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Stone Cold Steve Austin Puts the Stunner on Spicy Wings | Hot Ones

Feb 27, 2020
I was actually measuring my heartbeat, I'm thinking something is about to go wrong here your heartbeat if my heartbeat reaches 150 something's wrong these aren't laced with amphetamines, no, no, hey, what's going on? everyone at the first week's banquet? I'm Shawn. Evans and you are watching the most interesting


, it's the show with interesting questions and even more interesting


and today we close the ninth season with Stone Cold Steve Austin, he is a six-time WWF World Heavyweight Champion in the Hall of Fame from WWE, you can see it on the award. -winning podcast, the



show and he also has a new tv show called straight up



catch up monday it's 11 10 central after monday night raw on the usa network


Cold welcome to the show I'm glad to be here man it's going to be It's going to be a great show.
stone cold steve austin puts the stunner on spicy wings hot ones
I don't know what I just got myself into, but I'm ready to go with you. I know you're an Edina Texas guy. How do you handle your spice man in my environment? On the day I was the loudest sob in WWE history right here in front of you, it might be the biggest you've ever had on the show, that remains to be seen and that's what we're about to find out, oh that's it There it is, okay, I see that's a good thing, so as a show that forces us to burn chicken


and our guests, we're very interested in this move towards experiential interviews with celebrities.
stone cold steve austin puts the stunner on spicy wings hot ones

More Interesting Facts About,

stone cold steve austin puts the stunner on spicy wings hot ones...

Do you think all those years clicking with wrestlers in the ring? Do you think that gives you? an advantage when it comes to creating chemistry with a TV show or podcast guest, you know, being



, Steve Austin back in the day, a lot of people think this guy's a little nervous, he's a little on edge , he's crazy, you know? he's always angry, he drinks a lot, I drink a little, but I enjoy meeting people, I enjoy talking to people and I'm curious by nature, the more you do something the better you get at it, so I hope this season progresses so I can apply what I've learned this season to another season and go from there, but no, I don't think being a WWE superstar has necessarily made me a natural talent for it.
stone cold steve austin puts the stunner on spicy wings hot ones
I like it. gradual as a kind of accumulation of years, yes, we have several left to go here. I like what you're doing here. I know there is a method to your madness and I have enjoyed watching the shows I have seen. Oh thanks. I've seen it, so you know what you're getting into here, so being a global icon and a national treasure, the mythology around Stone Cold Steve Austin is so vast, so I think it's right at the beginning of the interview . that we cleared up some of the lore surrounding the Texas Rattlesnake, fact or fiction before you decided on Stone Cold, the WWF gave you a list of possible nicknames that included fang mcfrost chile mcfreeze and otto von ruthless right, this goes back in time I was living on 10 acres in a log cabin outside of Georgia and I was watching a special on HBO about Richard Kalinski, who was a serial killer, he was a hitman and I'm not endorsing any of it. which he did, but he was just a ruthless individual, so I said, well, there's some trace there that would make a good villain in the squared circle, so I presented the idea to the office and the iceman had already done it locally in Dallas by Iceman King Parsons, so we didn't want to go. down that path and so, based on the concept that I gave them, they threw names at me based on temperature and what about being based on temperature?
stone cold steve austin puts the stunner on spicy wings hot ones


-blooded, you know, he's cruel, ruthless and remorseless, so I thought you had to be joking. This is a creative genius, it's WWE, I mean, they're supposed to make anyone and everyone a superstar, so the names were absolutely ridiculous and I couldn't believe that was the best they came up with. Is there any truth? to the rumor that over a hundred beers were consumed during that beer party in Japan with Stacey Keebler and the Dudleys, that's true now, actually the whole weight was consumed in 12 ounce portions, I don't know, but it was spilled and I added about 128, I think it's still a record, but you come out of a session like that and like people say, hey man, you wasted most of that damn beer that's the showbiz part, if only I drank it all and drank it all, it would be a horrible image. so you have to put on a little bit, but I'll tell you there have been, I don't know how many times I would walk out of that ring and you're going to leave with the bus, yeah, because you go in there on an empty stomach. and you drink all that beer, you'll get a bus, fact or fiction, you and Booker T caused ten thousand dollars worth of damage in a fight in a grocery store, that's actually what I heard, the total damage was, I think, which was called the green frog.
I think it was in Fresno, California, if I'm not mistaken, I think the store closed after, not because of that, but after that and we had a great time, uh, Booker, and I've always had a chemistry that goes back to our days in Atlanta. When we both worked for wcw, he was one of the funniest guys I know and I actually just had him on my podcast, but yeah, ten thousand dollars worth of damages was the total sum of fact or fiction that you dropped on caboose while fighting yokozuna. In South Africa I had to do it a lot when you do international traffic when you do international travel and there is a change in diet, things happen and man yolk, he was, you know, over 600 pounds at the time and when he picked me up and they beat me up, they happened things, something went wrong and luckily I was wearing some black boxers and Yoko was so cool that she's no longer with us, uh, may she rest in peace, but I was laying on the rug, I just shit in my boxers and looked at him, I said yolk. let's go home, let's go home, like Russell says, let's do the ending and get out of here and he's so cool he goes well brah and we get the ending.
They beat me to it and I walked back and took an amazing shower. Shaquanda's i don't want to be level three to be the one to make me have a yokozuna moment here on your show. This is a seed ending, but what ending would it be if he was cold here and himself, what are our language parameters? Go stone cold unleashed here okay, okay, I don't want to go crazy, this is starting to get a little out there. I could barely put my tongue around that and I know you're a driver's ed teacher in your final year in North Texas.
Do you have increased discomfort while driving? People don't wear blinders number one, wear your damn blinders, please, I mean, you know, and it's like someone is driving a car, it's in really bad shape, you think it's okay, you know the blinders are They just broke up. or you know the light doesn't work, but then if it's someone in a really nice car like a mercedes or a bmw, like oh, he just thinks he's entitled, he needs it, he doesn't have to use the blinkers, but that's My number one. What's bothering me, wear your damn blinders, please, and then, do you still have a problem with rats on the ranch?
You know, for a while they were chewing on your Chevy trucks and your Polaris Rangers. They were a serious problem. We never beat them. I sold the ranch. Three years ago and now we are located in Nevada, of course, now I am lucky enough to ride Kawasaki mules and they don't touch my mules because for some reason there aren't that many there and we have a lot of cats. Anyone in South Texas or remote areas you know is dealing with rats and they are a real problem. You go out to start your car, sometimes it doesn't start.
The lights don't come on, so you always keep the hood up. I know you put steel wool in your exhaust pipes. You do the things you can do. It is best to buy cats. Stone Cold Pro Tips. Steve Austin. Are you ready to move on to number four? Yes, you are reading me. Emma in your eyes. I can see. Look at him, wait, boy, he'll stare down while he takes a bite out of his wings, he's just saying his first rodeo will be this one that'll get me, oh so I know you're a real student of professional wrestling and Always very generous with your praise for those who came before you and followed you pound for pound.
Who was the most physically impressive athlete during your wrestling days? I mean, he was really innovative in the way he did things, in the way he executed things in the ring. He would be someone I would put on a list that I respected a lot, besides you, who had the best mic skills during the attitude era. You can not. overlooks rock when he first came on the scene, he was just handsome, you know, third generation baby face and people just didn't accept him and no one said Rocky died, Rocky dying, they put him in the nation of domination and him.
He rose to the top of that organization and he started wearing silk shirts and he started referring to himself in the third person and working that eyebrow and he electrified and captivated the crowds with his one-liners and his cadence and his delivery and his message and calling for all jabroni. Knowing your role, so yes, I was an excellent promoter in my own right and had my own style, but rock captured the respectful attention of the public and got the response I was looking for from those who had the craziest pre-game ritual that did not know. I know who had the craziest but who had the simplest was Jake the roberts snake because it was back in the day when he carried the snake in the bag that the snake would be in, say, a flat lid trash can or maybe in the floor and Jake was walking around, he never went to the gym and he was smoking a cigarette and suddenly they heard Jake's music, he took one last drag on that cigarette, crushed it with his foot and threw the snake over his back. and just walking to the ring with no warm up or anything, that's how he did it, smoking a cigarette and once Jake got in the ring, he demanded his respect and he had this presence around him and he's one of the most financially efficient workers out there. .
He didn't do much, but everything he did meant something and he was always working for that ddt, so he was phenomenal in that right, but the simplicity of his warm-up routine would stand out more than the crazier routine he did. I can imagine. Okay, Stone Cold, we have a recurring segment on our show called Explain That Gram where we do a deep dive on our guest Instagram, pull up interesting photos that need more context, so I'll pull out the laptop and show you the photo. just tell me the bigger story, does that sound good? Yeah, okay, here you are working on the ranch.
In all your years in ranching, have you ever flipped a tractor and been bitten by a snake? When you think about a broken skull in the nearby emergencies, there's a story that stands out there's a couple of times when we cut the ponds we would call them tanks in Texas, a water well, the embankments are pretty steep and I used to work for the department of roads when I was a kid, you know? so I'm used to driving on overpasses and stuff like that. I'm on the sides of the roads, but there's a sort of pucker factor we'd call it and you're dragging a 15-foot batwing shredder behind you, which kind of gives you a little bit of a low center of gravity or It keeps you anchored to the ground, but just the fact that if you hit a pig wall or something, you know that tractor is going to tip over and your butt is going to be face down in the water and no one is going to get you out of there.
Many cases close to that are simply puckering factor. I've never been bitten by a rattlesnake. I've heard some and they have a very distinctive rattle when you're walking to your deer stand and all of a sudden one starts ringing at you and it's like that come to Jesus moment and I don't hear very well but you can hear I can hear the damn rattlesnake, You know, since it's nobody's business, what do you remember about your meeting with Muhammad Ali? paul lorndorf is the guy just to the left side of that photo. He actually took a pair of boxing gloves to get Muhammad Ali to hire him, but Muhammad Ali was simply the best boxer. that he once lived with such a charismatic personality that he had followers all over the world of people who absolutely loved him.
I've never met anyone who said anything bad about Muhammad Ali because he was universally loved by literally everyone, so it was really cool to remember that. I met the goat tequila sip for the worker, do you have a margarita recipe to go? Oh yeah, I'm basically working with a three-ounce shot glass. I have it. I'm going to be a silver skipper just because you can go to a higher grade. tequila that will be much smoother but you will need a little bite in that margarita, so three ounces of tequila pour it into a shaker, about an ounce to an ounce and a half of triple sec, about an ounce to an ounce and a quarter of lime juice people get carried away with lime juice most of the time when you go to restaurants and they give you something that just tastes like lime and it kills you, you can't do it, that's the biggest mistake newbies make or the waiters who don't know.
They're with the margarita, just a little bit of agave nectar, just a few drops, so you shake it in a shaker and then you pour it over fresh rocks and then you float about an ounce of grand marnier on top and that's the ranchbroken skull margarita and every one you drink is a triple, so by the time you drink two of my margaritas, that's six shots of tequila, you're fine, yeah, I'm not fine now, but it would be nice to warm up, not hit, so when I was chatting with Hulk Hogan on your podcast recently, you guys are talking about wrestling in Japan and how crazy it was in the '70s, why that era, why that scene, why it has such a special place in the hearts of those in the know. from wrestling? to the old days in Japan, when it was actually still considered a shoot, you know, walking back to the dressing room a lot, you know, like in Kansas City or Harley Race, you know, there are guys you know, Stories of kids getting stabbed and cheated on, you know? buy knives from the fanatics because they were convinced of the fact of what they were seeing if the hills were heating up or hitting the good guys and they really cared about those good guys, hell a lot of times those bad guys.
The guys had to fight to get to the locker room and those are those old memories of Japan that evoke those good memories of what the business really was at its core, what the fans were like in Osaka compared to, for example, a sold out crowd. at the dallas sportarium, if you're working in front of a japanese crowd and you're from the states, they're very quiet and certain things make them come on or light up differently than a crowd in the states would, so maybe These two guys work and there's total silence and one of them has a submission hold on the other and that guy gets to the ropes oh they'll start, they'll explode from it or if one guy is starting to get bombed. then all of a sudden he comes up with this fire and starts responding, you know, that makes the crowd very different from an audible level of narration listening to the crowd, I don't hear very well, but once you get me on an arena full of 20,000 people, if the sun is up there and row 100 is booing and everyone else is sharing, I know exactly where it is and I don't, I'm not worried about it, but I'm just saying it's how in tune I am with the crowd because you're always reading the crowd, whether you follow the script that everyone talks about and that everyone talks about or you say it on the fly, you're listening to that crowd because if you're not working with that crowd, you're doing it wrong, hell I saw Shaq come here and boy I was sweating bullets and Gordon Ramsay was dropping F bombs everywhere and I look at you well like I said I think there's a catch here if those guys because I don't get a chance I would love to meet Gordon Ramsay I met Sean but Shaq really was but he said he wasn't going to show any face he did pretty well he kept his composure for a while but he started sweating it's like people think I'm going to say something profound here he was actually timing my heartbeats heart I'm thinking something is about to go wrong here your heart if my beat reaches 150 something is wrong these are not mixed with amphetamines right?, no, yes.
I'm checking my biological and physiological responses while you're sitting there looking at me, we've got them hooked up to the biometrics over here, okay, yeah, that one's starting to get there, yeah, yeah, that one's starting to get there, uh. I know I can go deeper, but that would feel like, yeah, what you have for me, so as a guy who embraces simple pleasures but also appreciates things that are great, I know you're so proud. of the project you have done with the beer company the second, broken skull ipa, do you think the beer you drink says something about the person?
Yes, it says so and I support that beer. I worked on that beer sitting at a table like this is very similar to this with rob crocshaw, the owner of elsa doesn't have a beer company and we decided to collaborate on a beer, we had 10 to 15 beers on the table that we both liked or disliked. they were appealing or had some quality and just like us If we were drinking these beers, I would explain to him and I don't necessarily speak beer terminology, but I am a good expert on drinking beer and I would explain to him, okay, this is getting to me, I like some of them a little better on the mid-palate, some of They hit you two right from the start or some linger too long, some are too bitter and I would explain the way each beer affected me or where it resonated with me on my taste buds and I was very proud to be there in Tampa at their raw reunion. and I got so excited and proud to be drinking my damn beer after all these years of drinking everyone else's.
Do I want to do this for people for season nine? Boy, baby, the sales pitch, oh Jesus, you should have been a wrestling promoter. I would love to do that. My damn nose is running and I even have it near my mouth, but what is it like? Oh man, my lungs are burning. Alright. I will do that. I have to do it. I'm showing my range here. Any. take a bite it's like no, but you know what I wanted to ask you something for sure, I'm joking, I'm just with you, I'm timing my heart rate mm-hmm, has anyone ever come here and timed? a heart rate, they are the first, yes I mean nine seasons, close to the first, some people call me, I like to say unique, it sounds better, so one of my favorite things about listening to the Steve Austin show is hearing you to you and other fighters.
We talked about trade and business war stories from your years in the business and I've come to discover that wrestling slang is the best kind of slang. What does the color mean? The color means blood. What is cheap heat? Cheap heat is if you and I are working. Imagine. I'm the bad guy and I would have told you that that's cheap heat because anyone could have done that. What do you mean when you say call high points? I would say that is a high point. You know, now we need some movement. do something to provoke a response tackle drop hip throw if I have you in the headlock you're going to shoot me you're going to take the tackle I'm going to run the ropes you'll fall I'm going to jump on you and then you're going to hip throw me on the way back, so a high point is the movement within the party.
What is a receipt? A receipt is. I'll give you a big story if you put something too strong then the other person has to send you a receipt saying hey buddy calm down so anyway a long time ago I was working with the big boss man ray trailer ray trail weighs about six six, three hundred pounds, he was a farmer, you know, prison guard. and that was his trick, the big boss, and Ray hit me with like six lefts, you know, and referee Earl Hebner is sitting there watching, he's got the ground in his face, he's smiling because he knows I'm just going to take a little more, so I finally decided I'd had enough, so I took Ray again, Ray 66, about 300 and some odd pounds, sent him into the ropes and told him to tell him to take care of a clothesline, so when I tell him to the guy who looks. the clothesline you're usually going to hit a guy right here, you don't hit him in the Adam's apple, you just want to hit him here hard enough so that across his shaft there is a pivot point that he can take his hit and land on his back. here comes lightning six six well, I decided you know this was a receipt, I'm not going to clothesline him, what I did, I balled my fist up like that with my forearm and when he came, bam, I hit him right. in the middle.
The eyes of my forearm with everything I had and Big Ray fell and he is on his hands and knees and those hands on his knees he is as tall as me and but he looked at me like that and it was almost like a Saturday. morning cartoon with stars going around his head like this and he had to smile because he knew that he was up and that he was doing well and he was recognized by the fact that I gave him a receipt and he didn't hit me. For the rest of the night, well, cold, wait, we have a damn heart rate around 130.
I'm still in a safe zone. I should have used my heart rate monitor. Tell me about this one. This is the plague of Pucker Butt Pepper chocolate. company, look, do you need to know everything so well? He tells me what's going to happen tomorrow. Okay, I was trying to tell the story of my receipt and that sentence was kicking my butt, so I told you. I tell that story in a much better way, but my mouth was on fire so I didn't get there that's great it's milk my friend at this point mozart drinking milk for the worker this is going to be hotter than a summit I just ate no you'll be a liar I wouldn't lie to you, I'd be an idiot to lie to you in this situation, but is it going to compound the fact that I have a residue in this building?
I think we're past the point of not coming back you know it's like we've been soaked in a shower who cares if it rains you're so full of it's amazing I'm believing it I'm going with you I know I shouldn't but I'm going and I'm not a attractive person could have cheated on me you're doing great do you have a favorite non-wrestler wwe raw cameo? mike tyson's stuff was always very convincing i love doing business mike when He came down and Vince McMahon introduced him a long time ago in the middle of the ring and he was going to referee the match between me and Sean Michaels at Wrestlemania 14.
And I went down there and he I got in his face, I flipped him and he pushed me and I tried to get back at him and I was trying to, as we would say go back to Wrestlemania for a photo shoot, get back at him, of course, I didn't want to get back at him, but I had to look like real and it was, but when he pushed me, all these hundred dollar bills flew out of his suit. If you go back to YouTube, watch it and you'll see all of his handlers on their knees collecting 100 bills and me kicking. and scratching and briscoe junction all the guys are holding me back, but i worked with mike tyson because he's a big fan of the business and a historian of the business and he probably knew more about the history of the business than a lot of the guys that were backstage, but just him, just him as a person, I just love the guy, okay, cold, oh, this is the last touch, we call it the last touch because it's tradition around here to put a little extra on the last wing.
I have to if you don't want to, I love the way you just throw it at me so he can get out or swing me with you, sorry motherfucker, there you go, tell me what I'm about to get. Well, it's describing death to me, tell me what I'm about to get into in death, this is what I'm saying, I think you're gone, you know, we're getting close to the top, you know about this spice mountain we're climbing together, yeah, and I don't see a drop of sweat on you, you know, I've looked across this table at so many crazy things, from people walking around to spitting in buckets, pouring milk up their noses, and throwing water. their heads and you're calm, cool and collected, telling incredible wrestling stories and punching chicken, it's absolutely a sight to behold and it's a beautiful segue into this last question, okay, what's the first thing we're going to celebrate? , we have to spread it there, yes, there you better delete it.
Do you want to do this together, yes, cheers, steve, okay, stone cold, steve austin, here we are at the end of our team fight against the wings of death, but before we make just one more final move before the bell rings bell I know you should take a I'm very proud of your ability to cut a promo and for good reason you're one of the best to ever do it and then that austin 316 is still a familiar catchphrase some 25 years later so with that in mind I'm curious to know what it is. your message to the people, including some of your old team who thought the wings of death would suplex you today.
I saw Gordon Ramsey. I saw Shaq and those guys were sweating bullets, cursing and raising all kinds of hell, so please. For me to be able to improvise this, no pun intended, have a wonderful conversation with you, who obviously does a ton of research, was one of the defining moments of my entire life. Wow, well, I'm honored. Beer. For me. Chris. A toast to the ninth season. you're very cold steve austin thank you for having me on your show and congratulations on nine seasons i look forward to speaking directly to steve austin well now you know what steve there's nothing left to do but roll out the red carpet for you.
Dude, this camera, this camera, this camera, let people know what you're going through in your life, hey, my name is stokol, steve austin, I'm sitting here with sean, I just finished doing the season finale of hot


and I had a great time. If my mouth is burning, I have a podcast that they publish twice a week on podcast one and on iTunes and any major podcast platform out there. I also have an amazing beer called Steve Austin's Broken Skull Ipa and right now August 12th was in season. steve austin direct premiere my show on usa network is every monday night after monday night on raw and i hope you tune in set your dvrs because i love doing this show and i would love to be able to be as successful as you are and you get more than nine seasons.
I've had a good time here and that's the bottom line because I was like, "Great job Steve, great job, thanks man, so hey, what's going on hot fans? It's Sean Evans, checking in with a very hot sauce update. exciting our first collaborative salsa is here 88getting up first we delight joining forces to make a dragon in the clouds you saw me joji and rich brian mixing them in the yuzu cauldron from Japan sacha and pepper from China and of course You know your boy brought the heat, but don't worry we gathered some professionals to make sure this is FDA approved, very limited quality and something we are very proud of if you want to have Dragon in the Clouds, visit that's don't miss the chance that the dragon can fly away from you

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