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China’s Worst Nightmare - Japan’s Godzilla F-X Stealth Fighter

May 15, 2024
This video is sponsored by War Thunder. Going back to World War II, Japan has been reluctant to arm itself significantly and its Air Force is particularly outdated by modern military standards. As China and Russia unveil new generations of powerful


jets, the island nation is now rushing to modernize its own


jets, unwilling to leave the future of its people in the hands of foreign allies. For Japan, the obvious choice was to purchase the fifth-generation Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptors, the influential American fighter more than capable of taking on its Russian and Chinese counterparts. But after the United States banned exports of its innovative fighter to protect its technology, Japan was left with no options.
china s worst nightmare   japan s godzilla f x stealth fighter
Thus, in an unprecedented measure, the Asian nation decided to develop its first sixth-generation combat aircraft. The ambitious plan has countless obstacles to overcome. But if successful, it will not only deliver a next-generation warplane the likes of which the world has never seen before, it will also launch Japan directly into the global arms industry... At Dark Tech we love telling you stories of the world's most advanced military vehicles. advanced and avant-garde world throughout history. Now you can take command of over 2000 tanks, planes, helicopters and warships by joining War Thunder, the most comprehensive online military vehicle combat game we have ever played.
china s worst nightmare   japan s godzilla f x stealth fighter

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china s worst nightmare japan s godzilla f x stealth fighter...

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china s worst nightmare   japan s godzilla f x stealth fighter
Take advantage of the exclusive War Thunder reward for our viewers by clicking the link below to register as a new player and get a premium tank, plane, warship, and a 7-day account upgrade. We will meet you on the battlefield, commander. A growing threat For many years, Japan's modest Air Force was considered more than sufficient to deter an attack from China or Russia. Recently, however, Japanese officials have become seriously concerned that those armies have far surpassed their own airborne capabilities. The worrying gap is not only related to raw numbers (China reportedly possesses six fighter jets for every Japanese counterpart), but also to technology.   China and Russia have been rapidly replacing their Cold War-era fighter jets with modern powerhouses like the multirole J-10 and J-20 or the Russian Su-57


china s worst nightmare   japan s godzilla f x stealth fighter
To make matters worse, the two totalitarian superpowers have increasingly conducted investigations around Japanese airspace, carefully gauging Japan's ability to respond to an aerial threat and seriously alarming Japanese defense agencies. Today, the majority of Japan's fighter aircraft capabilities are delivered by the American fourth-generation F-15 Eagle fighters, a capable but aging fighter aircraft that was initially deployed in 1974 during the height of the war. Cold. Japan also has a limited number of fifth-generation American F-35 Lightning II aircraft at its disposal. Still, they have expressed great dissatisfaction with its weapons capabilities, its conventional takeoff and its ability to carry only four AIM-120 air-to-air missiles.
By contrast, the Russian Su-57 and Chinese J-20


fighters can carry six missiles each, while the US F-22 Raptor can carry eight. With most of its Air Force completely outmatched by Chinese and Russian solutions, Japan turned to the United States to purchase its rigorously developed warplanes, as it had done many times before. The Japanese immediately set their sights on the F-22 Raptor, an innovative fifth-generation aircraft that would give them an advantage over their enemies. However, the United States banned all exports of the warplane to protect its stealth technology and classified features. A National Solution In response to its inability to acquire F22 Raptors and in an attempt to gain military manufacturing independence, Japan opted to create its own fighter aircraft development program.
From its inception in the early 2000s, the F-X program aimed to investigate what the sixth-generation fighter jet would look like and what it would take to develop a fleet of fighter jets with such characteristics. Japan knew that if it wanted to produce a fighter capable of taking on current Chinese and Russian aircraft but also providing protection against future iterations, it needed to skip an entire generation. Between December 2009 and August 2010, the Japanese Ministry of Defense conducted a rigorous study of current and future trends regarding fighter aircraft technology.   The research results helped the Japanese develop the concept of a sixth-generation fighter codenamed i3 Fighter, which means Informed, Intelligent, Instant.
The new fighter needed to have a number of specific features if it was to be considered a sixth-generation design, including advanced radar systems to counter the stealth technology of other fighters, receive target information from other platforms such as drones, fighters, and airborne early warning. . and control aircraft, the use of flight optics to process data even faster, stealth technology, gallium nitride semiconductors to improve radar performance, and a new, more powerful engine. Mitsubishi Shinshin. This experimental prototype allows engineers to assemble and adjust all the assets they are testing in a versatile vehicle that allows the team to easily incorporate new technologies.
The The twin-engine fixed-wing aircraft featured a sleek design with a longer nose section.   It had a length of 14.17 meters, a wingspan of approximately 9.1 meters and a height of 4.51 meters. Additionally, it featured a trimmed delta wing configuration with a leading root extension that allowed the aircraft to fly safely at a high angle of attack.   Two outer vertical stabilizers on the trailing edges improved aerodynamics and stealth characteristics. The aircraft was a single-pilot fighter equipped with a retractable tricycle landing gear configuration and featured aerodynamic control surfaces and two rectangular inlets on either side of the cockpit.   At the same time, the S-duct design further improved the aerodynamic efficiency of the aircraft.
The Mitsubishi F-X Godzilla Based on research and feedback gained from the Shinshin X-2, the Japanese Ministry of Defense began initial development of the Mitsubishi F-X in 2020. The current concept describes a twin-engine stealth fighter designed for air superiority. It is also planned to be considerably larger than the F-22, earning it the nickname "Godzilla." The larger dimensions will allow the aircraft to have extraordinarily long range and great artillery capacity. Additionally, Defense Minister Taro Kono has stated that they are focusing on developing unparalleled network capabilities and the ability to carry more missiles than the F-35. Various exterior designs have been proposed, tweaked and tested using 3D modeling and specialist virtual simulation software, with the design prioritizing speed, agility and stealth.
The F-X will replace conventional hydraulic systems with electric actuators to give designers much more freedom in creating their bodywork without being limited by internal hydraulic systems. Additionally, the aircraft will use state-of-the-art adhesive moldings instead of conventional fasteners to achieve formidable integrity at a much lower weight.   This will also reduce the man hours needed to deploy the novel aircraft. Finally, the FX fighter will be powered by two XF9 engines capable of providing more than 20 tons of thrust. The engines incorporate three-dimensional thrust vectoring nozzles to allow the aircraft to achieve high maneuverability and enhance its stealth capabilities. Armament A series of sensors will be included to attack enemy stealth aircraft, such as an active electronically scanned radar, a passive radio frequency sensor and an infrared camera.   These sensors will use gallium nitride to improve their performance against low radar cross-section targets.
The F-X will also be equipped with an RF self-defense system that will automatically disrupt radio waves instantly and globally to avoid being hit by incoming projectiles. Another feature will be a helmet-mounted display with a wide field of view, binoculars, multi-color display, voice recognition and 3-D sound capabilities.   Serpentine air ducts, an internal weapons bay, electromagnetic wave absorbers and metamaterials will give the FX its stealth capabilities, dramatically reducing its radar cross section. Additionally, a plasma stealth antenna system will be used to deflect radio waves, and the technology will create a temporary plasma burst to deflect incoming radio waves.
In addition to conventional weapons and warheads, the F-X will be armed with a microwave cannon to disrupt incoming missiles. It will also be able to deploy combat support drones capable of functioning as loyal companions to the fighter.   The drones will help identify targets, fire munitions and deflect incoming missiles. If the F-X Godzilla delivers even a fraction of what it promises, it has the potential to give the Japanese military a formidable fighter plane far superior to anything taking to the skies today. Most impressively, it will launch Japan into the global weapons development market, cementing it as a military manufacturing superpower.
Final CTA Thank you for watching our video! And thanks to War Thunder for sponsoring it! Don't forget to click the link in the description to play for free and claim your 7-day boost, a premium tank, a plane and a warship. We will be taking care of you! Thanks for watching our video! If you liked this story, feel free to check out our other dark documentary channels, like Dark Skies, where you'll find the exciting stories behind the coolest fighter planes and the men who flew them into battle. Stay tuned!

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