find a solution for a situation in a drama it's like people watch a movie and come home and have big discussions about what happened there, so the thoughts and emotions you create you don't have to find any solution, turn them off.
If you find a solution, you move towards madness because when you create a ghost and you create a Ghostbusters, the ghost you create you must learn to play with them. What I'm saying is that if no one is willing to play with you, you have to play with someone, right? So you create ghosts if you like them you play with them if you don't like them turn them off but Guru they keep coming you don't play I don't like playing with them don't play they never come and go Has it ever happened that a thought lingered for more than a moment , It is not like this?
It comes and


, it comes and it goes. Let it come and go. If you try to find a solution for that, you will head towards madness. One thing you should do to yourself. is that you are absolutely sincere with yourself, if you are also sincere with everyone around you, you will get others, but I will not go that far now with yourself, you are 100% sincere, otherwise all kinds of tricks will continue to happen. Being honest with yourself is not. It's an easy thing because there is a lifelong habit of simply fooling yourself. A guest came to Sankaran Pillai's house and because he was a man from South India, in the South, you know, the pillars come from further south.
He carried an umbrella, which is common in Kerala and southern Tamil. Nadu carrying an umbrella is a very common thing because the rains can be very heavy, then they left, he took the guest out and then it started to rain. A sangan pillai did not open the umbrella. The guest said: why don't you open the umbrella? Shankar and The Fly said: Sorry, the umbrella is full of holes and the guest asked why you brought it right. I never thought it would rain today. Many people are like that. They believe that someone else has to take their lives abroad.
This will take. a long time because someone else to catch your lies will take lives you must catch them you must not let your chickens pass to become one hundred percent true to yourself you require a certain amount of application but if you do this, this part of life will work for sure 100 percent , so figuring out some things is very simple, that's why I'm there, if you just fix one, this, this thing, you're 100% correct, there's no deception at all when there's a hole in the umbrella, you know there's a hole. in the umbrella you will never forget that there is a hole in the umbrella, it's okay, if you are like that, the rest of the work becomes very simple and easy, perception happens to you in five different dimensions, seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, touching, This is how you perceive life. this data has been gathered within you only because this data has been gathered within you now you can walk on a round rotating planet it is not a small thing it is not a small thing that you can walk on a round rotating ball because All these data have been collected through the five senses, it is not intellectual information, but perceptual information.
If this information is not there, you will not be able to walk, in fact, you will not be able to walk


. This is what happens to people when Some people lose their memory and things like that suddenly become unstable in their body because some of the data is disconnected from their system, so this data that you perceive is the most important, That's what a child is all the time drinking everything he sees. The child looks at everything because he wants to absorb as much data as possible because he instinctively knows that without the data he will not be able to function, so how attentive are you, how attentive are your eyes, how attentive are your ears, nose, tongue and touch.
Consequently, you have so much useful information, so why is a person more efficient while you are an athlete? Why is one person able to catch a damn ball, another person can't catch that damn thing. Why is it due to that level of attention? of exactly how that ball will behave how can you anticipate wherego this is not there intellectually let's suppose you have a PhD in football you think you can play football eh if you have a PhD No I think you also need to experience it if you just study it yeah oh that's not an experience that's a perception , mm-hmm, you are observing it out of great interest, you are observing exactly how a ball moves, you may not be thinking about physics, but you are observing it and perceiving it because of that perception, you know something that you cannot know by reading 100 books about this, first of all, people assume that anger is happening to them or that misery is happening to them, no.
This is exactly what I said before maybe I didn't fully articulate it no, you are creating anger, you are creating misery, you are creating Joy, you are creating whatever this is all happening from within you, but the Human Experience is happening from within us. . Isn't it okay if it's love or hate or anger or misery or joy or whatever is just happening from within us now? The simple question I am asking is what happens from within you, if it happened your way or someone else's way, it should happen. your way, of course, because the world will never happen your way one hundred percent because there are so many stakeholders in the world.
A little bit will happen my way, a little bit your way, that's fine, but what happens inside me must happen my way, if what happens inside me. It doesn't happen my way this is the worst form of slavery isn't it? wow someone decides what happens inside me someone decides where I should sit this is slavery everyone understands this now someone decides if I'm happier and happier isn't this the worst? form of slavery, yes, then this is the liberation that humanity needs to work on. This is what internal engineering means. Internal engineering is not a mechanical process because engineering means this.
Basically, you'll say something is well designed only if it works the way you want. Don't do it, if this doesn't work the way you want, what the hell do you expect other things to work the way you want? It's just an accident when you live accidentally anxiety is normal, we have to be prepared to do it ourselves, remind each person. has come to this planet to learn a lesson you have your lessons you have your lessons I have my lessons you have your lessons everyone is different we cannot learn the other person's lessons we are not here to change other people we are here to change ourselves, That's why we came to the planet, to change ourselves, if we try to do it for someone else or learn their lesson or make it nice, they won't be able to learn it and even if we fix it, right?
It's amazing how they turn around and recreate it again and we all know people like that, we've paid their rent or gotten them out of trouble, but we've done this for them or that way and two months later they're in the same situation. problem because it is their pattern, it has nothing to do with teaching them how to get out of it, it is much better if they are willing to learn, then it is as if you know that the student must go to the teacher and when the student is ready the teacher is always there .
Now I'm the happiest of guys, but it took me almost 50 years to get there and the fact is, let's go back to when I was 40, which was like the '80s, the '80s and I was working on stem cells and teaching people about it. that most people still believe that the genes that we inherit really determine the character of our lives and that becomes... when you think about it it's like you chose the genes that you came with and we don't have anything that I know of. Can? change your jeans if you don't like the features no uh and then we tell you that on top of that it's oh the jeans turn on and off by themselves so you can be walking down the street and Jane turns up the time for cancer it's like what and then I mean what we were teaching what we were teaching to doctors and the general public is that we were victims of heredity that things were working in our family and then that would determine the character of our lives and then Fear is associated with That, my God, you know, Angelina Jolie, for example, had a double mastectomy because the fear of breast cancer because her mother would die from it and her grandmother, of course, I put it in her mind that she would be the next victim. . of that and then they give her a double mastectomy to say "I'll stop this from happening" which is fine, that's not really true, but what was the point, it was fear and fear of being a victim, meaning that You're powerless and I say, this is what people believe about their health I'm powerless they programmed us when we were kids to be recognized health wise we don't worry about that we go to the specialist the doctor I said what is what is that learning period in the first seven years, what does that have with the programs?
So I said yes, but what's the program and the program is: I'm not in charge of my health. When it comes to health problems, I have to go see someone else and then their truth becomes my truth because who am I and I said it what is the consequence of me saying it the first thing you just gave up is the power over your health you say I'm not going to take care of my health I'm going to let that professional that's my program and I'm going well there's a problem and the problem is that I was learning and then attributing my life to programs that I didn't know I had because that was before knew about the seven years of programming uh I looked at my life and it was okay, I was very good professionally, that's how I became a cell biologist and the joy of working in that field of science, that was really cool, but the rest of my Life was a disaster, you know, it's like I couldn't get a relationship off the ground no matter what I tried.
I was like, "Oh my God, I'm Dooms here, why? Because I must have gotten the paternity genes and my father's and my mother's genes, and I'm actually not." good at that and um so it was working like life like just a mechanism, you do your thing and then it's dust, the dust. It had no spiritual basis because it was genes, proteins and chromosomes. That's it, my dear society, you know exactly what I am. I'm talking because she has a very serious scientific background and that's why when we started collaborating and talking together it was like oh wow, you know we have this basic knowledge of it and the basic fact was that okay, I'm a machine, that's it. what we were teaching is going to the doctor, that's the repairman, fixing a machine and what I learned through my research was that James doesn't control life and dreams don't control themselves and it's like, oh my God, I passed. a whole career teaching. this for doctors that genes control your life and the fear that this is omnipresent is that I am not in charge and I am working with what are called stem cells and this was 15 years ago and my research with stem cells revealed that cells genetically Identical in different environments have different fates, what does that mean?
He says well, they all have the same genes, but destiny wasn't based on genes, destiny was based on environment and all of a sudden I start my research started to skyrocket and say wait, genes don't turn on and off. , that is a completely false statement, genes are blueprints and I get relevant, I go to an architect's office where she is working on a blueprint and I lean over this architect's shoulder and ask him, hey, is your blueprint on or off and she looked and said that it is a blueprint, there is one on and off and I say precisely a gene is a blueprint to produce a protein that it does not know, on and off, it has no control by itself.
It is not self-emerging, which means it doesn't control us. It turns out that our perceptions and the environment we live in control our genetics. So why is it so relevant? I say I can change my perceptions and everything. He suddenly says that I'm not a victim of anything other than the programming that I got in those first seven years and it was interesting because the real part that changed everything for me, obviously, you would have stumbled upon before I did, like I said, no. It was spiritual, but when I started looking at how the environment controlled cells, I started to recognize that no two people are biologically identical, and like I mean, I can't trade cells with you, you can.
Don't exchange cells or organs with me because if I put my cells in your body, your immune system will say it's not me and if you put your cells in someone else's body, their immune system will say no, someone says, what's the point of Is there a built-in self? your cells that is different from the self built in the neighboring cells and I wonder why is that real and I said well what is the self and that's what I started looking at? It was like on the surface of our cells or these protein antennas just like television antennas, no two people have the same set of these protein receptors, a name for them is interesting, autoreceptors, cell receptors and I went when I started looking, I said, but these receptors are on the outside of the cell and I said that's how it was. a Roman said well if they are making signals receiving a signal from the south the I is not in the cell the I is sent to the cell and then suddenly I am going to wait then the I is not here and then I started I started to learn a little bit of physics quantum and I realized that we are units of energy acting through what appears to be a physical body and that our identity is captured by these receptors and if I remove the receptors from your cells then your cells have no identity. them in any human being because it's not about rescuing cells or bruising cells and I'm going, so wait, so I'm still getting there, folks, there's a point in coming here and I started to recognize, well, wait a second, Bruce.
It is a set of antennas, well, we focus on the antennas in medicine. I'm going, no, you don't understand that antennas receive a signal and all of a sudden I started to realize that my identity is a signal in the environment that I'm picking up on myself, so Bruce, you know the guy who's thinking about going . all the time waiting a minute I'm a transmission Bruce is a transmission my body is a receiver and I make a joke like I'm a television son Virginia watching Bruce's show right now and the point is good the television can break and we say that TV is dead and I'm like, yeah, that happens and I'm like, is streaming still there?
I said you're watching a show, you say the TV is dead and I say so why did I say get another TV, plug it in in turn You turn it on and tune it to the station and you turn it back on and all of a sudden I realized oh my gosh , and this is it, I can't die, I'm not here, I'm the broadcast and then there's a whole suddenly it's like, oh my God, I can't die, uh, because I'm the television, this physical thing and what does that mean? ? He says that in the future a baby will be born with the same antennas that I am back in.
I have a new television. I said, does it make any difference between a man or a woman? No, no, that's the TV, it doesn't make any difference if it's a black, brown, red, yellow, white TV. I said no, it's a TV, we're the broadcasts and everything. I suddenly realized, oh my God, we all come from this energy and this energy is a field and each of us is a receiving station of our own little transmission outside the field, but collectively we are the radio band that we all have. The Stations here are all on the same radio band but each of us comes here as a foreigner.

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